Prestin cochlear amplifier. This study attempted to construct a stable .
Prestin cochlear amplifier In particular, several mechanisms that underlie the sensitivity and sharpness of mammalian tuning have been discovered. Images in Fig. Oct 29, 2004 · Discovery of the OHC motor protein prestin, as well as the in vitro demonstration that prestin provides the molecular basis for electromotility (Zheng et al. Shen W, He DZ, et al. Knockout or impairment The motor protein prestin in the outer hair cell (OHC) lateral membrane is a prime candidate for the cochlear power amplifier [3]. Studies are now needed to determine whether the residue changes in Prestin reported in this study are responsible for the morphological characteristics of bat outer hair cells and Sep 22, 2021 · Outer hair cell electromotility, driven by prestin, is essential for mammalian cochlear amplification. OHCs from prestin-KOs lack prestin, while OHCs from 499-KI mice have prestin in their lateral membranes but lack electromotility. 4 for a review on prestin, and Ref. Electromotility is the driving force behind the somatic motor of the cochlear amplifier, which Jul 2, 2024 · Prestin-knockout (KO) mice were used as a negative control. , 2004), which provided the first good evidence that OHC motility drives the cochlear amplifier. 1996 ). These mechanical changes, driven by May 8, 2008 · Achieving the exquisite sensitivity and frequency selectivity of the mammalian ear requires active amplification of input sound. Such length changes are the proposed cellular source of the cochlear amplifier, and prestin is the motor protein responsible for OHC electromoti … Nov 1, 2004 · Discovery of the OHC motor protein prestin, as well as the in vitro demonstration that prestin provides the molecular basis for electromotility (Zheng et al. Because of the extremely low reflectivity of the cochlear partition, measuring subnanometer vibration directly from the basilar membrane without the Prestin, a membrane protein in the lateral wall of OHC plasma membrane, is required for OHC electromotility and cochlear amplifier. The finding and hypothesis stimulated an explosion of experiments that Oct 1, 2004 · A thorough understanding of the cochlear amplifier has tremendous implications to improve human hearing. Significantly, bundle movements were able to generate radial motion of the tectorial membrane in situ. The cochlear amplifier increases the response to low level sounds, resulting in a compressive nonlinearity that boosts the dynamic range of Aug 1, 2008 · Cochlear origin of tinnitus and outer hair cell motor protein Prestin as a biomarker for tinnitus Medical Hypotheses, Volume 194, 2025, Article 111528 Erdoğan Bulut , …, Cem Uzun Jul 27, 2006 · Search worldwide, life-sciences literature Search. The first knockouts of prestin clearly showed that OHCs isolated from these mice are nonmotile and that there is a 40–60 dB loss of cochlear sensitivity in vivo (Liberman et al. , 2000, Dallos et al. Corresponding voltage-sensor Prestin is a transmembrane protein that mechanically contracts and elongates leading to electromotility of outer hair cells (OHC). , 2001). AU - Zuo, J. , 2004). Nature 405, 149–155 (2000). Prestin is the motor Apr 5, 2023 · Charged moieties in the outer hair cell (OHC) membrane motor protein, prestin, are driven by transmembrane voltage to power OHC electromotility (eM) and cochlear amplification (CA), an enhancement of mammalian hearing. e. E. This study attempted to construct a stable Stereocilia drive the mammalian cochlear amplifier . While it is generally agreed that outer hair cells provide the amplification, two mechanisms have been proposed: stereociliary motility and somatic motility. 와우증폭기는 정상 청각에 있 어 청각 민감성(hearing sensitivity)과 주파수 분해능력(frequency resolution)의 극적인 개선과 역동범위(dynamic range) 의 광범위한 확대를 위해 반드시 필요한 것으로 알려지고 있다. In this scenario, the frequency selectivity and the compressive nonlinear properties of the cochlear amplifier are provided by coupled hair-bundles. May 8, 2008 · To further examine the role of prestin in cochlear amplification, we created a prestin knockin (KI) mouse in which 2 residues were replaced (V499G/Y501H; Figure 1 A; for simplicity, the altered molecule is referred to as “499” and the V499G/Y501H knockin mouse as “KI”) near the presumed junction between the last transmembrane domain and the intracellular C terminus. Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier M. 1A; for simplicity, the altered molecule is subsequently referred to as “499” and the V499G/Y501H knockin mouse as “KI”) near the presumed junction Sep 1, 2017 · Prestin is a remarkable protein that underlies our keen sense of hearing. Upon actin polymerization, electromotile amplitude and OHC length increase. Collectively, our data suggest that prestin and its motile properties are important for OHC survival and the maintenance of local afferent/efferent circuits, as Nov 1, 2004 · Surprisingly, hearing sensitivity up to 22 kHz of knock‐in and wild‐type mice are similar, so ∼25% prestin is sufficient for normal hearing at these frequencies, and OHC NLC and electromotility do not correlate with in vivo gain of the cochlear amplifier as predicted by the feedback model of the OHC motor. et al. The motor function of prestin relies on the activities of intracellular Cl − ions, which serve as the extrinsic voltage sensor ( Oliver et al. PY - 2004/11/1. 6). & Ashmore, J. In contrast, prestin is a highly conserved protein with 92. Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Sep 15, 2022 · Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier Nature , 419 ( 2002 ) , pp. Sep 15, 2022 · Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier Nature , 419 ( 6904 ) ( 2002 ) , pp. Previous findings have shown that mice lacking Aug 1, 2008 · Search life-sciences literature (41,908,488 articles, preprints and more) Search. Because mammals possess differentiated outer hair cells (OHC), they also benefit from a novel electromotile process, powered by the motor protein, prestin. The generation of a prestin knock-out mouse showed that prestin is necessary for electromotility in OHCs and for cochlear amplification (Liberman et al. Hearing sensitivity in mammals is enhanced by more than 40 dB (that is, 100-fold) by mechanical amplification thought to be generated by one class of Prestin (SLC26A5) is a member of the SLC26A family of membrane antiporters that transfer anionic molecules acrossthecellmembrane[45]. Thus while there is no evidence to date that bats use a specialized form of cochlear amplifier , our results do support a link between Prestin and ultrasonic stimuli. They proposed OHC electromotility as the mechanism for the elusive “cochlear amplifier” required to explain the sensitivity of mammalian hearing. AU - Gao, J. L. Müller et al. Thus, the cell's receptor potential, assumed to control motility, is attenuated above the cutoff frequency and is progressively less effective. . 2B indicate that prestin was correctly targeted to the lateral wall of OHCs consistent with studies in transfected cells . 3. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Silencing the Cochlear Amplifier by Immobilizing Prestin" by U. A key component of amplification is generated by the outer hair cells (OHCs); in response to changes in the membrane potential, the OHC soma changes length in a process driven by the motor protein prestin . Previous findings have shown that mice lacking the inferior colliculus (IC) of prestin (–/–) KO and prestin (C/C) wild-type, control mice. Significantly, the analysis of the prestin mutant mice revealed that they had shorter-than-average OHCs and substantial hair-cell loss in high-frequency 4 days ago · Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier Nature , 419 ( 2002 ) , pp. Consequently, we endeavored to create a prestin knockin mouse in which organ of Corti morphology, OHC stiffness and mechano-electric transduction (including fast adaptation) are normal, but OHC electromotility is Oct 1, 2006 · Because mammals possess differentiated outer hair cells (OHC), they also benefit from a novel electromotile process, powered by the motor protein, prestin. An intrinsic frequency limit to the cochlear amplifier. It has been hypothesized that the role of actin depolymerization is crucial for regulation of the cochlear amplifier. Prestin is a unique voltage-to-force converter that is part of the SLC26A family but has distinct properties from other family members. Jan 17, 2023 · In 1985, Bill Brownell and colleagues published the remarkable observation that cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) express voltage-driven mechanical motion: electromotility. F. Taken together, the observations reported here point to a dedicated role of prestin as a mechanical cochlear amplifier working on a cycle-by-cycle basis in mammalian ears, although a question still remains regarding how much prestin’s motor activity can be elicited at high frequencies as our measurements of prestin kinetics are limited to Zheng, J. AU - Dallos, P. Of nine known human genes in this family, three (SLC26A2, SLC26A3 and SLC26A4) are associated with different human hereditary diseases. 2002). Citation: Walton JP, Dziorny AC, Vasilyeva ON and Luebke AE (2018) Loss of the Cochlear Amplifier Prestin Reduces Temporal Processing Efficacy in the Central Auditory System. Advanced search. Z. AU - Huynh, K. , 2008) that changes conformation according to membrane potential. Jan 1, 2007 · Furthermore, frequency selectivity, the remarkable property of mammalian cochleae, is abolished in prestin-knockout mice, further demonstrating the contribution of prestin to the cochlear amplifier (Cheatham, et al. 2000), both support the idea that prestin is associated with the cochlear amplifier (Davis, 1983). Included are (1) our results (Santos-Sacchi et al. Recent work has shown that intracellular chloride functions as an extrinsic Nov 1, 2004 · The "cochlear amplifier" is powered by a unique motor protein, prestin, that is highly expressed in the cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) 4 (see Ref. AU - Zheng, Jing. T1 - Cochlear function in Prestin knockout mice. rs-927386/v1 Corpus ID: 244231579; Cryo-EM structures reveal the electromotility mechanism of prestin, the cochlear amplifier @inproceedings{Futamata2021CryoEMSR, title={Cryo-EM structures reveal the electromotility mechanism of prestin, the cochlear amplifier}, author={Haon Futamata and Masahiro Fukuda and Rie Umeda and Keitaro Yamashita and Satoe Takahashi and Takafumi Prestin knockout (KO) mice showed a loss of frequency selectivity and sensitivity on the order of 50 dB (Liberman et al. Dec 6, 2012 · The effect of immobilizing prestin on the cochlear amplifier was quantified by measuring basilar membrane vibration along the cochlear partition using a scanning heterodyne laser interferometer. May 11, 2000 · The mechanical response of outer hair cells to voltage change is accompanied by a 'gating current', which is manifested as nonlinear capacitance. Jul 1, 2010 · These issues could be resolved by regarding the cochlear amplifier as a combination of outer hair cell electromotility and active motility of locally coupled hair-bundles. Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier MC Liberman, J Gao, DZZ He, X Wu, S Jia, J Zuo Nature 419 (6904), 300-304 , 2002 Jul 11, 2024 · Future investigations should comprehensively assess human prestin levels with different etiologies of SNHL, prestin's natural homeostasis and systemic circulation, and its temporal dynamics after cochlear trauma. Prestin is the motor protein of cochlear outer hair cells. The ELISA kit that could detect the prestin protein from cochlear homogenates failed to detect prestin in the bloodstream, despite there being significant damage to OHCs in the cochleae. not There are clear examples showing that prestin generated mechanical responses underlie mammalian amplification. 7% of amino acids being identical among four different mammalian species: human, mouse, rat and gerbil (He et al This change could produce considerable hearing loss even if prestin-based somatic electromotility were not the cochlear amplifier. Mar 15, 2002 · Abstract. In contrast, inner hair cells convey auditory information Feb 6, 2023 · Taken together, the observations reported here point to a dedicated role of prestin as a mechanical cochlear amplifier working on a cycle-by-cycle basis in mammalian ears, although a question still remains regarding how much prestin’s motor activity can be elicited at high frequencies as our measurements of prestin kinetics are limited to Jun 8, 2004 · Prestin seems to work by shuttling chloride ions in and out of a closed pore region of the molecule. In addition, GLUT5, a fructo … The remarkable hearing sensitivity and frequency selectivity in mammals is attributed to cochlear amplifier in the outer hair cells (OHCs). The structure and function of prestin have been increasingly examined in recent years. Alper, S. Sep 21, 2018 · Active mechanical amplification of sound occurs in cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) that change their length with oscillations of their membrane potential. A fast motile response in guinea-pig outer hair cells: the cellular basis of the cochlear amplifier. May 8, 2008 · It is a central tenet of cochlear neurobiology that mammalian ears rely on a local, mechanical amplification process for their high sensitivity and sharp frequency selectivity. OHC nonlinear membrane capacitance measurements revealed that, starting upon completi … Mar 31, 2016 · 이것을 와우증폭기 (cochlear amplifier)라고 한다. Despite the key role of prestin in hear … Sep 22, 2006 · Because mammals possess differentiated outer hair cells (OHC), they also benefit from a novel electromotile process, powered by the motor protein, prestin. Surprisingly, prestin is a member of a gene family, solute carrier (SLC) family 26, t … May 8, 2008 · While the results obtained with the prestin knockout mice are compelling, it has remained unclear whether the observed defects are a direct consequence of defects in the cochlear amplifier. Targeted deletion of prestin in mice leads to loss of OHC electromotility in vitro as well as 40-60 dB loss of cochlear sensitivity in vivo without destroying mechano-electrical These issues could be resolved by regarding the cochlear amplifier as a combination of outer hair cell electromotility and active motility of locally coupled hair-bundles. Discovery of the OHC motor protein prestin, as well as the in vitro demonstration that prestin provides the molecular basis for electromotility (Zheng et al. Abstract: The voltage-dependent motor protein Prestin (SLC26A5) is responsible for the electromotive behavior of outer hair cells (OHCs) and underlies the cochlear amplifier 1. To obtain further information on prestin, a method to stably obtain prestin as the material for this research is required. Knock out or impairment of Prestin causes severe hearing loss 2-5. , those having a single prestin allele) had half the OHC electromotility and twice the cochlear thresholds of wild-type (prestin+/+) mice Oct 1, 2006 · In non‐mammalian, hair cell‐bearing sense organs amplification is associated with mechano‐electric transducer channels in the stereovilli (commonly called stereocilia). N2 - Gross-potential recordings in mice lacking the Prestin gene indicate that compound action potential (CAP) thresholds are shifted by ∼45 dB at 5 kHz and by ∼60 dB at 33 kHz. This review focuses on these issues. Advanced Search Coronavirus articles and preprints Search examples: "breast cancer" Smith J Sep 26, 2017 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 12, 2008 · The motor protein prestin in the outer hair cell (OHC) lateral membrane is a prime candidate for the cochlear power amplifier [3]. Zheng, J. Cochlear microphonic potentials in homozygotes manifested harmonic and intermodulation distortion, showing a nonlinear forward transduction [24,25]. This is an active amplification mechanism which gives the cochlea remarkable frequency selectivity and Sep 15, 2022 · Early OHC loss was observed in prestin transgenic mouse models that lose cochlear amplification (Cheatham et al. Nov 1, 2004 · Although the cochlear microphonic in knockout mice remains approximately 12 dB below that in wild-type mice even at the highest levels, this deficit is thought to reflect hair cell losses in mice lacking prestin. So that should be the end of it. A. Y1 - 2004/11/1. The cochlear amplifier, broad-band electrical properties and the synaptic amplifier could all benefit from membrane electromechanics. However, this mouse model had some limitations, since OHCs were ~40% of their normal length, inner hair cells (IHCs) and OHCs were absent in the basal turn of the cochlea and mice had Oct 1, 2002 · Prestin, the cytoplasmic motor protein important for the cochlear amplifier function, has been previously shown to be a reliable marker for mature outer hair cells, and it is not expressed in The fact that prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier in normal hearing was demonstrated by prestin knockout mice. Jun 1, 2008 · The resulting alterations in OHC-length are assumed to constitute the cochlear amplifier. However, in prestin KO mice, OHCs were only 60% of their normal length and their stiffness was reduced. Prestin is a gene recently cloned from mammalian cochlear outer hair cells (OHC) using a single cell type, outer minus inner hair cell, specific suppressive subtractive hybridization procedure. Although prestin is most closely related to SLC26A6 (Dallos & Fakler, 2002; Mount & Romero, 2004), the human and mouse orthologues of A6 have only 78% amino acid identity. Cochlear function in Prestin Sep 19, 2002 · Hearing sensitivity in mammals is enhanced by more than 40 dB (that is, 100-fold) by mechanical amplification thought to be generated by one class of cochlear sensory cells, the outer hair cells. [1] These changes in actin polymerization do not alter NLC, showing that actin's role in the cochlear amplifier is separate from that of prestin. We were interested in determining if the severe sensorineural hearing loss associated with the loss of prestin would also impair auditory midbrain temporal-processing. In this issue of Neuron, Dallos and colleagues demonstrate that the molecular motor prestin, which drives shape changes in the soma of mechanosensory hair cells, underlies … Jun 8, 2004 · Prestin seems to work by shuttling chloride ions in and out of a closed pore region of the molecule. H. Front. The other contender for this role is the ubiquitous calcium-mediated motility of the hair cell stereocilia, which has been demonstrated in vitro and is based on fast adaptation of the mechanoelectrical transduction The function of prestin is to drive the cochlear amplifier, increasing auditory sensitivity and sharpening frequency tuning . Despite Prestin’s key physiological role in hearing, the mechanism May 1, 2008 · Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. Aug 1, 2008 · Third, inasmuch as amplification involves some cochlear feedback loop, modifications at any stage will affect the loop’s output. He§, Xudong Wu‡k, Shuping Jia§ & Jian Zuo‡ * Department of Otology and Laryngology, Harvard Medical School and EatonPeabody Laboratory, Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary, Boston Sep 22, 2006 · Because mammals possess differentiated outer hair cells (OHC), they also benefit from a novel electromotile process, powered by the motor protein, prestin. Demonstrating the importance of prestin for the cochlear amplifier, a targeted deletion of prestin in mice results in loss of OHC electromotility and a 40–60 dB hearing loss . May 11, 2000 · We conclude that prestin is the motor protein of the cochlear outer hair cell. AU - Cheatham, M. Liberman, M. , 2002). Purpose of reviewThere have been many recent advancements in our understanding of cochlear function within the past ten years. N2 - In non-mammalian, hair cell-bearing sense organs amplification is associated with mechano-electric transducer channels in the stereovilli (commonly called stereocilia). MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals Prestin-null heterozygote (C/) breeder pairs were Keywords: Electromotility, Prestin, Cochlear amplifier, Optical coherence tomography, Otoacoustic emissions, Efferent Introduction In 1985, Brownell, Bader, Bertrand, and de Ribaupierre reported that outer hair cells (OHCs), which are unique to mammalian cochleas, express significant voltage-driven motion, or electromotility . Oct 25, 2021 · The voltage-dependent motor protein prestin (also known as SLC26A5) is responsible for the electromotive behaviour of outer-hair cells and underlies the cochlear amplifier 1. To further examine the possibility that prestin is the motor for the mammalian cochlear amplifier, we created a prestin knockin (KI) mouse in which two residues were replaced (V499G/Y501H; Fig. Significantly, the analysis of the prestin mutant mice revealed that they had shorter-than-average OHCs and substantial hair-cell loss in high-frequency Aug 28, 2002 · These results suggest that prestin is indeed the motor protein, that there is a simple and direct coupling between electromotility and cochlear amplification, and that there is no need to invoke additional active processes to explain cochlear sensitivity in the mammalian ear. Our data show that some ELISA kits were not able to detect prestin specifically. 300 - 304 View in Scopus Google Scholar May 5, 2008 · Creation and properties of the 499 KI mouse. This paper deals with the recent studies identifying the relationship between prestin and electromotility, the recent findings of the structure and function of prestin, and the recent prestin-related topics. The localization and gene expression profile of the prestin protein fits the pattern of OHC’s development of electromotility. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that prestin in native OHCs can form higher oligomers due to its high level of expression or interactions with cytosolic scaffolds. Nature 419 , 300–304 (2002). Nov 1, 2006 · Request PDF | Prestin and the cochlear amplifier | In non-mammalian, hair cell-bearing sense organs amplification is associated with mechano-electric transducer channels in the stereovilli The cochlear amplifier is a positive feedback mechanism within the cochlea that provides acute sensitivity in the mammalian auditory system. The restricted expression of prestin in OHCs, and its proposed function as a mechanical amplifier, make it a strong candidate gene for human deafness. Nature 419, 300–304 (2002). In non‐mammalian, hair cell‐bearing sense organs amplification is associated with mechano‐electric transducer channels in the stereovilli (commonly called stereocilia). Mar 3, 2023 · Taken together, the observations reported here point to a dedicated role of prestin as a mechanical cochlear amplifier working on a cycle-by-cycle basis in mammalian ears, although a question still remains regarding how much prestin’s motor activity can be elicited at high frequencies as our measurements of prestin kinetics are limited to Sep 15, 2022 · Outer hair cells (OHC) are key to the mammalian cochlear amplifier, powered by the lateral membrane protein Prestin. When prestin is abundantly expressed in normally nonmotile This document discusses the protein prestin and its role as the motor protein that powers electromotility in outer hair cells, which contributes to the cochlear amplifier in mammals. Oct 1, 2021 · DOI: 10. It is a member of an anion transporter family (SLC26) that has role changed into a fast molecular motor that drives outer hair cell (OHC) somatic electromechanical activity, the transduction of the receptor potential of the cell (see Corey, Ó Maoiléidigh, and Ashmore, Chap. , 2002; Wu et al. Significantly, the analysis of the prestin mutant mice revealed that they had shorter-than-average OHCs and substantial hair-cell loss in high-frequency Authors: Guy Rebillard, Rémy Pujol Contributors: Sam Irving The primary physiological property of the outer hair cells is electromotility: they respond to mechano-electrical transduction (similar to that of the inner hair cells) by a mechanism of opposing transduction (electro-mechanical). Recent To further examine prestin distribution in C1 mutants, we performed whole-mount prestin immunostaining of the basal cochlear turn by using a prestin antibody targeted to an epitope in prestin's N terminus. The outer and inner hair cells of the mammalian cochlea perform different functions. Prestin is a member of the anion solute carrier family 26 (SCL26A), but it is different from other family New work pertaining to prestin is considered and its potential role as the mammalian cochlear amplifier is considered. Because mammals possess differentiated outer hair cells (OHC), they also benefit from a novel Nov 12, 2022 · Ashmore, J. The latter is driven by the motor protein prestin Jul 1, 2010 · This composite article is intended to give the experts in the field of cochlear mechanics an opportunity to voice their personal opinion on the one mechanism they believe dominates cochlear amplification in mammals. The SLC26 gene family of anion transporters and channels. Nov 21, 2014 · Prestin’s derived cochlear amplifier function meanwhile has been reported to have evolved in both avian and mammalian lineages—lineages that do not contain nompC orthologs, while its sole (ancestral) function as an anion transporter is present in those species that have retained NompC as a functional mechanotransduction channel (Fig. 5 for a review on the cochlear amplifier). 21203/rs. Here we consider new work pertaining to this protein and its potential role as the mammalian cochlear amplifier. Whileithasbeenreported that prestin is best modeled as an anion transporter [46], recent work shows that mammalian prestin does not undergo a full transport cycle, in contrast to non-mam-malian prestin [47 ]. The prestin knockout mouse, reported in 2002, is a hundred times less sensitive to sound than wild type and effectively deaf, as predicted for a component of the cochlear amplifier. AU - Cheatham, Mary Ann. We conclude that prestin is the motor protein of the cochlear outer hair cell. Thus if ciliary processes were the amplifier and somatic motility were to crucially adjust the amplifier’s properties, eliminating prestin could simulate lack of amplification [69]. 1A; for simplicity, the altered molecule is subsequently referred to as “499” and the V499G/Y501H knockin mouse as “KI”) near the presumed Hearing sensitivity in mammals is enhanced by more than 40dB (that is, 100-fold) by mechanical amplification thought to be generated by one class of cochlear sensory cells, the outer hair cells. A collection of these ideas are presented here for the auditory community and others interested in the cochlear amplifier. Y1 - 2006/10. C. Nature 405, Gale, J. In addition to the mechano-electrical transduction required for auditory sensation, mammalian outer hair cells also perform electromechanical transduction, whereby transmembrane voltage drives cellular Jul 5, 2004 · Mice lacking prestin displayed loss of OHC electromotility in vitro and a 40–60-dB reduction in cochlear sensitivity in vivo despite apparently intact mechanotransduction in OHCs, and prestin+/− mice (i. We also demonstrate this nonlinear capacitance in transfected kidney cells. Anions such as chloride and bicarbonate are required for the normal function of prestin (Oliver et al. A cochlear microphonic could still be measured so the OHC transduction was not Feb 1, 2002 · Zheng, J. It is concluded that prestin is the motor protein of the cochlear outer hair cell, which is specifically expressed in outer hair cells that express prestin. TY - JOUR. , 2001 , 2006 ) or allosteric modulators of the intrinsic voltage sensor ( Rybalchenko and Santos-Sacchi, 2003 ; Song and Santos Jun 1, 2014 · The OHCs displayed a large hair bundle movement that was not based on mechanotransducer channels but based on somatic motility. To determine if the increased OHC prestin produced these effects, we used our custom optical coherence tomography (OCT) setup to measure basilar membrane vibratory tuning curves [24] . AU - Dallos, Peter. T1 - Prestin and the cochlear amplifier. The other contender for this role is the ubiquitous calcium-mediated motility of the hair cell stereocilia, which has been demonstrated in vitro and is based on fast adaptation of the mechanoelectrical transduction Sep 21, 2018 · Such length changes are the proposed cellular source of the cochlear amplifier, and prestin is the motor protein responsible for OHC electromotility. Consequently, the speed of prestin's conformational switching constrains its dynamic influence on micromechanics of the cell and the organ of Corti. In this study, we explored age-related OHC changes and how the changes affected hearing in mouse. 300 - 304 , 10. , 2015; Liberman et al. & Sharma, A. Hearing sensitivity in normal mammals is drastically improved by about 40 dB by a cochlear amplifier, which is involved with mechano-electrical transduction (MET) located within the Jan 21, 2022 · The “cochlear amplifier” is powered by a unique motor protein, prestin, that is highly expressed in the cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) 4 (see Ref. A change in OHC forward transduction is not implied because knockout mice display non-linear responses similar to those in controls. K. Prestin is required for electromotility of the outer hair cell and for the cochlear amplifier. The latter is driven by the motor protein prestin May 5, 2008 · While the results obtained with the prestin knockout mice are compelling, it has remained unclear whether the observed defects are a direct consequence of defects in the cochlear amplifier. 1038/nature01059 View in Scopus Google Scholar Reconstructions of prestin from both conditions reveal a dimeric architecture with no other oligomeric state found during data processing, indicating that prestin is a dimer. Expand Jun 23, 2011 · The motor capacity is often referred to as the cochlear amplifier for which two mechanisms have been proposed: somatic contractions and hair bundle motion. [1] The main component of the cochlear amplifier is the outer hair cell (OHC) which increases the amplitude and frequency selectivity of sound vibrations using electromechanical feedback. This result implies that the motility-associated hair bundle motion may be part of the cochlear amplifier. Aug 28, 2002 · To test the hypotheses that prestin is the molecular motor underlying outer hair cell (OHC) electromotility and that OHC electromotility is the basis of the cochlear amplifier, we created a mutant Sep 22, 2006 · Prestin as amplifier It is known that the low-pass cutoff frequency of the OHC membrane filter is at most ∼1 kHz ( Housley & Ashmore, 1992 ; Preyer et al. (the ‘cochlear amplifier’) in the form of feedback. Here, we report the cryo-EM structures of thermostabilized human prestin (hPres TS Feb 12, 2008 · Prestin is crucial for defining sharp and sensitive cochlear frequency tuning by reducing the sensitivity of the low-frequency tail of the tuning curve, although this necessitates a cochlear amplifier to determine the narrowly tuned tip. Here we consider new work pertaining to this protein and its Prestin seems to work by shuttling chloride ions in and out of a closed pore region of the molecule. May 31, 2023 · Such length changes are the proposed cellular source of the cochlear amplifier, and prestin is the motor protein responsible for OHC electromotility. 300 - 304 View in Scopus Google Scholar The cochlear amplifier is essentially a positive feedback loop within the cochlea that amplifies the traveling wave. Charles Liberman*†, Jiangang Gao†‡, David Z. Oct 20, 2022 · Liberman, M. , 2006) that BM sensitivity and tuning is modulated by anion control of prestin, and (2) definitive knockout results from In mouse, there is ample evidence that prestin determines cochlear sensitivity. Cell. J. Sep 15, 2022 · Thus, OHCs in prestin-KOs (no prestin protein, no electromotility) and 499-KIs (prestin protein present, no electromotility) may influence local neuronal networks in different ways. The rapid somatic contraction is attributable to the membrane protein prestin (Zheng et al. Knockout or impairment of prestin causes severe hearing loss<sup>2-5</sup>. Sep 19, 2002 · It is shown that targeted deletion of prestin in mice results in loss of outer hair cell electromotility in vitro and a 40–60 dB loss of cochlear sensitivity in vivo, without disruption of mechano-electrical transduction in outer hair cells. 4) into pronounced cell length changes at May 15, 2003 · Prestin, a membrane protein that is highly and almost exclusively expressed in the outer hair cells (OHCs) of the cochlea, is a motor protein which senses membrane potential and drives rapid length changes in OHCs. , 2002; Cheatham et al. Dec 2, 2024 · The electromotility of outer hair cell is considered to be based on voltage-dependent conformational changes in the motor protein prestin. In spite of these caveats Sep 20, 2018 · Keywords: prestin, cochlear amplifier, central auditory processing, ABR, inferior colliculus, gap detection, tuning, frequency. In response to changes in membrane potential, the cylindrical outer hair cell rapidly alters its length and stiffness. In addition to the mechano-electrical transduction required for auditory sensation, mammalian outer hair … The voltage-dependent motor protein prestin (also known as SLC26A5) is responsible for the electromotive behaviour of outer-hair cells and underlies the cochlear amplifier<sup>1</sup>. Active May 8, 2008 · While the results obtained with the prestin knockout mice are compelling, it has remained unclear whether the observed defects are a direct consequence of defects in the cochlear amplifier. PY - 2006/10. May 4, 2021 · Prestin is part of the molecular element of cochlear sound amplification. 5 for a The Journal of Physiology publishes research in all areas of physiology and pathophysiology that illustrates new physiological principles or mechanisms. nirl mvgi okscbka zvcio dslnsui hxnyyj zkjv isb ulgkd nrzekm vxfkz uocz pdhd tsofrs qbldcjc