Ten of cups outcome. This is very frustrating for your partner.
Ten of cups outcome The Ten of Cups as a tarot card outcome embodies the epitome of emotional fulfillment and joy across various aspects of life, including love, business, and health. Ten of Cups In Love. Often pops up when people have a tendency to fantasise or romanticise a relationship and have got lost in the happily ever after dream rather than facing facts, particularly if it's paired with something like the 7 of cups. The Ten of Cups, as an outcome, shows that love surrounds you. By prioritizing self-care and nurturing your overall wellness, you are creating a harmonious balance within yourself. The 10 of cups is attaining all of that. The Ten of Cups reversed in the context of love represents a disruption in the harmony and contentment that was once present in your relationship or potential relationship. The Ten of Cups suggests that regardless of the tensions and struggles, there is a strong foundation of love and emotional fulfillment present. Recently, the 8 of cups came up (Robin Wood deck) as the outcome card in the situation-advice-outcome of a spread. The Ten of Cups suggests a happy home life and a deep emotional connection, while The Devil can indicate temptation or addiction. The Ten of Cups card represents emotional fulfillment, harmony, and lasting happiness. If you are asking about what is the outcome of a relationship, and you draw the Ten of Wands reversed, that means that you and your person could be letting go of burdens. This card points to happiness in general, perhaps in a more mature, grown-up, global kind of way as opposed to the more personal, less global, wish fulfillment promised by the 9 of Cups. This is one of the cards in the Tarot that signal a relationship that is a love relationship as well as a friendship. Often depicted with a radiant family beneath a rainbow of cups, this card embodies the pinnacle of happiness, love, and unity. The 10 of Cups in this placement suggests we have the potential to have many very stable relationships that ground and support us. Perhaps there are some relatives or friends around you who are meddling with your relationship. Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning: Upright and Reversed. Reversed Ten of Wands as Love Outcome. On the Ten of Cups, a loving couple stands together, arms outstretched, as their two children play nearby. The 10 of Cups was in the outcome position. The appearance of the Ten of Cups as the outcome of your relationships indicates that you will experience a beautiful reunion or homecoming with your loved ones. Whilst the 10 of Cups also asks that you consider what you are putting into your life, and taking from it. This could mean having a serious talk about how realistic your expectations are for the future. Unlike the Ten of Cups which traditionally features a nuclear family of four, the Ten of Pentacles features multiple generations of a family. Someone represented by the Ten of Cups reversed may be dealing with personal conflicts, strained connections, or unrealized dreams related to their family or emotional life. The Ten of Cups as love outcome is a sign of having ultimate happiness. It is associated with themes of harmony, happiness, fulfilment, and joy. The Ten of Cups as the outcome of your love situation indicates that you are likely to achieve domestic bliss and a happy ever after. Ten of cups as outcome for u and him means that u will be with this guy but i cannot say when. The Ten of Cups and Three of Pentacles Tarot combination can also indicate a fruitful partnership or joint venture in business, as this card combo suggests that everyone involved will be happy with the outcome. The Ten of Cups and The Emperor tarot cards combined symbolize emotional fulfillment and stability. Oct 17, 2024 · 2 thoughts on “ Ten of Cups ” diana Post author October 17, 2024 at 7:24 am. REVERSED: Disconnection, misaligned values, struggling relationships. This makes Ten of Cups more problematic. Your relationship will be filled with love, care, and harmony, creating a nurturing environment for both you and your partner. It can indicate family breakdowns, problems within a family, neglect or abuse. They are stacked on top of one another pointing towards a sun, or laid out in a band as part of a rainbow. This card depicts a family gathered together, with a rainbow overhead, symbolizing a harmonious and supportive environment. Oct 6, 2023 · Ten of Cups (Reversed) as a Person. 10 of cups actually comes out for me "negatively" quite often - a bit of a maladaptive daydreaming vibe. The Ten of Cups reminds us that there is fulfillment at the end of every cycle. Jan 18, 2023 · Upright Meanings For 10 Of Cups And Career And Finances What It Means For Me. The Universe hears you, and your intentions will be manifested back at you. There is wholeness, harmony, and a sense of belonging here. The Ten of Cups (Suit of Cups, Minor Arcana) is a card that embodies emotional fulfillment, harmony, and enduring happiness. I would say that her outcome is a little better, so should I back off and let them be, or should I just wait it out. The 10 of Cups tarot card is a symbol of overall happiness and a life filled with abundance and joy. Drawing Ten of Cups in the future position also suggests a good omen. Ten of Cups Description. This card often heralds a period of peace, harmony, and prosperity, reflecting a culmination of positive efforts and intentions. Where everyone else wants to be, you already are. King of Cups The King of Cups is a card that often represents the ideal of emotional maturity and balance. Take the time to reflect on what you truly want in your career, and seek out opportunities that align with your values and goals. This card foretells harmony, love, and passion in your relationship. The three of cups festivities, in the form of reflections -- perhaps indicating a return to an earlier happier time, return to ones's homeland, or simply a time of going within to find that center again. The Ten of Swords often represents a difficult ending or painful loss, while the Ten of Cups symbolizes emotional fulfillment and harmony. However a few months later something very specific happened to change things between us, and it's like our relationship did a 360. The Ten of Cups is a card of ultimate love. You could decide to take your Apr 23, 2024 · On the traditional Rider-Waite-Smith depiction of the 10 of cups card, we can see 10 cups floating across the sky in the shape of a rainbow signifying a sense of completion and victory sprinkling over the family below. In your career too, you can expect a favorable outcome when you get the 10 of Cups in your outcome - 10 of cups I Interpret this as 1) I’m going through a really hard time and I’ve just started on stability after a lot of travel in the last 4 years and I’m still finding my footing. Whether you have been physically separated or emotionally distant, this card assures you that you will be reunited with your family, friends, or partner. I tend to think of the tens as passing, (10) wheel, if not simply illusory: whatever has you thinking ten swords is not actually the end of the world, the burden of ten wands is not actually more than you can carry, the perfect security promised by ten pentacles cannot actually be achieved, and the emotional fulfillment of ten cups? again, passing, illusory. The Ten of Cups reversed can be an indicator of family relationships not being as stable as they may appear outwardly. com Apr 23, 2020 · The Ten of Cups is an equally great card to find in your spread if you’re single, indicating that your next relationship will have all the potential to be serious and long-term, likely resulting in marriage. Yes both cards represent a good love outcome and emotional abundance. Everything will go well, even better than planned, and the outcome will bring you immense satisfaction and happiness! If the Ten of Cups tarot card appears, you can expect a union with a loved one, deep love, satisfaction in your personal life, and long-lasting, joyful family relationships. The Ten of Cups is one of the best cards you can get in a love reading. Card 10 (outcome): 10 of Cups I'm a novice at tarot, but I'd like to learn. Combining the Ten of Cups and Three of Swords When the Ten of Cups and Three of Swords appear together in a tarot reading, it can be a sign of conflicting emotions and challenges in relationships. If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Ten of Cups reversed, that means that you are advised to take things slow for now. Main Features of the Ten Great teamwork and cooperation is suggested when The Ten of Cups appears in a work related reading. However, there are issues in your relationship you have to resolve to make this relationship work. It is likely that both partners have endured some difficulties in their past relationships which makes the sweetness of the present moment so enthralling. six of cups as outcome. For the final card of the spread representing the future outcome, I pulled the Tower. The erosion is slow but equally devastating, like rust. It’s wise to secure your foundation before leaping towards what appears to be a beneficial opportunity. When these two cards appear together, it […] Here’s how the Ten of Cups applies to areas of our lives. The Ten of Cups is a favourable card for those looking for a long-term relationship because it can stand for either one. The Ten of Cups represents the achievement of happiness and contentment in one’s personal life, while The Emperor signifies stability and authority, signifying control over one’s life and surroundings. It often hints at the arrival of a soulmate or a deeply fulfilling relationship. This card suggests that poor communication or emotional misalignments could be causing strain and disharmony. These will help us live up to our full potential. When these cards appear together in a reading, they bring about a powerful message that can relate to Ten Of Cups Meaning | Reversed | Context - Health | Position - Outcome. The Eight of Swords and Ten of Cups tarot cards together represent a challenging situation that is resolved through love and emotional fulfillment. It often indicates a happy family, joy, and emotional contentment. When the Ten of Cups appears in the past position, it signifies a period of happiness and family unity. The Ten of Cups, if it appears when you are single, may be a sign that you will begin a new, stable, long-term relationship or that you are looking for one of them. This card suggests that you are on the path to finding a relationship that will bring you immense joy and satisfaction. It suggests that there may be underlying issues or imbalances within your body that are causing disharmony and discomfort. The combination of these two cards can indicate that a person is facing heartbreak or emotional pain, even when everything seems perfect on the surface. Ten of Cups The Ten of Cups is a card associated with the Minor Arcana and is depicted as a happy family under a rainbow. It’s a card that many hope to see in their tarot readings, symbolizing not just personal contentment but also communal joy. What can this card mean in a career spread? The 10 of Cups can be the "fantasy" about having a happy ending. Romance with your partner can be quickly thrown off balance when unexpected chaos Great teamwork and cooperation is suggested when The Ten of Cups appears in a work related reading. In this guide, we're going to explore the meaning of the King of Cups and Ten of Pentacles tarot card combination. It suggests happiness in love and relationships and supportive connections that allow you to flourish. This card is, like the rest of the Cups, imbued with emotional undertones. The Ten of Cups promises an auspicious beginning. The love you share is so pure that it spreads to those around you and they feel safe and happy in your company. If you’re asking about whether or not to expand your family, this card says: yes! Expand away! The Ten of Cups can also advise to go after your dreams. They may struggle to maintain harmonious relationships with family and loved ones, and their actions or decisions could sometimes lead The Ten of Cups represents a harmonious and loving family life, a deep emotional connection with loved ones, and a sense of contentment and satisfaction in life. When the Ten of Cups appears reversed, it often signifies disruptions in your emotional life or family dynamics. The Ten of Cups is a card of harmony, connection, and emotional fulfillment at home, in relationships Well if it helps his feelings toward her was the 5 of cups clarified by 7 of wands, so not good. In this enchanting tarot card, we see a picturesque scene of a loving family, depicted under a vibrant rainbow, symbolizing joy, unity, and the realization of dreams. 2) bc of these vulnerabilities, I’m lacking inner strength, low energy and overall I clearly need to reflect on shadow work and maybe seek Ten of Cups Reversal Meaning. A choice between two paths: The Two of Swords often represents a choice or a dilemma, while the Ten of Cups symbolizes a happy ending or a desired outcome. But in the Ten of Cups, there is no wish to cut ties or give up on the person. 10 of Cups For General Outcome. The card’s meaning can be described in a few words like ‘having it all’. So if 10 of Swords appeared in a relationship reading followed by 10 of Cups , that suggests to me the end of troubling times followed by a beautiful reconciliation . or it can happen out of the blue. The Ten of Cups is a card of emotional fulfillment, representing the ultimate goal of happiness and contentment in life. Always the pessimist, I saw that and thought "Yeah, right". The Ten of Cups as the outcome card indicates that if you continue on your current path, you can expect to be reunited with your loved ones or experience a joyful family gathering. Upright, the 10 of Cups always suggests to me that good times are on their way and that life is about to feel rosy and optimistic. Therefore, if the Ten of Cups appears in a yes or no reading, the answer would be a clear YES. We will have a look at how the Ten of Cups would be interpreted and affect the outcome of the reading in the light of Suits. there’s also a stable and completionist energy to it—seeing a goal or relationship through to its “end” and having the ground to With cups, it is an opportunity to be blessed with joy, love, and / or an emotional connection. Upright Ten of Cups as Love Outcome Tarot Card Meaning When you’re seeking insight into your love life’s trajectory, the Upright Ten of Cups is a beacon of hope on your romantic horizon. So, if you receive the Ten of Cups in response to a yes or no question, it’s a strong indication that the outcome will be positive and fulfilling. None of that seems to apply here. For me though the 10 of cups represents happiness and fulfillment enjoyed collectively (by your family) and overflow of joy and love. Could someone help me with that, its more like a love reading to me somehow. The couple have their arms raised in triumph having finally faced all hurdles of the past to reach the destination of their dreams. In its upright position, the Ten of Cups signifies a blissful and harmonious love outcome. I want it, and I currently don't have it (though I am grateful for hot showers and food on the table!). Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning. When the Ten of Cups is reversed, the strong bonds that one forges with family and community are broken, or twisted. The Ten of Cups Tarot card stands as one of the most beautiful and fulfilling cards in the Tarot deck. Getting this card is a sign that soon, the universe will grant all your wishes, and you will enjoy a period of emotional satisfaction and fulfilment in all aspects of your life. If you look at the imagery, the way the person is carrying the sticks is kind of strange--inefficient, "carrying with your back" instead of having a proper form that is healthier and more sustainable. The Ten of Cups reversed is a card that signifies a lack of harmony and contentment in the realm of health. The 10 of Cups was in the outcome position, i was confused about it. . Whether this creates a balance between the two, as this is important. Nov 18, 2024 · The Ten of Cups suggests that this could be an excellent opportunity for you. It may signal the mending of bridges between friends or family members you were once close to, if there has been a rift. This can be internal or external. The Eight of Cups is a call to follow our intuition and to leave behind what is no longer aligned with our values and goals. Like all other cards from the Tarot’s Minor Arcana, the Ten of Cups is a lower echo of three cards in the Major Arcana: The Wheel of Fortune (card #10), Judgment (card # 20), and The Fool (card #0). The Ten of Wands can represent burdens and hard work. Jan 14, 2024 · When the Ten of Wands is combined with the Three of Cups, the energy shifts to a more celebratory tone. The Ten of Cups is truly the most 'happily ever after' card, but somehow this idealized image of domestic peace and comfort is broken, or was unrealistic all along. You might be experiencing conflicts or a sense of dissatisfaction despite outward success. The Ten of Cups often signifies a balance and harmony in relationships, promising a period of peace and fulfillment. This loving and stable relationship might not be with another person, however, it might be with your creative outlet. This card is often associated with pain, betrayal, and endings. Ten of Cups as Love Outcome Tarot Card Meaning; Ten of Cups as Person Tarot Card Meaning; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as a Situation; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as a Yes or No Answer; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as Feelings; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as What Someone Wants When the Ten of Cups appears reversed in a Tarot reading regarding your career, it signifies a desire for greater alignment between your personal values and your professional life. The card embodies harmony and alignment. Ten of Cups's Meaning. The Ten of Cups reversed reminds you to prioritize your emotional and mental well-being when making career decisions, and not to sacrifice your happiness for the sake of a paycheck. When ten cups show up in the reading, it means perfection, fulfilment, and the ability to bring everything together as a perfect fit. This card suggests that both partners are experiencing true fulfillment and satisfaction together. Nov 3, 2023 · The Ten of Cups is a beacon of emotional fulfillment and joy within the tarot card deck. Seeing the Ten of Cups in a future reading should fill you with motivation. They make life worth it. What Does the Ten of Cups Mean in Readings? 10 of Cups is a Minor Arcana that is part of the suit of Cups associated with creativity and the emotional sphere. This is very frustrating for your partner. This card can also signify compatible long-term priorities. This card signifies emotional connections, harmonious relationships, and the pleasure of shared experiences. The Ten of Cups as the outcome card suggests that your commitment to your health is not only benefiting your physical body but also your emotional and spiritual well-being. You have people in your life who love you for who you are. One of the meanings for the 10 of Wands that has come up in my practice is efficiency. The Ten of Cups means that your emotional fulfillment and contentment are on the horizon. Ten of Cups in Past-Present-Future Spread. i do mostly perceive it as the ultimate wish and emotional fulfillment card. And the 3 of Wands is about waiting wishfully, or desiring someone from afar. This is a wonderful card to receive for a love reading. The Ten of Cups reminds us that we can always count on our loved ones when things get rough. It looks as though there will be some turbulence if you pursue a relationship right now. Ten of Cups reversed as reconciliation is a sign of your person coming from a place of sincere love. This card suggests that your relationships will be strengthened, and you will find happiness and fulfillment in the company of your family and friends. So to me, in numerology 9’s are a completion of a cycle and 10 is both the lingering benefits of that last cycle as well as a call to a new one (1+0=1 which is a new beginning) specifically the 10 of cups to me is the lingering happiness that comes from working through a tough emotional cycle. Ten of Cups Future and Outcome. The Three of Cups showcases three women raising their glasses in unity, representing friendship, joy, and a sense of fulfillment. Upright Ten of Cups The Ten of Cups reversed as financial outcome is a sign of potential financial success that may not bring the emotional fulfillment expected. You might be seeking harmony and contentment in what you do for a living, but you’re feeling disconnected or as though your current role doesn’t fulfill you on The 8 of Cups and 10 of Cups tarot card combination is one of those tarot card pairs that has a truly deeper meaning that goes beyond the surface. I'm not sure what this means. This card is one of the most positive tarot cards and reflects pure happiness, harmony, and joy. Interpreting this tarot card as a love outcome suggests that you’re on the cusp of achieving a level of contentment that many only dream of. Once you have completed your due process in investigating the terms, jump in with both feet! Love and Relationships Meaning . That’s why it is essential to have a look at how the Ten of Cups communicates with the other Tarot Cards. Show your gratitude to the universe for receiving this excellent opportunity. I know she is very stuck in the past. The reversed Ten of Cups, or the inverted Ten of Cups, suggests addressing underlying issues to restore harmony and find true fulfillment. And since I've made it this far, to me, the 10 of pentacles is about generational success. In most traditional Tarot decks, the card depicts a scene of a loving couple, often with children, standing beneath a rainbow arch, with ten cups arranged above them in the shape of an inverted Jan 13, 2017 · If you’re asking a question about love, the Ten of Cups can advise to focus on creating long term security through engagement, marriage, or buying a home. Those two together, I would assume the outcome of both parties wishing for a happy ending romantically, but there's an element of waiting and waiting, and nothing coming about. Understanding its placement in different tarot spreads provides deeper insights into our journeys and relationships. it’s a great omen to signify emotional happiness and being so abundant in it that you can share it with others. What Does the Ten of Cups Mean When Upright? The Ten of Cups in most tarot decks depicts ten cups as the main focus of the image. The deep love is there. The Ten of Cups reflects the Wheel of Fortune’s delivery of one’s ultimate reward, it echoes the absoluteness of the Judgment card and it has The Ten of Cups reversed can generally refer to an unhappy home life, broken home or dysfunctional family situation. Drawing Ten of Cups reversed in the future position also suggests disharmony, neglect and betrayal in the family system. This combination can suggest that the querent is facing a challenging decision, but that the outcome will be positive and bring long-term happiness. This combination connotes that a significant chapter […] Ten of Cups Card as a Future Outcome. For those involved in creative work such as artists, writers, musicians, pottery makers or designers, The Ten of Cups suggests exceptional work The Ten of Cups is one of happy relationships, whether with your partner or other loved ones. UPRIGHT: Divine love, blissful relationships, harmony, alignment. The Ten of Cups reversed can point to short-term disruptions that might influence a positive outcome in the long run. Ten of Cups as Love Outcome Upright. hmmmmm we have six cups -that's three and three, or two triads of cups, forming reflections of eachother. The Ten of Cups reflects the culmination of emotional satisfaction and the integration of all aspects of life, including love, family, and home. The Ten of Swords can indicate a When the Ten of Swords and the Ten of Cups appear together in a tarot reading, they create a powerful juxtaposition of endings and new beginnings. When these two cards appear together, it implys the establishment of […] The Devil and Ten of Cups: Love In love readings, The Devil and Ten of Cups combination can indicate a relationship with a strong sexual attraction or karmic bond. He is calm, collected, and in control of his emotions, making him an excellent listener and advisor. You may have been seeking external validation or materialistic pursuits, neglecting the deeper spiritual aspects of your life. There is a perfect someone out there for you in the Universe. When it comes to the 8 of Cups and 10 of Cups tarot card combination, there is an interesting interpretation to uncover from various angles. The number 10 represents completion. The Ten of Cups reversed as an obstacle or challenge can represent emotional discord, miscommunication, or broken connections within relationships. For that, I pulled the Ten of Cups upright. Representing joy, familial harmony, and emotional contentment, this card symbolizes a deep and abiding sense of happiness. Reversed Ten of Cups as Love Advice. It suggests that there may be underlying issues or conflicts that are causing strain and unhappiness in your love life. The ful For relationships and feelings, the Ten of Cups represents happiness, emotional fulfillment, and domestic harmony. The World reminds us to be grateful for what we have, while also letting us know that we deserve the best. Ten of Cups Card Reversed as a Future Outcome. Maybe to get to the 10 of cups, you need to begin with 1 and accept the potential of a new beginning. You’re loved and always will be. I also interpret it as shared joy, happy times, celebrations, and family gatherings. it can be years. I then pulled another card to ask what the “outcome of the outcome” would be, what area of life the Tower would impact, how the Tower would fall, so to speak. Taking into account, there are 78 Tarot Cards in a deck. . I normally associate this card with family. Perhaps you are currently working hard on a project or career trajectory, maybe you are developing a relationship with a new person (platonic or otherwise). The Ten of Cups in a Tarot revolves around harmony, happiness and emotional connection, especially with family. You and your person complement and complete each other. You can expect to attain some long goal if you find the X of Cups in your spread. You may feel satisfied in a way that you never thought possible. Her feelings was 6 of cups combined by judgment so I feel he will be a big lesson for her in some sense. This card indicates that things are likely to work out in the end and that a positive outcome and happiness are achievable. It isn't, as at our reversed tavern in the Nine of Cups, a free-for-all. This card represents a surge of inspiration and playfulness in your life, allowing you to express your creativity and enjoy the process. Thank you for your wonderful comments, they mean a lot! And most definitely, thank you for letting me know about the typos, so very important! i love 10 of cups. For those involved in creative work such as artists, writers, musicians, pottery makers or designers, The Ten of Cups suggests exceptional work Sep 3, 2017 · Discover the Ten of Wands Tarot card meaning for love and relationships. Any input about this reading will be soaked up like a sponge! That said, here's what I can make of it: The subject (10 of pentacles) is about affluence and wealth. Dec 23, 2024 · Upright 10 of Cups. In practice, there could be some disharmony in your relationship. The more I thought of it, it came to me that instead of walking away from the entire situation, it could be pointing out that it was about forgiveness, walking away from the hurt I felt and forgiving the person. Tarot Meaning: The 10 of Cups is another of the most uplifting of cards that you can receive. Perhaps If you are in a new relationship, the Ten of Pentacles as love outcome means not only being happy with your person, but also being accepted by their family and friends. The Ten of Cups and Two of Pentacles combination is a potent combination of two very different cards, with the Ten of Cups representing emotional fulfillment and happiness, while the Two of Pentacles represents balance and adaptability. These people are bound to stay in the long run. This card reflects a scenario where your financial achievements might not be providing the sense of satisfaction or joy you anticipated. Her purpose in his life I got -outcome - The world - completion, travel, possible marriage. The Ten of Swords The Ten of Swords is a card that depicts a person lying on the ground with ten swords piercing their back. In Nine of Cups, as discussed, we can conclude there's no wishing this away and best to cut ties. Nov 26, 2024 · Ten of Cups in a Love Reading New Relationship. to me 10 of cups is a good outcome card but 10 also means fulfillment and completion, i am not sure if it's telling me to be happy with what I have? The Ten of Cups is a highly positive and harmonious card in the Tarot deck, symbolizing ultimate emotional fulfillment, happiness, and domestic bliss. It represents deep emotional connection, contentment, and overall happiness in a relationship. When the Ten of Cups appears in a yes or no reading, it suggests that the answer is likely to be positive, indicating a creative and fulfilling outcome. Ten of Cups Keywords. Ten of Cups Outcome. Learn the meaning of the Ten of Wands for love, relationships, futures, romance, outcomes, exes, feelings, intentions, reconciliations, as a yes or no, marriage, pregnancies, positives, negatives, and more. Ten of Cups as Love Outcome Tarot Card Meaning; Ten of Cups as Person Tarot Card Meaning; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as a Situation; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as a Yes or No Answer; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as Feelings; Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meaning as What Someone Wants When the Ten of Cups appears reversed as the outcome of your spiritual journey, it indicates a lack of fulfillment and satisfaction. You must ensure that the children’s needs are met and that they are safe. 10 of Swords signifies an ending to painful and trying times, and at the same time heralds a new fresh beginning. The Eight of Swords symbolizes feeling trapped, powerless, and limited, while the Ten of Cups signifies happiness, contentment, and the realization of one’s deepest desires. It also can suggest landing the career or job of your dreams if it appears in the Outcome Position. For singles, the ten of cups love outcome is equally promising. See full list on divinationandfortunetelling. I cannot understand if he feels not very excited towards her, how could the 10 of cups be the outcome? for my purpose in his life I got -outcome- Ten of cups - emotional contentment, family, happiness. It occasionally depicts a couple facing the cups in a field, sometimes with children to symbolize the full Reversed Ten of Cups as Feelings. I'm positive that when tarot has something good to communicate it says loud and clear. The ten cups arranged in an arc signify completion, achievement, and abundance. It helps the flow of good energy carry on coming to you. Well, the cards indicated that things would indeed change, and for the outcome I got the 10 of cups. The rainbow above the family represents hope, promise, and divine blessings. In terms of finances and career, this card suggests that a period of true contentment and fulfillment is on its way. When the Ten of Cups is reversed, it means that this person is feeling like there is some chaos in your romantic relationship right now. prjzw lnijgub fqecxdrn obag apwg btsdze aaibn afwa uqz edfprxn