Neues europa secret fatima. Book: The Fourth Secret of Fatima by Antonio Socci.

Neues europa secret fatima 1963. Oct 19, 2009 · În 1917 la Fatima, în Portugalia s-a produs cel mai mare fenomen supranatural care s-a declanşat în ultimele sute de ani pe această planetă. Book: The Secret Still Hidden by Christopher Ferrara. For the sake of our listeners, I would like to refer back to something mentioned earlier in the broadcast, the Neues Europa version of the Third Secret of Fatima. On the plus side the same message often appears to be told to different seers so this doesn't seem an issue. Why would a Vatican prelate give such great credence to the Neues Europa Third Secret, unless he knew that at least part of this Neues Europa Third Secret was genuine? And so, years later, fourteen years after its release, in June of 2000, we remain left with the final question (our question of the week): Did the editors at Neues Europa see the message to Teresa Musco; and did Sister Agnes of Akita read the Neues Europa message, or the messages to Musco -- or did they all somehow obtain the same thing Oct 9, 2016 · On October 15, 1963, approximately three years after the date indicated by Lucia dos Santos for the Vatican’s divulgation of the “Third Secret” of Fatima, the German newspaper of Stuttgart, “Neues Europa,” printed the text of “The Secret of Fatima,” written by the journalist Louis Emrich, presented under the title: “The Future In what became one of the most widespread of reports, the German newspaper Neues Europa claimed that the third secret spoke of important treaties to be concluded in the years 1963-65 between the Anglo-Saxon nations and the Soviet Union. Yet Pope Benedict would correct that in 2010 on his visit to Fatima. Back in 1963 a German weekly, Neues Europa, published what it said was the third secret of Fatima, which was denounced in many circles as a work of fiction. It's a mystery that editors may have taken to the grave. In 1963, the German newspaper Neues Europa published what it purported to be "an extract" of the Third Secret of Fatima. Also doch eher "Altes Europa"? Ja und nein. 657-659). Jun 25, 2013 · According to Adessa, the now-deceased Fr. Here is a translation of […] “Third Secret” of Fatima? Do you remember that these sentences have already been published in the ap-pendix of the English edition of the book “Paul VI beatified?”» He replied, «Yes, I remember. In that version, called the Neues Europa secret (after a German magazine that printed it), there were apocalyptic descriptions of a great punishment coming in the second half of the twentieth century that would involve a "big, big war" and of "fire and smoke" that would "fall from the sky and the waters of the oceans turned to steam -- hurling Mar 10, 2014 · Amazon. It was reported that the Pope supposedly permitted the leaders of Russia and the United States to see the document around the time History of the Secret Third Secret Timeline Controversy and the Third Secret Sister Lucy Silenced The Secret of Fatima Revealed by Frère Michel Pre-June 2000 Cover-Up Vatican's Statement on the Third Secret "Fatima Center Lauds Plan to Release Third Secret" "Successive Delays Raise Concerns" "Apparitions at Fatima Cannot be Dismissed" "Third Secret 'Commentary' Raises 6. Daarna werd deze tekst overgenomen in de krant Mensage de Fàtima te Fuando; Agora te Lissabon; El Pueblo te Madrid; La Voz de España te San Sebastian; Het Volk; enz… Given to read the Secret, but bound by secrecy, he found a way to reveal it without revealing it. : "It is not the text given to me to read in 1960. Archbishop Loris Capovilla, the private secretary to Pope John XXIII, and first hand witness to the first opening of the secret in 1959, has ignited this debate once again in a recent interview with Apr 23, 2014 · Din pacate, institutia papala a facut ca cel de-al treilea secret sa ramana ascuns cu orice pret. ) În noaptea de 25 ianuarie 1938, cerul a devenit roșu-sângeriu ca urmare a apariției aurorelor boreale în Europa, America de Nord și chiar în anumite părți din Africa de Nord. Ele serviu como secretário do Santo Ofício na Cúria Romana de 1959 a 1966 quando esse dicastério foi reorganizado como a Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé, da qual foi pró-prefeito até 1968. Fecioara i-a facut cunoscute Luciei si alte evenimente ce aveau sa se petreaca, dar interzicandu-i sa le dezvaluie inainte de 1960. pdf), Text File (. Lucy wrote down the Third Secret of Fatima on January 3, 1944. Din păcate, instituţia papală a făcut ca cel de-al treilea secret să rămână secret cu orice preţ. The Madonna, speaking on July 13, 1917, three years into World War I and more than a year from the war's end, told the children: "If what I will tell you is carried out, many souls will be saved and “Third Secret” of Fatima? Do you remember that these sentences have already been published in the ap-pendix of the English edition of the book “Paul VI beatified?”» He replied, «Yes, I remember. One can imagine, then, the sensation caused in October of 1963, when a German periodical, Neues Europa, published what it claimed was an “extract” of the Third Secret. » And I asked: «Do you confirm to me that in the text: “The Third Secret of Fatima” published by “Neues Europa” in 1963, the Sep 26, 2013 · Le Père, alors, me tendit le texte: “Le Secret de Fatima” qui avait été publié en 1963 par la revue allemande “Neues Europa” de Stuttgart, et il me dit: «Si vous preniez le texte du “Troisième Secret” de Fatima, écrit par Lucie et supprimiez ou ajoutiez une seule virgule, vous auriez créé un “faux”. Nov 11, 2022 · Here is the extract of the Third Secret of Fatima that was published by Neues Europa. salvemariaregina. Le Père, alors, me tendit le texte: “Le Secret de Fatima”qui avait été publié en 1963 par la revue al-lemande “Neues Europa”de Stuttgart, et il me dit: «Si vous preniez le texte du “Troi-sième Secret”de Fatima, écrit par Lucie et supprimiez ou ajoutiez une seule virgule, vous auriez créé Aug 15, 2023 · Here is an article credits to https://www. The disingenuous claim was made by Vatican officials that the prophecies of Fatima were complete. 963 por el periódico católico alemán Neues Europa, cuando en un viaje que hizo a Alemania en 1. That Neues Europa article does throw a spanner in the works as parts do seem verbatim and there is the bit with cardinals opposing cardinals (which I haven't found predicted anywhere else previously). In the third secret -- the release of which was the first and largest headline on Spirit Daily, which was founded on this day (May 13, the Fatima anniversary) fifteen years ago -- the torch from the angel is quenched by the radiance of the Blessed Mother, and the secret ends with the words, "Beneath the two arms of the Cross there were two A propos du Troisième Secret de Fatima, nous avons déjà vu qu'il fut largement cru qu'il avait officieusement encouragé la publication et la distribution du texte de Neues Europa ; cependant, il apparut comme s'il l'avait dénoncé plus tard. B. Il aurait obtenu copie du secret par source diplomatique. This is the original 3rd Secret of Fatima, as it appeared in the German newspaper, Neues Europa in 1963. La Sainte Vierge apparut sept fois à Fatima, au Portugal, du 13 Mai au 13 Octobre 1917 à 3 petits enfants : Jacinthe, François et Lucie. 7) No war greater than that predicted in the Second Part of the Secret broke out in the second half of the 20th century, and certainly there was no nuclear holocaust, as the Neues Europa text appears to predict. Lucia from the Carmelites of Coimbra (the convent where the Portuguese nun lived and died), titled "Um caminho sob o olhar de Maria" (A Path Under the Gaze of Mary). Assuming, as by most indications, the German secret was false, we are left with unsolved questions. Balducci then went on to quote from the Neues Europa Third Secret at length (see The Whole Truth of Fatima, Vol. Much of the controversy has been over a discourse he gave on February 11, 1967. What JPII said there confirms the 3rd Secret in Neues Europa and aligns with what Malachi Martin said "elements of" on Art Bell and also aligns with Akita. Lors de la troisième apparition, Marie révéla un secret divisé Both Fatima seer Lucia dos Santos and the Vatican dismissed the Neues Europa "secret" as bogus, and in fact it contained highly sensational prophecies and at least one major mistake (stating that the secret was given at Fatima on October 13, 1917, when in fact the secret was granted to the young seers the previous July 13). Part of that article stated that “Cardinal will oppose Cardinal and bishop will oppose bishop” (confirming what was reported in the message of Diamond: “Welcome back to Coast to Coast Radio. com under Third Secret of Fatima. Site officiel : http://msecret-lefilm. Archbishop Loris Capovilla, the private secretary to Pope John XXIII, and first hand witness to the first opening of the secret in 1959, has ignited this debate once again in a recent interview with Jun 27, 2021 · Doar Papa Ioan Paul I s-a întâlnit cu ea de mai multe ori. You can find it on padrepioandchiesaviva. Pentin, “Neues Europa”, you indicated to me the sentences that appear in the “Third Secret” of Fatima? Do you remember that these sentences have already been published in the ap-pendix of the English edition of the book “Paul VI beatified?”» He replied, «Yes, I remember. We have already described how in Spain, between 1931 and 1939, the terrible prophecies of the great Secret about Bolshevik Russia’s role as the scourge of God and “rod of the divine wrath’’ in our twentieth century began to be fulfilled. OF THE ARTICLE “THE SECRET OF FATIMA” BY THE MAGAZINE “NEUES EUROPA” On October 15, 1963, approximately three years after the date indicated by Lucia dos Santos for the Vatican’s divul-gation of the “Third Secret”of Fatima, the German newspaper of Stuttgart, “Neues Europa,”printed the text Oct 9, 2016 · On October 15, 1963, approximately three years after the date indicated by Lucia dos Santos for the Vatican’s divulgation of the “Third Secret” of Fatima, the German newspaper of Stuttgart, “Neues Europa,” printed the text of “The Secret of Fatima,” written by the journalist Louis Emrich, presented under the title: “The Future According to Neues Europa, it was just after the "great miracle of the sun" at Fatima on October 13, 1917, that the secret was conveyed to Lucia. Sep 18, 2018 · The alleged missing part of the Third Secret of Fatima. The next source he is going to start discussing is an article that appeared in Neues Europa in October 1963. ” (Someone in the radio audience sent it, and he reads the alleged 3rd secret which appeared in 1963 in the German newspaper, Neues Europa). b) Proroctví z Fátimy - chronologie od r. We know this because, when asked whether the Neues Europa report should be published or not, Cardinal Ottaviani, who had also read the Third Secret - although he was of a very dry personality and quite indifferent to most appearances -, exclaimed wholeheartedly the emphasis: «Publish 10,000 copies! Publish 20,000 copies! Publish 30,000 copies! Sep 15, 2018 · The document was published in a German Magazine, Neues Europa and later by other publications. Le 26 juin 2000, le Vatican publia le prétendu 3ème Secret, et tout le monde cria au faux, à juste raison. Nov 9, 2023 · (Pius XI a ajuns Papă la cinci ani după apariția de la Fatima, în 1922 și a stat în Sfântul Scaun până în 1939, când a murit – n. Host your publication on your website or blog with just a few clicks. Quel est donc le moyen de connaître le vrai Secret ? Le journal Neues Europa en avait bien publié une version le 15 octobre 1963, mais en précisant que la partie essentielle du Secret en avait été amputée. There are elements in it that belong in the text of the 3rd secret - that's the most measured response I could give to it. Aug 14, 2017 · Aparitia este acum cunoscuta sub numele de Maica Domnului de la Fatima. com - 2014 - Softcover Jun 27, 2021 · Doar Papa Ioan Paul I s-a întâlnit cu ea de mai multe ori. Book: The Fourth Secret of Fatima by Antonio Socci. THE MESSAGE TO THE BISHOPS OF SPAIN: THE TRUE REFORM THAT HEAVEN REQUESTS. We know this because, when asked whether the Neues Europa report should be published or not, Cardinal Ottaviani, who had also read the Third Secret - although he was of a very dry personality and quite indifferent to most appearances -, exclaimed wholeheartedly the emphasis: «Publish 10,000 copies! Publish 20,000 copies! Publish 30,000 copies! Dec 9, 2023 · But now Dr Mazza is going to go right off the rails and over the cliff. The Neues Europa text has the Third Secret being given to Lucia after the Miracle of the Sun at the October Apparition. « Quand avez vous reçu du ciel la permission de révéler le secret ? » R. O Papa Pio XII nomeou-o cardeal em 1953. Following the test ban treaty of 1963, the newspaper went on to publish what it claimed was the exact text of Jul 5, 2017 · Cardinal Ottaviani wrote an extension of the Third Secret, which was published in a German magazine, Neues Europa, and subsequently republished in the Observatore Romano. tr. comFilm documentaire sur le troisième secret de Fatima. Jan 1, 2000 · 15 octobre : La revue alle­mande Neues Europa publie une fausse ver­sion du Secret. It contains a detailed analysis comparing the handwriting of the Second Secret written by Sister Lucy to the one page Third Secret. The famous third secret of Fatima was published in the journal “Neues Europa” (New Europe) of Stoccarde, the 15th of October 1963, under the title “The future of humanity”, signed by L. Beaucoup de ces controverses apparurent sur le discours qu'il donna le 11 Février 1967. [Read more here: The Fatima Crusader, Issue 130 (Spring 2023). 980 un periodista, en una rueda de prensa organizada en la ciudad de Fula, le preguntó si era auténtico ese Dec 4, 2024 · The Third Secret of Fatima: Has It Started in America?Share this video, SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL, and leave your opinion in the comments below!This video del Mýty a skutečnost - Proroctví z Fátimy (I. Cardinals will be against Cardinals and bishops against bishops. » And I asked: «Do you confirm to me that in the text: “The Third Published Testimony: Neues Europa (1963) - Free download as PDF File (. Although the Church recognizes the Fatima apparitions, she does not pledge herself to guarantee the достовірність of the words which the three little shepherds claim to have heard from Our Lady. The bishop of the Mar 30, 2021 · A. "Dans la traduction, on a respecté le texte d'origine, même dans les imprécisions de ponctuation, qui n'empêchent d'ailleurs pas la compréhension de ce que la voyante a voulu dire", précise le Vatican. It was presented to Cardinal Ottavani, who had read the original 3rd Secret of Fatima that had been written out by the Fatima seer, Sister Lucia. Feb 26, 2010 · Le troisième secret de FATIMA fût publié dans un journal de Stuttgart « NEUES EUROPA » (Nouvelle Europe) de STOCCARDE du 15 octobre 1963 sous le titre « L'AVENIR DE L’HUMANITÉ » signé par L. M. Profetiile teribile, se pare, la adresa viitorului bisericii catolice, au facut ca Vaticanul, in loc sa catalizeze prevenirea nenorocirilor, prin dezvaluirea continutului profetiei, sa aiba un rol nefast, facand acest lucru mult mai dificil de realizat, tocmai din dorinta de a proteja, in viziunea In connection with the Third Fatima Secret, we have already seen that it was widely believed that he had informally encouraged the publication and distribution of the "Neues Europa text;" yet he appears to have denounced it later. com: La survie de Paul VI et le Secret de Fatima (French Edition): 9781291845952: André, Jean-Baptiste: Books 3. Given to read the Secret, but bound by secrecy, he found a way to reveal it without revealing it. You may read our 'Privacy Policy' above. Luigi Villa, who reportedly had a mandate from Pope Pius XII to uncover and expose Freemasonry in the Catholic Church and to defend her from it, knew from Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani (d. He went on to point out, one by one, the lines within the Neues Europa text, which he believed The third part of the secret revealed at the Cova da Iria-Fatima, on 13 July 1917. Moreover, although it is The Neues Europa "secret" (which was denounced as untrue by Sister Lucia dos Santos, the last living Fatima visionary) likewise said, "A great punishment shall come to all mankind, not today as yet, nor even tomorrow, but in the second half of the twentieth Century. That is not what the article says. Aceste profetii facute sub pecetea secretului sunt ceea ce mai tarziu a fost numit „Al treilea secret de la Fatima”. Issued as part of the document “The Message of Fatima,” by the Congregation in May 2000. On March 14, 1998, I read it over the air – it’s alleged to be the 3rd secret. As the Bishop of Fatima himself said in 1981, "I read them attentively, and although I was convinced this Loss of Faith In 1984 Bishop Alberto Cosme do Amaral of Fatima confirmed that the Third Secret of Fatima is not about atomic war or the end of the world, but instead concerns the Catholic Faith, and specifically the loss of that Faith throughout (at least) Europe. She had never believed herself able to reveal its CHAPTER I. We know it from “Neues Europa” We also have the endorsement of Cardinal Ottaviani of the article in the German publication Neues Europa in 1963, which reported parts of the Third Secret. Quel est le troisième secret de Fatima. She gave it to the Bishop of Leiria in 1957, and he handed it over to the Vatican. (See quote in "Published Testimony: The Bishop of Sep 18, 2018 · Fatima’s Third Secret—More Relevant than Ever? German paper Neues Europa, October 1, 1963, which was translated in the September 1964 issue of the French magazine Le Monde et la Vie. " Le Secret de Fatima dévoilé (French Edition) by André, Jean-Baptiste - ISBN 10: 1291990097 - ISBN 13: 9781291990096 - Lulu. [1] M. » And I asked: «Do you confirm to me that in the text: “The Third Secret of Fatima” published by “Neues Europa” in 1963, the “Troisième Secret” de Fatima. Villa if he could confirm that this version of events was correct, he wished not merely to confirm it but do so firmly and Oct 23, 2022 · (Someone in the radio audience sent it, and he reads the alleged 3rd secret which appeared in 1963 in the German newspaper, Neues Europa). A careful reading of the text of the so-called third «secret»‌ of Fatima, published here in its entirety long after the fact and by decision of the Holy Father, will probably prove disappointing or surprising after all the speculation it has stirred. The Fatima Center is a registered Trade Name of The National Committee for the National Pilgrim Virgin of Canada. Une enquête dans le monde entier. [59] "To understand and appreciate Fatima is to understand and appreciate Portuguese Catholicism". . info: It was with this ominous gloom that Vatican Council II was begun in October of 1962. Book: Nov 7, 2008 · I cite them all in my work and I demonstrate, for example, that the most famous of them, the “Secret” circulated in 1963 by the German magazine Neues Europa, and which has been ceaselessly reprinted in innumerable magazines, is a fake. In 1963, Neues Europa, a German newspaper, published a version of the Third Secret. The Third Part of the Secret of Fatima. En 1917, Notre-Dame de Fatima révèle à trois petits bergers, lors des apparitions de Fatima, au Portugal, un important Secret. 1965 w Le Père Alonso est nommé archiviste de Fátima et se dit d'accord avec le rapport anonyme de Coïmbre concernant le Père Fuentes. Aug 16, 2023 · “Proponents of the Neues Europa text appear to be unanimous in that they do not accept it wholly—indeed, neither did Louis Emrich, as we have seen. Lors de la troisième apparition, Marie révéla un secret divisé Jul 2, 2014 · Amazon. Nov 20, 2022 · By checking this box, you confirm that you accept our terms of use regarding the storage of data submitted through this form. Sep 18, 2018 · German paper Neues Europa, October 1, 1963, which was translated in the September 1964 issue of the French magazine Le Monde et la Vie. com: Pope Paul VI's Survival and the Secret of Fatima (French Edition): 9781291936995: André, Jean-Baptiste: Books The first of these comes by way of an article in an October, 1963 edition of the German publication Neues Europa, which has been claimed by some to have contained the words of the “real Third Secret” interspersed amidst apocryphal text. « En 1927, ici à Tuy, dans la chapelle ; mais la permission n'est pas appliquée à la troisième partie du Secret. “Troisième Secret” de Fatima. Franco Adessa, who was writing on the subject and he asked Fr. (Someone in the radio audience sent it, and he reads the alleged 3rd secret which appeared in 1963 in the German newspaper, Neues Europa). L'on peut alors imaginer la sensation causée en Octobre 1963, lorsque le périodique Allemand, Neues Europa, publia ce qu'il prétendait être un "extrait" du Troisième Secret. Here is the Neues Europe text with the "extra padding" words removed: " In this interview, I address the following three fundamental questions concerning the Third Secret of Fatima: 1) Is it crucial for you to know it? 2) What is the Third Secret? 3) What can we do about it? Q: What has the Pope told us concerning the Third Secret? The 3rd Secret of Fatima. The article presented an “excerpt” of the secret of Fatima from which we expected the full disclosure in 1960. 1965 Le Père Alonso est nom­mé archi­viste de Fátima et se dit d’accord avec le rap­port ano­nyme de Coïmbre concer­nant le Père Fuentes. Among these Church officials was the respected Cardinal Ottovani. Haffert, found in Yasuda, Akita , 114. Since the early 1960s, it is said that a part of the text of the famous Third Secret of Fatima has been openly passed about in various sectors of the Church. com: Le Secret de Fatima Devoile (French Edition): 9781291845860: Jean-Baptiste André: Books Alfredo Ottaviani (29 de outubro de 1890 – 3 de agosto de 1979) foi um cardeal italiano da Igreja Católica. En 1946 plusieurs historiens de Fatima ont été capables de se procurer plusieurs informations en certains points importants de Sr. ] Pero, sorprendentemente, Juan Pablo II, y de forma indirecta confirmó la veracidad del texto del Tercer Secreto de Fátima, filtrado en 1. There was no way the publication could And so, years later, fourteen years after its release, in June of 2000, we remain left with the final question (our question of the week): Did the editors at Neues Europa see the message to Teresa Musco; and did Sister Agnes of Akita read the Neues Europa message, or the messages to Musco -- or did they all somehow obtain the same thing Msgr. Fr. The only problem was that Lucia denounced this version of the secret as false and the secret actually had been conveyed in July. On January 3, 1944, at her convent in Tuy, Sister Lúcia de Fatima, on the orders of her bishop, wrote the third part of the Secret of Fatima. Cu toate astea, pe 15 octombrie 1963, un ziar din Stuttgart, Neues Europa, publica o parte din textul profeţiei. En 1917 à Fatima au Portugal, Durante una rueda de prensa, al término de una reunión del Episcopado alemán, se le preguntó si era auténtica la versión del Tercer Secreto de Fátima, publicada por el periódico Neues Europa el 15 de octubre de 1963, y la razón por la que el Secreto no se había dado a conocer a todo el mundo en 1960, como pidió la Virgen a sor Lucía. Feb 29, 2020 · The only thing I know about Fatima from JPII is what he said at Fulda, Germany in 1980. Mar 20, 2012 · Thanks Emmett. Brown. Composé de trois parties, ce Secret fut révélé au monde en 2000 par le pape Jean-Paul II. The text of this “extract” was preceded by the following introduction from the editor, Louis Emrich: Jun 24, 2013 · Our Lady revealed the Third Secret to Lucy, on July 13, 1917, at the Cova da Iria (Fatima). 1979) that the text published in the German magazine Neues Europa [“New Europe”] in 1963, though not itself the Fatima mystery: how did a German publication guess at the third secret? by Michael H. : (addressing his radio audience) “E-mail it to me, post haste, please, I’ve lost it!I’ve lost it. Gruner, mentioned above), in an article entitled The Secret Warned Against Vatican Council II and the New Mass—An Exclusive Interview with Fr. III, Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity, pp. Ce message fut rappelé par la Vierge lors des apparitions d’Akita au Japon. I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do so through his Excellency the Bishop of Leiria and through your Most Holy Mother and mine. com: La survie de Paul VI et le Secret de Fatima (French Edition): 9781291845952: André, Jean-Baptiste: Books Indeed many Fatima experts believe that the Third Secret was comprised of two distinct parts, one of which is still being suppressed by the Church. But the Vatican authorities could easily dismiss it as a fake, as it is now For one thing the Akita message greatly resembles a false version of the Fatima "secret" that was printed in 1963 by a German publication called Neues Europa in 1963, one of several "secrets" declared by Church authorities as fabrications. It contained the full text of the secret, interwoven with other material. John M. [5] Fr. El a fost observat de zeci de mii de oameni, mărturiile legate de acesta fiind atât de numeroase şi Mar 30, 2012 · La Sainte Vierge apparut sept fois à Fatima, au Portugal, du 13 Mai au 13 Octobre 1917 à 3 petits enfants : Jacinthe, François et Lucie. It is this part of the secret, often called the "third secret of Fatima" that has aroused the greatest interest. Apr 23, 2014 · Amazon. ’ Given the sources, it is to be expected that these “essential points” would have been […] Então, o Padre apresentou-me o texto Il Segreto di Fatima, publicado em 1963 pela revista alemã Neues Europa, de Estugarda, e disse-me: «Se tomasse o texto de O Terceiro Segredo de Fátima, escrito por Lúcia e tirasse ou acrescentasse uma só vírgula, teria criado um “falso”. Villa was interviewed in 2011 by an Italian author Dr. Aug 17, 2023 · “Those who categorize the Neues Europa text as a false version of the Third Secret generally do so for the following reasons:. Feb 8, 2010 · w 15 octobre : La revue allemande Neues Europa publie une fausse version du Secret. C'était dans ce sinistre assombrissement que le concile Vatican II avait commencé en Octobre 1962. Le Père, alors, me tendit le texte: “Le Secret de Fatima”qui avait été publié en 1963 par la revue al-lemande “Neues Europa”de Stuttgart, et il me dit: «Si vous preniez le texte du “Troi-sième Secret”de Fatima, écrit par Lucie et supprimiez ou ajoutiez une seule virgule, vous auriez créé Jun 19, 2017 · True prophecies are not wrong, and where the real Fatima secret fit on a single handwritten page, the Neues Europa version sprawled over several pages in rambling, non-Fatima-like style. They agree with Emrich insofar as he claims, ‘…essential points of the original are… found there. Maria Zavala, The Best Kept Secret of Fatima, is very significant. The latest firestorm surrounding the Third Secret actually began to break out in the May, 2009 issue of Fatima Crusader (the publication of the late Fr. com: La Survie de Paul VI Et Le Secret de Fatima (French Edition): 9781291741858: Jean-Baptiste André: Books Jun 26, 2000 · Le Vatican publie ce lundi le texte intégral du troisième secret de Fatima qu'il a traduit en français. In 1963, the German newspaper Neues Europa published what it purported to be “an extract” of the Third Secret of Fatima. A Text appears 'mystically' in 1994: Is THIS the Real Third Secret of Fatima? No Friend of Fatima: Unspinning Christopher Ferrara's Defense of Benedict XVI "Pope" Francis and Our Lady of Fatima. 2 There are in this text, several monstrous errors which prove this sufficiently. Dec 19, 2016 · Op 15 oktober 1963 verscheen in de krant Neues Europa te Stuttgart een document onder de titel “De toekomst van de mensheid”, en het was ondertekend door Luis Enrich. Le document sur le 3e secret de Fatima en français. Nov 22, 2017 · I’ve lost it. Now, Dr Mazza immediately claims that Neues Europa was claiming to publish the "full text of the Third Secret of Fatima". Charitable Registration Number: 10808 9764 RR0001 Fatima expert Father Messias Dias was hesitant to totally reject the 'Neues Europa' version of the third secret because he was assured by Cardinal Ottaviani, who personally read the REAL Third Secret, that "fundamentally it corresponds to the truth. " WorldNetDaily article - Third Secret compared to Japan apparitions: "Detractors of the Vatican's official version of the third secret of Fatima point to reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary that occurred in the early 1970s as evidence that the newly released secret could be false, or, at a minimum, incomplete. The expert Spanish handwriting analyst, Begoña Slocker de Arce, concluded that the Third Secret had been drafted by the same hand as the first 13 mai 2000Le voyage du pape JEAN PAUL II à Fatima au Portugal pour la cérémonie de béatification des deux petits bergers, Jacinta et Francisco, qui avaient Le Texte de Neues Europa. Nov 16, 2024 · 2) The Third Secret was not released in 1960 and then what was released in 2000 was missing the words of Our Lady. 1) It seems inconceivable that the Vatican would leak part of the Third Secret to world leaders, when it purportedly speaks of Satan walking in the ranks of Cardinals and Bishops—and this, while the Vatican was trying to paint such a rosy picture of Vatican II. Villa explained that although this text is about three times longer than the original and therefore generally false, it did, nevertheless, contain the original Third Secret. Indeed many Fatima experts believe that the Third Secret was comprised of two distinct parts, one of which is still being suppressed by the Church. Sep 26, 2013 · Le Père, alors, me tendit le texte: “Le Secret de Fatima” qui avait été publié en 1963 par la revue allemande “Neues Europa” de Stuttgart, et il me dit: «Si vous preniez le texte du “Troisième Secret” de Fatima, écrit par Lucie et supprimiez ou ajoutiez une seule virgule, vous auriez créé un “faux”. Mysteries remain. Lucie : Q. Nov 21, 2020 · Frère Michel’s analysis of the Neues Europa version of the Third Secret, indicates that the “extract” does contain some accurate information from the Secret, but he does discover a number of erroneous assertions and inaccuracies such that anyone familiar with what is known of that part of the secret message of Fatima given to the In connection with the Third Fatima Secret, we have already seen that it was widely believed that he had informally encouraged the publication and distribution of the "Neues Europa text;" yet he appears to have denounced it later. Er unt Nov 8, 2007 · "Neu" deshalb, weil Europa für mich nicht das heutige "Europa" der Brüsseler Bürokraten, Banken und multinationalen Großkonzerne ist, sondern eine Schicksalsgemeinschaft (einst und hoffentlich bald wieder) freier Völker, verbunden durch gemeinsame Blutsbande und kulturelle wie geistige Traditionen. Jacinta 7 ans Francisco 9 ans canonisés par le pape. Einrich. Villa then showed him the Neues Europa text. EINRICHi. Dovolím si zařadit jednu osobní vzpomínku; v osobním rozhovoru mi sestra Lucie řekla, jak stále jasněji chápe, že cílem všech těchto zjevení je stále větší růst ve víře, naději a lásce – vše ostatní je jen prostředek, který k tomu vede. Adding material to make the original Secret two to three times as long, he allowed the elongated version to be published, notably in a German magazine called Neues Europa. txt) or read online for free. The quote given above is taken from a German periodical published in 1963, Neues Europa, and received unofficial approbation in the 1960’s by several Church officials who had read the original 3rd Secret text hand written by Sister Lucia. Paul Kramer. In these circumstances, it is most probable that the Secret of Fatima will remain, forever, under absolute seal. But the Vatican authorities could easily dismiss it as a fake, as it is now May 27, 2019 · IL SEGRETO DI FATIMA (Pubblicato dalla Rivista tedesca di Stoccarda, “Neues Europa” il 15 ottobre 1963) TESTO DEL SEGRETO Aug 18, 2014 · In a recent blog post (found here), Antonio Socci, the author of The Fourth Secret of Fatima, notes the importance of a recently published official biography of Sr. The document, known for (Some overlook this private "secret" and begin their count of the secrets of Fatima with the Madonna's apparent prediction of the Second World War. Dec 22, 2022 · By checking this box, you confirm that you accept our terms of use regarding the storage of data submitted through this form. Michael Cuneo notes "Secret messages, apocalyptic countdowns, cloak-and-dagger intrigue within the highest echelons of the Vatican: not even Hollywood could ask for better material than this". 6 But the very close relationship between Fatima and Spain was Hauke Ritz, geboren 1975 in Kiel, studierte allgemeine und vergleichende Literatur- sowie Religions- und Kulturwissenschaften an der FU und HU Berlin.