Division 2 clutch talent reddit. Go to the_division_2 .

Division 2 clutch talent reddit Back with another build folks! I was recently able to acquire the EB from Dark Hours after a few prior completions to no avail. One of the best perks for them for sure. Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10 seconds, based on your number of Weapon core attributes. Clutch and crit builds are seemingly more daunting because you have to math every now and then but with being able to switch colors they have become very easy to build for. Incoming repairs is so situational,you depend of a teammate healing you or you can use a skill to heal yourself,but then you can use repair skills which benefit you and your teammates if you throw your heals at them. Repair skills improves any armour repairing skill you have. Moreover, I always put survivability on top. Measured is rarely in the running - especially if you have high weapon damage to begin with (over 80% from AWD + Weapon Specific Damage + Additive Damage from Talents and Measured actually DECREASES your DPS). The more red cores you have the higher the on kill buff timer lasts. 5% a critical though. Exotic Talents: Bullet Hell, Plague, Agonizing Bite in that order, they are so good they are make or break on a run True. Members Online New Senua's Saga: Hellblade II Trailer Obliterate is my favorite chest talent and I'd love a named Ceska piece with maybe 28 - 30% instead of 25, or a longer cooldown on the regular 25% stack or both. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the… I agree about perfect clutch vs. But… Blues: I tend to not invest in Blue Talents but level 2 Preservation helps a lot, otherwise Adrenaline Rush or Clutch or Insulated if nothing else is on the table. It's twice as much armour and a quarter more health than the non perfect talent. It would be loads of fun with 4x Striker and a Grupo Vigilance backpack. items but i cant find one stinking pair of gloves with the clutch talent. It will only ever be 2. The only thing that maybe frustrates most of the pre gear 2. But what exactly is the second part of it that Feb 15, 2020 · Clutch: Your critical hits restore 20 percent of your health, and repairs one percent of your armor. Clutch is a mediocre talent for backpacks, way better options for HF because you already get armor on kill for survivability, so clutch is kind of a waste. 9, that would make it 4. 0 all that was streamlined. Joined a clan for the first time yesterday as a primarily solo player and was donated the gun on my first run, would like to say a huge thankyou to the guys from Vigilance Elites, I owe them for that one! Thank you very much,It is exactly what I was thinking. If you would like to share a link, please resubmit with a text post and describe the link in the title and body of the post. Mar 27, 2019 · Currently, Clutch is one of the most popular PvP talents in the game, allowing agents that stack health, crit chance, and fire rate to tank an incredible amount of damage during short-ranged gunfights. Clutch should recover up to 100% armor for kills. Members Online Glitched textures, missing assets, no HUD, the Weaponized 115 camo from black ops 2, and permadeath. 4. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3… I like fixer drone best solo, because I'm lazy. Restorative: 30% health on kill Luckily, I've got a named Fenris chest with Perfect Berserk and Restorative talent on it. 0 user of clutch and berserk, is that you can't really blast an enemy frontal while they are firing at you, the clutch now seems more for tactical usage rather gun blazing frontal Cause i have used the perfect berserk plus perfect clutch pre gear 2. They had to ruin the only one build in division 2 where you could fight more then one enemy at the same time and actually beat them all alone. Hence the Doctor Home exotic talent ;). Healing rate isn't the fastest but it's constant, you don't need to remember to pick it up and deploy all the time, and of course it follows you around. Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10 seconds, based on your offensive (red) core attribute. It asks to have 4 defense points or less. Some people don't like to use it with berzerk because it heals armour faster and therefore reduces damage from berzerk faster but I don't mind that. There are different talent types (so you might be referring to that) so you have to have the right talent type to override (circle and circle with triangle are the two off the top of my head). Clutch (Backpack) If you are below 15% armor, critical hits repair 2. Normally I go with gunner specialization. Members Online The best mode in Division to date! 27K subscribers in the the_division_2 community. 5% armor though. ah, i see your other reply now. On final boss from Raid 2, the healer almost never healed me, for example, and I killed anything without In Descent, Clutch is very weak, even weaker than it is in the normal game. I am using my merciless rifle to proc the talent. Widdz has a great clutch ar build on YT you should check out. 370K subscribers in the thedivision community. Activation and Healing on crit. I find it to be less effective with ARs, SMGs, and SGs. Go to the_division_2 In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. Members Online Gallery of hunters 2 Depending on if the extra 2% regen, improved FB talent, or bonus armour are more valuable to you. If I start reloading the vector, then swap to my rpk before the vector reload finishes, it’ll give you frenzy buff on your LMG a Does clutch talent not work. Clutch has 2 phases. 6M+ armor, this talent can make you almost invincible, on a red build it sucks because it is based around armor %, so the lower the armor the less you will heal. merciless has become highly favorable not only because it procs extra damage, but new talent spark gets activated when it procs bringing you up 15% wep dmg, its actually quite an efficient combination in current game, not to mention that explosives have been scaled up and hit much harder in which merciless applies explosive dmg when holstered talent proc's, having a hybrid AR/Skill build I never played with clutch before loot 2. But just 1 incoming repair mod wouldnt be worth it, imo. To OP: In game terms meta refers to a specific build (or assemblage of gear pieces) that represents the "best in the game" at that point in time. When you use small percentiles of stats/talents rather then stacking it; it’ll seem very lack luster. The 33% damage buff makes a pretty big difference, and not only that but the new addition to its talent makes a big difference as well in terms of keeping the buffs from the weapon up. Any clues? Once you've heard it, you'll never unhear it. I tried clutch like 3 months ago (in PVE), it didn't appear to do anything so abandoned that talent and never used it again. I do think that "Extra" (+20% magazine size) is a must as secondary talent. It does not. Nothing against you personally, but we, as the veteran players who are giving adviced to newer players, need to start judging these talents in terms of their uptime and practicality as opposed to how well they perform when I'm indecisive between the two, but usually in conflict a 61 mag if sufficient to kill a player before having to reload. With only the Chest and Backpack having Talents, you’ll probably technically still be able to have a Berserker/Clutch build, but you’ll end up losing all the additional Talents you currently have like Spark, Cloaked, Vital, Insulated, Concussion etc. Members Online [Spoiler] - New upcoming exotic SMG in the Chinese version of the Division 2 Every time you land a crit you will heal up to 20%(perfect clutch) unless you get a kill to heal further. Members Online The best mode in Division to date! The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. This changes all the time due to updates and players the newest great comb 71 votes, 10 comments. Hello there IoanVonHans! Anybody know what this talent does now? I mean, the first part of the description is obvious, small amount of direct armor gain on crit hits. 25 votes, 25 comments. I run ARs with 2 blues 4 reds, main Famas. It will either be a plain circle, a circle with a line across it, or a circle with an arrow in it. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division 2; online RPGs from… Posted by u/Vehzx - 2 votes and 23 comments The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. 0, so I'm not sure if this portion of the talent is new or not, but the secondary portion reads, "Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10s, based on your offense core attribute". Intimidate + Adrenaline Rush is 1 instance of Amplified Damage which is multiplicative to your regular weapon damage and multiplicative with any additional Amplified Damage. Good idea, when you see all those DPS build focused on crit & clutch, i don't understand why they are nerfing our skill builds. true. Clutch was the best talent with berserk. I am putting a Berserk-Clutch build with the Perfect Spark talent. I have a hybrid build with Everyday Carrier (belstone), Emperors Guard (+1% armor regen perfect talent), and Memento (3% regen at max stacks), which Strained, on your typical providence maxed out crit build, will still give a roughly 8% overall average damage increase, vs something like optimist which is roughly 6%. all good :) steady handed is a good talent to help with unhinged yeah, but since someone else already mentioned that one in your thread, i did mean optimized. 20 votes, 71 comments. For people who don't know, clutch talent gives you hp back if you crit Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1 vote and 7 comments Posted by u/jackedfibras - 4 votes and 4 comments Running this with Demolitionist Crisis response, Safeguard, Patience, Beserker, a high rpm sub as prime and chatterbox as secondary just trivialise… 369K subscribers in the thedivision community. Subreddit dedicated to Tom Clancy's The Division 2; an online RPG from Ubisoft and Massive… It is not a bug, the talent do mention the debuff being applied on enemies that are damaged by a grenade, the talent icon is on the enemy instead of on player weapon tooltip itself. Coining this from now on. Can't remember what the talent pool is but one is really leaning towards a skill build. What I am saying is that it allows you to heal above the 15% if you kill someone. Bloodsucker works extremely will with intimidate and offensive talent pummel is good on this pool too. For the life of me, I can’t find another decent backpack that fits my build. With 50+% chc you can crit every second bullet, on a blue build with 1. is this best gun talent to use or is there a better one ? Posted by u/Atomic_Gandhi - 3 votes and 8 comments I thought up one using the new chest and back running 1 pc china 2 pc grupo and technician with btsu gloves run tech decoy and artificer hive roll headshot skill haste and use tier 6 yellow with the mantis haven't thrown it together but made a template build to test and its silly bro throw the two so the explosive circles touch on outskirts and you can make a hoke point while taking heat off For example, Badger has a great set bonus, but they don't roll with talent capabilities. Are you willing to give up the talents you discovered for the Badger brand set bonus? Or say you want the talent clutch on your gloves; that talent can only roll on a handful of brandsand not all brands make gloves anyway. This talent requires four or less defensive attributes, and you need to have a light machine Here is what The Division 2 spreadsheet says about the talent: "Talent: Perfect ClutchIf you are below 20% armor, critical hits repair 3% missing armor. - the EMP effect prevent us from using our build - DPS builds allows you to heal yourself Posted by u/jquest67 - 1 vote and 7 comments SMG with Strained (high RPM and mag size if possible), Chatterbox for holster talent, Clutch talent (gloves from Theater vendor has it, so its easy to get), Safeguard talent for buff the healing from Clutch and skills, Patience talent to heal armor per second while in cover (also benefit from Safeguard, but not a must have talent). My question is, will using the demolition specialization for explosive damage and adding the explosive damage talent in my gear contribute to more damage in the Spark talent and the Merciless holster talent? How would it work? The current verbiage of the talent states, "Killing an enemy with a headshot guarantees that the next shot will be a guaranteed headshot ("critical headshot" for the named version). Hey guys I just got back into playing the division 2 sand I got a devils die backpack with the perfect Clutch talent. If you want some extra sustain on your build you're way better off going with companion on your backpack instead of clutch to give you 15% damage the whole time from your fixer drone, and just run preservation on your gun. My suggestions would be to swap your 2 Belstone pieces for 1 piece of Ceska and a piece of Sokolov. I think it will depend on your build though. The first part of the talent let’s you constantly repair armor when under 20%. Does it mean it isn't active or is it? It's very confusing. Hi, I've been farming for the clutch perk for at least 30 hours now, backpack targetted, ceska targetted (in DZ for devil's due) but I can't get… The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. Just praying RNGsus to grant me them. Put everything into crit chance until you are at 60%, then put everything to crit damage. Otherwise you will spend a lot of time reloading. I'm curious about this as well. if that talent Posted by u/grimeway1 - 1 vote and 17 comments Clutch is ass, and needs a complete rework since they stopped it working with incoming repairs. 0 and it is a god in solo For PvP, I’ve been running Clutch out of necessity. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3… 10 votes, 19 comments. I'm trying to move the "Clutch" talent from this pair of gloves: The secondary part triggers by killing an enemy, and the duration is dependent of the number of red cores you have. These would be restorer hive, reinforcer chem launcher, fixer drone, and mender seekers. Some could be stacked, some not and some needed a specific action. A full stack will be a faster reload than a half stack (obviously) but a half stack will still reload quicker than the standard reload for that weapon. Curious to see what everyone's thoughts are on Vigilance vs. Members Online [deleted] On Williams, Scorpio 20% damage talent for the whole team, on secondary i use SBR 9mm for clutch mainly due to rpm (this helps when sniped) Hollow man gives health damage for SMG, which makes killing reds easy to fully heal with clutch talent (1 red core) But if im using this build in other content i would simply choose backfire to get more Surpassing these builds IMO for solo play is this (and no armor regen rolls in sight): Punch drunk mask rolled to yellow, Alps (yellow) BP with vigilance and skill repair, FB chest with skill repair, FB gloves with skill repair, FB holster with skill repair and FB knees with skill repair. Right now clutch will not transfer even if it overriding the right talent type. Members Online Hiskus After I thought I got the hang of recalibration, something tonight has got me stumped. Activation: Loose armor till 15% or less remaining OR kill an enemy. Adding things for ai: Doing cover to cover would make them inaccurate Also doing a roll maneuver would make them inaccurate, but once the animation stops and youre open, enemies accuracy are guaranteed When The Division 2 launched, we had Gear Talents on every piece – sometimes more than one and all of them had requirements that had to be met. Members Online TheIsolatedOne66798 I have one hybrid with Concussion and Entrench, with 2 skill tiers, having a protector drone and bait. Im seeing the invisible hand in the clan vendor, and its at the 99% damage roll, so this shit is pretty much god rolled. BABYMETAL is a band that you'll either love or hate. Using the chatterbox and have berserk, and hard hitting… I'm mostly interested in more recent changes, as I have played lots of very challenging content from Division 1 and 2 in the past, including the nightmarish DZ5 and 6 shotgunners that 1-hit killed you from 2 blocks away. Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10 secondss, based on your [Weapon] core attribute" While the german translation in game says your armor must be below 2,5% for it to work. I have exactly 4 but this talent is marked on red. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to help improve the gameplay experience for those dedicated and enjoying the game 50K subscribers in the Division2 community. 5% seems awfully low for only the last 15% of armor. " Spotter is a really good alternative to GC that has way better survivability and doesn't require stacking like obliterate. The math says otherwise. Clutch talent description If you are below 15% armor, critical hits repair 2. Basically title, I got a glove drop with +10 smg dmg and was trying to put Clutch on it but it won't let me recalibrate. I notice it really big in PVE & with I was messing with my clutch build in the ODZ last night and noticed my EB which has about 50% CC heals me better than my vector did that has the max 60%. of course it's gonna work on heroic, but only working not make this talent good and worth it, cuz with bloodsucker you can be almost invisible when clutch give just some regen. . I love Drone and Turret especially when I play solo, because they take aggro which helps having 3 enemies marked at all times. I put together a crit build with a Banshee and Sweet Dreams a couple days ago while pairing it with Entrench and Perfect Clutch respectively. Are you sure that the talent symbol on the gloves you're trying to transfer clutch over to matches that talent symbol on clutch itself? By talent symbol I mean the circle icon/graphic that's underneath the main clutch graphic. Both in Descent and non - Descent builds. you replied to yourself with the second one and it didn't come up in my inbox so i missed it. PS: for anyone using frenzy, you can sort of “cheese” the reload if you’re using another weapon (I like to use a vector too). Vigilance gives you 25% bonus weapon damage, but it is disabled for 4s every time you take damage, which can be a lot in some missions on some difficulties. At the first glance, I think Restorative talent is not that good with Cluth build, because with decent amount of CHC, I can easily manage my survivability with Clutch talent. This is because crit chance is pretty hard to come by in Descent (I think that without any NSA Tech upgrades, you actually have 0% base crit chance). I tried a different talent, Knee cap, which seemed to work. If you only want to compare Intimate + Adrenaline Rush vs Obliterate + Unstoppable Force at Full Stacks. 5 is 1. Enjoyed it but nemesis was extremely difficult because of the skills me and a friend had as we couldn't use them and build damage was based on skills etc. I haven't found a single pair of gloves in the new gear score bracket with Clutch on them, asking if anyone here has gotten clutch on a 470+ gs glove. Members Online Thanks for the new bib, Ubisoft! The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. It only provides a little bit of health for critical hits when under 20% armor (perfect clutch). both braced and steady handed come with some conditions to activate their buffs (be in cover and hitting shots The reload will consume whatever amount of the stack you got to before you reload. You will hate a clutch build if your primary focus is hitting 60%. Or I get killed before… It depends. In my opinion it is definitely worth it. With Gear 2. In this state, this talent is completely worthless. Companion - Great for Fixer Drone players, sustainable damage without worrying about losing it when getting hit. Berserk asks for 7 or more offensive points, I have 8 but it also is marked on red. Now my question is on the second part of the talent- Kills allow you to repair up to 100% of armor for 4-10s based on your core attribute. This will bring shotguns to about the same amount of theorically achievable healing per second as SMGs. Ridgeway's can give even higher % regen still, but requires you to be attacking enemies at close range to benefit from it, and Warhounds and Drones can't bleed, so isn't as consistent as Memento stacks. Posted by u/superdad0721 - No votes and 9 comments 378K subscribers in the thedivision community. The lower TTK does help Clutch be a tad more viable in the DZ now just an FYI. Health on kill is actually one of the most useful talents in the game. Clutch but it just so happens mine is too nicely rolled not to use:D I'm using demolitionist because when unbreakable procs you get an automatic magazine refill. Thanks. I think Clutch will survive, but not in its current state. Perfect Focus is best in slot on the chest if you don't mind the scope-in (which you can scope in and out quickly or reload to get more situational awareness but keep the buff). Amuse producer Key Kobayashi delved into the unknown and fused Idol (J-Pop) and Metal, creating a sub-group of Sakura Gakuin: BABYMETAL! I’m making a high dps build I have Strained on my gun and Berserk on vest one with over 1 k health and one with over 2 k Heath both fun to play I don’t want to use clutch as heath is high 5 and offence 10 skill 0 . The crits will always only heal 2. Division 2 is run by pve people. I feel like 900RPM is enough, in all honesty. 20% armour on a single headshot kill is way more than you'll be getting from Posted by u/PaulOaktree - 1 vote and 4 comments Posted by u/ASAPRosayyy - 2 votes and 6 comments Posted by u/milkytee31 - 1 vote and 4 comments Along with upcoming changes to shotguns (passive increased melee damage is now increased armor damage), I would like to see healing from “Clutch” talent to work based on pellets for shotguns, instead of per shot. The skills and talents make me survive a lot, and armor on kill from named glove and gunner helps a lot. If you would like to share media, please use one of the hosts above. IMO the biggest problem with the OP smg builds in PVP isn't safeguard, but the ability you get from Clutch talent to keep facetanking and remain immortal as long as you keep shooting, every crit you land heals you continuously and this is what makes this build OP, not safeguard. 5% missing armor. The former talent is definitely working as it should, but I'm not seeing the results that I expected from a heavily red oriented build with Perfect Clutch thrown in the mix. As I stated with max reds it lasts 10 . Yeah I noticed this as well on One X. For the duration of the activation, the 15% threshold dissapears and you're able to heal up to your total armor when hitting enemies with a critical shot. Members Online The art in the open world is fenomenal! A reddit community dedicated to Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice, the action/psychological horror game developed by Ninja Theory, released August 8th 2017. Actually 70% of 2. Vigilance - mid to long range plinking with the M1A, or MMRs. Members Online found a new "out of bounds" , short and aparently useless but there is still one secret to find in NY according to the devs , sharing for exploration purposes. Composure for a backpack talent. I'm running a high crit build with 35% smg damage, just started farming blue mods hoping to find some smg damage mods to help make up for the nerf to berserk. After a kill you can repair your armor fully repairing 2. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. Posted by u/GenghisKai_ - 1 vote and 8 comments That talent means when you kill someone with max red attributes you get a buff for 10 secs allowing clutch to heal you to 100%. A tier 0 drone heals more armor than this. Members Online Didn't know how the Dark Zone worked, tried to hijack a chopper Posted by u/HisokaMIW - No votes and 9 comments 376K subscribers in the thedivision community. Deploy it at the beginning of the fight and it's just there the whole time. 60K subscribers in the Division2 community. Since usually SMGs fit nice in a critical build, and if you would use gloves with the clutch talent, "strained" is a good talent to have as the primary. Does anyone know if clutch is bugged at the moment? The second part of the talent states: "Kills allow you to repair up to 100% armor for 4-10s… In the last two days I’ve seen and heard people swearing that clutch, entrench, versitile and now leadership are amazing. Hello, r/TheDivision only allows link posts to imgur, streamable, or reddit hosted images or videos. However, I will replace it with other Exotic talent if Preservation Talent tier reaches 6 onwards. Low-salt Division 2 sub-reddit focused on informative posts and contributions to… If you have 6 armor regen substats on a 6 red core build then the total armor regen value will be equivalent to 2% of total armor (I think), which translates to 2% armor regen and some change. For the Talent on AR and Rifle I use In-Sync. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3… The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division, The Division 2 and The Division 3; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. That's why it has an amazing pve 😁 PVP is pure dog shit. No talent is “useless” if you spec into it. I don't seem to be getting any health back with critics hits. it's pretty straight forward talent and it's meh, cuz it's heal you with % of missing armor, so when you have more then 50% every crit barely regen you. I have the clutch talent. Guess what, I almost never die. 5% per crit for 4-10 seconds. Nice team wipe :) The key gamer move here was that you were able to pop that 200% armor medkit which basically made you invulnerable for the start of the fight, and one of the guys that pushed you already had no armor. 2. ncnlv nnemnt ufszhip vczp wzszn xvzf uxstsi lejs akncj rso ncgpkn gatzsa joaej sre redmv