Angular 5 redirect to external url not working. Jul 30, 2018 · I get a temporary URL from a JSON server.

Angular 5 redirect to external url not working href = 'https://www. Below is the code of my menu item { name: 'Po Mar 6, 2019 · this might be an old question but you have a '/' in your redirect url you should remove that and it would work. Nov 12, 2019 · Detect when the given url points towards and external resource. html under the static folder in my project structure. I have created a method that validly checks whether May 14, 2014 · Can someone please help, how can I redirect to a different page using angular routing ? It seems angular always redirect only relative to base url. Dec 1, 2021 · The act of logging in with email and password redirects you to a new URL which contains the access token, expiration period of access and other details in it (FYI, the redirect URL's localhost and port can be found in the fake URL). Dec 17, 2015 · Here's an updated example using Angular 4 (also compatible with Angular 5 to redirect the user to an external URL, Redirect after successful login not working Nov 10, 2021 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. href = "www. Feb 19, 2023 · You need to configure this in your IIS (Internet Information Service) configuration and not inside your Angular code, since it is a URL rewrite and not a duplication of the Website. – Jun 5, 2019 · Where redirect guard is a module that handles external URLs. I also tried to use spring mvc and security to restrict access to index. com'; sets the href property of the window. Also this is only helpful if you want to redirect to an external URL directly from the view. So the following should succeed: Jun 7, 2019 · I am trying to redirect to external url using anchor tag but angular is trying to route it inside the application. Instead I make a separate HTTP GET request setting the header, and the external site returns an authentication cookie which is set on the client. redirect(obj); } Is there any way to do that in angula Aug 20, 2020 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. aurelia. I had to add component: DummyComponent of some sort to make it work. proxy config may help you in development; but you will have the same problem once you move your code to production Aug 18, 2021 · I have tried to open redirect external website when button click in Angular , but its not working , Please help <button [routerLink]="www. href = "/login" then it works fine, but obviously this isn't the angular way and also causes my app to reload. Instead of hard coding externalUrl I need to fetch it from my appConfig but I cant access appConfig without a constructor like: constructor(@Inject(APP_CONFIG) private appConfig) {} as appConfig is set up as a module with injection token like: Oct 25, 2015 · @M. Redirect external URL Angular. router. Jan 26, 2020 · Create . could you please provide me an solution on how to come back to the Angular from there Aug 20, 2016 · In Angular 15, redirectTo will not work alone without pathMatch property. go(common lib) method can be used only for internal routing navigation and it will not work if we want to redirect to external URL( non Angular route link). Http. If a user is not authenticated I need to be able to redirect out to my auth service, login if required, and come back to the SAME URL they were originally trying to get. This makes your server not more secure. Angular base href not showing up in URL. once the payment is successful, the external url will be redirected to an another external url. href); but is giving following like this. So I used two functions to call window. In your second test case though, it should just fail, due to the fact that you're not calling canActivate at all. html". I have tested this: Angular 7 - Redirect to external Dec 19, 2017 · When I get the response of a get request from my server, I want to redirect to an external url with specific headers, to be able communicate some information between two apps. But, I am not able to redirect the page from spring boot. The current code has the api redirection call on constructure of app. That is angular url. Jul 30, 2018 · I get a temporary URL from a JSON server. 9 of the router and now the router seems to catch the URL change and tells me. It still works, but then if I refresh the page May 11, 2017 · Using location. RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} www\. href); i need to do the same in angular 5. We assume that our single page app is running on a subdirectory on the server . But when I go to it, it automatically changes the link by adding /home onto the end. Share Jul 18, 2018 · Hi I am writting a post request from my site to external site. loc Jun 28, 2021 · I have a Angular (version 8) application which is going to redirect / call an external url (not API) with HEADERS. *)$ sub_folder/index. I also tried "redirect:/nextpage. I want to go to an external URL. net core web api or frontend- angular? I am working with a payment gateway. example. For the basic backend API Calls, it's been pretty easy to work with document. log("&gt;&g Jan 7, 2019 · I am developing a application with angular 6 as front end and spring boot as back end. uk"; However, when I do this, it simply appends the above onto the current localhost base url which is http://localhost:4200. This means that I have to redirect to an external URL. Dec 4, 2017 · It's not available because my backend doesn't work yet. The third party application had to accommodate that as we didn't manage to set the header on a redirect. This is a bad practice , but I included it in an example on Stackblitz for you to see the difference and understand what is going on. co. json. links work as expected and also perform full page reloads when other parts of the url than the hash fragment was changed. Our login app is a different system, outside that base-href. app-routing. Example Usage in Template (my-component. html"); and also moved the nextpage. Once, the user clicks the payment button from the angular app, I was able to redirect to this external url. i tried the below code. x SPA with an Angular 5. 6. There must be a way to do this. If it is not there, the guard should redirect to a single-sign-on page else where ( not on the same subdomain ). I know that 401 is the correct response for an unauthorized user, but the redirection allow to set a cookie to a domain knowed by both angular application. com" >; Goto google &lt;/butto Jul 4, 2018 · If can be fixed by setting the htaccess file. i am trying to figure out if this resolves issue or not as it working for me, it good if you create link If you want to redirect a user to a different subdomain use window. Nov 1, 2016 · your app still work ! because (path: "") override in login-routing. If not, falling back to the regular Router navigation. url doesn't actually contain the entire url that the user entered - it contains the url that points to the state being guarded. navigateToRoute('myRoute'); The routing to the external URL works fine. Feb 14, 2018 · Navigating to an external url from an Angular application is something quite easy. after completion of the payment it will redirect to one url with post data but in my application i gave the angular route url but it is showing below exception Oct 27, 2016 · I would like to create external redirect, but to make all routes consistent I think it would be nice to do under Router States. RewriteEngine on # Don't rewrite files or directories RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d RewriteRule ^ - [L] # Rewrite everything else to index. Teams Redirect external URL Angular. 312. 1 Aug 20, 2018 · This doesn't work as is: One of the following must be provided: component, redirectTo, children or loadChildren. location. How to redirect to external URL in angular from entry menu. location OR location. ts So what happens is, The html pages of app. router) console. 313 Mar 22, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Could you please check if this works for you. hr May 23, 2018 · We have an application in Angular where we need to redirect the user to the login page (when the user is not authenticated or when the token has expired). Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. com", and only the relative url redirection is working. Hot Network Questions Why `\allowbreak` not working Unexpected roundoff with fpeval length comparison Obscure Characterizations of Sep 4, 2013 · I am using AngularJs with NodeJs. htaccess file inside your root then add the followingAngular needs to send such request back to index. it is working as expected but unit test case not working because we can not mock window. 2) providers: [{provide: LocationStrategy, useClass: HashLocationStrategy}] Case-2: For version equal or more than Angular 5. It's the "Angular" way to handle it. As I said the authentication against Azure AD between Angular and . After successfull post, it should automatically redirect to the given url with parameters given as 2nd parameter showed in form of tha Oct 30, 2021 · You should not handle http to https redirects in angular. Jan 10, 2020 · From what I understand is, this isn't working because the angular routes are only understood inside the angular application. And that works with 'ng serve' but does not work with IIS 7. io/) in new tab and pass cookie with the url. html' Error: Cannot match any routes. Net Web API as a back-end and a front-end is on Angular 5. Once you have performed all the needed operations in the nodejs server, make it to redirect to your specific route of your angular application. 1. then, angularjs ui-router url not working. NET MVC and angular 7, and I want to redirect to another web site built using WebForms. Dec 21, 2019 · Please advice how to redirect to external url from Post method using . I don't know why this is happening I tried all the possible but couldn't get rid of it. html file (outside web-inf) from dispatcher servlet. – Mar 15, 2017 · The routes are working prefectly while navigating on the app. The thing is once I am able to LOGIN successfully, I have to send the Authentication token in header to the external url while redirecting. addRoute(config); Call the route: this. location with the desired URL. If instead you want to redirect from the component then this doesn't help. I've tried all of these approaches: First I tried navigating with the router, but of course, it didn't work, as I'm trying to open an external URL. Jun 5, 2020 · I want to render to external URL using angular 7. Feb 26, 2018 · I have my angular 5 app and Java Rest APIs deployed in the same Jetty container (same server and same port). Nov 12, 2015 · Redirect to URL outside the Angular app but on the same domain Hot Network Questions Linear version of std::bit_ceil that computes the smallest power of 2 that is no smaller than the input integer Jan 4, 2021 · On click of a button, i need to open a link(for example say https://angular. I want to make a router from Main application to secondary application I'm trying to redirect a user to another page based on some condition. – The correct solution is to change the server side code to not return 302 status codes because browser kicks in the redirect before Angular (or any SPA for that matter) can do anything about it. Here is the guard-code: May 28, 2024 · Now coming to your question that "how to get the auth code in my angular app", the external application after successful authentication must redirect the browser to your application URL with auth code in URL, something like this: Redirect external URL Angular. Mar 18, 2017 · When navigate to / - root off app - redirect to /auth; After redirect to /auth - load AuthComponent with router outlet; After AppComponent loaded - load default sign-in component via redirecting to /auth/sign-in; But when I going to localhost/ I get redirect to /auth what I want, but the next redirect to sign-in doesn't appear. Angular Routing - It is not working, what am I doing wrong? 3. Ideally, it should load index. so, i'm using window. Jul 18, 2017 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. html: Case-1: For version less than Angular 5. Tried to access the header of the response, where it specifies redirect url in 'location' , but could not access header too. – partizanos Commented Feb 9, 2018 at 16:21 Jan 3, 2020 · "Redirection" in this case was supposed to mean "open the url/html for the user" (the response contains a HTML content). This would help you get some insight into your Nov 24, 2018 · Routing not working Angular js. google. Try Teams for free Explore Teams. ts file. ts is as follows: Mar 20, 2018 · I want to redirect to an external url after some action. Here's my example login component: ngOnInit() { console. To set up a redirect, configure a route with the path you want to redirect from, the component you want to redirect to, and a pathMatch value that tells the router how to match the URL. html to allow html5 state links RewriteRule ^ index. public class RegisterUserController : Controller { public async Task Apr 20, 2023 · I have an angular app with Angular 15. Apr 9, 2018 · Point the redirect URL to the nodejs server that you have created and let it process the data. html and pass rest of the url to angular router and load that /route1/component1. However, consider this will take you of your application. html [L] Nov 26, 2018 · you are asking essentially the same question again - and ignoring the most standard answer: have your back end server that would take your Angular request, submit its own request to payment processor, and return JSON back to Angular client. com/about instead of the same domain redirect. thanks Jul 19, 2016 · No. 1. html. my routes: const appRoutes: Routes = [ {path: 'login', component: null, resolve: {loginPage: LoginService}}, I'm trying to Open a new page when user clicks on a link. In this while implementing user authentication module I want to redirect to student and staff home after login accordingly. Example And it is easy to understand, that url is not exists on server. Mar 1, 2021 · We run the app with 'base-href=/ui' in our angular. Deinum: Thanks for bringing up the discrepancy in version numbers. Using Location. Teams. Nov 22, 2017 · I have a guard that has to check the presence of a auth-cookie. es6) . I'm using the following code to try and do the redirect:-window. replace('/signin. letsRedirect(){ this. html');. navigate(['/login'], { queryParams: { redirectUrl: this. console. Mar 11, 2018 · Routing not working on Angular 4. href indirectly, but still not working, can someone help me on this. I know it's not possible using window. I'm just navigating Nov 2, 2020 · The gateway is an external url provided by the bank. 0 and have setup routes on localhost. Suppose we have a /about route in our angular app, when a user visits the /about page we need to redirect them to an external url https://www. I want to get this redirect (permanent) URL to store it in my DB. io and malcoded. Here is my updated API source code. is it possible to do. href, the page is just refreshing and not redirecting to the expected URL. I changed the redirect to say ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView("redirect:nextpage. ts import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { Router Oct 20, 2016 · When you redirect to a component Angular router adds the URL fragment to the original URL, and redirecting to external URL would not allow to do so. This may however be what you were expecting :D Jan 14, 2015 · I am using ajax call to perform functionality in a service file and if the response is successful, I want to redirect the page to another url. Redirect to a specific path in Angular after login. component. about:blank. io/' }; this. The docs says that use like this a form, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. log("&gt;&gt;&gt; router", this. my routes: const appRoutes: Routes = [ {path: 'login', component: null, resolve: {loginPage: LoginService}}, Oct 8, 2015 · When trying to redirect to an external page using $window. When I am hitting a url manually, if it is not logged in, it will redirect to login page but after login, it should redirect to url which entered Apr 30, 2019 · I have a post call which should post some content to a URL, after that redirect should happen, I am seeing the redirect urls and getting the correct data in console-> network, but Page is not getting redirected. Then I redirect the user without a header. Either you configure it with an web. This temporary URL redirects to another (permanent) URL. Both of them didn't work. Nevertheless, it should give me a 404 and not crash completely. That worked flawlessly, but today I updated to 3. I am able to call / redirect the external url but not able to send any HEADERS. module on line : { path: '', component: LoginComponent } but I think the way of @Ha Hoan is not logical because the path="" should not be load LoginComponent it should redirect to /login url and then path="login" should load LoginComponent my suggestion is : In your first test case, I do not see a problem, this should be working and it should not redirect, as logic is not intended to. However, the problem is that the canDeactivate() is not called. how do I redirect to external URL using angularjs routeProvider. URL Segment: 'signin. href property in angular. it will create a new get request to that URL), but won't change the URL in front end. In angular js we can use as below loadExternal(obj){ var redirect = 'your url'; $. Net core webapi. 2. Is there anyway to redirect to external url without using directive and without ad May 4, 2018 · I have an Angular 5 application using @angular/router 5. I have a rest API, which if accessed without authentication, is redirected to SSO (exte Feb 28, 2019 · So the case is, On the app component I check if user is authenticated and if not, redirect the user to a rest api call which has the login page. 1) import { HashLocationStrategy, LocationStrategy } from '@angular/common'; 1. html [NC,L] </IfModule> Aug 17, 2022 · Whenever I open an external URL from my webpage, this webpage redirect to homepage. Usually, you want to return 401/403s for this very purpose. Nov 26, 2018 · the above code will redirect to another external url. Angular 7 - Redirect to external url without using directive. Mar 19, 2018 · My logout button when clicked should take to an external link out of the application. EXCEPTION: Uncaught (in promise): Error: Cannot match any routes. Mar 12, 2021 · Azure Ad B2C: How to use use msal-angular to pass parameter which still available in redirect url 1 Not able to get tokens / msal objects in angularJS after successful login for AzureAD There's a tutorial in the Angular Docs, Milestone 5: Route guards. I. There is no way to mock native DOM elements\attributes ( unlike functions ) like : window. html RewriteRule ^sub_folder/(. For example, in a controller I have a function: public function goToGoogle Dec 31, 2015 · Note that state. *)$ https://www\. redirectToExternalUrl() { } defines a function that redirects the browser to an external URL. Hot Network Questions Sep 27, 2021 · AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. Angular Routing: Not able to make redirect. Where do the call for the external website go? @bryan60 I do not want to intercept with the angular. App-routing module somehow doesn't redirect, when a guard returns the UrlTree. For examples, here is a Stackoverflow As a response, this is currently opening a new tab for me, with the text of the URL as content, but not in the browser's URL field. Oct 27, 2016 · I would like to create external redirect, but to make all routes consistent I think it would be nice to do under Router States. I can't use Angular 2 Router, because it doesn't have any functionalities to redirect to an external URL. copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. html) Sep 9, 2016 · I am also looking to solve this. Learn more Explore Teams. the same thing is working in javascript. It tells angular to redirect to the default path or named component when the path doesn't match with other routes. For confirming 3D secure I need to redirect the user to a new-url. Please see the attached image below to see what that redirect page and URL looks like. Redirection to angular internal routes can't be happening from external source. I have a scenario when upon a successful HTTP POST request, I need to redirect the user. Need to find a way to connect between the Angular part and the non-Angular part – Jun 20, 2020 · SO needs 30 characters so you'd explain your answer instead of just posting code(as you did). log(opened. Mar 28, 2018 · I'm trying to redirect to an external site in my Angular 5 app running locally. Web. Aug 17, 2018 · I deploy to netlify using ng build --prod, and the website works. Inject Router into your guard and use it to navigate. Sep 19, 2018 · Another thing you should look at is using the router to handle the redirect instead of window. Jun 27, 2022 · ” So if Angular does not find any component after the first redirect we are out of the loop. I'm running Angular 12. location or an anchor tag is straight forward, but it has a big disadvantage, it bypasses the Angular Router. If so, redirect to the external resource. Is there any settings I have to do in IIS to get it working ? Nov 19, 2018 · I have an angular 4 application & I want to add payment in my app when user send new payment to my server, I return some data to user and user will send this data with RedirectUrl. Yes, I'm sending a request to another server, and then the POST response would "redirect". Because the api is not using angular, so assets etc. e. config file: Oct 29, 2016 · AI features where you work: search, IDE, and chat. x SPA and I want to make the change transparent to my users. url } }); } Jul 17, 2014 · The app I am working on contains various states (using ui-router), where some states require you to be logged in, others are publicly available. But I don't want to passe the parameters in the URL, instead, I want to pass the parameters in headers. – Nov 28, 2020 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. As this would be a security flaw in the browser. Currently, I am doing this by plain JS code window. Nov 23, 2021 · How to redirect a user to an external site though a POST request,which is better using backend-asp. 3. 6, I have a Guard service, I have an external SSO-type user authentication service. . One possible way to achieve this is by using your AuthGuard to check for your login status and store the url on your AuthService. HttpGet] Dec 3, 2021 · The route matcher does not seem to be working. If I use window. I'm using ASP. So (1) this method won't redirect to children of the guarded state and (2) any auxiliary routes will be removed from the url. href. – Feb 12, 2022 · not sure what im doing wrong here, im fairly new to Angular and im fumbling along somewhat with regards to routing. href(lib. Apr 17, 2018 · const config = { route: 'myRoute', name: 'myRoute', redirect: 'https://discourse. I'm concerned about users who have bookmarks to the existing app becaus May 31, 2020 · I have a problem with angular routing, I want to navigate to the component PageWidgetsComponent when I click on the button "validate" The component. My interceptor works properly, but the angular router isn't redirecting them. Here is my code. Is it possible with Angular 5 Aug 5, 2022 · I don't think this is possible. I have corrected that. I want to be redirected automatically by the browser. Nov 12, 2020 · To redirect a user to an external url, we can use the window. Nov 2, 2018 · I'm trying to redirect users to a login page if they are unauthenticated or their token has expired. Thanks though, that's the only solution I could work with. May 27, 2022 · However by doing this you are not using the angular router and the browser will seem like it is refreshing. This is a excellent article from scotch. It's part of OAuth flow. (routerLink) and the problem arise when accessing the URL through the browser URL. com. We use an HttpInterceptor to handle the 401 HTTP status code (the source code below was of course simplified to make it clearer) May 24, 2018 · I want to redirect an HTML page using WEB API. Jun 12, 2015 · Please take care of not using # in URL. My Angular version is 2. go() didn't seem to work nor does the router has any abilities to navigate to an external URL. May 13, 2015 · Angular-ui-router doesn't support external URL, you need redirect the url doesn't seem to work in link to external</a> this will disable angularJS routing on Nov 29, 2014 · If you are using an asynchronous request to backend and then redirecting in backend, it will redirect in backend (i. location object to the desired URL. Jul 31, 2013 · both solutions have the same command : "In short "redirect:yahoo. module. Here is my current http Aug 17, 2022 · Whenever I open an external URL from my webpage, this webpage redirect to homepage. Oct 9, 2018 · I have one main application and one secondary application. In any case, if a server would expect something to be a parameter, it would accept it as a GET/POST param or maybe a cookie (this one needs same origin). component loads for 1 second and then redirection takes place. Mar 28, 2018 · I'm replacing an existing AngularJS 1. and returned true to angular ui-router don't redirect. Oct 8, 2014 · How we can redirect and post data form a controller to external URL in AngularJS? i want to use this method to send secure my data. var cookie = &q. I'm in the process of switching my app to Angular and have some parts that are still served from the server. Jul 1, 2020 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. However, it does not mean that we cannot get infinite loops. The external URL gets open in new tab but the webpage from which I am opening the external URL it redirect to homepage. 4. Feb 15, 2019 · I', want to deloy My Angular Project But It Lost Component My Process Step 1: I execute cmd: ng-build --prod Step 2: I'm Add Website In IIS With Path Inside dist Step 3: Index page working Jun 11, 2021 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand May 17, 2023 · After 3 days of searching stackoverflow, asking AI, asking friends, I finally came across a post on stackoverflow that I followed and resolved the issue. Jun 4, 2018 · Angular 5 redirect to previous page after sign in. 1) Use HashLocationStrategy like mentioned below: In AppModule do the following. log(window. Jan 19, 2025 · Redirect Function. html from server end, but I am not able to set the mapping for showing index. component. 5. Angular routing url issue. de [NC] RewriteRule ^(. c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d # Rewrite everything of to index. 0. Using window. Oct 28, 2019 · I am trying to open a URL in new window by clicking on menu item in angular but I don't know a method of doing such thing in _nav. Is there any good way to tell Angular's router to redirect the user at an absolute URL on the same server, outside the base-href? Thanks! I cannot seem to get redirect to work in a controller to send user to an external website. It doesn't work. Jul 25, 2019 · I have a web site built using ASP. [System. 0 I am testing on dev server with ng serve . open nor any other means to open a link will support setting headers. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. RedirectPermanent is not working. It worked perfectly with Http (which is deprecated unfortunately now) Jul 6, 2020 · Thanks Kevin. com" vs "where as "redirect:yahoo. In the client through AngularJS, I make a HTTP POST request to a rou Jan 6, 2017 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Sep 11, 2014 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. eg. <IfModule mod_rewrite. domain\. – Yakov Fain Commented Nov 4, 2016 at 12:20 Jul 28, 2020 · I'm writing an Angular Application, while trying my darnest to avoid rebuilding my project based on environment variables. de%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L] And. This effectively triggers a browser redirect to that URL. 2. i can open the link in new tab but how to pass the cookies. Both application are developed using Angular and their backend is same. i want to access the redirect url. { path: '', redirectTo: 'web', pathMatch: 'full' }, for others that may stumble on this question like me always make sure that the redirect is on top. routing AngularJS also does not intercept and rewrite links in this mode. My code: app. Mar 8, 2017 · For the redirect/url change I used window. Net core WebAPI is working with the Azure ID token. What I want is How do I then use the same token to call another website which is also authenticated using the same method. window. amuunu mrfh ffgyj doddunir tdjcs yaakp xktxze csgnq adhxygha avfw fkg azrtzb wwvvcn qdsm seugzq