Swt gridlayout show border. setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT.

Swt gridlayout show border GridLayout has a number of configuration fields, and the controls it lays out can have an associated layout data object, called GridData. At least at this PC the last Oct 5, 2009 · I have a task of highlighting or coloring the border of SWT widgets . If you really want a 1px grey border, you can add a Listener for SWT. makeColumnsEqualWidth = true; Oct 27, 2016 · I am using grid layout in a shell. addPaintListener(new PaintListener Apr 15, 2016 · The ExpandBar size computation only appears to take the size of the ExpandItem text in to account and ignores the size of the control in the item. For example: Text text = new Text(label. When an instance of GridLayout is set on a Composite (or a subclass of Composite), all child controls will be arranged in a grid pattern. To use the standard layouts, you need to import the SWT layout package: import org. setLayoutData Oct 30, 2011 · Drag and drop the text widget onto the border widget. SWT; import org. JavaDoc of GridLayout#marginHeight You can see that you can use SWT. You would have to override the ExpandBar. eclipse. Sep 28, 2014 · This Scrollable Composite has fix height = 400 and contain 20 text fields ==> show V_SCROLL Group2 contain a text field and height will be dynamic, minimum size is 100 , re-sized by height composite - 400 (height of Scrollable composite) Sep 21, 2016 · GridLayout有很多可配置的域,而且,和RowLayout一样,它所放置的Widget可以有一个关联的布局数据对象,叫做GridData。GridLayout的强大在于它具有为GridLayout所控制的每一个Widget配置GirdData的能力。 GridLayout的可配置域 NumColumns Feb 20, 2018 · I work on an Eclipse plug-in and at a moment in time a pop-up is shown. FILL, true, true); tree. Just make a master container with as many columns as you need (in your screenshot there are 5) and then simply create a method which adds rows to that container. Here's an example of using GridLayout: Mar 6, 2012 · GridLayout is a frequently used layout for eclipse RCP apps, it can layout your widgets in a well-formed grid. May 15, 2012 · Border layout doesn't work that way. For exampl Dec 28, 2011 · After converting several labels within a gridlayout into read-only text, we can't seem to get the text to be vertically centered. NONE); c. This is how I created the TableViewer : gridLayout = new GridLayout(); Table table = new TableViewer(parent, SWT. There are some general definitions used when resizing and positioning widgets: The location of a widget is its x,y coordinate location within its parent widget. g. Select the border widget and set it's layout (e. Have a look at MigLayout. Jul 25, 2013 · Creating UIs with SWT or RAP is a common task in many projects. setLayoutData(data); Text tips = new Text(shell, SWT. Jul 23, 2017 · For what you're trying to do, I think it would be safest (and easiest) to avoid extending Layout, and instead use an existing Layout implementation. setSize(optionCompositeAtLeft. Start the Web Start demo on the page, read the cheat sheet. Mar 28, 2013 · component. How to close the first window?? import org. V_SCROLL Dec 3, 2012 · Composite comp = new Composite(shell, SWT. You can also use. BORDER because Control provides it and Composite is a subclass of Control. setLayoutData(data); If you don't have anything else that is setting the dialog/window size you may need to specify a table height hint: GridData data = new GridData(SWT. I want the table will catch almost all the screen and the message could only one line Oct 5, 2009 · I have a task of highlighting or coloring the border of SWT widgets . To set a layout into a Composite widget, you use the widget’s setLayout (Layout) method. Otherwise the component gets assigned the preferred height which is the maximum height to display all at once. You are complicating yourself trying to align the widgets perfectly. setBackgroundImage(image); But, if the button will not be in the left top corner (as it is for now), the background image will not be correctly positioned. after re sizing second column width should not get change at all . As you can see the bottom buttons have to be on row 4. In SWT, Group is a subclass of a Composite class. As it’s name, the GridLayout separate the view to a grid and put each component to a grid. (to show the background color of the container as grid). It is your code or a resize event that causes the re-layout. "Lay Out in a Grid"). custom. ViewForm类的使用及代码示例,org. What could I be missing? Here is a link that I went through it, but the borders didn't show up!. The Table itself won't scroll. computeSize(SWT. BORDER); composite2. NONE); compositeArea. This appears only to affect Dec 17, 2016 · Use Table::getItemHeight() to calculate the necessary client height for the given number for items. Pls check the code below but no sucess pls go thru the code snippet (attachment) I have a sash from component of a view which needs to be extended a little. Adjust parameters of the method e. I want to split the screen to two parts : table , message. setText("Pick the Mar 15, 2017 · To clarify, SWT does not re-layout after changing the text (or any other property) of a Text control (or controls in general). It is not completely in the group with the below code. setLayoutData(data); Apr 29, 2019 · We are trying show a hover box when user place the mouse over the SWT text box. widthHint = 60; buttonLayoutData. How to create dialog in JFace or SWT which show same layout under all resolutions just like the dialogs used in Mar 2, 2018 · Then you can specify a layout hint (in pixels). SelectionAdapter; imp Dec 12, 2013 · I updated my code in general the right screen that split to tree and message have two different composite( they have the same parent ). GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(6, false); Otherwise it might be necessary to assign a GridData (to fill horizontally) to the dummy Labels. May 24, 2014 · I'm trying to paint a shell (actually, a tab with composite) that will look like in the image I attached. Inside the pop-up dialog box, I want to create an area where I have a label on the left and two buttons alligned right. " I then tried the GridLayout and had the same results as the TableLayout. Using layouts your code might look like: GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(2, false); shell. My understanding of how the whole laying-out concept is still in the fog. Aug 6, 2014 · You can draw label on canvas to get fine control over drawing. BORDER); text. These buttons are different than the OK, Close buttons. NONE); Grid Oct 15, 2013 · The idea is to use a ScrolledComposite (as the other answer already suggested) to take care of the scrolling. It arranges widgets in a grid pattern, with cells of equal size. Select the frame widget and set it's layout (e. Dec 1, 2017 · The simple way to do it is just using BorderFactory. PUSH); button. Feb 26, 2015 · When using GridLayout you use GridData arguments to control setLayoutData methods to specify how the grid is filled. V_SCROLL and SWT. setVisible(false). What could I be missing? Here is a link that I went through it, but the borders didn't show up! Mar 20, 2014 · I'm working on this Composite canvas on which other Composites may be added and removed. However, this won't make any difference, because the user won't be able to tell the difference. BORDER ) table. What should I do? composite = (Composite) super. As far as I see you can use the following in addition to those given in the documentation to Composite : May 25, 2016 · Don't try and mix Layouts with setSize and setBounds it won't work. Jun 29, 2017 · I'm using SWT, on a desktop application, where I'm using a GridLayout splited by 5 columns and one line, there is a tabble using the top of the space and at the bottom I have 3 buttons, I want to put Jul 19, 2012 · If you want to change the layout of the table, read Understanding layouts in SWT. Create a class, then copy/paste the code into it. The power of GridLayout lies in the ability to configure GridData for each control in the layout. Aug 31, 2011 · The only way how to get rid of the space around button is to set background Color or background Image. Explore Teams Jan 16, 2010 · New to StackOverflow, I couldn't find a way to reply, so I just updated my original post w/ a code example. setLayout(gridLayout); tree = new Tree(shell, SWT. CENTER); Share Content of a scrolled window needs to be there, and fixed setting grabExxcessHorizontalspace and vertical to "true". My recommendation is not to use GridLayout. MULTI | SWT. events. As grid layout only supports a fixed size, we have to register a resize listener on its container. If we change the example above to have three columns of equal width, this is what we would get (note that in the absence of further instruction, widgets are left-justified in their columns). FILL, true, true)); compositeArea. GridLayout: GridLayout is the most commonly used layout in SWT. This is computed differently Dec 14, 2004 · Thanks for the reply. Probably the Label with the text "Please enter the key size of your algorithm" is on the first column of the GridLayout, therefore all the rows are affected by its size. H_SCROLL. I tried almost everything for each widget - GridData, GridLayout, tried to change the hori Oct 5, 2012 · The JFace Dialogs I have created show difference in layouts under different resolutions. I tried padding and margins, neither worked. setLayoutData(buttonLayoutData); Nov 28, 2012 · i am new to swt and im trying to create a layout in a window. layout. heightHint = 200; // Vertical size for table table. CHECK | SWT. heightHint = 60; button. button. FILL, true, true); table. drawRectangle to get fine control. You will use setMinSize(Point) API from ScrolledComposite. History of Java GUI (Cont. BORDER); composite. The only thing is (and I didn't specify this explicitly in the first e-mail, I'm sorry), I only want the firstText to take up one cell (so as to be the same size as the text below it). I composite to resize according to the buttons present in it and I am using the following code to refresh the Feb 1, 2022 · org. I can not access the components directly but have to align them using layouts. First of all Dec 30, 2017 · How can I set height and scroll for Group? drawWitness in the below code, returns a shape. Oct 5, 2011 · GridLayout uses the z-order of children to determine the location in the grid, so you'll need to use the moveAbove() and moveBelow() on the Text in order to get it in the correct location. Jul 19, 2012 · If you want to change the layout of the table, read Understanding layouts in SWT. Feb 12, 2013 · I'm a little late to this, but if anyone else is looking for a cutomizable MessageBox, here it is. DEFAULT, SWT. Together with its child the GridData it allows you to cover most of your layout needs. createLineBorder(), like this: final JLabel label = new JLabel("Label"); label. FILL; txtBox1. Sep 14, 2016 · As I want the controls to resize with the parent, I have used GridLayout on their parent. Mar 18, 2015 · I'm new to SWT and am trying to create a page with several nested Composites. ViewForm Jan 18, 2017 · Here is my example codes, i had a section in my class called CommentPage extended form the FormPage, i use a scrolledComposite in this section to display some contents,but it does's work, Dose anyone Feb 13, 2015 · I couldn't find any answers for this special case (using CheckboxTableViewer), so I hope it's not a duplicate. A yellow bar that spans the entire width or height of the grid indicates that an entire row or column is added. VE seems a little flakey! :( It was hard to get the nested Composite to show up correctly in the GUI visual designer. May 20, 2014 · Alright, all you need to do is get the text from the Widgets by calling getText(). I know how to use each of the layout classes, but struggle when combining layout classes. setLayout(new FormLayout()); c. computeSize method to change this (and also ExpandBar. When children are added to the container, given the fact that the container has a GridData which fills in the parent, shouldn't the parent also know that the child resized? Jun 16, 2015 · Layouts aren't visible GUI elements, so they cannot have borders. The first thought that comes to mind when seeing the two images you've attached is that you're switching between having one and two columns in a layout when some arbitrary minimum size is reached. if grid lines are shown the width of each separating line is added. The entry point is an . Composite composite = new Composite(shell, SWT. When there are multiple columns, the grid is populated from left to right, and from top to bottom. It's not necessary (but still possible if you want to) to store them in a String as well. On the other hand in FillLayout it is very easy to have specing equal to zero, but it is impossible to make central column width determined by container width. RESIZE | SWT. While we have a comprehensive set of widgets at our disposal, we only have a handful of layouts to choose from. Jun 16, 2015 · To have a consistent Look & Feel of Composite and Browser-Widgets you should wrap your browser widget into a composite, something like. H_SCROLL); Jan 18, 2017 · Here is my example codes, i had a section in my class called CommentPage extended form the FormPage, i use a scrolledComposite in this section to display some contents,but it does's work, Dose anyone Dec 2, 2010 · Also GridLayout has a marginRight. GridData) objects in SWT can only control spacing outside a control (so they may only set margins, not padding). To achieve something like the form you have there, you would need something like this: Oct 21, 2013 · SWT. The visual editor displays a grid border and placement indicators to help you determine where widgets are located within the grid and where a widget is placed in relation to other widgets. I have the following createPartControl() in an Eclipse view (3. swt. setLayoutData( gridData ); Apr 22, 2017 · GridData data = new GridData(SWT. setText("Item: " + i); GridData buttonLayoutData = new GridData(); buttonLayoutData. getParent(), SWT. FULL_SELECTION | SWT. The power of GridLayout lies in the ability to configure GridData for each widget controlled by the GridLayout. For whatever reason, it won't scroll past about 30,000 pixels. May 6, 2014 · I have a SWT Shell that has some type of unknown padding or border that I can't get rid of. Then use computeTrim() to compute the bounds for the given client height. The idea is to show a small notification on top of the component that a certain account is be Feb 1, 2022 · org. In your case setting GridLayout#marginTop of the NewComposite may be sufficient. When children are added to the container, given the fact that the container has a GridData which fills in the parent, shouldn't the parent also know that the child resized? Dec 29, 2014 · I want to dispose the first shell (login) window, after opening the second window. GridLayout#marginHeight and GridLayout#marginWidth can be set to 0 to remove margins. V_SCROLL | SWT. Example: Apr 15, 2014 · By referring to SWT Snippets, I found a way to lay out widgets from bottom to top vertically(in the case of single column), just use the moveAbove() method of Control(in this case buttons are generated, Button is a subclass of Control). I created a GridLayout composite and removed the margins. They will perform different actions when clicked. The border is question is green. Jul 3, 2015 · The following article should shed some light on GridLayout for you:. This is the requirement. SWT. This is the border layout schematic: You will not be able to place the EAST layout into the top right-hand corner - NORTH will always float to the right hand side. Control#setSize() sets the actual size of a Control whereas ScrolledComposite#setMinSize() is specific to ScrolledComposite and tells it at which size to start showing the scroll bars: Oct 13, 2013 · Hi Baz thanks for the answer. H_SCROLL | SWT. createComposite(parent, SWT. CENTER, false, false)); // Use 5 equal sized columns Mar 6, 2012 · seems like I found the solution. Sometimes nesting several Oct 11, 2013 · GridLayout allows me to create 3 columns width central filled in container, but I can't make spacing between cells in this layout equal to zero. – ekhumoro. my ques was bit wrong . final FormToolkit toolkit = new FormToolkit(display); final Composite composite = toolkit. Paint to the parent of your Composite and make it draw a border with the GC: Aug 16, 2014 · There is a given Formular such as the one you can see in the image. setLayoutData(gd); Jul 25, 2013 · They allow you to describe your GridLayout and GridData with an efficient syntax that is easy to understand. e. checkSubclass to stop that rejecting your subclass). If you want to let users change contents of cells instead, then read Building and delivering a table editor with SWT/JFace. On Windows 7 it will draw a border of 2px, one grey and one white. gc. Place two other composites inside it, setting their FormData information to position them as you please. ViewForm Mar 20, 2014 · I'm working on this Composite canvas on which other Composites may be added and removed. The following is an example in which the first children of the grid layout gets 25% of the available space and the other one 75%. If, like in your case, the table has a parent with a GridLayout, you can set the table's GridData like this: GridData gridData = new GridData( SWT. The Composite uses a GridLayout and has two Labels, two Text widgets, a Button and an inner Composite widget. DEFAULT)); "This is the pic of screenshot. Jul 20, 2018 · Since you are using setBounds you will need to add a Control listener to the shell to be told about resize and move events. A layout affects only the immediate children of the control that was set to. FILL; Text txtBox1 = new Text(tabContainer, SWT. BORDER); gd = new GridData(); gd. Jul 22, 2015 · You can specify how many columns you want when you create the GridLayout: new GridLayout(numberOfColumns, columnsEqual); numberofColumns is the number of columns you want. The SWT standard layouts can be found in the org. add(label); · GridLayout – lays out widgets in a grid. e, the scrolling doesn't work unless I set the scrolledcomposite's grid data attribute as Aug 31, 2010 · Layout (such as GridLayout) and LayoutData (e. Nov 24, 2016 · To slighly simplify your code snippet (only one column on the composite, and only one default table column - see full code below): // final Composite compositeArea = new Composite(parent, SWT. I want to control the location of widgets. layout. Refer this article on canvas. Apr 22, 2015 · You specify this on the GridLayout constructor, second parameter: GridLayout layout = new GridLayout(7, true); specifies 7 columns of equal width. pack = false; comp. BORDER is causing your issue. SCROLL_PAGE constant in the Table constructor with those two, your code will work as expected. Jun 29, 2017 · I'm using SWT, on a desktop application, where I'm using a GridLayout splited by 5 columns and one line, there is a tabble using the top of the space and at the bottom I have 3 buttons, I want to put Dec 8, 2012 · I'm a new Android developer, and I'm just trying to improve my skill by reading some samples, I want to design a new interface using GridLayout, I've checked a lot of samples but I can't seem to draw borders between the GridLayout cells. Below is a screenshot of what I'm talking about. The default is false. With a GridLayout, the widget children of a Composite are laid out in a grid. Please help me by providing an ex May 16, 2017 · setSize() and setMinSize() are two very different functions. BORDER | SWT. Aug 26, 2013 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand GridLayout has a number of configuration fields, and the controls it lays out can have an associated layout data object, called GridData. You should divide the two sections, for example using different Composites with different layouts, one for the first Label and another for the content with the buttons. Jan 9, 2014 · In some cases, I want to hide the TableViewer and to a show message. x). horizontalAlignment = SWT. The main idea is to use a fluent interface to configure the layout or data object. NONE to get rid of the border altogether. Aug 29, 2012 · I have a method to create 2 buttons. public class SWT_Composite_scroll_test { private static Display display; private Font font; public static FontData[] fontdata, tmp; public static FontData fd; public String name; public static String fontname; public String DIALOG; public String DIALOGINPUT; public String Apr 24, 2013 · This feels like a huge waste though. Understanding Layouts in SWT. BORDER); RowLayout layout = new RowLayout(SWT. Edit: shows how long it's been since I used Swing or AWT - back when I did, it was EAST, NORTH, WEST, SOUTH and CENTER. moveAbove(label); label. Im am programming for a swt, RCP-App. HTMLのテーブルタグの感覚で配置します。配置する格コンポーネントのレイアウト情報は、GridData経由で設定します。GridLayoutで注意しなければいけないのは、SWTの仕様上GridDataのインスタンスを再利用してはいけないということです。再利用すると正しく May 16, 2017 · I'm trying to put a ScrolledComposite on my UI with SWT. Dec 12, 2013 · I updated my code in general the right screen that split to tree and message have two different composite( they have the same parent ). for example :a SWT Text with border red, i am trying hard to set the border to red by getting the bounds of the swt widgets and set a new rectangle and coloring it by calling the method fillRectangle(). ) SWT (Standard Widget Toolkit) GUI toolkit released in November 2001 Was initially designed to write the now extremely famous and popular Eclipse IDE “Best of both worlds” approach – use native functionality when available, and Java implementation when unavailable Takes on the appearance and behavior of the native platform Because of its close bond with the Aug 8, 2011 · I want to draw a top border on a Composite with such code : final Composite c = new Composite(parent, SWT. suppose in the beginning column width is 400 pixel and after re sizing it should remain 400 but first column width may change upto 0 but second column length should not get change. FILL, SWT. One of the more popular layouts is the GridLayout. BORDER); GridData data = new GridData(SWT. BORDER); // Composite fills the grid row childComposite. Here a snippet to show the problem. The preferred size of a widget is the minimum size needed to show its content. BEGINNING, true, false)); you tell the component to occupy as much space as possible horizontally, but only the necessary space vertically. I suspect this is due to a rounding/floating point inaccuracy in the distribution of extra space to the child components. layout package. dispose(); text. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 10 months ago. Jan 2, 2024 · The layout of the control that is set as the content of the scrolled composite (i. However when I try to set the content of the scrolled composite nothing loads. Dec 8, 2012 · I'm a new Android developer, and I'm just trying to improve my skill by reading some samples, I want to design a new interface using GridLayout, I've checked a lot of samples but I can't seem to draw borders between the GridLayout cells. grabExcessHorizontalSpace = true; gd. Now I'm sorting the Composites that are filling the GridLayout in a List/Collection and want to order them like the sort result from my The following is an example of a custom Composites that is then used in a window. setLayoutData(gridLayout) I know how to hide the table - table. The issue that I don't see any message in the layout and the size of the layout is not the same as the left screen. BLACK)); panel. GridLayout has a number of configuration fields, and, like RowLayout, the widgets it lays out can have an associated layout data object, called GridData. Aug 16, 2013 · I want to redraw the button in the composite, according to their visibility property. Then I also read the TableLayout documentation and found this: "TableLayout containers do not display border lines for their rows, columns, or cells. Then set those two composite's layouts (Grid and Fill, as you said). BORDER); sc1 Oct 22, 2013 · I Have a GridLayout filled with Composites in a random order. Jun 3, 2019 · these are just sample codes. Use SWT. You will then have to recalculate the positions on each resize event. Then call layout() on the parent. Jul 5, 2012 · I'd like to have a ScrolledComposite which has a parent with GridLayout but the scrollbar doesn't show up, Composite c1 = new Composite(sc1, SWT. The view lists accounts. I'm running into problems with using a GridLayout nested within Composites of other layout types. You can specify the number of columns and rows, as well as additional properties like margins and spacing. Here is a small example that should behave in the way you expect it to: Sep 14, 2017 · I am trying to created a scrolled composite that has a composite with a grid layout inside. I'm trying to dis Aug 16, 2013 · I want to redraw the button in the composite, according to their visibility property. Commented Jun 16, 2015 at Feb 17, 2015 · We have a ScrolledComposite with lots and lots of child composites. the argument of sc. The messages should be SWT controller with scroll ( could be alot of messages ) it should look l Sep 17, 2017 · In case of GridLayout, you can specify a component size via widthHint and heightHint in its GridData, for example: Button button = new Button(gridPanel, SWT. . Is there a better way to achieve this look? Attached is a simpler example: May 30, 2013 · Start setting a FormLayout to your outer composite. Go to the Layout section in the Property Editor. setBorder(BorderFactory. VERTICAL); layout. setLayoutData(new GridData(SWT. setLayout(new GridLayout(1, false)); Composite childComposite = new Composite(shell, SWT. That way each Composite can have the same size, and the Label will be centered within. getItemHeight(); table. Seems to be the case that a Composite has to take GRAB_EXCESS_VERTICAL to be limited to available width. From the hover box user will be able to copy the content. The makeColumnsEqualWidth field forces the columns to be the same width. Table table = new Table(shell, SWT. Jul 26, 2017 · The values that you're looking for are SWT. I want the table will catch almost all the screen and the message could only one line Jan 16, 2010 · New to StackOverflow, I couldn't find a way to reply, so I just updated my original post w/ a code example. I had a look at your code (which you referenced in another question), and shivered remembering my experiences with GridLayout. Jul 12, 2013 · 5. *; Layouts are pluggable. Group is used to improve application appearance and make whole application look more organized. The numColumns field is the most important field in a GridLayout. I am using windowbuilder plugin and it can place them in desired Apr 4, 2017 · This mostly works, except I'm getting occasional gaps where the child borders meet the parent border. getParent Jun 7, 2018 · Java SWT provides four standard layout classes: FillLayout, RowLayout, GridLayout, FormLayout. If you replace the SWT. I took the liberty to de-clutter your code a little. please see code below for reference Dec 17, 2009 · What is Group. READ_ONLY); tips. Pls check the code below but no sucess pls go thru the code snippet (attachment) Nov 25, 2013 · The solution to your problem is to set the minimum size of the ScrolledComposite each time you add/remove a widget. but now it only shows blank area or something wrong. I had to set gd. Jun 16, 2015 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Dec 9, 2013 · I build application with table viewer. setLayout(new GridLayout()); final Table table = new Table(compositeArea, SWT. GridLayout gridLayout = new GridLayout(6, true); instead of . But there are still spaces in between the rows. The area to show ScrolledComposite is blank without the code, "optionCompositeAtLeft. In order to change control side itself you can only use setSize() and setBound() . FILL, true, true); data. FILL, true, true ); gridData. Instances of this class lay out the control children of a Composite in a grid. I composite to resize according to the buttons present in it and I am using the following code to refresh the Nov 25, 2013 · The solution to your problem is to set the minimum size of the ScrolledComposite each time you add/remove a widget. Mar 29, 2018 · Border inside Grid Layout. You want something like: shell. Each texfield will have a label to the left of the textfield- however in some cases there may be two textfields per label, and maybe at a Apr 20, 2017 · Since you're trying to uniformly arrange widgets which may be different sizes, I think a good option would be to place each Label into a Composite. setContent) doesn't matter. Select the border widget. heightHint = 20 * table. setLayoutData(gridData); final Composite composite2 = toolkit. But I am facing an issue with the scroll bars of the scrolled composite and positioning of the label control. createLineBorder(Color. Sep 4, 2012 · After digging into previously written code for similar UI, I found that I had to set another attribute to make it work. You must put the layout in a QFrame, or some similar widget. apply* method to set the layout object and to configure it further. i. Nov 21, 2014 · I suppose you're trying to simulate a table using controls. setLayout(layout); On the other hand you can also consider using a GridLayout if you want the controls to resize with respect to their parents but not less than a minimum width.