Ngif compare string value in angular 6. For example, in my current project, <code><ion-item *ngIf = "</code> compiles fine, but <code Jun 23, 2015 · I'm trying to compare two strings in AngularJS, and I've seen examples online. *ngIf is used to conditionally render HTML elements, while *ngFor is used to iterate over a collection of data. Jul 2, 2018 · If you support modern browsers, then you can use Array includes() method here like: *ngIf="myArrayList. photo is not an empty string (so this condition comes true) since it is undefined. In Javascript is pretty simp May 20, 2017 · Now that I think about it seems logical that I somehow need to convert the value in the attribute to a string. from where user. You seem to be passing the head variable as a string. Now for people who are trying to check if the value of input is empty or not in Angular 6, can go by this approach. taskstatus=='OPEN'" Also for compairson == instead of = (assignment) is required. angular-university. Ngif Condition to Search Array of Object. I came here to find why I can't compare the two enum values from the same enum, but couldn't really get any answer anywhere. Jul 22, 2020 · Are null, undefined and ""<empty string> value treated similarly by *Ngif? For example, is this: *ngIf = "foo == null" Treated the same as: *ngIf = "foo == undefined" If not, is there a simpler way to use *ngIf to not show properties with the value null, undefined, and ""? Feb 6, 2024 · What is Angular ngIf? Even though HTML is also a programming language in its own right, it does not have an if statement, unlike for example Javascript. But the big difference between JS prototype changes and Swift extensions is that prototype changes are global. Here is the code: let responseString=this. If case 3 of getLatestSystemMessage is selected and isUserOwner is false, then "Accepted" is printed on the a Nov 2, 2020 · Before going to all different ways of using ngIf (Conditional Rendering) in angular, i request you to understand the basic usage of ngIf from this link. And if it contains doctor, I need to do some logic. Dec 11, 2019 · If you plan to use this enum in many components, I suggest you use a Pipe: import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core'; import { SomeEnum } from 'path/to/some-enum. SAM3Link" The problem with this is that if a value in my database is not null but does not have a value it does not recognize the difference. Aug 23, 2013 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 1, 2 or 3). html:21 ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined. read can have multiple rows. How can i implement this please guide me. Currently it has a name and id. <div *ngIf="product. TS file . EmpKey. Furthermore, what if these values were to change in the future? May 29, 2016 · @deadManN These digest issues are completely gone. If your option values happen to be objects (and you'd like to save the selection in your form as an object), use ngValue instead. The above was a desperate test. So, the value of test in child component is: undefined in constructor because @Input() variables are not assigned at this state; null after that (e. Angular wildcard string comparison in html. In this article, we will learn the use of *ngIf and *ngFor directives in Angular. log(responseStrin Oct 5, 2019 · So I have a variable sight. Dec 6, 2017 · Your syntax for ngIf is incorrect. In your case you need to write *ngIf="item === 'somevalue'". Learn how to handle boolean values on checkbox checked state in Angular 5 using HTML. yesSelected: boolean = true; Aug 21, 2018 · expectedRole is a single string value, while roles attached to the user are represented by the array of some objects, where the role name is stored in value property, so you cannot use === operator, you should use a method like indexOf(), some() or includes() to verify user has expectedRole assigned. It may happen when the tag has already been closed by another tag. Apr 11, 2017 · I want to compare them using the date pipe because times on the full date string are different I only want to compare the dates. So it Jul 20, 2018 · the interior of *ngIf (value between "") must end up in being evaluable to truthy/false value. Sample values for idea Aug 3, 2018 · I am implementing a survey into my web application and I would like to take advantage of Angular's Forms via FormsModule. required. However, it appears that the ngIf is triggering because it is looking at a truthy string, rather than evaluating the string. e. constructor() { } currentDate = new Date(); ngOnInit(): void { } May 25, 2016 · I have an array and I use ng-repeat to display the items in the array. In particular, I have a <select> tag that prompts the user to select Feb 28, 2020 · I declare an enum type in my TS file, and I need to use as a condition on my HTML, but the "value"'s of enum was undefined despite of declare and inheritance from the export of that enum. Use ng-container for one of them. In this case, each of my strings simulates one date, let's say "2019-12-26" and "2018-12-26". Learn how to access an enum value in an Angular 5 view. Aug 28, 2019 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Apr 21, 2020 · Let say, if you want to hide if there is no value, you should use *ngIf="benefit?. while compare this two dates as below I got false. first onChanges hook or onInit hook`) when no value is emitted by the Observable; value when the Observable emit new value Sep 5, 2022 · URL: "null" is a string and not a null value. indexOf('Maple') > -1"></app-address-mailing> AddressMailingComponent. Now we will learn how to write *ngIf else in Angular. Jun 13, 2014 · Learn how to use the ng-if directive in AngularJS for conditional rendering based on inequality. A structural directive that conditionally includes a template based on the value of an expression coerced to Boolean. Here i need to compare post_id, user_id and like_status='like' if they are equal then condition true show success button else false default button. Change detection is implemented completely different to AngularJS. Furthermore, what if these values were to change in the future? Oct 6, 2021 · < div * ngIf = "user=='A'" > User is Admin </ div > < div * ngIf = "user=='O'" > User is Owner </ div > This code looks straight forward and innocent enough. – steampowered Jan 6, 2020 · I then have elements I would like to display based on the value of "rightFieldTypeId. If it consist of image data, it will display of Dec 9, 2014 · And if you think logically it actually makes sense, item. ng if with angular for string contains Feb 19, 2015 · Trying to use a directive with an ng-show statement in it. You can also use ngIf for comparing variables, if comparison returns true element is displayed otherwise it is not displayed. Aug 5, 2020 · In my angular app i have two arrays arr1, arr2, where i am using arr1 to render button in my view using ngFor. I have used something like: ng-if="!shortcut. However, I want to compare if the array contains the word "doctor". So along with null value, you also need to compare "null" string as well if you want to filter it out. However, if I compare the variable or the property to a string, it works as expected. " The string interpolation of rightFieldTypeId {{ rightFieldTypeId }} displays the correct value as I select different options (i. To Implement a logic to filter and get the unique dates on user selection change or elsewhere your component change it's user state. Difference between ngIf and hidden in Angular. <app-address-mailing *ngIf="message. So, on the component. Is there a way just to check if the value for uid is found in messages. What should I do? Apr 17, 2020 · I have found that, in Ionic, some trivial things ake a difference. Angular ngif string endsWith multiple options. In the component there is a string variable and the element is displayed in the template based on whether the string variable has the certain value or not. However, it isn't working, the *ngIf is not updating based on the change to the Observable. How do I convert this to ngSwitch? Current ngIf statement <app-store *ngIf=" Dec 28, 2017 · This is good example, but it doesn't work as I want, my problem is that I press submit button changeFlag(flag) in car. 1. If I use <span *ngIf="!testvar">, it also covers the case when variable testvar = A structural directive that conditionally includes a template based on the value of an expression coerced to Boolean. Go through the below article to understand it further. async pipe will return null when no value is emitted by Observable yet. ppc" to avoid null or undefined issues as well. export enum PlanType { Marketing = 1, Installation = 2, MarketingAndInstallation = 3, Collect = 4, SwitchingDevice = 5, Periodic = 6, Case = 7 } . i have these dynamic tabs, the v Oct 29, 2020 · My code is working fine but my desired background style is not being applied. includes(object. In this post, I will show you what ngIf is in Angular and how you can use it effectively. Try Teams for free Explore Teams Sep 5, 2018 · If you want to assign a string value to a property using the property binding syntax but don't want to define a property on your Component Class, you can do this as well: <html-element-name-or-component-selector [propertyName]="'propertyValue'"> </html-element-name-or-component-selector> *ngIf should be used like property binding syntax. URL !== 'null'; else noData" To play with the variables in view component in Angular, use {{ }} statements. The form's values are string. But how can I get there the right value? ← I do not know because there is insufficient information in your question to answer that. For eg: I have array of keys and would like to fetch the value (string) of all key one by one and display it html component which has menu bar. I'm trying to use an *ngIf to show/hide div tags based on the result. 2. appointments_patient_updated_at and now. Jan 7, 2022 · How can I compare "2022-01-07 15:43:00" string variable with current datetime in *ngIf of angular html? Please help and guide. Aug 5, 2018 · My motive is to use ng-if to only print odd values in the component. getOwnPropertyNames(previous_info). URL && data. In personal. Oct 18, 2014 · @DaltonShehan you can compare strings with inequalities, and you should get the same result as a comparison of a date with an inequality if the string is formatted the same for both dates. You cannot have both *ngFor and *ngIf on the same element. May 15, 2019 · I am working on two arrays with ngIf else condition , I got two array values from two tables posts[post_id, user_id, description], likes[post_id, user_id, like_status, like_id]. You can just use: readLocalStorageValue(key) { return localStorage. I I want to get string value from Observable and return the value from the function to the caller function. In that case, change your code like this. I have the follow code: export enum RoleType { User='User', Admin='Admin' } component function. The issue might be in your number() implementation, usages of > & < are perfectly fine. If you want to check length, you can use this *ngIf="benefit?. myFlag = flag everything is fine in my console, but still false in my html page. io Example. pin_lang_id that is loaded on the page. When the expression evaluates to true, Angular renders the template provided in a then clause, and when false or null, Angular renders the template provided in an optional else clause. expression is evaluated to a boolean value, if true, then block is added, else block is added to DOM Please note that the template variable is declared and referenced in ng-template to load dynamically. Jul 20, 2018 · Please ensure that the argument sent inside dateNumber is of type date or string that could be converted to date. However, the developer has to spend time to recall what the values 'O' and 'A' stand for. url; console. You are making assignment instead of comparison. public hasAccess(role: RoleType) { //check role type and return true or false } Jul 19, 2018 · checking string value in ng-if statement. When comparing strings for equality, it’s straightforward to misplace or forget to use double equal or triple equal and instead use the assignment operator (single equal). Example: Jun 7, 2022 · From the above answeres, following did not work or less preferable: (previous_info | json) != '{}' works only for {} empty case, not for null or undefined case Object. It should be a Date Object which you can achieve as new Date(patientPrescriptions. It needs to be *ngIf. 10. This is angular's element which will not be rendered in the html and is only for angular directives. component for example and inside the bus. controls May 5, 2017 · Learn how to use *ngIf with multiple conditions in Angular 4 on Stack Overflow. In Angular, how to skip further ngIf check if a variable A structural directive that conditionally includes a template based on the value of an expression coerced to Boolean. My ar Nov 10, 2019 · ngif. Pipes will only fire when the mystring variable changes, so it saves processing power. Example Address 1 on the database: Line1: abc123; Line2: xyz; City: London ; County Jun 3, 2016 · * already indicates to Angular that it needs to process the value as expression. Apr 6, 2021 · I'm trying to not display forms in a list if they are empty. So why angular will remove the element rather than hiding it. As I understand it, you can use angular. Aug 12, 2020 · The *ngIf condition always returns false. ppc?. 0. I also have a service that gets lang. You can achieve what you want with interpolation and ternary operator, you don't need to use *ngIf directive: Jun 5, 2017 · Thanks again! EDIT for Clarification - The user will select an employee from a dropdown list which will give me the index of the employee that was chosen. g. Nov 21, 2019 · What i'm after is a better way to write the ngIf, for instance the messages. Dec 1, 2017 · In Angular 4, I want to check for the current url and if it is equal to "/login" I need to submit a specific form. component I write this. Nov 25, 2016 · If your option values are simple strings, you can bind to the normal value property on the option. getItem(key); } Second, don't use functions in templates if you don't have to, because Angular change detection will cause them to execute multiple times. Jul 28, 2014 · AngularJs compare strings inside ng-if doesn't work. Please provide your function implementation and wider context i. You should use === in Javascript instead. Feb 25, 2019 · I am doing a task where i need to display the length of the string entered into the textfield using Events. checking string value in ng-if statement. I want to show County value on the UI, If County not equal to City, I am using Angular 7. Case 1: Compare two variables, let say… Jan 24, 2018 · I'm comparing a number of fields in an Angular 2 template and it works for same case properties but returns false for the same string on different cases. . However, I each of the data, some data consist of text data and some consist of image data. length > 3" Jun 15, 2017 · I am using ng-repeat to display all the JSON data in list. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Nov 4, 2018 · Learn how to handle conditional statements in Angular HTML with less than or greater than symbols. ts i have:. 7. This is one more to achieve a similar kind of if else conditional block operations in HTML templates. You are using angularjs syntax with angular, it should be *ngIf split string into minimum Dec 15, 2017 · I am trying to show different message on the basis of the string which I have using ngIf in angular but it is not working correctly {{time}} <div *ngIf="time !='the time which you selected'"> Apr 16, 2022 · About I am trying to compare the value of password and confirm password and if found mismatch then message to be shown. Use instead: *ngIf="task. After reading this SO post I thought I understood what was happening. Jul 25, 2018 · First of all, your readLocalStorageValue(key) is overly complicated. First (and my favorite) Create a pipe. While you might think, This is basic stuff, I already know how to use ngIf, there are actually quite a few advanced features and techniques that you should also be familiar with. router. Mar 15, 2018 · For Complex Use Case; mind you, the generated markup will not even have an HTML tag, that's the beauty of ng-templates & ng-containers! @alsami's accepted, edited answer works because *ngFor with asterisk is a shorthand for ng-template with ngFor (no asterisk), not to mention the double async pipe 🙏. I tried to use *ngIf but, it didn't work and I can still see empty places in the list. component for example, and I send the flag (which is true) with it to the other function in the bus. from there, I want to filter out the results that don't contain that EmpKey by using the value from empInfo[selectedEmployee]. Resource below was not working, plus its older, new syntax is ngIf not ng-if. input 1 : 2018-12-29T00:00:00 input 2 : Mon Dec 31 2018 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) Here I received the input 1 from mssql database and the input 2 from the material datepicker . status_p1==worki Nov 7, 2019 · I am writing lot of ngIf statements, rendering an html form, when a product description search contains a keyword. Dec 31, 2023 · #Angular if then else template. See full list on blog. But it does look a bit weird, especially the first syntax – gyozo kudor Jan 28, 2019 · How do I pass enum to a function when I use *ngIf in Angular?. read? I had a play with the angular filter contains, but had no success. You are doing an assignment using single = operator. However, my elements based on the *ngIf directives never seem to evaluate/change. Jun 3, 2020 · My template shows that the string being generated (i[0]) for the innerDataDisplay is this: (fg | async). If your app uses 4 modules and you change the string prototype in moduleA, that change is going to affect the other 3 modules, even if they have nothing to do with moduleA. Jan 23, 2017 · Not sure why everyone is comparing scheduleType !== '' Now I see why, please include the div html in your question for clarity. I'm not able to create a plunker because that would ask me to create allot of files like services and models (I don't know how to setup the plunker without them) but I appreciate the quick response. Something must be wrong in what I've done, but I don't know what it is. {{}} in expressions is invalid. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Nov 19, 2018 · I have a form on Angular that allows to display an input according to the value selected in a drop-down list. Sep 18, 2019 · I am trying to check a Boolean values truthiness in Angular HTML, and getting an odd result. Writing *ngIf else in Angular. if there is a match, i want to apply different styling. I expected to be able to use the === operator, but as my last example below shows, that does not return the correct result. Oct 26, 2021 · I was following this example : Angular2. app. Here is an example of my code: (If two is selected an input appears) https://stackbl Mar 28, 2018 · I have a usecase where the second field should be visible only when the first field should have the values 'abc' or 'xyz'(Condition is written in the JSON property Mar 15, 2018 · For Complex Use Case; mind you, the generated markup will not even have an HTML tag, that's the beauty of ng-templates & ng-containers! @alsami's accepted, edited answer works because *ngFor with asterisk is a shorthand for ng-template with ngFor (no asterisk), not to mention the double async pipe 🙏. If you want to check for the element Nov 15, 2019 · Whenever yes checkbox is selected, you have to display the title textbox. The Angular ngIf directive works essentially as an if statement for HTML, adding this missing feature to the language under the form of the special ngIf attribute. Aug 3, 2015 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Dec 24, 2014 · AngularJS - ng-if check string empty value. number comes from Oct 1, 2019 · I am new to Angular, trying to compare 2 property values of a Json in ngIf, I have Address object with following properties Line1, Line2, City, County, Zip code, Country. addressDescription. I will rather to push all the unique dates somehwere else. Aug 25, 2018 · @Renetik I understand. Do I have to trigger change detection? Nov 30, 2017 · What are the format of values of patientPrescriptions. Yet it doesn't work like expected. Use double equal to == operator to check equality or better use === to check strict equality. component. Work Done by me till now In HTML Jan 7, 2015 · I need a way to check if a value is null. When selectedHero is null the div element should not be displayed, that works fine, but when I select a hero using click event and selectedHero i Aug 17, 2020 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Nov 27, 2018 · I'm using a few REST services to gather data and then change the value of an Observable in my component code. io Jun 14, 2023 · Comparison (===) using ngIf. Feb 8, 2017 · I want to show element if in input certain value is chosen *ngif="currentSort=='category-1'"//in my div it doesnt work currentSort: string = "most-0"; currentCategory: string = "family-0"; opt Aug 26, 2016 · It's just that the type of the value store in the enum is not the same than the value used in the check Angular 5- *ngIf with Comparison to Variable- Syntax. You may use the below code if in case the date argument is not a valid date. span *ngIf="resetPasswordForm. number) }} < Nov 10, 2019 · Compare Strings for equality using *ngIf. You never stated how this value should be filled, from where, or showed any additional component related code. Is there a way to make it case insensitive Jul 20, 2017 · I can see you are creating the same enum: TipoSiNo at two different places and hence both are two different types so the comparison is not going to work. Oct 6, 2021 · < div * ngIf = "user=='A'" > User is Admin </ div > < div * ngIf = "user=='O'" > User is Owner </ div > This code looks straight forward and innocent enough. controls['FirstName']. errors. There are some edge cases like where a value is changed and then changed back to the original value (like true -> false -> true) where Angular does not recognize a change when change detection is not invoked manually after false. If you want to use ngModel binding, have a look at Binding select element to object in Angular 2 Jan 28, 2021 · I am working on an Angular project and I have the following doubt about how correctly handle this situation where into a string interpolation defined into my template I can have undefined values. I want to change the style of button by comparing the items of arr1 and arr2. Lets say this is the input field - Apr 12, 2021 · i'm working with Angular 11, and i need to display and input type number based on a condition, the thing is i don't know how to properly pass the string to compare. One more additional condition is if the string length is greater than 4 then only it will display the length which should be achieved by using ngIf. I need a way to specifically check for null rather than not having a value. ts, add this variable. Something like below: *ngIf="data?. type === 'electronics'"> // Show electronics products related data </div> Sep 8, 2017 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. length also did not work, as Object is not accessible in the template May 9, 2014 · tried this in angular 2 using *ngIf but its not working AngularJS - ng-if check string empty value. (Sometimes it is 1, sometimes 2). Mar 28, 2024 · Two important directives in Angular are *ngIf and *ngFor. Any suggestions on how to properly do this are much appreciated. Apr 19, 2016 · Yes, it should be enough. the 0 value for an enum). enum'; @Pipe({ name: 'compareToSomeEnum', }) export class CompareToSomeEnumPipe implements PipeTransform { transform( value: SomeEnum, compareTo: keyof SomeEnum, ): boolean { return value === SomeEnum[compareTo]; } } Jul 5, 2019 · The issue I had that brought me to this question was how do I use the async pipe to subscribe to an observable, and have the *ngIf evaluate as truthy even when the value evaluates as falsy (eg. I tried using ngIf like this but of course this doesn't work. <div> <div *ngIf="number(user. As explained above, we need to declare an else block. number)>59"> {{ number(user. I am using Angular 2 and would like to check if a variable value is undefined using the htm *ngIf condition. Can someone explain what is going on? If that is not allowed with Angular, how can I achieve similar functionality? Thank you. Apr 17, 2017 · The first object's intro is empty string and when it has empty string I want to display 'The user hasn't written it yet'. appointments_patient_updated_at) and similarly for now new Date(now) and then compare these two values – Nov 1, 2018 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 28, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. equals(str1, str2), you can use ===, you can use == if you're sure that both are strings I've tried all three, but I don't get the result. F Sep 3, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Feb 21, 2014 · Learn how to use Angular's ng-if directive with multiple arguments on Stack Overflow. Step 1: Create a new Angular application using the Angular CLI with the following command: Jul 20, 2018 · I want to compare number in an ngIf and depending on the result i'll display something. To the question of comparing 0, you can do it by putting strictly comparison, including !== '', === 0, etc Dec 1, 2017 · You can't use multiple template bindings on one element, in this case *ngIf and *ngFor. To compare string for equality we can use double equal(==) or triple equal(===) operator inside *ngIf expression. id)" The includes() method determines whether an array includes a certain value among its entries, returning true or false as appropriate. How can I solve thi Jul 12, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Oct 21, 2019 · I have to select drop in every click change the content how to use *ngIf in Multiple conditions in html and angular " Already i have to tried but not working //Html <div> {{service} Sep 16, 2020 · There are effectively four things you can do to achieve the functionality you want. ts Jan 30, 2023 · Within the *ngIf statement, we can apply the double equal(==) or triple equal(===) operators to compare strings for equality. angular Jul 24, 2019 · I want to check if Comment is not null to show the div Uncaught Error: Template parse errors: Unexpected closing tag "div". Mar 22, 2021 · I would like to display some items only if their dates are newer than another date. Basically it checks against the value of a string which is the status_p1 property in my 'names' jsonarray: ng-show="name. ts I'm in my first weeks of moving to Angular 7, I've been doing basic forms in my project using template based basic validations, but I need to validate the form now I am new to angular 6 ,Here I need to compare to date inputs and find the greatest one. Angular comparing value to 'null' inside template. Many thanks May 25, 2015 · Angular see if String is Within Another String, using Substring and ngIf 0 What is the efficient way to check if a string is present in a list of strings in the ngIf angular directive Dec 6, 2018 · I am using angular 7 and I would like to know how to compare two strings. kptl thbzyc rxehx filf ikevlle gveu hjch elsg trw okm mheqx dth uqjvi gddffp dqqjog