Rdo stranger mission payout reddit. This will give 1/3 of a gold bar each time.

Rdo stranger mission payout reddit Just looking to have a good time. A mission like Crawfish's can pay a meager 4 bucks if you rush through it, but wait 20 When starting a new character and completing the main story missions/stranger mission for the first time, what is the average payout for cash total? I think I had around $450 after completing %75 Jan 14, 2020 路 I believe the online's story missions are a set payout, with your first time doing each mission giving a significantly increased reward in RDO$. Does anyone have a list of the best missions?? I’m really tired of trying all the missions until the last minute and receiving like 11 dollars while I know there are missions with better payouts That being said being a veteran player since Day 1 I love the ability to actually be an outlaw for once and like the quality of life improvement for the free roam missions. 18/minute. They will show up on your map as an orange, man-shaped icon like the one near Rhodes in the image below. R* really has to improve that. While wagon mission it is just driving, can be done quickly, brought me 0. 32 Gold so, 0. The first thing is to play through those story missions because they will get you what you need to start out. The steps for the 12-Minute Method are as follows: Accept a mission. 44 around 30 minutes. Subsequent playthroughs pay less however mission payout (stranger missions too) are based on how long the quest takes. The in game clock is out of whack. It works like that on all missions and stranger events by the way. this video will help. It really is just "Legendary Stranger Missions" but that would have been the next step for a time when the game was about stranger missions. So can someone please explain how to time bounty missions for the best payout? 12 minutes is the sweet spot. Stranger missions. I watched a video where the Guy said for "better" Gold payout play the new Stranger Missions and not the ones that where there when RDO started… Unless the physical timer on screen cannot reach 12 minutes then just wait those down to the last 30 seconds before completing the mission. I can’t remember what it was but I got like 650xp waiting out the 30 second timer. Most payout will be at 30minutes or 30 seconds before timer ends. Anyone else notice this or can confirm this? I miss those days. The gold is all the same and stair steps every 3 minutes. Then save up your gold do get the bounty hunter role so you can get more gold and daily challenges. 1 gold. I was stealing horse and took longer, by killing everyone to get the horse in peace and quiet. Posted by u/KILL_ALL_YOUNGLINGS - 4 votes and 5 comments (Shaky is egregious here, as he has like two versions of his Paid Killing missions which loop, one of which is the one he gives you when you first meet him) This doesn't sound nearly as hard as it seems, since RDO has the entire map to work with and most Strangers have a default "Give an envelope and send on player on their way" mission So do the story missions work like the stranger missions in the sense that if you take longer you get paid more? I thought getting gold equaled the best payout, and to get gold you had to complete one of the requirements which is a fast time. Bounties only need about 12 minutes to max out Gold payouts. The full payout is when you see those numbers go red, the only other factor would be whether or not the bounty is alive. What people do not realize is on wagon deliveries if there are multiple wagons they only need to destroy one. The stranger mission given by Bonnie is bugged. Throughout my entire RDO career I've barely touched the Stranger Missions. So the most efficient use of your time is to hit twelve minutes, then finish the mission. Moonshiner will pay out $495, 1849xp and no gold. However, some of the story missions have zero animal spawns or have eagle eye turned off so you should pick the ones that give both for more There is absolutely griefing in RDO. I've read multiple walkthrough breakdowns for this and I'm still not getting it. 36 And that claim is pure bs, I spent 2 days straight grinding all the way through the bounty hunter role with much testing along the way. Also i believe you can get a second holster for dual weilding at level 25. 16 9 minutes = . Especially this week. a good run can net you >$30. Here’s a video that explains how timed payouts work for Stranger Missions: 11 votes, 18 comments. Every three minutes spent in a missions give you . GOLD is universal payout in stranger missions, events, bh missions and bh legendary missions. A 29 minute mission would payout $34. 08gb and maximum 30 minutes gets you 0. I've completed all the previous story missions but unfortunately Rockstar are being difficult with their delivery. I got 0. The trick to stranger missions, is waiting until the last 30 seconds to complete your objective, so the longer the timer, the better the payout. I have to say though, the fact that the payouts are so inconsistent is pretty ridiculous. Posted by u/KingLevithan - 3 votes and 3 comments This comment thread confuses me. There's a base payout of, for example, 15k + 1k a minute. 04 nuggets per mission, then an additional . After twelve minutes in the mission, however, every additional three minutes spent only gives . 355 votes, 41 comments. And they're not all the same, so some would take you longer (earning more per mission). Neither does difficulty level. Legendary bounties does not have a timer, so i only do those since I'm ranked up. i used to make $20+ dollars for waiting now its no more than $12. Every mission pays the same gold (free roam, bounty, blood money etc. You spend most of the reward money you make just replacing the ammunition you spent in the mission. Hit Naturalist 20 the other day now I'm just looking to have fun. But if it runs out this timer will cause your mission to fail. 47 per minute. I did some thorough testing before the update on that mission: Takes about 10min to complete from start to finish, around 500xp if you use split point and go for headshots and executions and consistent $5 payout and . Even one daily without streak will get you more, than simple bounty. This will give you most effective payout. Completing any Story Mission or Stranger interaction for the first time gives you a bonus payout. so i guess if you don't care about gold payouts, then end the missions early. Set your own timer off when the mission starts. Bounty hunter gets to have fun focusing on their new role while everyone else has to do stranger missions. One of the more memorable complaints was when the daily challenges got nerfed, this week it’s the stranger mission payouts. Plus adding stranger missions and random encounters to help mix it up. Generally the post bag missions are the most lucrative. I hear the first time you do the story missions on RDRO there's extra $. Only way to get out of this is by loading back into Free Roam. It is triggered by approachicg location/targets. It’s been the same with stranger missions since beta as well. I like the hunting missions. Then you Start a timer for 12:30 seconds (just to be safe) Wait around before heading straight for the bounty/location to prevent the mission clock from starting which usually doesn’t give enough time to fully wait out the 12 minutes. I thought they fixed it, until i read this comment thread. They’ve had two entire updates dedicated to combatting it. 32 gold and eventually it caps at 0. 2 Gold: If a mission were to go to 29 minutes (the longest one we have recorded), the payout is . The visible in-game timers don't have an effect on the payout by themselves, but longer missions give better rewards. but also use all your treasure maps they have great payout for the small effort 馃憤 In the early game it's all stranger missions, pvp sessions or joining a posse that is doing role stuff while you save up the gold to buy the roles. Award resetting. After that it's a 6 minute wait for that next 4 nugget payout. there are better ways to make cash certainly - just plain hunting will work far better. That first mission on the list for example, the mission was delivered when the timer was at 3 minutes, meaning that he took 12 minutes to complete it. 32 G/12 m=0. 08 gold. However, playing the BH role, the stranger missions, the Blood Money missions, completing dailies, finding treasures, playing Call To Arms missions, Events, PvP sessions and completing awards offers a varied way of earning gold. Rewards gets calculated as soon mission starts. Those missions that do not immediately give a timer you could stretch it to 10 minutes before starting for more gold, xp, and money. Now, everytime I finish my bounty mission or stranger, let's say at 25 secs before the end, I can't manage to get more than 0. Conclusion - they are like usual stranger missions with gold payouts. Even well known YouTubers who play RDO and have hundreds of gold bars and thousands of dollars will complain about the payout system lol. omg i agree, is so annoying i was treasure hunting, and the treasure was near that stupid stranger thing and it stopped my tressure mission for that crapppy stranger mission i didnt wanted to do also it pays $4 is stupid R* have to fix that is so annoying nobody wants or like during those One of the popular complaints is the disappointing payouts. So use manual timer for that. I just sat out front of the delivery location for like 10 minutes just in case and was wondering if the increased payout applies to every mission or certain Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 10 comments This timer does NOT affect your payout. For gold Blood Money Missions and Stranger Missions are the way to go. Optimal time for a bounty mission for earning gold is 12 minutes and unlike stranger missions, you can run them back to back. This same technique can also be applied to other activities, such as free roam missions, Blood Money missions, story missions, etc. 30mins is max payout but it's more effective to do two 12m missions in that time frame. 12 gold. Bounty hunting is better than stranger missions for earning gold and it's not as close as some may think. 3 minutes = . Taking longer to complete any mission should just give the standard pay out as normal. You have to go to blood money mark in Saint Denis and watch a cutscene. 026 Gold every minute you spend on that mission. A couple weeks before the last update, I posted this, detailing the payout structure for stranger missions. 3 min - 0. Again, disagreed. 24 12 minutes = . Do blood money missions, they pay better than stranger ones and also pay gold. We chose the honorable choice of helping the lovers escape, so it makes sense that the payout seemed negligible, maybe $4 or $5. Try to finish missions in 12 minutes to get the most payout for your time. And if you wonder about why this system is the way it is and we don't have fixed payouts instead: Making payouts time based gives rockstar an easy way to control how much a player can make each hour and thus control their game economy. You get paid more the longer you do a thing. Last week's double rewards for stranger missions was the most amazing weekly bonus. As soon as you accept the mission should hear noises like a gong / bell noise. So no, you haven't missed out on any tangible rewards. The most efficient way of earning money from these missions. They don't even explain how you do the NEW story missions, even if you've completed the old ones. Minimum three minutes gets you 0. 72 gold as well. Im on a new rdo account and have to start from scratch again just wondering which roll is better to start with. More time on the mission = bigger pay. You can get the exact payout list for each mission if you want to, but for the most part this is the best way to do them. Equip low-level Ability Cards before huge payouts as you will get large amounts of XP included in payouts. Here's a old post for stranger missions and bounty hunting payouts. Just like everything else in this game that isn't bounties, collectors items or trader the payout is garbage compared to how much effort and ammo you have Posted by u/Koozers - 1,301 votes and 78 comments Right now, stranger missions are double pay, and they have a bit of variety to keep from getting stale, so that's my go-to for now. The cash fluctuates between mission types, but the cash does seem higher on blood money missions. 24 gold out of it. 36 for each of the ones I did, copied and pasted this if any of these rewards sound appealing to you completing them: "Completing any of the new missions will bring with it 5,000 Club XP, RDO$100, and a Treasure Map, while finishing ‘A One Horse Deal’ will grant 30% off an Arabian Horse and 2x Special Horse Revivers. 32 Gold. At least give out more gold to people on at least a weekly streak. A 9 minute mission would payout $14. All bounty levels earn the same amount of gold. Stranger and bounty missions pay more if you wait for the timer to go under 30 sec. Aug 29, 2019 路 In this video I show how to a guide on getting the maximum amount of gold on Stranger Missions (Free Roam Missions) in Red Dead Online with a detailed chart Waiting about 20 minutes before finishing a mission yields a much higher payout than if you rush it. Hunting missions are usually 20 minutes, and they don't mark you on the map for other players to attack you, like some of the other stranger missions do. After the conversation (or lack thereof) all icons on the map are completely gone, and the mission does not trigger. I would accept a permanent 1. For instance all the “steal a boat” missions no longer have row boats but canoes instead and feature sections with rapids. Without Bonus I‘d say treasure maps and Main Story missions are the better way to get starter gold though. This is separate from the mission timer which limits how long you can take. Burn those timers on stranger missions. But Take Two Interactive needs to get their shit together, and we also need to make our… Blood Money Missions, Stranger Missions and Telegram missions are the way to go. Someone said that the 20% extra XP is now on. That goes for all the stranger missions and bounties once you have that role. I have been working on this since the start. Pick the mission which you like to do and then spend up to 30min in the mission. I recommend taking your time during the missions, as you receive incremental increases in payout for every 3 minutes spent during the mission. Nothing changed, payouts are still timer based and optimally done after 12 minutes. Meh kinda. and xp is easy to come by. Something like 30 hours of back to back stranger missions to receive 15 gold. Bounty Hunter works in the same way. If this had preceded frontier pursuits it also feels like the natural next step to roles, an "outlaw" turned Bounty Hunter/Collector/Trader when roles where finally introduced, and set the game to progress As a bounty hunter I can get maybe 1 gold bar per hour just doing bounty missions. You get an increased about of cash for Blood Money and more difficult bounties. The 12-Minute Method is the most efficient way to maximize gold, cash, and XP profits from Bounty Hunting. Set your own timer for 12 minutes and complete the mission as soon after this as possible. Any suggestions for what you guys have found to be the most fun missions? Thank you in The payout system for gold is similar to what you would find in mobile games; The more time you spend, the more money you get. 08gb every three minutes until 12 Y’all notice a payout increase on some of these stranger missions? Destroying supplies gets me $20 or more every time. XP was a little flakier and hard to nail down the precise formula as it appears a number of factors influence it slightly but a good rule of thumb is you receive 120 XP as a base payout and roughly 20 XP per Yes correct. Btw I am aware that if one waits until the last 30 seconds to finish the mission, the payout is better, so yeah. But, again, no one s thinking; When players say by want buildings they want buildings they're going to give them interactive content that is also going to provide a greater degree of monetary use, for example a rancher that would allow you to breed animals and sell the animals for slaughter, horses to be sold and maybe even breathe new breeds of hoses. 04 nuggets every 4 minutes after that. If you were to go AFK during the first mission you'd only make 25k for the same 15 minutes. 32 (optimal) 15 minutes = . 01 minutes. Gold appears to payout with a base pay of . There are many locations around the map to get these missions and they all differ. Gold payout will be 0. ). Payout formula (for stranger missions, blood money, bounties, etc) in gold is based on a timer starting when the mission starts until it ends (use a stopwatch). 08 (gold income per the mission time) = 20 * 0. Credit to youtube user deadPik4chu. Why? I like stranger missions, they add variety but pay shit. Basically they're Stranger Missions but with many more bad guys, no auto-aim, and more health and damage for the bad guys. Also do free roam events as these will pay out gold. Lastly, the best Stranger missions for XP specifically seem to be Anthony Foreman in Saint Denis, as he frequently allows you to aggro the law in Saint Denis to farm them for XP while you wait on the timer Max Reward is for 30min. Try ride along with posses on a bounty when you can, treasure maps are also very frequent in the early levels, do lots of those, usually round one gold bar in the treasure. I've now tried to accept the mission by the wonderful Bonnie 6 times with no success. I've only done 2 Bonnie missions for the nostalgia. That was for like 2-3 weeks where stranger missions paid out double. Free Roam stranger missions with extra fucking steps. RDO u can't play like other games, u gotta slow down and enjoy the pace of the game. Timer on top is just showing your max limit before missions end. From what I understand bounties, blood money missions, telegram missions, and stranger missions follow the same payout time method. While this is in actuality true, this is also time you could spend starting another bounty hunt, another mission, another anything. They are paying double $. I didn’t enjoy BH at the beginning. Gold in these missions is paid at a set amount based on the time you've spent in a mission. It has been calculated that the optimal time to spend on the missions is 12min because that's when the gold payout drops from 0. I'm able to get a decent payout for stranger missions gold wise by waiting to the last minute or so. Playing through Bounty Hunter missions is also fun although some can get quite difficult solo but for me doing a couple in between trader deliveries is a good way to mix it up. I remember plenty of people did a lot of number-crunching for Contact missions in GTA:O and no matter which way you sliced it, you never came out ahead by maximizing per-mission payouts. Stranger Mission Payouts I’m almost positive rockstar has nerfed the payouts for waiting until the last 30 seconds. Kicking off will probably be miserable. Doing it for two characters as I'm working for the rewards so likely getting burned out. 08 I've seen a lot that it does but wanted to confirm. Feb 16, 2021 路 As far as I can tell, performance doesn’t seem to impact your payouts. 08 gold 6 minutes = . It means you get 0. 6 GB (60/9 (amount of missions within 1 hour) * 0. TLDR: for most efficient gold payout, complete the objective after the mission has lasted for 15. 48gb. If you die before the 7:00 mark wait until 6:59 before jumping and you'll get . But you still would most likely outpace the 30 min mission payout, but likely closer to 2x instead of 3x. A fun combat mission to fill in the gaps between CTA. Back in the early days I would have done more stranger missions if I could choose the avoid the PvP ones being a mostly solo player. So you can earn gold more gold with less waiting on timers. The next thing is to do your dailies. The actual timer is hidden to the player, which means you have to track the mission time yourself. 08 every three(3) minutes to 0. Seems there are others with the exact opposite situation. Sometimes the time to get to the target and activate the visible timer is less than 12 minutes so waiting until at least 30 seconds to turn in will maximize the payout. Extremely convoluted way to earn absolutely useless new form of currency that only buys permission to try to hunt down 1 of 3 big jewels. With bounties you would normally have the payout written in big bold letters but in RDO you can sometimes get $12, and other times $20 for the same mission For a lot of missions, stranger missions, blood money crimes and bounty hunting, the payout increases the longer the mission takes, down to the last 30 seconds if there's a timer on screen and up to 30 minutes if there's not The most efficient thing to do is set a timer on your phone for 12 minutes and always try to finish missions after that Sep 13, 2019 路 Stranger Missions in Red Dead Online are short side missions spread across the entire map. 24 for a 10 minute mission tl;dr. Even though there’s no timer, you’re still racking up your mission time, which will increase payout. So, try to maintain 12 minutes for every mission. I don't care about the payouts. And then the guy doing the mission still gets the gold payout and cash. Bounty Hunter kinda fills that role but you spend more time riding your horse there and back than you do shooting dudes Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - No votes and 5 comments Gun Rush is neat though in that you can totally suck and reliably get about the same payout or better as a stranger mission. I think most stranger missions, story missions and pvp games have a small gold payout (. A few players asked if it still made sense to wait out the timers since the map was filled out with some additional mission givers (meaning less travel time between missions) and the mission stabilization seems to have improved. A player doing a mission can kill an attacker repeatedly and the attacker can keep coming. 026. But when I do that with bounty missions I'm still only getting 0. Eventually, the attacker is going to get lucky. 02 gold for replaying the mission. Stranger missions pay about the same cash as 1 Star bounties. I have no qualms with Rockstar. You maximized per-hour revenue by finishing missions quickly, but not fast enough to get the lowest per-mission payout. Would enjoy if Hideouts were just stranger missions or something. Posted by u/Biffy27 - 162 votes and 104 comments. This will give 1/3 of a gold bar each time. money doesn't really bother me but I'd like to get the most gold possible quickly to get all the roles again but I don't know if the gold payout of bounty hunter is any better than just doing stranger missions/blood money. If you want good cash payout, infamous and legendary bounties are your best options. 2 gold and not more than 9-10$ The interface changed so you could select what type of mission you want from the stranger and the missions themselves changed with the Blood Money update. Those roles allow me to keep exploring the map more plus good cash and earning gold. Also, I don't think there are timers on most the missions, which is a great thing. For missions there is a belt buckle for 100 stopped missions. Main story gives a bonus payout for first completion of each mission. 48 gold bars, which is the same amount you'd make for spending 30 minutes on the "Etta Doyle" Legendary Bounty on a normal month. You just need to experiment. Check for bonuses. Welcome to RDO! To earn some money and gold, I would recommend doing the Stranger missions (there are a lot of them all over the map; once you have visited them at least once, their name will appear on the map instead of ‘Stranger’). Finally I made 0. skin everything you can for the meat, feathers, and skins, keep the best quality animal you can find whole and sell it to the butcher. Best way to farm gold is to do dailies. I had no luck getting any of the stranger missions to work when online launched. Hello everyone! I'm about to do my first sale of 100 units with a large wagon and I noticed that the payout is barely 400$ for… No I know that, every mission is like that, Sadie’s pays out more than 40 if you count it down like that. The reason why missions pay out longer for longer time is to accommodate different playstyles and skill. Reply reply Spending 30 minutes in a Free Roam Mission nets you 0. When you start blood money/stranger mission,start your timer in Your phone. XP. First I did the Love and Honor sheriff mission. I have a stranger mission to deliver a wagon to a location and the timer was for 15 mins, but it took maybe 5 to arrive to the location. Then 2 waves of mobs came, extending the play time. As for the collector role I just passively pick up items either through looting bodies during bounty Hunter missions or stumbling across collectables whilst out hunting. 16 = 1. It's the same way as VIP work in GTA5. 12 minutes is the best payout for your time. Try to grind gold bars for either trader for tons of money or bounty hunter for steady money and gold. xx, or about $1. . 08 gold). Same thing with bounty. There are stranger missions and I honestly don't mind riding my horse to them, since there aren't any cell phones back in 1890, but there are few strangers and most of the time the payout for the work put in isn't worth it. 5x increase in stranger missions. “On the Hunt” is minimum 2… hunting is definitely a good way to make money if you’re starting out and working up to a role. Blood Money Missions and Stranger Missions are the way to go. Do some PvP and don’t worry about getting owned, the payout is the same for everyone. You get 0. Cash is a little simpler to calculate. The hidden timer starts the moment you hear a drumroll and see waypoint on map after selecting bounty. 16) I'm on PS4, if you wanna ride along on some legendaries let me know. You do a mission in 5 minutes (20k), wait for the 5 minute cooldown, then do another 5 minute mission (now 40k for 15 minutes). Taking pure mission time per hour and the payout in GB: (60/3 (amount of missions within 1 hour) * 0. You figure you have a 3 bag mission with 3 stops per bag that’s like 225xp just in bags if you manage to get them all, plus another 400-450 for completing the mission. Posted by u/hln1996 - 5 votes and 2 comments I have a feeling they're either bugged or not implemented yet for some reason. 24 (gold income per the mission time Rhodes is also good, as Trelawny gives hunting missions occasionally, and there are two other strangers nearby to give more missions. 6 GB (60/6 (amount of missions within 1 hour) * 0. Dec 9, 2018 路 Completing any mission 100% as quickly as possible should mean more reward and if it's a Free Roam mission but there is a lot of posses or players in the lobby there should be a further bonus. Keeping it simple, spend just over 12 minutes doing anything you do that’s a mission for the most efficient payout. Since the last update (~1gb update the other day), i haven’t had any issues loading stranger missions. 30 HOURS OF ONLY STRANGER MISSIONS. The gold payout is identical to Stranger Missions, which means its tied directly to how long it takes you to finish the mission. The most valuable Collection is the Coins which sell for $540 (All other Collections are less than $325). Then buy BH and do those for better gold payout But yeah outside of that it‘s pretty much stranger missions / Blood Money I suppose. The most important thing would be to keep a daily streak going. When the mission/bounty hunt starts so does the mission timer it's not always visible. So walk or trot to your destination. If your countdown timer is less than 12m, naturally, you'll finish before that ends otherwise it's a mission failed. In some cases it may be more accurate to say on how close the mission is finished before the countdown reaches 0. I’ve had almost half a gold bar and $50 payouts for missions like that. Also Stranger missions make more money the longer you are in the mission, like running down the timer. And bounties are disappointing overall, lots of hassle (often you have to ride half the map) with small payout in XP (stranger missions are much better), low in gold, and laughable in dollars. I returned to RDO after about two years on Xbox and I don’t seem to notice that many griefers compared to PC players. For story missions, they all pay the same aid you do the 30 min method. The just play until you reach 12 minutes and handover the item/bag to the recepient. I am like 20 away from finishing it. The gold payout goes up for every 3 minutes spent on a mission, but you get diminishing returns after about 12 minutes. Three 9-min deliveries will give you 0. The only thing that seems to matter is how long each mission takes to complete, similar to Bounties and Stranger Missions (in increments of 0. I'd heavily suggest you change activity regularly so you don't burn yourself out. To earn some early game money, do some fishing. Stranger events don't show a timer until the last 5 minutes but they're like 20min missions Reply reply You can sell alot of stuff you can't in RDO. 04 gold. Another thing to consider is that every missions payout in this game gets higher the more time you spend in it, optimal time for payout per time seems to be 9 or 12 minutes spend on a mission Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 23 votes and 33 comments And on missions that don’t immediately start with a timer, like “on the hunt,” don’t go into the search zone until like 10-15 minutes after the mission starts. but if you don't care about gold payouts, seriously, do not do stranger missions. That’s why I’m asking, currently her stranger mission pays out way more, but I’ve only had the chance to do it once, I’m wondering if they keep paying more than normal for Sadie specifically Looking further online trying to see if there is anything you can do to make the stranger missions work, I see many are suffering from horses not responding to whistling and animals not respawning. 08 = 1. 04 gold and about $3-$5 for your three minutes of effort. 04 every three(3) minutes. The rewards are capped at 30 minutes of mission time. 04 nuggets at 2:00, then . At 12 minutes you get 0. Stranger Mission payouts depend on how much time is given at the start. Did three mission type activities tonight and came away having spent more money on travel and weapon and camp upkeep than unearned. Likely focus on Collector and Bounty Hunter is my current thoughts after hitting Trader Rank 20. That said, disrupting stranger Missions is not griefing but it is a dick move because the scale is not balanced. The payout was 0. I still remember that stranger missions and bounty missions (bounty hunter 1) give the max payouts if you turn in 30 secs before the timer finish. The initial playthrough has a bonus reward that is only awarded once. Doing stranger missions can earn you xp, credits and gold bars. 16 (gold income per the mission time) = 10 * 0. However payouts can be different depending on the type of mission you are doing. R* gets what they want, people playing more for gold, and players are happier because it adds a little diversit For gold Blood Money Missions and Stranger Missions are the way to go. So, a 14+ minutes mission would receive 0. Those are my favorite missions now. As soon as you start the mission, set a timer on your phone for 12 minutes. duqqus uabyu gccngqkso laph cptchchk ctyefe kapofqn rhqsq wmqti dqua dtlkm djbhh eijzfadf oswtwf kpoarjt