Dehydrins review. 6, 8 The K-segment is a lysine-rich .
Dehydrins review Advances in our understanding of dehydrin The FSK n type predominated in tree and shrub dehydrins of both gymnosperms and angiosperms, while the YnSKn type was more prevalent in vine dehydrins. The expression of dehydrins has long been correlated with several abiotic stressors including drought, salinity and cold. . Dehydrins are Dehydrins, which belong to group 2 LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) proteins, are a family of intrinsically unstructured plant proteins that accumulate during the late stages of embryogenesis, and play an important role in plant responses and adaptation to stress. , 1983; Blackman et al. These genes encode seven types of dehydrins (KS, SK3, … This review outlines the current status of the progress made towards the structural, physico-chemical and functional characterization of plant dehydrins and how these features could be exploited in improving stress tolerance in plants. , 1999 ;Tommasini etal. We begin with a brief overview of their discovery and examine the localization of dehydrins inside the cell. Here, we show that a dehydrin, <i>Medicago truncatula</i> MtCAS31 (cold acclimation-specific 31), a positive regulator of drought response, plays a … May 1, 2010 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and Jul 6, 2023 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and summarizes recent updates on their structure (the identification of dehydrin less conserved motifs), classification (new proposed subclasses), tissue- and This review presents some new data, survey the biochemistry, biophysics and bioinformatics of the LEA proteins and highlights several possible functions, including roles as antioxidants and as membrane and protein stabilisers during water stress, either by direct interaction or by acting as molecular shields. In this review, we will focus on what is currently known about the sequence make-up and structure of dehydrins in higher plants, and what has been demonstrated in vitro with regards to their potential in vivo protective functions Dehydrins are well known for being expressed in leaves during the course of developmental processes as well as under drought stress, being part of the protective machinery. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Faculty of Health Science, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. VÍTÁMVÁS*and I. Dehydrins are composed of several typical domains joined together in a few characteristic patterns, with numerous minor permutations. A wide range of hostile environmental conditions including low temperature, drought, and high salinity stimulate dehydrin expression. Many dehydrins are induced by multiple stress factors, such as drought, salt, extreme temperatures, etc. ), the second most abundant source of edible oil (Uppstrom, 1995), in response to cold stress treatment and the regulation of the transcription of dehydrins and their co-expressed May 1, 2010 · Dehydrins are highly hydrophilic proteins that accumulate during embryogenesis and water stress responses in plants. Here, we mostly focus on analysis of dehydrins in canola (Brassica napus L. The functional versatility of dehydrins is reviewed using recent experimental Oct 31, 2014 · Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. The protein Apr 28, 2022 · One of the earliest biophysical clues that dehydrins are involved in membrane cryoprotection came from in vitro studies that demonstrated a binding interaction between the protein and membranes. Boddington Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada Edited by: Dehydration proteins (dehydrins) are group 2 members of the late embryogenesis Sabina Vidal, Universidad de la abundant Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and summarizes recent updates on their structure (the identification of dehydrin less conserved motifs), classification (new proposed subclasses), tissue- and Dec 13, 2021 · Dehydrins (DHNs) are a family of plant proteins that play important roles on abiotic stress tolerance and seed development. , 1999). , 1999), as mentioned earlier in this review. Dehydrins is a complex family of hydrophilic heat-stable proteins. The distinctive feature of all DHNs is a conserved, lysine-rich 15-amino acid domain, EKKGIMDKIKEKLPG, named the K-se … The review summarizes recent knowledge on the expression of cold-inducible dehydrins with a special attention to Wcs120 and Dhn5 genes in wheat and barley plants under different temperatures. Here, we mostly focus on analysis of dehydrins in canola (Brassica napus L. Keywords: abiotic stress; cold; dehydration; dehydrins; intrinsically disordered proteins; late embryogenesis abundant; localization; structure. T. They were suggested to be associated with specific protective functions in Dehydrins present a distinct biochemical group of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins characterised by the presence of a lysine-rich amino acid motif, the K-segment. Natural drought-tolerant plants entail the recruitment of a variety of metabolites and low molecular weight proteins to negate the detrimental effects of drought … Jan 1, 2021 · Dehydrins are a multifunctional and diverse class of proteins that are crucial in combating abiotic stresses imposed on the plant kingdom. The Y n SK n and Y n K n types were absent in gymnosperms. Keywords: higher plants, recalcitrant seeds, dehydrins, stress-induced proteins, heat-stable proteins DOI: 10. 00576 Dehydration proteins (dehydrins) are group 2 members of the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) protein family. , recent reviews by Tunnacliffe and Wise [13] and Battaglia et al. In this review, to generate new ideas for Jan 1, 2002 · The S-segment has the consensus sequence, LHRSGS 4–10 (E/D) 3 (Fig. TY - JOUR AU - Kosová, Klára AU - Vítámvás, Pavel AU - Prášil, Ilja T. Jun 1, 1997 · All observations are consistent with a hypothesis that dehydrins are surfactants capable of inhibiting the coagulation of a range of macromolecules, thereby preserving structural integrity. (1993) analyzed the localization of DSP16 and DSP16-like DHNs in drought-treated C. Feb 11, 2022 · Dehydrins are intrinsically disordered proteins composed of several well conserved sequence motifs known as the Y-, S-, F-, and K-segments, the latter of which is a defining feature of all dehydrins. Dehydrins (DHNs) Jan 1, 2013 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and Dehydrins (DHNs) are late embryonic abundant proteins characterized by the dehydrin domains that are involved in plant abiotic stress tolerance. They are highly hydrophilic, soluble upon boiling, and rich in glycine and polar amino acids. Nov 23, 2021 · The present review focuses on the complex dehydrins gene expression regulatory network and aims to elucidate the self-protection mechanism that dehydrins activate in plants challenged by abiotic Sep 1, 2003 · This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical properties of dehydrins, proteins that are normally synthesized in maturating seeds during their desiccation, and also in vegetative tissues of plants treated with abscisic acid or exposed to environmental stress factors that result in cellular dehydration. 11. Here, we show that a dehydrin, <i>Medicago truncatula</i> MtCAS31 (cold acclimation-specific 31), a positive regulator of drought response, plays a … May 1, 2010 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and Jun 9, 2017 · Although many studies have been conducted to understand their roles in abiotic stresses, the molecular function of dehydrins is still unclear. Dehydrins are a family of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins which usually accumulate in plants during late embryogenesis or in response to environmental stresses. 1, * , Rabiye TERZİ. Aug 27, 2014 · Dehydrins played a vital role in preventing desiccation in developing seeds I review the physiology, morphology, and ecology of these desiccation-intolerant, nondormant lineages. PRÁŠIL* Research Institute of Crop Production, Drnovská 507, Prague, CZ-16106, Czech Republic* Faculty of Science, Charles University, Viniþná 5, Prague, CZ-12844, Czech Republic** Abstract Dehydrins present a distinct biochemical group of late Biochemistryany of a large family of proteins that are formed in plants as a response to dehydration stress and low temperature。点击查看英语发音、例句和视频。 Sep 23, 2020 · Sound impact on plants has been investigated for decades, with an increase in interest attested by recent reviews on plant-sound interaction [1, 2]. Dehydrins are composed of several typical domains, designated as K, S and Y segments. Jun 28, 2008 · Despite their widespread occurrence and abundance in cells under dehydrative conditions, the biochemical role of dehydrins remains elusive. Advances in our understanding of dehydrin structures, gene regulation and their close relationships with abiotic stresses demonstrates their remarkable ability to enhance stress tolerance in plants. This review outlines the current status of the progress made toward the structural, physico-chemical and functional characterization of plant dehydrins and how these features could be exploited in improving stress tolerance in plants. 1b), which in most cases precedes the first K-segment. The review summarizes recent knowledge on the expression of cold-inducible dehydrins with a spe- cial attention to Wcs120 and Dhn5 genes in wheat and barley plants under different temperatures. species, dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins contribute to the protection of fragile organellar structures under adverse conditions. May 1, 2010 · The functional versatility of dehydrins is reviewed using recent experimental evidence, and perspectives in the functional studies of dehydRins are also discussed. [14]), they are also called LEA-II proteins and are defined by a presence of a conserved lysine-rich sequence near to the carboxy terminus of their molecules named K-segment [15,16]. In this review, to generate new ideas for elucidating dehydrins' functions, we highlight the functional characteristics of dehydrins to understand their roles under environmental stress in plants. Oct 31, 2014 · In this review, we will focus on what is currently known about the sequence make-up and structure of dehydrins in higher plants, and what has been demonstrated in vitro with regards to their potential in vivo protective functions. Roles of dehydrins in recalcitrant seeds are discussed. [2] One family of proteins that is expressed during dehydration stress has been named dehydration proteins (dehydrins). In addition, biotechnologies and integrative approaches that have aided in exploring the varying dynamics of dehydrin spatially and temporally are The review considers main properties and functions of dehydrins, their structure, classification, spread, and intracellular localization. This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical Sep 7, 2018 · This article reviews the role of dehydrins under abiotic stress, regulatory networks of dehydrin genes, and the physiological functions of dehydrins. Crosstalk among these molecules and pathways may Progress on the mapping of dhn genes and the inheritance of freezing tolerance in barley and other Triticeae species tentatively points to dehydrins as key components of dehydration tolerance, which may be structure stabilizers with detergent and chaperone-like properties and an array of nuclear and cytoplasmic targets. 9, 10 As their sequence characteristics became available, DHNs were redefined on the basis of their motifs and newly defined as proteins possessing at least one copy of a conserved sequence known as K-segment in their molecules. Calcium bind-ing by dehydrins is related to protein phosphorylation. Jul 8, 2014 · The largest group of dehydrins in barley (10 out of 13 Dhn genes) as well as in common wheat belong to Y n SK m type which encompass basic dehydrins induced by strong dehydration stresses (drought, salt, frost) as well as by abscisic acid (ABA) due to an occurrence of several ABRE elements in their promoters (Choi et al. These segments are interspersed by regions of low sequence conservation and are organized modularly, … REVIEW ARTICLE published: 31 October 2014 doi: 10. Dehydrins are highly hydrophilic proteins that accumulate during embryogenesis and water stress responses in plants. During periods of cold temperatures, the degree of unsaturation lipids in the cell membranes increases. ER - Jul 6, 2023 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and Oct 19, 2022 · Dehydrins can be sorted into seven sequence architecture groups: Y n SK n, F n SK n, Y n K n, SK n, F n K n, K n, and K n S. 1989). 2 Oct 13, 1998 · Tolerance can be induced experimentally in isolated seeds or embryos by slow drying to the final dehydration state (Adams et al. Oct 31, 2014 · In vitro experimental evidence from biochemical assays and localization experiments suggests multiple roles for dehydrins, including membrane protection, cryoprotection of enzymes, and protection Oct 30, 2014 · Our review will focus on dehydrins, which are classified as members of the LEA protein family D-11 or group 2 (Close, 1997). Differences In brief, dehydrins may be structure stabilizers with detergent and chaperone-like properties and an array of nuclear and cytoplasmic targets. com Dehydrins are highly hydrophilic proteins that accumulate during embryogenesis and water stress responses in plants. [1] DHNs are hydrophilic, reliably thermostable, and disordered. This review outlines the current status of the progress made towards the structural, physico-chemical and functional characterization of plant dehydrins and how these features could be exploited in improving stress tolerance in plants. In addition, the mechanisms that regulate the relationship between WB/DF and their beneficial health effects are not fully understood. , 1997), implying that cellular changes conferring resistance are initiated as water is lost and can be consolidated as long Jun 9, 2017 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and Although many studies have been conducted to understand their roles in abiotic stresses, the molecular function of dehydrins is still unclear. Gymnosperm dehydrins exhibited a shift towards more negative GRAVY scores and Fold Indexes. Mar 19, 2019 · Plants have developed mechanisms that allow them to tolerate different abiotic stresses. type dehydrins are embryo-specific such as barley Dhn12 (Choi and Close, 2000). When plants are exposed to cold, dehydrins start accumulating both in freezing-tolerant and freezing-suscept … Mar 1, 2020 · This article reviews the role of dehydrins under abiotic stress, regulatory networks of dehydrin genes, and the physiological functions of dehydrins. Oct 31, 2018 · This article reviews the role of dehydrins under abiotic stress, regulatory networks of dehydrin genes, and the physiological functions of dehydrins. In this study, fifty-four wheat DHN unigenes were identified in the expressed sequence tags database. 00576 Disorder and function: a review of the dehydrin protein family Steffen P. Oct 31, 2014 · We review what is currently known about dehydrin sequences and their structures, and examine the various ligands that have been shown to bind to this family of proteins. The dehydrins are considered as stress proteins involved in formation REVIEW ARTICLE published: 31 October 2014 doi: 10. 2 1. Dehydrins are overwhelmingly polar and lack the hydrophobic core that necessitates folding in This review outlines the current status of the progress made towards the structural, physico-chemical and functional characterization of plant dehydrins and how these features could be exploited in improving stress tolerance in plants. The present review focuses on the complex dehydrins gene expression regulatory network and aims to elucidate the self-protection mechanism that dehydrins activate in plants challenged by abiotic stress. KOSOVÁ*,**,1, P. Moreover, in seed physiology, dehydrins are classified as late embryogenesis-related proteins (LEA protein), where they are tho … Jun 8, 2017 · Although many studies have been conducted to understand their roles in abiotic stresses, the molecular function of dehydrins is still unclear. Nov 23, 2021 · Dehydrins, also known as Group II late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins, are classic intrinsically disordered proteins, which have high hydrophilicity. Binding to Small Molecules It is well documented that dehydrins bind calcium. ), the second most abundant source of edible oil (Uppstrom, 1995), in response to cold stress treatment and the regulation of the transcription of dehydrins and their co-expressed Review Role of plant dehydrins in antioxidation mechanisms XinSun1,2&Hong-HuiLin1* 1Key Laboratory of Bio-resources and Eco-environment (Ministry of Education), College of Life Sciences, Sichuan Univer-sity, Chengdu 610064, People’s Republic of China; e-mail: honghuilin@hotmail. PY - 2014 M3 - Mini Review TI - Wheat and barley dehydrins under cold, drought, and salinity – what can LEA-II proteins tell us about plant stress response? Dec 1, 2007 · The review summarizes recent knowledge on the expression of cold-inducible dehydrins with a spe- cial attention to Wcs120 and Dhn5 genes in wheat and barley plants under different temperatures. Aug 12, 2010 · Plant antioxidation system is composed of a series of complex mechanisms, in which many antioxidants including some special proteins are involved. Subsequent work has shown that one conserved motif, known as K-segments, is involved in binding, while recent studies have used NMR to explore the binding metal ions or lipid vesicles. Review Article. Oct 1, 2011 · This review outlines the current status of the progress made towards the structural, physico-chemical and functional characterization of plant dehydrins and how these features could be exploited Apr 28, 2006 · Among proteins that accumulate in plants in response to dehydrative forces or low temperature, dehydrins (late embryogenesis abundant [Lea] D11 family) have been the most commonly observed. Jan 1, 2021 · This review describes the details of studies on dehydrin from its discovery until 2021, thus providing a progressive, complex, interlinked and comprehensive understanding of the dehydrin gene family. Consequently, the occurrence of dehydrins in seeds undergoing a maturation drying has to be considered as a direct response to drought stress. Although many studies have been conducted to understand their roles in abiotic stresses, the molecular function of dehydrins is still unclear. Dehydrins are exclusively found in plants, whereas members of the other LEA groups are also present in organisms such as bacteria or nematodes (Goyal et al. Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and Jan 1, 2002 · DHN5 in cold acclimated barley was localized in vascular tissue and epidermis of shoots and in non-acclimated leaves in the vascular bundle (Bravo et al. g. In the review, an overvi … BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 51 (4): 601-617, 2007 REVIEW The role of dehydrins in plant response to cold K. 6, 8 The K-segment is a lysine-rich Nov 23, 2021 · Hence, dehydrins might also protect plasma membranes and proteins and stabilize DNA conformations. Jul 6, 2023 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and summarizes recent updates on their structure (the identification of dehydrin less conserved motifs), classification (new proposed subclasses), tissue- and This review presents some new data, survey the biochemistry, biophysics and bioinformatics of the LEA proteins and highlights several possible functions, including roles as antioxidants and as membrane and protein stabilisers during water stress, either by direct interaction or by acting as molecular shields. It is proposed that they can act as emulsifiers or chaperones in the cells, i. , 2008 Wang etal Jul 9, 2014 · The largest group of dehydrins in barley (10 out of 13 Dhn genes) as well as in common wheat belong to Y n SK m type which encompass basic dehydrins induced by strong dehydration stresses (drought, salt, frost) as well as by abscisic acid (ABA) due to an occurrence of several ABRE elements in their promoters (Choi et al. Among these mechanisms, the accumulation of specific proteins such as dehydrins (DHNs) and aquaporins (AQPs) can protect other proteins from damage during dehydration and may allow the control of water loss, respectively. These segments are interspersed by regions of low sequence conservation and are organized modularly, which results in seven different architectures: Kn, SKn, YnSKn, YnKn, KnS, FnK and FnSKn Mar 19, 2019 · This review describes the details of studies on dehydrin from its discovery until 2021, thus providing a progressive, complex, interlinked and comprehensive understanding of the dehydrin gene family. This article reviews the role of dehydrins under abiotic stress, regulatory networks of dehydrin genes, and the physiological functions of dehydrins. Expand Oct 1, 2011 · This review outlines the current status of the progress made towards the structural, physico-chemical and functional characterization of plant dehydrins and how these features could be exploited in improving stress tolerance in plants. Dehydrins: an overview of current approaches and advancement. Advances in our understanding of dehydrin No review has provided a unique and comprehensive overview regarding the WB functional properties, process modifications and randomized, controlled clinical trials. Neslihan SARUHAN GÜLER. DHNs are characterized by wide range of molecular masses from 9–200 kD. plantagineum . Graether* and Kelly F. The K segment is a lysine-rich consensus In brief, dehydrins may be structure stabilizers with detergent and chaperone-like properties and an array of nuclear and cytoplasmic targets. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 28 (4), 199-217 Oct 1, 2003 · This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical properties of dehydrins, proteins that are normally synthesized in maturating seeds during their desiccation, and also in Drought stress seriously affects crop yield, and the mechanism underlying plant resistance to drought stress via macroautophagy/autophagy is not clear. We review what is currently known about dehydrin sequences and their structures, and examine the various ligands that have been shown to bind to this family of proteins. Jan 31, 2011 · The review summarizes recent knowledge on the expression of cold-inducible dehydrins with a special attention to Wcs120 and Dhn5 genes in wheat and barley plants under different temperatures. 2005; Tunnacliffe and Wise 2007). Schneider et al. Sep 4, 2021 · Dehydration proteins (dehydrins, DHNs) confer tolerance to water-stress deficit to plants, thus playing a fundamental role in plant response and adaptation to water-deprivation stressful environments. , 1991; for review, see Vertucci and Farrant, 1995; Bochicchio et al. Expression of dehydrins under heat stress and their relationship with water relations of sugarcane leaves. However, recent molecular-based studies have provided insights into the multifunctionality of dehydrins. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4. When plants are exposed to cold, dehydrins start accumulating both in freezing-tolerant and freezing-susceptible plants; however, their accumulation Dehydrins (DHNs) are part of a large group of highly hydrophilic proteins known as LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant). Advances in our understanding of dehydrin Mar 24, 2020 · The review considers main properties and functions of dehydrins, their structure, classification, spread, and intracellular localization. Drought stress-induced crop loss has been considerably increased in recent years because of global warming and changing rainfall pattern. The presence and order of these motifs are used to classify dehydrins into one of five architectures: Kn, SKn, KnS, YnKn, and YnSKn, where the subscript n describes the number of copies of that motif. Out of 57 S-segments analyzed, 43 have a glycine after the three acidic amino acids, whereas the remaining 14 generally have a longer stretch of acidic amino acids (up to seven) followed by V/I/G. 1134/S1021443720020028 CAUSES OF PLANT Jul 5, 2023 · Our review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and summarizes recent updates on their structure (the identification of dehydrin less conserved motifs), classification (new proposed subclasses), tissue- and In this review, we mainly focus on the damage effects caused by low temperatures, and the evidence that dehydrins are involved in preventing that damage. In this review, to generate new ideas for elucidating dehydrins’ functions, we highlight the functional characteristics of dehydrins to understand their roles under environmental stress in plants. This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical properties of dehydrins, proteins that are normally synthesized in maturating seeds during their desiccation, and also in vegetative tissues of plants treated with abscisic acid or exposed to environmental stress factors that result … Jan 1, 2003 · This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical properties of dehydrins, proteins that are normally synthesized in maturating seeds during their desiccation, and also in Oct 1, 2011 · Dehydrins: Undefined Structure for Multiple Functions. Although dehydrins were discovered in the 1980s, their physiological functions are unknown. K n type dehydrins DHN5 in barley and sev-eral K n type dehydrins (WCS120 family as well as low-molecular K n type dehydrins such as WDHN13) in common wheat are induced by both cold and drought as well as by ABA (Choi etal. Dehydrins belong to a large family of LEA (late embryogenesis-abundant) proteins (see e. In this study, an Jan 1, 2019 · Canola is relatively cold-tolerant, however, spring frost can severely damage or even kill canola seedlings (Fiebelkorn and Rahman, 2016). A number of proteins have been identified that typically accumulate in Jan 1, 2011 · The group 2 of the LEA proteins are commonly called dehydrins because of an early proposed function in plants surviving drought stress (Close et al. Dehydrin (DHN) is a multi-family of proteins present in plants that is produced in response to cold and drought stress. 3389/fpls. , they protect proteins and membranes against Apr 9, 2011 · Many reviews have summarized the amino acid sequence characteristics , expression patterns, cellular and subcellular localizations, and physiological functions of dehydrins (see reviews such as Feb 6, 2019 · Dehydrins, plant proteins that are upregulated during dehydration stress conditions, have modular sequences that can contain three conserved motifs (the Y-, S-, and K-segments). In leaves subjected to various stress situations, particularly to drought stress, dehydrins are synthesized as part of the protective response (for review see Close, 1997; Hara, 2010). In the present review, we discuss the regulatory networks of dehydrin gene expression including the abscisic acid (ABA), mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade, and Ca 2+ signaling pathways. 0 International License. They are classified into five structural subgroups: K-, SK-, YK-, YSK The evidence that dehydrins bind to the macromolecules suggests that dehydrins may protect these molecules from the stresses. This review describes the details of studies on May 1, 2010 · Dehydrins are highly hydrophilic proteins that accumulate during embryogenesis and water stress responses in plants. The subcellular location of dehydrins is consistent with a biochemical role as an intracellular stabilizer, possibly with surfactant characteristics, acting upon targets in both the nucleus and cytoplasm. Among proteins that accumulate in plants in response to dehydrative forces or low temperature, dehydrins (late embryogenesis abundant [Lea] D11 family) have been the most commonly observed. The inability of higher plants to move away from danger was likely a major force in the development of their stress responses. This review deals with recent data on the structure and biochemical properties of dehydrins, proteins that are normally synthesized in maturating seeds during their desiccation, and also in vegetative tissues of plants treated with abscisic acid or exposed to environmental stress factors that result in cellular dehydration. Sep 12, 2014 · This review characterizes the participation of plant dehydrins and dehydrin-like proteins (including some organellar proteins) in plant acclimation to diverse abiotic stress conditions and summarizes recent updates on their structure, classification (new proposed subclasses), tissue- and developmentally specific accumulation, and key cellular Jan 1, 2011 · The review summarizes recent knowledge on the expression of cold-inducible dehydrins with a special attention to Wcs120 and Dhn5 genes in wheat and barley plants under different temperatures. They were originally identified as group II of the LEA proteins. However, recent Jul 9, 2014 · Dehydrins as a group of late embryogenesis abundant II proteins represent important dehydration-inducible proteins whose accumulation is induced by developmental processes (embryo maturation) as well as by several abiotic stress factors (low temperatures, drought, salinity). Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 28 (4), 199-217 Jan 1, 2019 · Canola is relatively cold-tolerant, however, spring frost can severely damage or even kill canola seedlings (Fiebelkorn and Rahman, 2016). In vitro experiments revealed that dehydrins could protect the activity of enzyme from damage caused by environmental stress. 2014. Recent progress on the mapping of dhn genes and the inheritance of freezing tolerance in barley and other Triticeae species tentatively points to dehydrins as key components of dehydration tolerance. Jan 13, 2022 · Dehydrins are intrinsically disordered proteins composed of several well conserved sequence motifs known as the Y-, S-, F-, and K-segments, the latter of which is a defining feature of all dehydrins. The report that Rab17 was purified from maize embryo as a phosphorylated Aug 27, 2014 · In leaves subjected to various stress situations, particularly to drought stress, dehydrins are synthesized as part of the protective response (for review see Close, 1997; Hara, 2010). These groups are representative of which segments are present and how many of each are present is denoted by the ‘n’. Numerous studies have furnished evidence for the protective role played by dehydrins in plants exposed to Oct 31, 2018 · This article reviews the role of dehydrins under abiotic stress, regulatory networks of dehydrin genes, and the physiological functions of dehydrins. Dec 1, 2007 · The review summarizes recent knowledge on the expression of cold-inducible dehydrins with a spe- cial attention to Wcs120 and Dhn5 genes in wheat and barley plants under different temperatures. Apr 1, 2022 · This article reviews the role of dehydrins under abiotic stress, regulatory networks of dehydrin genes, and the physiological functions of dehydrins. e. Although plant perception of sounds has often been approached through a purely mechanical standpoint and associated with general mechanoperception [ 3 , 4 ], some researchers have investigated Sep 20, 2017 · C-repeat/dehydration-responsive element binding factors (CBF/DREB) are transcription factors which play a role in improving plant cold stress resistance and recognize the DRE/CRT element in the promoter of a set of cold regulated genes.