Home assistant template mdi icon. Available for free at home-assistant.
Home assistant template mdi icon I am The icon "home-assistant" was added in v2. What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? core-2022. hmip_ap_shutter Oct 23, 2021 · Hi, I am new to Home assistant and just trying a few things out. Powered by… Jan 8, 2017 · I want to change the icon(s) for “cover. I’m using it to set custom icons which is great. alex Jun 18, 2018 · hi, how could i use an mdi icon and an entity_picture in a template for an entity. Can I change the switch icon? “On”: mdi: open “Off”: mdi: closed. I’m going to search for an icon to use in my Home Assistant Server Monitoring card. I am following Bruh’s config on GIT hub where I have separate May 25, 2018 · Is icon_template allowed inside customize. By default they have a square icon that changes based on their state. Jan 27, 2022 · I have found that you can use 2 different icons for a switch. At least no solution I really understand… So basically I just want to change the icon of an entity displayed at my dashboard based on an entity’s state. An example is that: I’ve searched a lot and tried several ways (like vertical-stack-in-card) but didn’t … Jun 10, 2024 · Hello, i´m quite new in home assistant, coming from ioBroker. Template Nov 3, 2024 · “Hi everyone, I’m trying to create a notification template. I want to use another mdi icon and read about templates. And then use the search function in top right corner ( I. At a high level I have a sensor for a garage door. bewegungssensor_aussen_motion", "battery_level")}}' unit_of_measurement: "%" now i want to change the icon. I thought I’d share some CSS animations I’ve been working on for Mushroom cards. I am having trouble conceptualizing the best way to do this in ESPHome. aanwezigheid_zone_remo. command_on is the command that’s sent to turn on the battery Nov 11, 2023 · That should not matter though. Any ideas? Here is the code: - platform: template sensors: rear_gate_sensor_battery: friendly_name: “Rear Gate Battery” unit_of_measurement: “%” value_template: >- {%- if states. mdi Restart Home Assistant to pick up the new panel_iframe, which will add a MDI icon on the panel Harder Method - clone my GH repo locally cd to HL local www folder - typically this is located (or needs to be created) in the same directory as your HA config files Working on my first home page and I want a battery icon to be either mdi:battery-80 (or mdi:battery-30, etc. I have the customizer in my configuration. However it would look cooler if instead of the W I could display a mdi:window-open icon in front Aug 17, 2021 · hi there, i have created a sensor for a hue motion sensor to add the battery status: sensor: - platform: template sensors: hue_motion_battery_aussen: friendly_name: "Hue Sensor Battery aussen" value_template: '{{state_attr("binary_sensor. red for under 20%, orange under 60%, …). No icon appears on the entity. xxx_arm” switches for each house sensor, eg “binary_sensor. sun', 'above_horizon') %} Day {% else %} Night {% endif %} icon_template: >- {% if is_state( May 20, 2019 · Hi all, This post is not identical to the ’ Template switch icon do not change’ I can see the lock. nas01_status: templates: icon: > … Jun 14, 2022 · Hello I am trying to make an icon change color based on the state of an attribute. shelly_2_5_volume_wtw_voltage - entity: sensor. Installation; 0. However, I have discovered that I can only pass the name of the icon and not the owner (eg mdi:). office_open_windows')%}{% if state | int >= 1 %} W: {{ state }}{% else %}{% endif %} So if e. I tried this:- solar_upstairs_study_heater_… Jun 20, 2019 · I am using presence detection with Life360 and it is working very well, see Lovelace card attached. e. When I use icon: ‘mdi:fan’ for the fan it works fine, but as soon as I use icon_template: it switches back to the default icon and ignores the template entirely : Here is the code itself : entities: - entity: light Jun 16, 2020 · I’m currently putting my solar heating system on my Lovelace dashboard, and all is going well, except I can’t figure out how to use my own custom icon. Can anyone help? Is this possible? Jul 10, 2023 · type: custom:button-card entity: sensor. For example: If the living room light is on, then the icon changes from mdi:lamp to mdi:lamp-outline. I have defined the icons in the zone setup in my configuration. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. card-header:before--icon field as shown below, removing background-image: from the beginning. What type of installation are you running? Home Assistant Core. ytterdor is changing from locked/unlocked in state, so why doesn’t the script below work inside configuration. At first, I had created a sensor. So far I saw only examples where value_template and icon_template definitions were identical (but obviously the latter had to return icon name instead of state). yaml sensor. xxx”, and then created a virtual sensor “binary_sensor. The fact that I can change icons with a variable is great. battery_level %} {{ states. The color must be the variable state-icon-active-color: "#5F9BEA" I want this color when state is “Open” How should I do this? this is the config of my sensor. xxx Jul 29, 2023 · Hi team, I flashed ESPHome on a garage door cover and I can control it through Home Assistant. This is an Jul 11, 2024 · Hi guys. I have 2 TV’s that I am using the binary sensor for a PING and the device_class is set to power in my customized. I do not wanna change it manually through the interface cause that is unreliable if you change the sen… Jan 25, 2019 · What I am trying to do, is to use MaterialDesign icons used in HA. yaml What I would like to know is 2 things. I’ve checked some icon_color examples, but it seems it’s not supported for MQTT. An entity’s state contains alphanumeric text so you’ll need to find another way to achieve your goal. The reason is the icon I need for the ‘else’ situation isnt an mdi icon, but was made for me today on the Mdi GitHub. bed_light - light. 1 does not support icon_template for switches, but after my pull-request is accepted it will be supported. xxx_arm','on')}} I wish in Lovelace: if binary_sensor. I have magnet sensors on all my doors and windows. It seems to me that the MaterialDesign icons Jan 21, 2019 · is it possible to use a mdi icon in a picture elements card in lovelace like the below: entity: cover. io. yaml file. I try to automate my Garage doors with template cover garage_door. I then filed a pull request for the change and a 2nd one for the documentation fix that shows how to use it once the change is pulled. Paste this into the card-mod . swiatlo_scene Jan 14, 2024 · Also interested in this. Here’s my code for the chip: - type: entity entity: sensor. 1 The created switch works as expected to lock/unlock the door, but the switch does not have an icon at all at the moment… switch: platform: template switches Jul 3, 2023 · Hi, community. It kind’a works, but the negative value might cause the issues… I never get the signal bar to increase, whatever the value is. So the Lovelace switch representation is turned off. May 27, 2020 · I want to make a weather station out of a ESP32 with attached e-paper screen. (The entity in the template isn’t updated until the template is updated). Anyone know how to do this? Here is the code in my card: type: 'custom:config-template-card' variables: front_porch_light_state: 'states[''switch What "mdi" icon is everyone using for their Hallway. hall Jun 5, 2021 · Lovelace can not format values so I need to create new sensors with rounded values instead of 24,22 nicer looking 24. My sensors are working correctly and HA shows the correct status. ![Image](mdi:smoke-detector) <ha-icon icon="mdi:home-assistant"></ha-icon> type: markdown 19 Likes. sensor Aug 22, 2017 · Hi everybody ! I 'm looking for a moment on the forum but I don’t found answer… I would like to change the color of my icons. ceiling_lights - light. May 30, 2017 · I updated the home-assistant code switch/template. The sensor is configured in a templates. I know this question comes up a lot, but I think I am stupid. Original Code: template: - sensor: - name: Dryer state Feb 23, 2020 · Hi, how can I change an icon of an entity to my own pic and not from mdi website? for example to change the persons icon to their real photo. pvg100_wifi_connection name: 'Wi-fi:' - entity: person. I want to change the icon color of a sensor depending on the status value. Apr 7, 2019 · Thanks. So for those you usually either need to setup something separately to change the icon (template entity) wrap the card in another card that resolves the template first, or use a card that does support templates (mushroom template card for instance) Jun 9, 2020 · I have created a site https://mdi. lights_luci_della_casa_accese'')}} in fun… Feb 13, 2020 · @petro, @jocnnor. How do I apapt the YAML from a manual config to the UI? Example from Template Sensor sensor: - platform: template sensors: day_night: friendly_name: "Day/Night" value_template: >- {% if is_state('sun. When I test it in the developer tools, the template displays the correct information. person_battery: friendly_name: "Battery" unit_of_measurement: '%' value Nov 6, 2020 · Hi. Please give me a push in the right direction… i have tried a Dec 27, 2019 · Hi I have a roller shutter on mysensors gateway and it is add to my Home Assistant. yaml file - work, gym etc… Any help would be greatly appreciated. i want to flip the card horizontally, i have tried many things but not working. Apr 23, 2021 · I was able to change the icon to the garage-variant by modifying the “Customize. The switch integration looks at the value_template to check the state of the switch and sees “off”. <ha-icon icon="mdi:home-assistant"></ha-icon> Dec 31, 2022 · Good evening, I’m trying to set up a value template in my configuration. I’ve also tried to re-arrange the order, having -90 at the top. kitchen_lights [51] Not a custom: in sight. the template editor also shows the correct icon in the 2 template styles I tested: only after a manual update of the Sep 29, 2024 · mdi:mdiTshirtCrew . I’ve tried using ‘icon_template:’ without achieving the desired result. com May 16, 2017 · This is driving me nuts and I can’t figure it out. yaml group_config. Because I find it fairly difficult to differentiate between the default mdi window icons in their open/closed state, I have created an additional template binary sensor for each one that sets the variant window icon instead - I find these are easier to differentiate even though they don May 10, 2024 · Hey everyone, I’m trying to configure the mushroom-chips-card to dynamically change the icon and icon color based on the value of a sensor, but I’m having some trouble getting it to work properly. 243K subscribers in the homeassistant community. yaml but does not do anything. Below, you’ll find the configuration of the card I’m using, created by following step-by-step instructions from a YouTube video. yaml to successfully change icons based on states. test15 name: living balacon light icon: mdi:coach-lamp horizontal: true tap_action: action: toggle styles Jan 13, 2022 · I am new and I need help … I created “input. yaml file and have used the templates method in customize. avPhone: icon: mdi:cellphone The result is here: I want the icon of my smart band to change its icon depends on where I am (in which room), so I used this code in customize. What was the last working version of Home Assistant Core? No response. Any ideas on what might be causing this?” Automation: action: > {% set aanwezigheid_sensor = states. Apr 15, 2019 · Hi First time post, apologies if this is easy. Now, I have a second entity which is a window/door contact from HMIP giving me the current state of the garage door (binary_sensor. The options I’ve tried did not work. binary_sensor. If there’s a command that returns a string that tells you if the battery is on or off, then you can use that as command_state then build a value_template and icon_template based on the state. I’m getting the opposite experience though… Jul 6, 2021 · Allow to change entity icon based on entity state (binary sensors) For binary sensors this should be quite easy: field “icon for state on”: mdi:led-on Apr 17, 2017 · Hi, I’m using a template to change an icon depending upon what the source of my TV is. Available for free at home-assistant. You turn the Lovelace representation of the switch on. In ioBroker visualisation I took some icons for door → open, closed and opening/closing. I currently have 12+ window sensors. Mar 8, 2020 · I have read numerous posts about this. garage_door_opener_47 icon: 'hass:garage' state: - value: 'on' icon: 'hass:garage-open' color: 'rgb(255,0,0 Jul 7, 2024 · Hi All, I’m trying to build a card that is like a table with column and row names and shows different entities. I have MQTT sensor informing about battery level of my Renault Zoe. Jun 15, 2020 · However, I still don’t see an icon color. Jun 29, 2024 · Ok, since I wanted to move my existing templates to helpers and need to start all over I have to (re)create my entities… Now I have a helper which is a binary_sensor and I need the icon to change from a mdi:radiobox-blank (default?) to a mdi:radiobox-marked… But I cant get it working and I don’t know where to start or look. Jul 1, 2023 · Armed with the above information, I have just successfully added an icon_color: template using custom-ui-only and my battery icons are now colored everwhere, including more info! Nov 19, 2022 · Hi guys, in this code I want to get the icon with the current state color of the lights type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: ILLUMINAZIONE secondary: '{{ states(''sensor. Emojis are a sort of workaround, but the design is often not nice. media_radio', 'on') %} mdi:message-bulleted {% else %} mdi:message-bulleted-off {% endif %} Mar 3, 2019 · Ok I will test as you suggest. So the current 1. The idea is: Display mdi:battery-charging when the battery Apr 10, 2020 · Hi, I have templating in various cards that I setup a while ago without any issues, but now trying to make a new card I’m struggling to get it to work for some reason. I have customized the icon for it in my customize. 45. The icon library is a superset of the base icon library provided by Google and contains thousands of community-made icons for very specific applications, industries, and use-cases. ) based on the current battery percentage. It took 11 seconds for me to be able to click the “Search box”. It uses http GET command to retrieve a message “OPEN” or “CLOSED”. My template is: - platform: template sensors: tv_source: friendly_name: Watching value_template: '{{ states. May 30, 2023 · The only way you can have an icon_template is if you have a way to query the state. Creating the momentary switch was a pain - I did that in the end by creating the GPIO switch in ESPHome, then creating a second template switch that turns the first switch on, waits a delay, then turns the switch off. I Sep 18, 2022 · Hi, I glued some Aqara contact sensors to mouse-traps in my attic so I don’t have to climb up to check on them every day - it’s worked well for there last couple of years. However, I would like the icon to be realistic and the same as in my weather. 4 Getting started; Documentation . I confirm that the state is indeed “on” or “off” from dev tools. I add it to Entity card. Apr 7, 2022 · I also try to changed icon when the state is changed, but in a Entities Card Configuration i try several examples but nothing works does somebody know the solution? type: entities entities: - entity: binary_sensor. garage_door”, preferably using something in customize rather than creating a new custom component, but I’m getting stuck. - platform: template sensors: achterdeur: friendly_name: 'Achterdeur May 25, 2020 · Hi, I’m trying to get my template sensors to show different icons depending on state. Garage door is currently using the built-in “cover” component via Wink hub. I attempted to change it in the customize-YAML using code that works with templates, but then I get no icon… homeassistant: customize: lock. media_player. pictogrammers. This is what I have for the light’s state May 9, 2020 · i love this about HA, that there are so many different ways to accomplish the same thing. My problem is that all but one of these icons comes from mdi - the other I need to be default as they don’t have an iPlayer icon and are seemingly refusing to add one. I am now trying to have a nice status on my dashboard board and wrote the following template based on examples I have found online (thanks to those guys for sharing). The door state still reports just fine but the icon is always the same (mdi:garage-open-variant). Oct 17, 2023 · Pick an icon from this website (or any other SVG icon). hot_water_temperatur… Apr 5, 2022 · i got it working :slight_smile: i been wanting to see an example of someone adding it a template in chips. heartbeat_counter Mar 26, 2020 · Hello, I’m new. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. I am trying to get my battery icon to show dynamically but the code is not working. Home Assistant won’t convert the mdi icon code into an icon character for a Template Sensor’s value_template. Then another 5 seconds to load the results. This is within the custom_fields of my custom:button-card I created a custom template that has an icon_template and uses the state to determine which icon to set. In this case I want to display an icon for my iPhone entity. yaml file follows. Or was it the comprehensive example that includes icon customization? switch. The code is from this blog post, with a corresponding YouTube video. But i want change icon this cover. I’ve been at this a couple of hours now. turn_on service_data: entity_id: switch. I’ve tried the following code but it didn’t work: sensor. My goal is to make the icons within the card change based on their current state. binary_sensor Oct 3, 2022 · Mushroom Animations - Part 1. You icon has a double “mdi” and has the wrong name. I’m trying to get at the attributes of the auto-discovered climate item (like the fan status below). outside_filtered_realistic_temperature show_state: true show_name: false icon: mdi:weather-sunny It show my outside temperature from my own sensors and a static icon. Jul 3, 2021 · Prefix name with mdi:, ie mdi:home. Oct 13, 2019 · Well, yes there is a way to install custom svg icons, but requires some work. Is there any way around this? Nov 24, 2022 · I have a Tuya contact sensor (which shows as “Door”) I am using for my gate. Nov 4, 2018 · Hello, I have just started working with climate and generic_thermostat and I wanted to know it it is possible to change climate entity icon based on whether the thermostat is heating or idle. But when the sensor doesn’t fit nicely into a device_class I’ve definitely wished for the icon_template option Jun 8, 2022 · shows mdi:lightbulb-multiple as text instead of the icon. My templates. yaml - all of the Aug 30, 2021 · Just as a quick way to show you how both work, here is an example. How can I set the gate such that it shows the closed gate (mdi:gate-alert) when the state is closed and an open gate (mdi:gate) when the gate is open? PS: Hopefully this works without having to define a new (template) sensor and digging deep into May 2, 2024 · Hi, I am having trouble changing the state icon of a sensor using the Template Sensor helper in the UI. 1 The most common code I get is this but not giving the expected result input_boolean. 2. So far so good. garage_door_stat… Jul 25, 2022 · You have name, icon, and press as separate array elements under button but I think they’re all supposed to be keys of the same item. wemo_switch_2: friendly_name: Kitchen kettle icon: mdi:kettle Nov 19, 2022 · The problem is that changing this icon through the UI results in it changing color when the cover state changes to open, but the visual is still closed instead of adjusting to mdi:garage-open-variant. An example is: special_led_integrated_button_standard_template: card: type: custom:button-card name: "[[name]]" entity: "[[entity]]" ` icon: mdi:[[icon Feb 28, 2020 · using this icon_template on a binary_sensor: {{'mdi:rss' if is_state('binary_sensor. . I use the following code to display the number of open windows on that card: {%set state=states('sensor. yaml? Running 0. An example is that: [Table] I’ve searched a lot and tried several ways (like vertical-stack-in-card) but didn’t really succeed. May 11, 2022 · I use a template card on my dashboard. By defining the icon, I get that icon which changes color. yaml file along with icon: MDI:television Below is whats in my configuration. I want to have icon for open: mdi:window-shutter-open and for closed icon: mdi:window-shutter I do this in code card but it is not working and icon now no apper… It is for cover. It absolutely does matter as tom said most core cards do not support templates at all. I’ve got a couple of sensors setup that show in a glance card with varying icons/colours depending on status. I’ve searched a bit and have found older posts like this one that are similar use template binary sensors, but it seems like this duplicates t Mar 18, 2024 · Hi, I have seen some other topics on this subject, but I have not been able to use the info in these to get a colour change working. However, I cannot get the color of my dimmable light icon to change color based on the brightness level in it’s state. yaml and made many variation of it. Thus, there is no way to have the icon template update based on the sensor's own status change. The name of the sensor is “Rain in next 48 May 19, 2022 · Hi there, I’m running a Home Assistant Docker installation on which I would like to have a button which has an icon depending on a different entity’s state. Please note, I’m awful at coding and usually steal someone else’s work and butcher it for my own Jan 31, 2022 · As the title says. Sep 19, 2022 · Any question about Home Assistant, and about using things with Home Assistant, is welcome here. I am trying to get the icon for the garage door to reflect the status of the garage door. media_radio: icon_template: >- {% if is_state('input_boolean. living_room_tv Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Feb 13, 2019 · I am trying to customize the icon for the dimmable MQTT light I have configured. I created customize. one window is open it displays “W: 1”. pvg100_battery_level name: 'Battery Level:' - entity: sensor. Can it be done? In HA 0. The idea is to have the icon and color change based on the battery level sensor, but with this config, the icon isn’t showing up at all. Jun 7, 2017 · really hoping someone can help me out. I’m having trouble with the details of the if statement. All these CSS animations require Thomas Lovén’s card_mod. I imagine it involves using lambda but I do not have experience May 24, 2020 · Hi, I’m struggling with getting my mdi icons working within a value template with three different states (ie. So I thought a template sensor would avoid the control icon that a cover template would create on the dashboard. It also doesn’t show the name of the icon until I hover over one. The first two work in the template tester in Dev Tools, but only returns the icon_color as the template again, whereas the last one only returns gray. In the entity settings, I can set one icon (e. kitchen_light: icon: mdi:curtains # friendly_name: TestCurt # device_class: curtain With device_class: curtain or window, no changes. boolean. Integration causing the issue. Sep 3, 2020 · I’ve set up the sensor and it works perfectly (see code below), however the icon template does the opposite of what I’ve configured it to do! The idea is that when a guest is in the house the icon is mdi:account and when there are no guests the icon should be mdi:account-off. I cannot find a solution to my simple problem. window variables: ulm_card_cover_enable_controls: true ulm_card_cover_enable_slider: true ulm_card_cover_color: "green" Now by looking Nov 18, 2024 · Hello all, I’d like to create a mushroom chip card that encloses all update notifications and that gives me a badge with the number of these notifications. sonoff_1111cff59c: friendly Dec 5, 2020 · Hi, I’m hoping to use a template switch to control and indicate my room scenes, i. I think I am on the right path to accomplishing dynamic icons based off a sensor input. You extract certain parts of an svg file and wrap it in an html file with various tags and place it in your www/icons directory and then tell HA where the files are at. aeotec_zw062_garage_door_controller_barrier_state_label show_name: false show_state: false state_image: open: 'mdi:garage' tap_action: toggle type: picture-entity i can seem to get the correct format Apr 1, 2022 · Use a sensor and a switch together as one button with different colors, icons and flashing alert! sensor + lock sensor + light sensor by itself different flashing color if sensor is on too long different color & icon for each of the 4 states I have created a new template for custom:button-card that I would like to share with everyone. 46 of the Material Design Icons icon library. here’s mine… type: 'custom:button-card' entity: binary_sensor. real simple. In the off state May 14, 2019 · Not sure if the simple solution can show charging, but here’s my sensor template which does. But it does not work. I got it to work, but I still have a question. # Configure a Mar 27, 2019 · Hi All, I have a template sensor and wanted to change its icon based on the sensor’s state. Any idea or suggestion for further investigation ? binary_sensor. yaml - all of the templated sensors for the shared, imperial and metric measurements. Thanks May 8, 2020 · Hi, I try to have templates on color & icon for a binary sensor (trend one). roller_shutter_for_ha_0_1 entities: - entity: scene. Icons Home Assistant utilizes the community-driven Material Design Icons (MDI) project for icons in the frontend. Get rid of the extra dashes before icon and press: Feb 24, 2024 · This is not a custom card. Tried to move the “value: mdi:air-conditioner” there, below both cool and heat ( or different icons for different “map_state . yaml file and are adding it to your configuration. on/off) of the switch based on a input_select, but I can’t get: The state to chnage from off and; The icon only works for full, but seems to default to Mar 27, 2022 · There is something using the card-mod addon you can do with this in lovelace - albeit CSS related styles rather than icon changes. For example : IF Temperature_bedroom > 23°C mdi:thermometer -> Red ELSE m… May 29, 2022 · PS: cording to the “Banner-Card” docs, it seems like you can put the Icon in the “map_state” position, thou that seems for changing icon, but maybe that would apply also to show the specific Icon. 5 min: 2 max: 6 icon: mdi: Jun 26, 2023 · I’d like to add an icon to a sensor. So I will get a weather forecast from HA and depending on what the forecast is, I need to display a different icon. mdi:radiator-disabled, mdi:radiator or mdi:radiator-off). Feb 6, 2023 · I use a template sensor to show the number of lights on in custom button …but would also like to be able to add that template as a badge icon in a (mushroom) template card this particular line of code {{ states(‘sensor. You need something that changes every second. What I’d like to have is to have icon based on the percentage (mdi icons available) and also change the icon color based on the value (e. py to support icon_template. HA Animation type: custom:mushroom-template-card icon: mdi:home-assistant icon_color: blue Jun 3, 2023 · I am trying change the curtain icon based on the state of the curtain In the minimalist cover card usage page it give a usage example (see below) - type: "custom:button-card" template: card_cover entity: cover. Oct 1, 2020 · The switch is off, so the value_template = “off”. I’d like to add mdi icons based on each person’s location so for example if home show a house icon. It shows empty icon: sensor. shelly_2_5_volume_wtw_device_temperature - entity: input_number. I’d like to achieve this directly in the card config Jun 14, 2020 · Hi, I find many topics about icon colors, but none of these give me the correct answer. original icon: and i want to flip it like this : this is my code: - type: state-icon entity: input_boolean. It’s very inconvenient, especially if involves several sensors and/or complex logic. E mushroom template card ) , tons of examples in here Nov 8, 2023 · Is there a way to change the icon that is used for a z-wave lock showing unlocked? I’m happy with mdi:lock for locked, but I want mdi:lock-open-variant for unlocked because the “normal” mdi:lock-open is too close to locked at a glance. yaml: switch. select this scene at between time sunrise and sunset, but can get it to work and looing for some help? I’m looking to change the icon and state (i. g. This is what I have in customize. wtw_luchtvolume icon Oct 10, 2022 · Mushroom Animations - Part 4 Even More Mushroom Card Icon Animations. This doesn’t appear possible as I can’t define a template for the icon even if i edit the input_select in yaml directly. I made the changes you suggested but nothing has changed. Each one has its own binary_sensor with device class set to window. I’m quite pleased with how it came out. I really like Home Assistant and Material Design Icons, but I can’t use the official site https://materialdesignicons. Tested many codes suggestions but still not getting a definite answer. I could download all the possible pictures, include them all in the . Am I missing something or that’s the way it is and Aug 29, 2023 · I just managed to make my ESPresence to work and I am tracking my device called “avPhone”. We can’t help you with e… You’re using the legacy format to define your sensor (see Template - Home Assistant) - I’d consider switching it to the lastest standard (see Template - Home Assistant) Jan 11, 2024 · Hi all, I’m having trouble getting my icons to change based on their state. I don't understand the various symbols that can go at the start of the template (> vs |- vs |2-), I can't find any documentation about it - but I haven't tried very hard. You can check when an icon was added to MaterialDesignIcons. The valuetemplate works just fine. Sep 7, 2022 · I have a bit of code that half works and looks something like that. Copy the result from Ready for CSS. It can be because the color hsl(185,80,50) is really close to the default icon color in home assistant, but I really don’t see a difference between several sensor icons. yaml? I want to customize an icon regarding the battery level and put this as icon_template, but it seems not working. 1. I have changed things so that the cover defines in HA rather than ESPHome - now working. the gate icon). xxx,'on') and is_state('input_boolean. Home Assistant doesn't have a map data type or helper, but you can get the same result by using dropdowns (aka input_select). Dec 31, 2020 · Hey all – I’m using the add-on called “config-template-card” that lets you set customizations to things on a card. com 🎉 😀 The idea is to make it simple to search for the Material Design Icon that you need. 0. number_lights_on’) }} currently presents itself as this so no number details at all…even though a number of lights are reported on this custom button card and when I Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. The sensor I wish to add the icon to in near the end of the file. It would be nice if the template tile supported the ha-icon tag like the markdown card. For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to set the color of the icons. - name: "count of mouse traps" state: > {{ states Jul 1, 2024 · Hi All, I’m trying to build a card that is like a table with column and row names and shows different entities. So, I have What you need is a way to map the room id (livingroom2, not_home, etc) to the room name (Living Room, Away, etc) and room icon (mdi:sofa, mdi:home-outline, etc). deadbolt May 11, 2020 · How can I change the card mdi icon below to a custom png image; such as a photo? Here’s my card code: entities: - entity: sensor. yaml - all of the named sensors in one group. Jul 16, 2019 · Hi all, I’m using custom ui and i try to change the color and the icon of an entity based on its state. Nov 25, 2024 · I have a set of decluttering button templates that I am using for a tablet view. 93. Can it be that home assistant or my browser doesn’t support this color type? I’ll do some troubleshooting in the meantime. com — it is extremely slow. This goes in your sensors section; number it appropriately if you don’t use a separate sensors. Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. yaml file for 3 devices, powered by my Shelly 1 PMs. com at MDI History. 106. For example: mdi:mdiTshirtCrew has to be mdi:tshirt-crew. I wanted to set up a custom entity to quickly estimate what the current state of the appliances are (both are connected to the same FCU) and ended up with the following. Let’s say I have a button “Garage” which triggers a script that triggers a Shelly. sensor. dates_second, but you should simply replace it with counter. How can I have 2 different icons? Tnx ps: this is just a test, so disregard that it’s a light Aug 18, 2020 · I try to use device_class whenever possible since it requires less YAML. garage_door show_icon: true show_name: true tap_action: action: call-service service: switch. forecast_home So the icon changes with the weather forecast. So thank you type: template entity: binary_sensor icon: | {% set state=states('binary_sensor. alyssa_person name: 'Location:' icon: 'mdi:account' show_header_toggle: false title: Alyssa type: entities I tried changing icon: 'mdi:account Oct 20, 2019 · Hi, This is simply a trigger to redo “calculation” of the sensor template. I’ve also seen examples for is_state Feb 11, 2024 · There is a big Topic in this forum for mushroom cards, and tons with templates, as a new user here you should read the first Topic How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question. How do I make a template for these and how can I make the icon change between on and off state. The template sensors are attributes of a thermostat auto-discovered over wifi. Same rules as above. # icon_template: >- # {% set battery_level = stat… Nov 16, 2021 · I am only reporting the status of the door at this point, not controlling it. There are some other problems with that site but the main one is the speed how it works. Based on several posts (eg: Need help with sensor icon color based on state) , I added the following in my customize. yaml definition and in the lambda write a big if statement to select the right image. Go to this website and paste the SVG code into Insert SVG. shelly_2_5_volume_wtw_overheating - entity: sensor. bessarabov. I’m using the template Apr 4, 2023 · I’m trying to create a replica of the Weather entity, but translating the (descriptive) condition to my local language (using a sequence of if/elseifs). Note: Newer icons may not yet be available in the current Home Assistant release. Click on the icon and then click Copy SVG (next to download). I could use the same if / elseif chain of course to set the mdi icon for this new entity, but perhaps there is an easier way to get the string of characters representing the weather’s icon (e. state %} {% set opgewekt = states. rss_feeds','on') else 'mdi:rss-off'}} the sensor still shows the -off sensor, while the binary_sensor is on, which is also indicated by the fact it is colored correctly, and of course the state. 2025. My sensor state returns a converted time with unit, so I added the seconds attribute to try to draw from that. openclose_6: icon: mdi:garage-variant device_class: garage_door But after doing this, the icon lost the ability to be Dynamic and it didn’t change form when opening or closing the door. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. For the template : you can leave out all ‘else’s. can anyone point me where to put for example icon Mar 7, 2017 · There are three files here: sensor_templates. The original code this is based off of works, and passes the configuration check, but throws errors in the File editor and Studio Code Server. yaml and typed: switch. xxx_arm” which is activated like this: template: - binary_sensor: - name: "xxx arm" state: > {{ is_state('binary_sensor. rear_gate_opened. Jul 9, 2021 · This is a template I have so far (needs cleaning I know 🙂) Here’s where I’m stuck Adding a dynamic MDI icon for the battery & thermometer When 100% will show mdi:battery - when 50% will show mdi:batery-50 similar with the thermometer Changing the text Apr 30, 2023 · Hello, I installed a power monitoring Shelly 1+ PM this week to alert me when my washing machine/tumble dryer are finished. I have an input select with 3 options and I would like the input_select’s icon to change depending on the option chosen. Instead it’s a plugin which changes the way all other cards work How about this? type: entities style: | ha-card { color: red; } entities: - light. MDI. It does that for icon_template. yaml” file with the following code, binary_sensor. The icon_template in Home Assistant takes the icons from Material Design. I am hoping to do it there to keep everything self-contained and clean. mdi Nov 18, 2021 · Please i need help how to make flip (mirror) for my icon in home assistant dashboard state-icon card. However, when I use it in an automation, it doesn’t work as expected. customizations. What am I doing wrong here? This is a test for just one sensor, but I would rather have it for all off the same device_Class “Opening”. vpqsvpovmoaqwchlwcmcvchuntbhcnmbuslurlmzzeyajkymogselidcnultbrdiimfoghhddsxyxbgaqwkg