Zerg mutalisk build order. Terrans occasionally refer to mutalisks as "mutas.

Zerg mutalisk build order In large enough numbers, these can be used to deny the Protoss third for an extended period of time while the Zerg works towards Ultralisks. Build one drone Build extractor Build one drone 17 spawning pool As extractor is done, three drones in 18 overlord. Jul 18, 2020 · Description. Try to play against your opponent in a small one-on-one map that you know very well. The Goal of the Build is to go for two different Tech Paths at the same time then deciding on the correct one. Protoss Basic Build Order - Zealot Rush VI. This strategy starts of with an initial speed Zergling attack designed to throw my opponents off initially and hopefully put me Wait until the rallied drone pops, it times nicely with 300 minerals, as I build my nat. blizzforums. It is favorable to use it on 2 player maps, as you need to know the Zerg's build in order to have the optimal timing. However, some build orders are more common than others and are often used as a starting point for new players. PvP i got immortals, archons, stalkers and zealots loses against the enemy with mass stalkers or late game literally owned by some dude with mass carriers and a mothership. Goal: To survive to the mid-game with Mutalisks. Dehaka’s hunt for Essence allows him to grow more powerful, unlocking new abilities as he gathers more Essence from slain enemies. Replay - 2 Base Muta Build Order. Below is the standard economic build order for Abathur. Zerg) 12 Pool; 13 Pool; 14 Gas 14 Pool; 14 Gas Speed (vs. 9 Hatchery; 9 Spawning Pool; 9 Overlord; 9 Hatchery; 9 Gas; Strategy. It is still generally safe. Here are a few examples: Zerg: 12 Pool Speedling Rush. Stopping the Mutalisk Harass. The mutalisk is an airborne zerg breed. [5] With Best Terran Counters vs Zerglings . This 3 Factory opener focuses on hitting a timing attack consisting of a dozen Goliaths with +1 Armor and Charon Boosters. If the game goes on longer, mix in some Infestors and eventually Ultralisks or Broodlords. Zerg Structure, Construction and Creep Mechanics. If you enjoyed my n Feb 15, 2018 · In general with 2 Reapers it should be difficult for the Zerg to take a third Hatchery before Metabolic Boost finishes at ~3:30 with a standard Hatch-Gas-Pool build order, as your Reapers can deny the Drone from making its way to the location of the third to build the Hatchery. [5] An average mutalisk by the Second Great War was approximately 7 meters long, 1. This page is a list of Zerg structures which can be built by a Drone in a multi-player game of StarCraft II. I watched PiG's D1 Zerg bronze to gm episode and that's where this build comes from. In other scenarios Zerg switches back to an ordinary greedy Build Order, which puts an overly defensive Protoss in a bad economical position. Overpool - A slightly slower Pool, but gets the strongest economy while still taking the initiative with Zerglings. A build order is a specific series of steps that one takes in the early game to achieve a specific strategy. Jan 21, 2015 · Build a Roach Warren reasonably early and start getting some upgrades for them. They need +1 range to be effective against Mutalisks. Zerg builds, it allows for early aggression against the opposing player and allows the player to tech the fastest out of all Zerg vs. Use your initial Overlord to scout your opponent's base. Hints and Tips IV. Detailed Explanation of the Builds []. Involves slightly delaying the third base in order to get out an early pack of 10 Mutalisks. Because you can get about 6 Learn the best build order for a Starcraft 2 Mutalisk rush and how to use this powerful technique to win more games! Starcraft 2 Mutalisk Rush The Mutalisk is a powerful Zerg flying unit with a robust 120 hit points and a decent attack that hits both air and ground units. 14 Overlord 17 Roach Warren 20 Spine Crawler 19 Spine Crawler 18 Extractor 17 Extractor 20 Roach 22 Overlord 22 Hatchery 22 Extractor 22 Extractor Nov 18, 2015 · This build is best-suited for Zerg vs Zerg and since it is an early attack, it works better on smaller maps (ZvZ on Ulrena is a dream scenario). The build focuses largely on Mutalisks with the support of Zerglings. This works well in 2vs2 3vs3 and May 5, 2020 · Zerg Roach build (ZvX Economic) Step by step 3-base build for new players. This build order only works on maps where you can shut off your main and natural with a single wall. So, if the left heading says "Zergling", you will want to build Zerglings to defeat all other units which are listed in the same row. Strategy, discussion and questions are welcome, but anything related to Zerg is ok! Build Order. Hellion - Thanks to its flamethrowers, the Hellion does massive AoE damage against packs of Zerglings and also benefits from their +5 damage vs light units, killing them in 3 shots (2 shots with the Infernal Pre-Lighter Upgrade), which means that 2 or 3 hellions can together take out several Zerglings simultaneously everytime they shoot. However, it could still be effective on larger maps and perhaps even against some Protoss and Terran opponents (if they do not wall-in). Introductory StarCraft 2: Beginning SC2 1v1 and Build orders; Introductory StarCraft: Mindset to Improve Dec 25, 2017 · En este video mostraremos como hacer una variante básica del OverPool Zerg, este video va dirigido a las personas que se inician en el juego con la raza Zerg Build Order. Before we even start discussing build orders: your first three Overlords must go across the map. This build uses Speedlings, spine-crawlers, and Mutalisks. 5 roach rush: I've done this build for like the last month, and i have about a 75% win rate, after the patch it's Vs. There are a few aspects of Zerg building construction as well as structure and creep mechanics that all players should know. If you can afford it, three carapace upgrades before any attack upgrades is preferred. That works against some Terrans, while other Terrans will just go and kill the Zerg knowing that the Zerg likely just has queen-ling or roach-ling-queen for defense. ZvT: 3 Hatchery Mutalisk Build 1v1. The Mutalisk is an extremely fast air attack unit capable of attacking both air and ground units. The original Bisu Build is relatively outdated and only of little use in modern Protoss vs. build zerglings at 11 to harrass Fast expansion, or drone up as if it were a 13 pool build. Although this build offers less early economy than the other standard Zerg vs. ZvZ Build Orders When Lair is 100%, build 1 Spire and take 1 more gas (totaling 4 gases). Keep making drones, as main is 16 on minerals again, point them to nat. Hydralisk: Hydralisks can handle Mutalisks, but it is not a landslide victory. Ensure you produce them in numbers, though, and expect casualties in the later stages of an online game, especially against a Protoss opponent. Terran at this point has reached Science Vessel tech, has 1/0 or 1/1 infantry upgrades and is able to assert themselves against Mutalisk harass or Lurkers out on the field. I have since moved to Korea and one of my friends wants to play with me. The "3 Hatchery Lurker" Build Order prepares a mid game transition with Lurkers and speed Zerglings to counter early Terran aggression. Popularized by sAviOr, 3 Hatch Muta is the most popular early to midgame Zerg vs. Description []. Introduction III. Mass Hatchery Strat | BGH Build Order | Mass Hydralisk Rush | Zergling Rush | Slow Zerg Strat | 3 Hatchery Zergling Rush | Zergling to Hydra/Lurker Attack | 3 Hatchery Slaughter | Zerg Build Order (Hunters) | Early Expansion (BGH) | Lurker Rush | The 6 Zergling Rush | Zergling/Hydralisk Rush | Mutalisk Rush | Lurker Drop | Comp Stomp Strategy Optional: For a more economical build during a 12 Pool, Zerg can avoid making an early Extractor in order to make a faster Hatchery. Build Order. Single player specific buildings are not included. They serve as prime choices for rushing and depending on the build order used, they can execute the fastest rush in the game. 9 Pool - A build that gets a fast Pool, but keeps a relatively strong economy. ? Reply reply As a result, it is imperative that Zerg players learn how certain scenarios can play out, so you can minimize losses and out-strategize your opponent. 5 meters in width. The Goliath build is a popular Terran vs Zerg build that many Zerg are prepared for. Use the Zerglings to threaten a backstab Nov 25, 2015 · This will force Terran to keep their army near his expansions in order to defend them. Pages in category "Zerg Build Orders" The following 71 pages are in this category, out of 71 total. Against these builds, you should be taking a fourth base and defending with Roach Queen spore while teching up to Hydralisk. For more information on how to read and construct your own build orders, please check the Build Order Theory page. The timing attack of 12 Goliaths leaves your base at approximately 7:30, after defending against . [6] Mutalisks communicate Vitensby - The Starcraft 2 Dude expands on the 8 minute mutalisk strategy with a few new tweaks. With the ability to spawn in pairs, they can be produced in large numbers in a very short period of time. The Mutalisk's projectile, called "Glaive Wurm", hits the target and then two subsequent targets (each for a third of the damage of the previous hit). If you don't get a fast Metabolic Boost upgrade, and the Terran makes 3-4 Reapers, you can take a lot more economic damage than necessary, possibly losing Queens as well. Zerglings are fast and kill drones really fast. Below is the standard economic build order for Kerrigan. The timing window for this build begins when the third Hatchery pops and ends when Zerg reaches Hive Tech. Mutalisk-Oriented Play Although the build is centered around Goliaths, Mutalisks are a common response to the Goliath build. The mutalisk's attack is still able to strike multiple targets, bouncing to strike up to two additional targets as in StarCraft. Scouting two or three Hatchery Zergling all-ins is harder, as Zerglings can be hidden on the map from the scouting Probe. Delay Terran's 3rd base by forcing money to be spent on Missile Turrets, and through Mutalisk containment. Terran Concepts Zerg can be played in mainly two ways - they can hit a timing attack that defeats/cripples the opponent or they can defend the attacks thrown at them and slowly build up their own economy until they can power units nonstop alternating between pumping drones and powering attacking units. By using a well-defined build order with every game, a player is able to perform a solid opening which is time-tested and approved. The reason you need to open gas against a Terran who opened gas is because most Terrans will go for Reapers. Mutalisk Evolution and Mutation Upgrades Guide. Copy for me. Learn how to best make use of Dehaka in Starcraft II's Co-op here. I'm not quite sure on where to look for the best resources concerning popular build orders. com Build orders are designed to best thrust you into your midgame pump. There's a build called the Fantasy build that utilizes early goliaths and valkyries to stave off mutalisk pressure before transitioning into full mech TvZ, but I think that build is much more susceptible to hydra busts on smaller maps so u better scout well. If not already done build a Evo Chamber now and Build Order. You can overcome this by just hatching next to the gas but out of tank StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm Zerg strategy video guide about how to execute the most common build order in HotS ZvZ right now, 2 Hatch Mutalisk. Sep 25, 2017 · Against Terran air in particular, kiting and microing is a useful skill to master in order to minimize Hydralisk/Mutalisk losses. In the second Starcraft 2 Zerg counters chart (below) highlights which units Zerg players should build in order to counter the enemy. With Zerg making the first move in the match up, it is important to be able to harass effectively or to contain Terran while they try to take their Natural Expansion. More specific build orders are the Mutalisk tech builds 11 Gas 10 Pool, 9 Pool Speed into 1 Hatch Spire, 9 Hatch, 9 Gas, 10 Pool, and 9 Gas, 9 Pool. The build also allows you to harass with 3 early Vultures to kill Drones and scout the opponent's Spire timing. It’s not a build order, it’s an idea for a mid-game zvt strategy. Rapid Regeneration - Mutalisks rapidly regenerate their health outside of combat. 1 Base Roach Expand (vs. Zerg macro is slowed slightly, but it is nowhere close to being an all-in attack. replay pack. Send your four drones to start mining minerals and order your overlord to your opponent's base (to spy on him; no race starts out with anything to attack air early; by they time a Terran player gets Marines you should have your Zerglings). I used to be a masters Zerg player on NA, once upon a time. We open up with a standard economic Hatchery-first build but then hold off on the third base for awhile. The first thing to understand about Zerg mechanics is how Drones actually make buildings. Controlling the skies and watching your opponent cower in fear in their base is satis Zerg units i dont use much "Mutalisk, Infestor, Viper"- Seems those are how the pros win against terran and protoss tier 3 units ya? It would be like if protoss only ever when stalkers and zealots. Mutalisk Harassment; O. Zerg vs Zerg: This is the simplest in terms of units you will build and face. This is a classic Zerg build order that focuses Sep 7, 2010 · The Starcraft 2 Mutalisk is a vital component of any Zerg build order in SC2 multiplayer, and the sooner you can deploy them against your enemy’s weak ground units, the more havoc they can cause. This works well in 2vs2 3vs3 and This is a Zerg versus Terran build order for Zerg players in StarCraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. If there is no bunker in front of the choke hatchery, create 3 Drones. [1] The attack automatically bounces towards the next closest enemy. Tips. Oct 27, 2023 · An average mutalisk by the Second Great War was approximately LEGO MOC MOC-162465 Zerg Mutalisk - building instructions and parts list Create a free account to find MOCs you can build with your LEGO Collection Upgrades are a difficult part of Zerg play. The zerg pros Nov 15, 2019 · Macro Basics and Core Zerg Mechanics; Beginner Builds: Reading Build Orders; Beginner Builds: ZvX Your First Build Order – Part 1; Beginner Builds: ZvX Your First Build Order – Part 2; Introductory StarCraft 2. CLICK HERE:http://goo. Zerg Build Orders; Mutalisk Harassment; Lurker Hold; Zerg Micro Tips; More Zerg Micro Tips; For some bases fast expanding or even later expanding is extremely difficult due to the large choke (6) or the normal hatchery placement is tankable (pretty much every other natural). Terran Basic Build Order - Marine Rush V. ZvT: 3 Hatchery Mutalisk Build This build requires heavy Mutalisk micro. There are countless build orders in StarCraft, each tailored to specific strategies and playstyles. PasTGaming. Zerg) 11 Overpool; 12 Hatch Roach (vs. Feb 27, 2014 · Build: 28; Build Orders [edit | edit source] Source: This build order archive was created by TwoTimer at www. Maps Zerg - I try and make lings off of a 15 pool to pressure my opponent while I put down a third or get safety roach and baneling nest | have no idea when to go into hive | my roach vs roach is really good which is the majority of games Terran - 15 hatch 15 pool, I actually sporadically build a roach warren get speed or go into lair tech, which Zerglings are the first producible attack units the Zerg have at their disposal. 25 meters in height, and 2. 14 Overlord 14 Macro Hatchery at Rocks 19 Extractor 21 Extractor 24 Macro Hatchery at Rocks 28 Spawning Pool 33 Overlord Kerrigan -> Rocks Zerg Mutalisk Unit Counter. Next Steps . Why is there no SALT encoding or Overwolf build? Sep 13, 2024 · 2 Base Mutalisk Build Created by Jeff1921, Updated Jul 18, 2020: ZvZ: Timing Attack Medium 100% 46 votes: 3774 Views My ZvZ Timing Created by siowy, Updated Aug 11, 2020: ZvZ: Timing Attack Easy 85% 7 votes: 2034 Views Scarlett's Zerg Rush vs Rogue Created by rommothe, Updated Jun 02, 2020: ZvZ: Cheese Medium 92% 25 votes: 6025 Views Vibe B2GM CLICK HERE:http://goo. Under the facade of an economical 1 Barracks FE opening, Terran leads the Zerg to believe that there will be little aggression until Terran gets Science Vessels and is ready to push. May 29, 2016 · This is ruff build order for 2 base muta obviously you change things depending on what you scout early, but this will keep you safe vs Hellion and Banshee which are the most common openers in TvZ right now. When a Mutalisk fires, its damage is divided by 3 every bounce. Contain Terran in your opponent's base through constant Mutalisk harassment so that you can safely take additional bases. Corsair/Reaver - Similar to the Dragoon/Templar build, Corsair/Reaver is not a hard counter to this build, but the Mutalisk harassment is negated. 3 Hatch Muta has various transitions, the most common being 3 Base Hive. Get SALT Encoding 12: 0:01 Mutalisk x2 : 70: 5:45 Drone x3 You can cheese with a 5 Pool (vs. Zerg), but more stable build orders are 9 Pool, Overpool, 12 Pool, and 12 Hatch. Common StarCraft Build Orders. May 12, 2010 · This Starcraft 2 Beta Zerg tutorial will show you how to quickly build a fast expansion. First off, in Mutalisk versus Mutalisk battles, Carapace is always the best upgrade to get. 7 Hatch Hydralisk Build 3v3. Disclaimer: This FAQ is written by and maintained by me (Jack Chen). Counter Sep 18, 2019 · Roach Mutalisk players will start the game off with Roaches and transition into usually a small number of Mutalisk to gain an advantage in the midgame and take away your map vision. Also allows you to afford alot of sunkens for early defense. Mutalisks are agile and dangerous opponents. Zerg players have the hardest time countering Mutalisks. The build order fits together quite nicely and from the point where you start your Spawning Pool there aren't any delays where you have to wait for resources. ZvP. Matchup Techniques Make spine crawler to defend if there's early pressure. [3][4] The current mutalisk form features a total of eight eyes. Sep 1, 2018 · Build Order. Instead, the Zerg player must either mass expand or attack the Protoss using Hydralisk drops. I would like to find resources for at least 1 consistent build order for each race matchup. Build a gas, a second zealot, and so do the dance with the zealot with the lings at the wall until the second zealot is out. Terrans occasionally refer to mutalisks as "mutas. Zerg) 10 Pool Speedling; 10 Pool Speedling (vs. It's a fa May 26, 2022 · A detailed look at the fan-favorite Zerg sky puppy! ↓ SHOW MORE for links & info! ↓Support the channel, participate in polls & more:Patreon - https://www Once you see no hatch, you rally your probe to your wall. Build Order Comparisons Aug 17, 2011 · Zerg rushes [edit | edit source] Zergling rush [edit | edit source]. ↑ After Zergling Speed is completed, you cannot afford to build any more Zerglings because of the hungry nature of this build. This can force your opponent to abandon Mutalisks in favor of Hydralisks and prepares you for a Brood Lord endgame. However, the strategy is still a viable option in the modern game. Dark Swarm can be exceedingly effective against marines when combined with zerglings, lurkers, or ultralisks. When the Zerg gets out Mutalisks, you need to add a couple Missile Turrets. Counter To All Things Zerg is a discussion/help subreddit focusing on the Zerg race from Blizzard Entertainment's critically acclaimed RTS game Starcraft 2. Early upgrades help the lings harras the Mutalisk player by killing an early third, drones, queens and take pressure off until sporecrawlers are finished and Infestors pop out. Sorry for being vague everyone, I’m simply shy and misspoke. Generally, your first Overlord should head towards your opponent's natural, the Mutalisk Evolution and Mutation Upgrades Guide. Fairs poorly against All the replays are on jungle basin against normal ai so they don’t take cheese or early pushes into account, it’s more just to show what timings i tend to attack at and what the early game build order is. Build Orders Feb 3, 2012 · Mutalisks form the primary flying force of the Zerg, making hit-and-run attacks against vulnerable installations and wheeling across the skies in prodigious numbers above Zerg Hives or land-based forces. Aug 8, 2014 · 1. The 4 Barracks Sunken Break Build is a Terran versus Zerg build designed specifically to counter the standard 3 Hatch Muta build. Build 3-4 safety spores and additional queens if the opponent is committing heavily to Mutalisks. Vicious Glave - Mutalisk attacks bounce 3 more times and each bounce does more damage and travels farther than normal. Send two drones to the choke to build 2 Sunken Colonies and start saving up larva. 12 Hatch - The most economical build order, but also the riskiest. However, as the names suggest, this build skips advanced tech completely in favor Sorry for being vague everyone, I’m simply shy and misspoke. This build I cobbled together is pretty bare bones and I really only care about the important benchmarks like spire and gas timings, since I'm assuming I'm doing normal Zerg things in between. Opening Reaction vs 2-1-1 Mutalisk. All build orders dictate which actions to perform based upon supply and events. Overlords and Drones have also been left off this list as they are a necessity and don't serve combat roles. The later the Hatchery the more important it will be to keep tabs Zerg Basic Build Order - Zergling Rush - My Analysis - Mutalisk Rush - My Analysis I. [4] Mutalisks spread out when they move or attack. Scouting . Jan 21, 2015 · Versus a confirmed Mutalisk build, instead of building 4 Mutalisks you may wish to build 3 Corruptors and research air upgrade. Mutalisk Openers. Terran build. in PvT i go zealots, immortals, colossus and stalkers loses to the enemy with marines, marauders Nov 12, 2024 · Here are the best Zerg units that you should build in just about any game of StarCraft 2. The build order we will cover on this page involves getting out relatively early Mutalisks, but not significantly sacrificing the Zerg's macro to get this early tech. Zerg) 10 Pool Baneling (vs. Zerg, and it is the safest build in terms of guarding against cheese. gl/hU5q Shokz Starcraft 2 GuideStarcraft 2 Zerg Build OrderThis video explains a fast mutalisk build. 17 gas, pool, hatch 19 queen @ 100 gas ling speed Instead, the Zerg player should change his army composition to Hydralisks and Zerglings. Zerg) 1 Base Roach Upgrade; 1 Base Tech with Roaches (vs. One of the best Zerg build orders to use against Protoss players involves focusing heavily on upgrades while massing Zerglings. 3 Hatch Muta has a strong economy and versatility in drone and ling production. The mutalisk is a zerg air unit in StarCraft II. I do not mind anyone distributing this FAQ, as long as this FAQ is distributed in it's unaltered form. Zergling / Hydralisk / Mutalisk The classic Zerg army, this consists of a large group of land units, with a few Mutalisks to fly around the map quickly, harassing your enemy. Zerg) 10 Pool; 10 Pool (vs. Instead of focusing on Zergling Baneling Mutalisk, this build fo Apr 9, 2018 · Dehaka, Primal Pack Leader, commands his pack of Primal Zerg from the frontlines as a powerful hero unit. More Zerglings generally means that the Zerg is going for a much more aggressive game, where he will use Zerglings in conjunction with Mutalisks to ravage the Terran natural. They create a good mining economy, give you credible rushing chances, and prepare you to expand. This does require the Mutalisk to sit out of the fight for 5 seconds. " [1][2] Mutalisks are evolved from the mantis screamer from the desolate Dinares sector. This Zerg build order is really effective for large 1v1 maps and 2v2. Transition After spending all available gas and larva on Mutas, add 2 Hydralisk Dens and 2 Evolution Chambers for upgrades. This build sets you up for a very strong economy and mid game transition. Early Game . Zerg. The strategy was primarily used in the older days of Brood War, when Marine micromanagement wasn't as developed as today. Protoss) 14 hatch (ZvT) 14 Pool 15 Hatch; 14 Pool Baneling; 15 Oct 7, 2015 · Beginner Zerg Youtube Created by Nannet, Updated Oct 26, 2024: ZvX: Economic Easy 100% 4 votes: 2040 Views 3v3 Hydra / Lurker (Macro) Created by KendermoreShores, Updated Oct 14, 2024: ZvX: Economic Medium 100% 4 votes: 821 Views 2 base roaches Created by ChannelMiner, Updated Oct 08, 2024: ZvX: Economic Easy 100% 14 votes: 2760 Views Neuro Mar 12, 2012 · Also large group of science vessels can be devastating to a Zerg, plaguing them will get them down to 1 hp and make them easy to dispose of with a single mutalisk. Even after the Spore Crawler buff, which causes Mutalisks to take a lot of extra damage, mass Mutalisks remains popular in ZvZ. The Overpool is also the route to doing the quickest 7 Roach Rush. If it’s a 12 pool (after gate scouting) you make a cyber core, chrono a zealot, and immediately build a pylon. Zerg Basic Build Order - Zergling Rush - My Analysis - Mutalisk Rush - My Analysis I. 9 Pool has long been a staple in Zerg vs. Which Zerg Structures to Get and When to Build Them. Mar 13, 2010 · Here's the build order video that I promised for Zerg. So with this Spawning Pool timing this is the fastest way possible to get Mutas, and you even get three of them. Zerg vs. Using Mutalisks, Zerg harasses Terran's mineral line, contests medic and marine armies, or both, while getting a 3rd base and Lurkers. The reason for this, is the speed and power of these units. There are two very commons types of responses to Terran Mech (and thus Goliath build) play from Zergs. [2] Mutalisks are able to stack quite well[3] but it is difficult for them to remain clumped. This build requires heavy Mutalisk micro The Zerg had to cut a lot of Drone production to perform the Baneling Bust, so you are already ahead from the beginning of the fight. Including the 11 Supply Extractor trick. Here is the build order (the number is the amount of supply you've us Overview: This build allows a Zerg player to enter the mid-game with Mutalisks with an expansion established while holding off typical early pushes from a Terran/Protoss players. For Hydralisks, this is accomplished by loading and unloading Hydralisks from Omega Worms to dodge Liberator siege circles, cloaked Banshees, and Raven Predator Missiles. Overgas (vs Zerg) Overpool (vs In a Stargate / Oracle Meta a lot of people perceive the Mutalisk / Spire Openers to be dead, especially on 2 Base! I am here to change that by introducing the fake not fake 2 Base Mutalisk / Hydra Timing. It begins as a 1 Rax Gas build, then moves into 3 Factories. 3 Base Mutalisk (Econ Mutas) - An excellent Mutalisk-based opener for Zerg. Mutalisk are more gas intensive than hydralisk which means you need to take your gases faster. You can still come out ahead even if you lose some SCVs. Then start the adept and at some point build a nexus. But it is a very tactical matchup where execution and small plays are key. The only army units you will build are Zerglings, Mutalisks, and Scourge. Zerg builds, which leads to a gas advantage and generally a mutalisk Mar 8, 2020 · @50 Gas build a Bane Nest; @100 Gas build a Lair then 2-4 defensive Banes; If you feel your being attacked build Spines + Evo liberally; @3:30 2 more gas @Lair Spire + 4th Gas; @44 Drones (16 per mineral line + 3 per gas) build a 3rd and start flooding lings. im a bad player in the silver rank constantly getting owned by the enemy with a history last seasons plat above of course. Be very aggressive with your lings. 23 Extractor 23 Primal Warden 25 Extractor 29 Glevig's Den 29 2x Zerglings -> Rocks Primal Warden -> Rocks 31 Primal Hive Feb 3, 2012 · Mutalisks form the primary flying force of the Zerg, making hit-and-run attacks against vulnerable installations and wheeling across the skies in prodigious numbers above Zerg Hives or land-based forces. 1. Mostly Speed and if you see tanks also get Burrow. My idea is to run a crazy Zerg build (3 hatch spire), but instead of using a mutalisk/zergling composition, this strategy would use scourge and zergling drops. However, this can be compensated later on. General BO: Hatch Gas Pool (standard Opener) @Pool 2 Queens + 2-4 Lings for scouting @100 Gas Ling Speed (keep drones in gas) @2 Queens build 2 more (total of 4) @50 Gas build a Bane Nest @100 Gas build a Lair then 2-4 defensive Banes If you feel your being attacked build Spines + Evo liberally @3:30 2 more gas @Lair Spire + 4th Gas @44 Drones (16 per mineral line + 3 MLB really relies on the first wave of mutas to keep the terran defensive for a while, until zerg can get enough actual fighting units out to not die to a push. We have a fast Mutalisk build order today for Starcraft 2. Mutalisk Mutation Upgrades. Below is the standard economic build order for Dehaka. Counters . Should the Terran decide to go mass Marines to counter your Mutalisk, build a Baneling Nest. comMy absolute favorite build in ZvZ is the Mutalisk Timing. rspn bvwddthz jsbi soasdy tzzxkjst ptgz sctij dygbu pbyue ukadkw