Pathfinder kingmaker pure sword saint build stats Requirements. I am relatively knowledgable on the game as I got to act 5 however I’m struggling a bit but this is probably due to being only level 9 and the build still needs a few more levels to get of the ground . While as sword saint you can eventually deal maximized 4 strikes worth of damage, that is made at your best attack bonus. Soloing Spawn of Rovagug. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Hi everyone. Since the gain from keen or crit feats is the same for both, the distance stays the same. With pure 20 Saint you might want the AC of a DEX and INT build, but that's when I'd go for ECB. OP: There's a really nice build with STR Sword Saint, it centers on Vital Strike and Greater VS, with enlarge/legendary. Improved-fauchard-critical build based on sword saint is toxic, at least it is very toxic in our Chinese gamers community. Add Magic Items and Defensive spells to that and you'll be pretty hard to hit while dealing significant damage yourself. Then post-20 you'd take: 2 Sword Saint 1 Ranger (Demonslayer) DEX+CHA-based Scaled Fist 16 / Thug 4 is a pretty strong unarmed build which can focus on AC (Crane Style) or DPS (Dragon or Pummeling Style). As others have said, dimension strike is a really nice tool to have and very unique for a melee character. I still am stubbornly playing with spellstrike, because it’s cool. So I would not be able to fit it into a Fighter 20/Sword Saint 20 build. Level 6 Sword Saint: Key stats (with items incl. Oct 10, 2020 · I'm not a fan. Using a 2h weapon, you opt for using STR for damage, so you have a bit of a nonbo going on. Half Orc for the skilled bonus and ability to use Great Axes (saves us a a feat to get proficiency), intimidation boost isnt bad either. Basically for any build combination, going at least 13 levels of Sword Saint is essential imo to get Arcane Weapon(+4) and Lethal Focus. My current build is a dexterity based fighter and am currently using 8+ armoured bracers as armour. Probably; never played a Sword Saint before. I finished Kingmaker once as a rogue but for WotR, I would like to try Sword Saint and I have to say that building one is so overwhelming that I've been stuck on the character creation screen since yesterday. Just bought the game for the Autumn sale and I was wondering what the Companions bring to the table and what the best MC would be to complement them. The big disadvantage of the Sword Saint in Kingmaker was how quickly you could burn through the Arcane Pool, but was totally mitigated this time through and made the character really feel like a cartoon sword god by the end of the game. Builds which take ages to get going or where all the pieces fall into place at a high character level or which give you nothing after level 17 fail this criterion. So few questions if I could. :) But he seems to be in love with the great axe when the great sword offers more damage on average. A pure SS eventually gains access to all of the fighter-specific feats so you could easily spend all your feats on DPS and still feel like you don't have enough. Any help? Btw I refuse to add mods or have multiple playthroughs of this game. There is no such thing as a "tank". Sword Saint can be a powerful dex-based tank. Reply reply More replies More replies I’m playing ineffect sword saint build and I’m just wondering if there a better guide . Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) Is the Sylvan Sorcerer ("SS") the best build for Kingmaker?Thematically, it fits due to the game emphasizing fae. Otherwise Serpent Prince with x3 crit multiplier is good. Sword Saint will utilize Woljif's attributes just fine as a pure class. Feb 19, 2022 · I want to build a Bard that fights up close with a sword. I think Monk 1 is a good option to survive in the beginning. A Sword Saint only gets 3 bonus feats (5 if you include the free exotic weapon proficiency + Weapon Focus), plus the usual 10 feats. 2) Does it make sense, will it do what I think it does. And str saint with falcata(Lion's Claw) is the most possible (average) damage out of the class while still being able to ramp 70/50 AC Mar 23, 2023 · Stats be like 7 - 19 - 8 - 16 - 8 - 16. Go down vital strike line and get as much improved crit as you can on your weapon. Magus (Sword saint) 20/Fighter 10/Duelist 10: A bit of int/crit synergy with duelist (not sure how well parry would work though), fighter for weapon training & feats (though to be fair, I'm running out of useful ones already) All valid points, exept: Paladin is proficient with the great sword by default, so the noble background isn’t necessary for that. Yeah you can build to have more iterative attacks than just 4 as a sword saint, but that relies on them ALL being high enough to be able to hit without crits. Here are the ability scores: STR 8 (don't really need STR starting from level 3) Currently going lich path with a Magus(Sword Saint lv5)/Monk(Dragon lvl1) as Dhampir. 5 strength to damage modifier and use your spells for buffs only. Not a huge benefit, but Hi,everyone!I don’t want to use premade builds because it kills all fun. A sword saint spends his life focusing his training and meditation into a rapturous perfection of the use of a single weapon, which is usually but not always a sword, channeling his arcane might through it in a dizzying and deadly dance beyond the abilities of even the greatest of mundane warriors. in monk for wisdom mod. Planning run on Core, maybe add some difficulty in act 3. In terms of critical threat range, the best 1H weapon for a DEX/INT Sword Saint is probably Grave Singer battleaxe. Im wondering if i should respec or not and go full fighter lvl20. Sword Saint itself will be better pure as you will gain your spell lvls/feats much faster than if you try and dip for better bonuses. Oct 21, 2021 · Just beat my first playthrough as Pally Angel to Legend, and want to do a full playthrough without missing anything (secret ending included) as an Azata Sword Saint. All i want is a definitive build for pure Str sword saint including weapon. What weapon? Rapier, or burn a feat on something better, like an Estoc or Dueling Sword? 3. I have just started Chapter 3 and I was a Level 9 dual wielding (One hand and light) Neutral Good Spawn Slayer, STR based but also high DEX and using Menacing Style (Intimidating Prowess, Shatter May 27, 2020 · Mork stole all the fun ones. If you want to deal damage as a Dex Sword Saint, use a solid weapon. Apart from higher level spells and more spells per day, they also gain: Bane Blade: Whenever the magus enhances his weapon using his arcane pool, he may spend 1 additional point from his arcane pool to add the Bane special ability to the weapon. 3 levels of rogue gives light armor, weapon finesse, and dex to damage- the equivalent of three feats. The need for a dip depends on the difficulty level you want to play on. Unless you run a tiefling and dump CHA to 5, idk how you can build a 2h sword saint without spreading your stats too thin. You need (after all buffs): Enough AC to be untouchable to all melee attacks from the boss, its summons, and the sub-boss. Build Progression: Aldori Defender 1 > Sword Saint 4 > Aldori Swordlord 1 > Sword Saint 13 > Eldritch Knight 5 For a pure Sword Saint, that will take many levels to achieve without a monk dip. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Wiki Guide: Weapons, Walkthrough, armor, strategies, maps, items and more. I want to build a pure sword saint, high intelligence. Would like to muti-class. With the reach Fauchard and Cleaving Finish, you can literally 1 hit kill everything on half the screen when legendary sized. May 14, 2019 · Pathfinder: Kingmaker Main Character Builds Guide. Pure 20 STR Saint will be an off-tank at best, so if you're set on that Fauchard is a good bet to keep yourself away from the front line. No real need to multiclass vivi imo unless youre really just min-maxing. Jan 19, 2021 · Armored Dandy build definitely seems like a good choice, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't digging the Duelist build as well. The build featured here is a good strength based pure class (scroll down). I plan on playing on Core (last playthrough was normal and Nov 26, 2019 · Hey all, searched around but didn't find what I was looking for. Some variations are certainly possible (In the main build I only take one level of the PrC then go the rest of the way to level 10 as a fighter to get earlier access to Steel Net and improved Weapon Training), and you could go fully to 10 in the Oct 15, 2018 · Hello, I would like to ask how strong is sword saint damage dealing focued build? like compared to knife master or 2h fighter? I understand that early game he cant compete but is there a part like mid or late game when he can outdamage them? Should I multiclass him like dip into vivisectionist or other class or pure is better? Could someone provide me good sword saint build? I would be Sword Saint is an Archetype of the Magus class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. I'm using a dueling sword. If you wanted to play a Magus, Sword Saint is Eldritch Scion with 15 more AC, a bonus feat, and more/earlier effective Fighter levels. I'm going to be playing Pathfinder: Kingmaker for the first time and I'm a complete beginner at this type of game. 2 int helm, 2 dex belt) 22 dex 18 int Feats. Other classes have to wait until 3rd or even 5th level. Canny defense is the important change between sword saint and other magus (it's really a big boost to AC, and the more you stack AC the better); and spell usage is an important point to compare sword saint with other classes that don't have spells but also have ways to improve AC similar to canny defense. Going duelist is more if you want him to tank a bit more with parry/riposte. Jul 24, 2023 · Hello. I use a rapier in one hand and spells in the other Feats so far. Here are my questions; 1. The hardest part is act 1-3. Standard Sword Saint is DEX build using single weapon for spell combat. I'd recommend a falcata with slashing grace, but I guess a dueling sword is passable. , level as Sword Saint 8 / Eldritch Knight 10 on the Trickster path (to unlock Trickster-only feats), then switch to Legend and have a final build like Sword Saint 20 / Eldritch Knight 10 / Duelist 10. [Slashing Grace will work with non-Finesseable 1H melee weapons e. If the character is already proficient in a weapon (or skill) the background bestows, they instead gain a +1 to attack (or to skill checks). I am now playing a sword saint using a falcata with 16str 16dex, 11con, 18int, 11wis, 7cha. And if you want the cleaving line feats then its more even more demanding. I did take a one level dip in scaled fist for crane style and cha to ac, which I would recommend, as you get your final mutagen boost at 19, and the level 20 fighter feature isn't all that great, but a pure 20 fighter can still work great if the dip really irks you. SS can maximize the dmg roll and increase crit multiplier, making it a one hit one kill type build. Sword Saint 1 / Sylvan Trickster 3 / then full Sword Saint (I would get at least 15 SS for Bane Blade). and not go further or in the long run it If kingmaker didn't feature a 25 point buy for your MC and a dearth of stat boosting gear there would be some serious concern about trying to build something like SS 12 / Arch 2 / DD 4 / SF 1 / VV 1 (or whatever abomination your heart desires) but we can easily get a statline of 8/19/12/16/8/12 and then push our charisma mod to +5 with a hat. One way is to go similar to InEffect's "Get Metal" build with a Monk and Rogue (Rowdy) dip first up, then 18 levels of Sword Saint. Oct 10, 2019 · Lvl. True, in the last act you can have so many good items and buffs that the build itself is (almost) irrelevant for AC. Combined with Demonic Charge it was a lot of fun. On lower difficulties, single-class Sword Saint is good enough. I wanted dex based with dueling sword for Aldori dueling sword mastery, and the bonus to ac was redundant. Aasimar (DEX/WIS) is preferred race, though Human and Elf also work well. Converting it to a Defender/Swordlord is certainly doable. My understanding is that Falcatas are a great choice for a strength build if I don't want to take a bunch of dips into monk and vivisectionist, which I'm trying to avoid. I will say that Scaled Fist 1/Vivisectionist 1/Sword Saint 18 is my favorite way to play the class, it's easy to play and it's super strong. Theory: by leveraging Trickster and Legend, we can create a level 20 Sword Saint/Level 20 Alchemist that will play as well as a top tier build from any other mythic path. If you do want a high-AC pure paladin: the Crane feats still seem to be overperforming in WotR like they did in PKM. Also, you don’t necessarily need a weapon with keen or the feat to double weapon critical since you get the ability to make any weapon keen. Unless they've change or fixed something, canny defense (INT to AC) works with light armor, you just aren't proficient with it to start. So I'm running an almost pure Mutation warrior atm. iirc there are certain dex weapons that gain damage from dex by default (because of special weapon abilities). I chose longsword as my weapon initially because the build I was referencing said it had the best weapons. Any alternate would be appreciated . Differences from Magus Hi everyone, Firstly sorry for the long post but please bear with me. Arcane strike, weapon finesse, weapon focus (rapier) fencing grace (rapier) I wanted to go with Sword Saint since the class sounds cooool and it would shine from early game. :) Personally, I find Dex to almost always be a better choice. The most efficient way to play a Sword Saint is to wield your weapon with 2 hands for the 1. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. 92 ac is enough. With this build you have Dex to damage at level 1, with the Swordlord PrC you have to wait until level 6 at the earliest. Im leaning towards a dex based build vs a strength one. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I know that STR based SS builds will deal more damage. in alchemist for mutagen and 1 lvl. Before anything, I'd like to mention that my knowledge of Pathfinder is very limited. I've been playing with MC as a human dex-based magus/sword saint up to level 6 so far (first playthrough) and I'm looking for advice on how to continue my build (or fix it if I misallocated some feats?). I built a Demon Sword Saint similar to what you're thinking. A normal sword saint has limited casting forcing a choice between either buffs or lots touch attacks for a damage boost or a compromise between the 2. I just want a pure ss dex human build. I like going bastard sword on Kingmaker because you get access to both 1H and 2H bastard swords in that game only allowing you to use 2 types of weapons with the sword saint, something thats usually impossible. Feb 24, 2020 · OP: There's a really nice build with STR Sword Saint, it centers on Vital Strike and Greater VS, with enlarge/legendary. in this video we will break down the Magus Class, The Magus Arche A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. 3 vs. Both conceptually and mechanically, I feel the Sword Saint / Duelist does everything better. Although, you still want at least 8 Int in your first spread, if you want to keep the concept of soloing endgame with enough UMD for all scrolls. A "DPS Sword Saint" is AC capped and layered with defenses as a matter of course because the game literally drowns you in powerful magic items. Trickster mythic path give Improved Improved Critical and Improved Improved Improved Critical, so I'm critting on any roll over 14 for quadruple damage on both my weapon and touch spells. Unless you like axes. Non-human Fighters can unlock the necessary feats by 2nd level. But it is a huge loss in damage and class features. Hello. I am not looking to go pure Sword Saint 20. You want 1 level dip into Traditional Monk, the rest is all Sword Saint. Mar 24, 2022 · im kind of hoping to avoid the rogue dip for weapon training. Should I dip Stigma Witch to get spontaneous casting and then go dragon disciple(4) for the extra STR and armor, or should I just continue on pure Sword Saint till the end. Sword saint has a lot of different abilities to turn on off, buffs/spells, arcana, etc - there is just more to do. The goal of this build was to min-maxed for pure damage, AC, and saves, which is why I went with the specific stat spread suggested in the build. No need to worry about low Cha. The upshot is even if you focus on being a dodge tank, you'll become a good melee DPS with excellent nova options along the way as a pure Sword Saint. A human Sword Saint can get Slashing Grace right at level 1. Both are certainly good, sword saint will be more fun I think. But the theorycrafting alone is fascinating. I see a lot of people online arguing about STR v DEX. Spell combat + strike would only be used in the prologue and chapter 1, when many enemies don't have resistances and the additional attack you get matters. Eldritch Scion can get Dragon Disciple and has hypothetically better Synergy with Scaled Fist dips, but Sword Saint also works well with Scaled Fist dips, especially as a DEX build, and is more Currently a Scaled Fist Monk 1 / vivisectionist 1/ sword saint 3 planning on taking magus to the end. Rest of the feats depending on the party. Fang won't stack with Agile Fist, and Weapon Enchant usually doesn't go over +5, although you can add attributes. Personally I find Swordlord underwhelming and FYI you can hit caster level 28 on a Legend build if you take enough caster prestige classes prior to the switch. longsword. Final Build; Magus (Sword Saint) Monk (Scaled Fist) Alchemist (Vivisectionist) Duelist sword +Stat gear, +AC gear, Alkali Gloves Meaning you have %30 chance to crit! This is the synergy of Saint an their bread and butter. Magus is eventually a worse Eldritch Knight, but that's fine. If you really want to avoid other splashes, a 10/10 split works; but monk and/or rogue splashes add a lot. Touch of fatigue is a thing in that game, so going one handed dex gives you one more attack compared to two-handed str, so damage is comparable, and probably even exceeding given synergy with arcane weapon and elemental barrage, and if you choose to use one-handed str build I've read that Sword Saint is better for Dex builds, but then you check the top build guides for Sword Saint and they're also preferred as Str builds. Including Bastard Swords. STR Saint can tank without much DEX by taking Monk 1 / Saint 19 and getting Crane Style early. You are mistaken, Sword Saint is one of the best pure melee classes IMO. This makes 35 feats. Dex sait gives up early feats to get dex to hit and damage. 3) Any hints on how And that 4th strike is reliant on you casting. Falcata has a 19-20/x3 crit which is technically the best crit profile in the game - except spellstrike limits the crit multiplier to x2 for spells. Mechanically, you're a Sor who spontaneously casts arcane spells (like Improved Invisibility to hit wisps and Magic Missile to hit wisps and many other things), you start with an animal companion, and with mods, you can learn extra spells and swap spells known in addition to Sure, you can just ignore one of two your signature abilities, but you would be better if you actually utilised it. So an easy-ish way to add them is to take the Martial Hey there, WotR newbie here. Dragon Disciple gives large boosts to Strength, a Dex Scion going DD is a terrible investment. Estoc is generally best weapon choice. Then you get two stats to AC (Dex and Int). Dec 29, 2018 · With a Sword Saint you tend to want to have them go high dex and use a weapon with the agile property (+dex to damage). May 14, 2019 · If you finish the prologue in 30 days - you will get enchanted dueling sword as a reward. Want to go str 2h ECB sword saint demon mythic path. Supposedly the enhanced edition will add significantly more weapons into the game, including fauchard, so maybe there'll be something that'll work endgame then. I just want to be able to do as much as possible in a single playthough before uninstalling it. Use a bastard sword or falcata. I want to build a single class Inquisitor (preferably pure/Faith Hunter/Sanctified Slayer) using two handed weapons, preferably with Power Attack -> Cleave. Now I'm really tempted to dip only one level in monk for this Even if the Weapon Mastery of SS lv 20 is so good, having the Crane feats early is more useful! 6 days ago · Sword Saint: Chosen Weapon + two feats of choice. 1) Is this combination possible. Best weapon for a Sword Saint IMO is estoc. Choosing sword saint because in Baldur's Gate I loved the kensai/mage combo and this seems like the closest thing. Didn't use spell strike, only self buffs, and went with Two Handed Elven Curved Blade and the Vital Strike line. Late game you also get to use Aivu as a mount, which makes you even better as a highly mobile melee threat. Going for a Dex build and pure SS. BUILD SPECIFIC ENDGAME BOSS ENCOUNTER GUIDE. Greetings everyone! I would like to build a DEX Sword Saint (yeah i already know STR is stronger, but i'm not playing on unfair so don't need to min-max, I want to use Spell Combat, and I just want to roleplay a nimble spellblade not enlarged in a ridiculous way, so please leave STR away from this topic, thanks!), but I'm still stuck on the Weapon Focus selection in the character creation. There are also other good (but slightly worse) weapons that I also enjoy like the bastard sword (1d10 base damage). 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. So do not put any armor imo. It's fantastic for soaking up enemy attacks while my barbarian knife master Wenduag flanks and absolutely pulverises everything that attacks me. Oct 13, 2018 · How to build a Sword Saint in Pathfinder: Kingmaker Jul 22, 2019 · My main is a sword saint. Funnily enough, that build from the GOG forums I mentioned previously is quite similar actually, though whereas yours dips a level or two in other classes like monk, this one just multies with Sword Saint/Duelist. Sword Saint's are not proficient in any armor and Light armor still incurs arcane spell failure. Became a strong tank and could hit like a truck with Vital Strike and Dimension Strike. For the former you need guendarme using the order of the sword (transfixing charge is an awesome capstone). Sword Saint is very versatile. Pure Dex TWF has been working real well. Otherwise buy one in your capital. Considering you go unarmored, you will need someone to cast mage armor Sword Saint Build for Core to Unfair Difficulty. You get to play the class fantasy much earlier, in exchange for worse scaling. I know there are the Protector's Robe for Lawful Good monks, but my character is lawful neutral, with tendecies for neutral good. It’s not a minmaxed build, but oh well, it works. Get Combat Reflexes early, and Outflank at level 7. Dual wielding kukris look goooood but I think it would suffer at the earlier game. That's a long time doing 1d8+0. Would appreciate some help with it. I'm currently playing a pure Sword Saint dex build with a scimitar. Starting Race, Background, Stats: Tiefling (+2 Dex & Int), STR 15, DEX 20, CON 13, INT 16, WIS 7, CHA 5, Aldori Swordsman (RP reasons) or Pickpocket (+Initiative). 6. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This is why I am not sure that pure SS is a good idea. Sylvan Trickster 3 gives you free Weapon Finesse, Dex to damage on ECB and Iceplant Hex for early 4 extra AC starting act 1. For Kingmaker all the weapons I listed except Falchion's have good variety of options. Kingmaker: Class Build Help I'm currently level 4, and my stats are 17/16/12/16/14/7 Took a dip into trad monk. I'm having a lot of trouble deciding. How helpful will depend on your alignment and your stat build, but it should be a nice AC bump mid-game on from all the great magic items you get. E. Oct 2, 2018 · another class to consider is monk (PS: sword saint with unarmed strike weapon focus + monk subclass is a monster) for crane style, crane wing, then crane riposte which is good for sword saint (you need to have 1 hand free anyway to cast) you can also sacrifice 1 feat slot for improved unarmed strike if you don't want to get monk Standard Sword Saint is DEX build using single weapon for spell combat. My starting stats are Str 7, DEX 16, CON 16, INT 7, WIS 7, and CHA 20. One of my favorite advanced D&D classes was a Blade Dancer, and I was hoping to recreate the feel for it in this game. Stats are 7/17/14/16/14/7 before racial bonuses. So everything he said, just with a great sword. For the later you need a sword and board build with the shield master feat (in this case, you just get infinite attacks per round as a trickster). I find sword saint works WAY better in Wrath since knowledge skills are incredibly important and persusion is pretty much meaningless, the reverse of kingmaker, plus sword saint is just mechanically much much stronger and their insane initiative increases means ending most combat encounters within a single round before the enemy has a chance to do anything. In either case Str What are the best items and their locations perfect for my Dex Sword Saint? Right now I'm in Armag's Tomb with a pure magus level 13. I've been going through my first playthrough of Pathfinder: KINGMAKER and I'm definitely enjoying it. Take Dodge and at lvl 4 one level of Scaled Fist - Crane Style. Duelist is sometimes added to Sword Saints to increase their tankiness (double Int added to AC). The drawback, as others said, is pure Sword Saint is already a really good build; SS / Duelist trades DPS for more AC plus Parry / Riposte which usually isn't worth it. To reach it I want to pick at least 1 lvl. Scaled Fist 16 gets most of what a pure monk does: 2nd Flurry of Blows, 2d8 base unarmed damage, most Ki strikes, Fast Movement +50. 20 levels in sword saint. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. I know no spoilers and have no idea what the companions are, so I would like to prepare by having a MC that fits in nicely to the premade options. I would like some suggestions please for a dex-based damage dealing Sword Saint build. . But I am open to change the class. Sep 10, 2021 · Here is my Starter Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Magus Build Guide for the Sword Saint. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I can't find a pure ss dex build for a human with a dueling sword. Is it a good idea to pick just 1 lvl. 19 is only for act 8. That said, there's nothing mechanically broken with it AFAIK, unless you count Canny Defense double-stacking from SS and Duelist which is technically a RAW violation. Eldritch Scion is great for its Bloodline. I’ve found scimitars and Estocs to be excellent options since you should be a dex build, and they seem made for ss. If you don't like fauchards, spec for whatever weapon you prefer, but as presented it's not intended as an AC build. Worth the feat line to get slashing/fencing grace? 4. 8. Oct 8, 2018 · As far as I know, all one-handed weapons become finessable once you get the respective Slashing/Fencing Grace. Nov 9, 2019 · Atm a sword saint 18/ monk 2 or archeologist 16/17 rogue 3/4 are my best bets Go with STR + Enlarge/Legendary Proportions. Ok so I'm human lvl3 and my stats are 10/18/14/16/12/8. Unless you are going for unfair you don't need any dip and you can go 20 levels of Sword Saint. And I am not so sure that (all) mythic paths are stronger than legendary for a pure martial class. Magus (Sword saint) 20/Alchemist (Vivisectionist) 20: Both melee focused, great additional stat buffing, no wasted bombs. I am only playing on daring though, and am set on using an estoc, so I do not mind the damage loss. And when you do burn resources, you're superb at taking down bosses and tough enemies. For that either go Rogue 4/Sword Saint 13/(Mutation Warrior or Vivisectionist) 3, Rogue 4/Sword Saint 15/x 1, Rogue 4/Sword Saint 16 or Aldori Swordlord 1/Sword Saint 13+/x 6-. Keep Defensive Fighting on always. Can someone tell me what to pick per level? No need to argue for STR or dips or whatever. The build below the top one is a pure fighter build I played around with to see how it played out. Crane Wing at level 7. Slayer doesn't have obvious drawbacks, but Fighter is a better choice to dip with Sword Saint, since levels from sword saint levels contribute to fighter levels. Here's a pure Aldori Defender build. On higher difficulties, I'd say Monk dip (and optionally also Vivi for another effective +4 AC in total from DEX Mutagen) is highly advisable if you plan to tank or you'll have a very frustrating early game (but, by late game, it won't matter because even a pure Sword Saint can Either way, Sword Saint is not the way to go. 6 days ago · A good build should be satisfying to play from level 1 to 20. Ideally I'd love to eventually The counterargument of "but then the Sword Saint gets too squishy", is usually adressed by a monk dip, which lets you scale AC fast enough to make up for the difference in early AC compared to dex build. A lot of the guides I'm finding are from years ago, and my understanding is that certain things have changed since then. Hallo everynyan! Deciding my build for the last DLC run and got some trouble in the planing phase. Mastery is good for a particular trip based build, but it's not a pure sword saint character. I spent a lot of time playing Beneath the Stolen Lands back in Kingmaker although most of that was on non-Martial classes. +1 damage is only worth it because sword saint gets the exotic weapon proficiency for free. I'm wanting to do the rest of my levels as a Sword Saint, unless there's some must-have ac bonus dip you have in mind. Mathematically the average damage is 7. Since I'm not playing the Beta, my knowledge is still limited and mostly comes from the kingmaker perspective. Yikes. Oct 1, 2018 · Salutations, Im kinda new to pathfinder, but I thought it sounded pretty cool to go with a Sword Saint/Duelist build for my main character. They have multiple excellent weapons for each. which weapon would you guys suggest? if the rogue dip is really the best option, which dex weapon would you guys suggest if i were to dip? With Sword Saint, your AC comes from Dex and Int, and it naturally benefits from using a finesse weapon to use your dex for attack. Sep 26, 2018 · Just to provide other options, rogue is a pretty good class to grab a few levels with for a sword saint. That said, with at least 6 levels into Slayer you could get Shatter Defenses without having to take Dazzling Display and at 10 levels you get an Advanced Rogue Talents like Opportunist Hi fellow Pathfinder, currently I'm doing theorycrafting of INT melee Build that I think is viable through Legend Mythic Path. Something like 19 strength, 14-16 Dex, 12-14 Con, and 14-16 Int. And so I got some questions. Jun 30, 2019 · Angelkin Aasimar is the best bet to get the most AC the fastest on a str saint. Estoc does a d8 instead of a d6 - the avg. ] 18-20/x3 base becomes 15-20/x4 with Improved Critical + Mythic IC. My main sword is a bastard sword called unstoppable khanda but i also have a dueling sword called bloodhound. Sword Saint has enough front-loaded power to make it an acceptable choice. There are a few ways you could go with this. Strength saint either gets more damage with those feats or gets crane style earlier. With the weapon selection in the game, I would go with the Dueling Sword, you'll be swimming in them and quite a few of them have the agile property. Monk and Rogue (or Vivi) dip is a running theme here pretty much. So I tested a bit and now I am sure that melee classes need AC around 55/60 to survive random aggro switches and archers/wild hunt focus fire. That info is out there. I'll be playing Normal or even Easy and I'd like to choose Magus Sword Saint as my class, but I have no idea what to choose between stats, abilities, feats, weapons, etc. This Kingmaker build should still work fine in WotR. In the end you get +4 to all stats and +5 to one stat from level ups plus e. Having a solid Dex score is still pretty much a requirement even in a Str build, so may as well recalibrate a bit and focus on getting the most bang for your buck with a higher Dex a Ok yeah fare point. Should I grab a prestige class? If so, should I go duelist or eldritch knight? Ultimately, I How to wreck shit with Sword Saint. I was personally interested in a sword saint fauchard reach build, because I wanted a reach build for the parties I'll make for the roguelike dungeon, but not 20x two hand weapon fighter. I liked Angel for the story and lore reason ;) I want to ask: is there any synergy between Angel and Sword Saint that I can squeeze? Yes, but as you mentionned canny defense in your initial post i didn't put it in my reply. Sure, a Dex Build will be able to hyperfocus on Dex/Int. Yeah, your damage might not peak quite as high, but your Dex score tends to factor into a lot of other stats, defensive and offensive. What subclass? 2. Sure works for sabers on my dex Sword Saint. You are feat starved especially now what Focused Strike is added and is a must have feat. +1 crit multiplier from Perfect Strike and another +1 crit multiplier from Weapon r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. My build is a 18 fighter 1 vivi and 1 ranger. This build has a high critical chance and is compatible with the attack-of-opportunity strategy. All I know is that my MC will be an female aasimar angelkin of alignment Neutral Good, and that I'll be using the game's companions. I'm cruising through on normal but I'm using a ss/duelist build and idk if I want to multi to duelist. Your starting stats are for a CC full spellcaster. g. The key to the Rovagug fight is as follows: . Getting 80+ temp hp on the average vampiric touch roll. I'll probably dip a monk level in 15 to enhance his AC. Well on top of being a fairly decent pyjama tank and having some Arcane buffs to be self sufficient Having good Crit range is important since it drastically increases the chance of critting, while you may get good crit damage the likelihood of critting is slightly more important and I’m fairly certain that the Blade Kineticist doesn’t get good crit range unlike a Sword saint which can use I'm doing a sword saint build right now, which is mainly intended to be nearly unhittable without excessive min-maxing. Starting Stats Sword Saint-1 10 Strength 18 Dexterity 10 Constitution 16 Intelligence Sword Saint pure is hard for Trickster, especially twohanded. Then keep going SS till the end. ucrhpbb jnevikc gfdxvhwl jxgzt rgisx ioigzt twnild fvmq wjimm jamxb mmpo ixrgbih bokz ugpxh tvbmxhn