
Punjabi Tribune (Delhi Edition)

Te parawhau whakapapa. History of the Hapu and Marae.

Te parawhau whakapapa Ko Ngati Whatua me Ngapuhi nga Te Parawhau leader. I tēnei rā, e 23 ngā hapū ā-tuakiri motuhake e whai pānga ana, e piri ā-whakapapa mai ana rānei ki a Te Rarawa, te tūāpapa o tōna mana. Includes many photographs. Skip to main content. It is controlled by local hapū Te Paatu and Kaitote, who trace their descent from the chief Tokitahi Tuohu. Wairau Maori Art Gallery te ringa hautu Toi / director Larissa Mcmillan (Ngāpuhi, Te Parawhau). Te Ahukaramū, a renowned chief of Ngāti Raukawa, gave a creation whakapapa which progressed from Te Pō (the night) to Te Ao (the day), and another, part of which showed Te Kore (the void) changing to Te Mangu (the darkness) to Ranginui (the sky father). The Te Roroa rohe stretches along the west coast from the Hokianga to Tokatoka in the Kaipara, encompassing at its heart the Waipoua Forest, Manganui Bluff and the Kai Iwi Lakes. Hikurangi Placemaking Plan – Whakaaro Ahurea Report May 2021 Ngā pae tawhiti o te ao Te Parawhau/ Ngati Hau • Mike Kake – Pehiaweri Marae/ Ngati Hau • Richard Shepherd – Ngararatunua Marae /Ngati Kahu O Torangare This whakapapa provided by English doctor and scholar Edward Shortland gives a line beginning with Te Pō (the night), to Te Ao (the day), Te Kore (chaos) and ending at Rangi (the sky). The Maori Land Court minutes note that in l843, Maketu a Takahiwai chief had some huts and plantations on Matakohe. He claimed that Parawhau and Te Uriroroi were beaten in battle But in its true context, embedded in te reo and te ao Māori, kaitiakitanga comes connected with wider obligations, rights and spiritual dimensions. (noun) genealogy, genealogical table, lineage, descent - reciting whakapapa was, and is, an important skill and reflected the importance of genealogies in Māori society in terms of leadership, land and fishing rights, kinship and status. It contained 58 houses, a large marae, and the large and beautifully decorated meeting house Wharekura. Te Rau Matatau courses will have particular relevance for Māori working in the health sector, especially those in Te Paatu marae is located on State Highway 1 near Pamapuria. Whakapapa knowledge is the unbounded collection of theory, observation and experience as seen through Maori eyes. This item has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local The next activity places these important matters in relation to wellbeing using a Te Whare Tapa Whā framework. This gift was in recognition of a major breach where a man from Ngāti Pūkenga was killed by a local for no reason. The whiore (tail) of the kiore (native rat) illustrates that whakapapa is ancient, having its genesis in the beginnings of Tūtāmure married Hine-i-kauia. Te Parawhau hapū-get their name from a rangatira who in his death was wrapped in the leaves of the whau tree as protection for the body. These old cultivations can be seen as agricultural lines or drains that diverge down the hillslope covering approximately 14 hectares on the north western side. 1 2 3 and surrounding Te Parawhau rohe. Colours represent the toto from the uri o Te Rewarewa, Deoxyri- bonucleic Acid (DNA) and whakapapa Kai Matriarch Research methodology and methods Taonga Whānau event Whāngai Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua: Grant Huwyler : Coming : Coming : Coming : Te Rangipikinga: Coming : 5 Jan 2024 : 1 Te Ahukaramū and his wife Manumea sit on the ground in their cloaks. Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand. He hononga tata ō te iwi nei ki a Ngāti Wai, ki a Ngāpuhi, ki a Ngāti Whātua, ki te tipuna ki a Tahuwhakatiki, tētahi o ngā kaiārahi o te waka a Te Arawa i tōna paenga ki Whakapapa from information provided by Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal. | Whakatōhea, Te Tāwharau o Te Whakatōhea Trust, Whakatōhea Māori Trust Board, | Iwi | Whakatōhea I ētahi wā whakahuatia ai te ingoa nei mō ngā iwi o Muriwhenua arā, a Ngāti Kuri, a Ngāti Kahu, a Te Rarawa, a Te Aupōuri, tāpae ko ngā iwi e noho ana i te tonga arā, a Ngāti Wai, a Te Parawhau, a Te Roroa, a Ngāti Whātua; kīia ai rātou he huānga iwi nō Ngāpuhi. Millan Ruka - of Te Uri Roroi, Te Parawhau and Te Mahurehure ki Whatitiri descent - said while hapū might have whakapapa ties to Ngāti Whātua, it's rohe and taonga were not for inclusion in the Hikoi to Waitangi confirms migrants as Te Tiriti partners. (including whakapapa and karakia) Ko te Whare Tapu o Ngāpuhi. com: Map: Te Parawhau ki Tai application area map [PDF, 454 KB] Te Rae Trust ; Application number: MAC-01-01-139: This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows Kahungunu’s links to his grandfather Tamatea Arikinui. Whiteboard Session #1 The Orchard Support from Te Rewarewa is a block of Te Parawhau land that was granted legal title through the Native Land Court in 1865. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows Rangitihi’s seven sons and He stated that the hapū present when part of the block was gifted to Te Uriroroi were Te Parawhau, Te Patuharakeke, and Te Tāwera, and they made no objection. Te Putu was by this time an old man, and it now fell upon his son Tawhia-ki-te-rangi to lead the people. Six generations later when war ravaged the Polynesian island of Rangiātea, Ohomairangi’s descendant Tamatekapua led his people to the North Island of New Zealand in the canoe named Te Arawa. And it’s not just about the E te Taua, Dame Aroha Crofts, kua tukuna tō wairua ki te taha tūpuna, Nō reira, whiua o tohu ki tai o te moana, Whakangaro atu ai taku kura ki au e, taukiri te mamae! It is with a heavy heart that Te Puawaitanga ki Ōtautahi Trust acknowledges the passing of our beloved kaumātua Taua Dame Aroha Reriti-Crofts. This whakapapa shows the family history of various trees, all of whom were children of Tāne, god of the forest, and his sequence of He whakapapa tēnei ka heke iho i a Tāne ki ngā rākau me ngā tipu. Te Parawhau was the strongest under the leadership of a grandson of Te Ponaharakeke, Kūkupa, who also descended from Te Tokaitāwhio a major chieftainess of Ngāti Ruangāio. Blurb (max 600 characters): Through whakapapa Māori trace their ancestry all the way back to the beginnings of The work I have presented here pulls together Maori epistemologies as evidenced in the whakapapa knowledge particularly of Ngati Maniapoto to see if and where connection lies with understandings of Maori cultural wellbeing. Te Mahurehure provided a buffer from Ngāpuhi hostilities due to their strong whanaungatanga ties at the north end Mauinaina, Mokoia and Te Tōtara battles between Ngāpuhi and Hauraki: 1821: Hongi and Ngāpuhi attack Waikato: 1822: Ngāpuhi attack Te Arawa at Mokoia; Ngāti Toa move from Kawhia to the Kapiti Coast area north of Whanganui-a-Tara (Wellington) 1823: Ngāti Whātua and Ngāti Pāoa attack Te Parawhau at Whangarei: 1824 : 1825 Whakapapa of Īhaka Whaanga and Hirini Te Rito Whaanga Content partner Manatū Taonga, the Ministry for Culture and Heritage Collection Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand Format Other Creator New Zealand Ministry for Culture and Heritage Te Manatu Taonga Contributing partner Te Ara - The Encyclopedia of New Zealand URL This whakapapa shows how the kūmara descends from Rongo-māui and Pani-tinaku. Te Ramaroa titiro ki Whīria, te Paiaka o te riri, te kawa o Rāhiri. 12 October 2022 TE WHAKAPAPA ME TE WHENUA Ko Tunuiarangi te waka. This whakapapa (genealogical table) shows the descent from the crew of Te Arawa canoe. ‘Only the shadow of the land goes to the Queen, the substance For centuries the rohe of Te Rarawa was continually tested through rivalry, conflict and dispute with neighbouring Iwi, who shared common historical associations, whakapapa and tūpuna with Te Rarawa. English; Māori; Stories A-Z; Te Reo Māori; Biographies; More View Te Ara in. Pātikitiki is a pattern used on tukutuku panels, kits and mats, originating from lashing together the framework timbers of houses. Tahuri atu hau ki te kohu mamao ana i ngā awa e tere nei ki te moana. The fifth marae, located at Poroti, is Maungarongo. One of the titles by which Ngāpuhi is known is Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu (everlasting Ngāpuhi). NGĀTI KAHU O TORONGARE/TE PARAWHAU 13 4. Papakura, M 305. Colours represent the toto from the uri o Te Rewarewa, Ka takina mai e Miringa Hohaia ngā tātai mai i Te Pō, heke iho ki a Rua Taranaki, ki a Rauhoto-tapairu, tae rawa ki a Tahurangi. Parawhau), Te Whakatōhea, Te Arawa BArchDes, GradCertDigDes, MArch(Prof) Researcher National Science Challenge 11: building better homes, towns and WHAKAPAPA IT DOES NOT DISCONNECT URBAN FROM RURAL IT IS NOT JUST WHERE WE LIVE IT IS WHO WE ARE! (DRAFT: TE ARANGA MAORI CULTURAL LANDSCAPE STRATEGY 2006) 4. Tiro ki Te Ara ki te reo. Features of the whenua including kaimoana and toetoe are represented. English; Ēnei taonga he mea hanga i runga i ngā mahi rangahau, mahi wānanga, mahinga taiao, ā, e tohangia ana tae noa ki tēnei rā e Ngā Pātaka Kōrero o Te Arawa. He rebuilt the village of Te Ngutu-o-te-manu, near Ōkaiawa, just north of the Waingongoro River, as his base. 4 15. encourage Hapū to express and share their whakapapa/whakaaro/korero tawhito. In the early 1990’s, it was clear to mana whenua elders that Māoridom was being left behind in the rapidly evolving health sector. Te Rūnanga o Te Rarawa was established by its marae to progress the spiritual, cultural, social and economic growth of Te Rarawa. Parihaka-Te Winiwini was the tupuna. They will also incorporate te reo Māori and mātauranga Māori as vehicles for understanding wellness and for lifting the aspirations of whānau. I feel reluctant to overstep the boundaries. 2. Ka huri ki te Rāwhiti, ko taku aro ki te kapua, hōkaia ki runga Kauri Maunga ki Pātaua maunga ki Ōhuatahi maunga ko Te Waiariki, me Ngāti Kororā. Te Paatu marae connects to the lands of Te Konoti, to the maunga named Kotipu me Pukehapai and to Maungatakauere me Mangataiore Rivers. What are our guiding principles? This Framework identifies two Guiding Principles to provide a ‘bridge’ between the conceptual components of Te Whakapapa o Te Wai and the tangible actions. Taparoto George and I have provided an insight into the interconnectedness of Te Parawhau with other hapu and Iwi who have interests in and around the Whangarei Taiwhenua. TE TIMATANGA – PATUHARAKEKE 7. Photograph: Rev. Three decades of iwi and hapū management plans: An overview 5. Reference: MS On to Titoki, the Korokota Marae is associated with Te Parawhau. The Whai Tikanga Pleasant Events Scheduling activity guides whānau in re-engaging with or engaging for the first time in enjoyable and challenging activities that strengthen wellbeing, addresses lifestyle imbalance and provides alternatives to substance use and other These are four different types of whakapapa: whakamoe, taotahi, tararere and whakapiri. Part of the iwi of Te Rarawa, the rohe runs from Kohatuhaohao around from Rangiora (the Te Waiariki Ancestry Te Waiariki whakapapa derives from the two key marriages of the Te Waiariki chiefs Te Uhi o Te Rangi and Tūkaiteuru, to the Ngāi Tāhuhu women Te Huaki and Te Kahuwhero, who by virtue of bestowal of the mana their ancient Ngati Manaia whakapapa. George Kirkwood, 1911. 4 as Te Akitai and Te Parawhau. The Maori ownership of the Whatitiri Figure 14: Te Whakapapa o Te Wai and guiding Te Arawa values 38. The first CEO was Kirsty Maxwell Crawford (2002-2011); Clinical This whakapapa (genealogy) of Te Whatanui and Pōtatau Te Wherowhero is from Nga moteatea (II: 142). Photo taken by Mere Kepa. 4. Tāne and Hinerauāmoa fall in love and have a child Hineteiwaiwa - spiritual guardian of knowledge about weaving. "We're not trying to disrupt whakapapa between us and them, whanaungatanga is a big part of we are, but for this Treaty settlement, it needs to be in the hands of the mana whenua. We do not intend to repeat that evidence here. Whakapapa from information provided by Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal Ngāpuhi (also known as Ngāpuhi-Nui-Tonu or Ngā Puhi) is a Māori iwi associated with the Northland regions of New Zealand centred in the Hokianga, the Bay of Islands, and Whangārei. Read More. English; Māori; Stories A-Z; Te Reo Māori; Biographies; Te Arawa chief Te Rangikāheke said Te Pō (the darkness or night) was followed by Te Ao (the day) and then Te Kore As this extensive whakapapa shows, Pōtatau Te Wherowhero, the first Māori king, could trace his descent from the major voyaging waka said to have brought the first people to New Zealand. 9 29. After the fighting in the Kaihu valley, Toa brought his family to Opanaki, Kaihu to hold that land. Ko Te Parawhau te Hapu. Signed the Declaration of Independence in 1835 and the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840. 'Te Wherowhero, Pōtatau', Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, first published in 1990. Search. [2] [3]According to the 2018 New Zealand census, Our tohu consists of a Tāniko (ornamental border) with hanging strands below it. One is Te Arawa. The Te Kanawa family reunion at the Tokikapu marae at Waitomo resulted in this whakapapa booklet that binds the whānau (descendants) of Whare-angaanga, Koropaehi and Parerau. Taparoto George and I have provided an insight into the interconnectedness of Te Parawhau with other hapu Te Kawehau, mother of Patuone and Nene traced descent from Rahiri through Kaharau, his second son from the union with Whakaruru. This describes the multiplicity of tribes, sub-tribes and marae within the tribe. We work to develop opportunities and initiatives for the future of our people and the protection of Ko Houmia te matua, he tātai Parawhau<br /> ko Roto te tuatahi i muri ko te Maru<br /> ka moe a Roto ia Matai kia puta Te Pukohukohu<br /> ta Te Maru ko Kahukura tana ko Toka, ka moe ia Pehi<br /> na tetahi o nga wahine a Te Maru tana ko Te Umangawha<br /> ta Te Umangawha ko Panapa<br /> He tātai Hongātirihia tenei:<br /> ka moe a Rehia ia<br /> This rākau whakapapa (orator’s mnemonic staff) probably dates from around 1800. Stories A-Z Te Reo Māori Biographies Sections Keywords Your stories. This whakapapa shows how their union also linked Te Whakatōhea with the Rangimatoru canoe and on down to two other Rangatira of Te Uriroroi and Te Parawhau and shared similar land interests, particularly in Whatitiri, Whangarei and Ngunguru. This whakapapa (genealogy) of the descendants of the chief Rangitihi shows how strategic marriages and the outcome of sexual unions created strong links between tribal groups that might otherwise have been in conflict. On the 8 th of March 2002, Associate Minister of Health Tariana Turia launched Te Rau Matatini. 1 HEMP Version 2 vibrations of sound reach afar symbolising our whakapapa links to one and other via the natural environment. He hirahira anō taua uaua ki te kore te tangata e whai whakapapa ki taua takiwā. He was the son of Wharerau, a descendant of the ancient ancestral Ngāti Awa, the original people of the area, and of their Ngāpuhi conquerors, a combination which Ko tēnei whakapapa mai i a Hoturoa te rangatira o Tainui, heke iho ki a Raukawa, ki a Maniapoto, taka rawa iho ki ngā rangatira rongonui o te rau tau 1800, a Te Whatanui, a Te Ahukaramū, a Te Rauparaha. Te Kuiti in the King Country. They faced many battles- one The Te Parawhau Hapu should heal; and those who have caused us harm should be held accountable through processes of transformative justice, self-determination, and support; Ngāti Hau, Te Parawhau, Te Uriroiroi: Te Reo o Te Iwi: 99 Ngunguru Rd, Glenbervie: 09 4370833, 0212163306 [email protected] www. He mea āwhina tēnei i te tohunga tātai whakapapa i a ia e tātai whakapapa ana. The chart shows the succession of first-born chiefs down to Tumu Te Heuheu Tūkino VIII, paramount chief at the start of the 21st century. 3,877 Followers, 97 Following, 228 Posts - Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi (@ngapuhi. Our kaupapa is to advocate for our iwi, champion social and cultural initiatives, and carefully Te Parawhau and Te Uriroroi are the tribes The people of Ngapuhi are the people . Whareangaanga Te Kanawa: he whakamarumaru mo te whānau. Te Parawhau Series'#5Kioreroa Maunga was a sacred Maunga that had 'pre european historical significance for whanau whose whakapapa was to this Maunga and surrounding lands Located on the edge of the Whangarei Harbour where Port Nikau is today, Kioreroa Maunga along with parts of 'Pūtahi Whenua,were destroyed, then mined to lay the foundations of the rail connection In Māori cosmology creation is detailed as a whakapapa, which outlines the numerous generations of Te Kore (the void), Te Pō (the night) and Te Ao (the day). . Wharepaia, Ngati Ruangaio and Te Parawhau and Ngati Tu. I am learning raranga in Aotearoa, after all. Kūkupa married Tahora, daughter of My brief of evidence provides some background and profiles for some of the rangatira and key people of Te Parawhau hapu: They include: will then provide the Tribunal with some insight The Te Parawhau leader Te Tirarau’s pā (established 1838) sat on the edge of the oxbow of the nearby river which carries the same name Te Aotahi. Te Parawhau Hui a In a recent interview, Te Warena Taua drew a comparison between the disagreements amongst mana whenua at Ihumātao and the tensions and disagreements within Ngāpuhi, an iwi he also has whakapapa to: “You show me one iwi in this country that’s stuck together and isn’t split. Ko ngā kāinga o Te Parawhau, kei te taha raki me te taha tonga o Whāngārei, hoki ana ki te tuawhenua. It was a living pā but also protected for war. Ko te pae tawhiti o tēnei whakaputanga he whakapātaritari i te hunga mātai hauropi ki te taunaki i te mātauranga Māori. English; Māori; Browse the Encyclopedia. 1 Te Tiriti o Waitangi 16 of the whakapapa and whaikorero specific to the site and surrounding area. The Crown carried out census in 1848 and 1853 as a prelude to the land purchases and in 1879 a Royal Commission and a subsequent Middle Island Native Census were attempts to This whakapapa (genealogical chart) traces the line of descent from Tūwharetoa to Herea, who established the paramount Te Heuheu line, and adopted the Te Heuheu name at the end of the 18th century. One notable incident involving Te Irirangi occurred in 1821 during the Musket Wars, when a Ngāpuhi detachment led by Patuone, a Ngāti Hao chief, arrived in Maraetai with the intention of attacking Ngāi Tai. (2) Mai i ngā tau tōmua o te rautau tekau mā iwa, i tīmata ai te whakaratarata atu a Te Rarawa ki ngā kaikani rākau, This whakapapa was recited by Taurau Kukupa in the Native Land Court in 1865, connecting the ten named owners (seen here in black) as descendants of Kauwaungarua. Permalink. Look at Ngāpuhi – how many years down the track, they still haven’t Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, and Te Māhurehure ki Whatitiri are the hapū The people of Ngāpuhi are the people. Whakapapa from information provided by Mere Whaanga The Māori world view was based on whakapapa (genealogy), which included the natural world as well as the human. :1-Notes HE WHAKAPUTANGA ME TE TlRITI THE DECLARATION AND THE TREATY and Ngati Kahu's kinship ties with these other groups: doc A37(b), pp 9, so, 72, 78; transcript4. Whakapapa orders both a seen and unseen world, and shapes the Māori world view. Te tuhi tohutoro mō tēnei whārangi: Rāwiri Taonui, 'Whakapapa - Whakapapa o te orokohanga', Te Ara - Upon arriving at Whakatū (Nelson) in the Uruao waka, Rākaihautū divided his people into two groups. It is central to all Māori institutions. This differs from the whakapapa usually recited which begins with Te Kore. His brother Taurau Kukupa succeeded him. While I am from a culture that practices raranga, Rarotongan methods focus on the use This kūmara whakapapa (genealogy) shows how kūmara is descended from Rongo-māui and Pani-tinaku. This whakapapa was recited by Taurau Kukupa in the Native Land Court in 1865, connecting the ten named owners (seen here in black) as descendants of Kauwaungarua. Kei runga anō i te whakapapa nei ko Hine-i-tūrama, te puhi o Te Arawa i whakamoea ki te kaihoko Pākehā i a Piripi Te Tāpihana. In terms of people Loose papers from iwi/hapu listing for Te Arawa and Tainui waka (MSX-5361) - whakapapa, Date: [1930-1950] From: McEwen, Jock Malcolm, 1915-2010: Collection. I ō mua atu ko Pukeonaki te ingoa o Taranaki, ka mutu i taunahatia te ingoa o Taranaki ki a ia e Tahurangi i Nova Paul (Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, and Te Māhurehure ki Whatitiri, Ngāpuhi) is an artist filmmaker using early cinematic film processes, experimental film practices, Her technicolour films explore ways in which film could unravel time, picture wairua and layers of whakapapa to imagine decolonial thought. Puhi Ariki is told through the work of nine Māori artists spanning seven generations, and all share a whakapapa connection to Te Taitokerau – to Northland. Hāuauru, Raukawa, and West coast, has Hotuope and Hotuāwhio as siblings. Part of the old and extensive whakapapa in the administrator’s possession provides evidence although this is further complicated by multiple marriages, particularly in the case of whakapapa TE PARAWHAU HAPU KORERO Coastal Te Parawhau Hapu WRITER: (DR) TANGIWAI MARY APPLETON KEPA From our whenua at Takahiwai, looking east to Te Koutu & Te Poupouwhenua. Prior to Patuharakeke taking the name Patuharakeke the hapu was more generally known as Ngati Tu with some elements identifying themselves . Polynesian WHAKAPAPA. There are different terms for the types of whakapapa and the different ways of reciting them including: tāhū Whakapapa from information provided by Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal. Nō te tuwheratanga o te pū ki ngā iwi, ka kino ake ngā pakanga. The basic whakapapa is: DESCENT OF Te Kamo- was a tupuna who lived in Kamo on a small hill by Kamo High. Sometimes it is also used as an inclusive reference describing how the Muriwhenua tribes of Ngāti Kurī, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa and Te Aupōuri, and the southern tribes of Ngātiwai, Te All things have a whakapapa, a starting point, that allows them to be what they are. Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu. Using this item. • Distribution of a draft CIA to Richard Shepherd, King George Cherrington, Takiri Te Parawhau Hapu: Representative: Korokota Marae, hoori2ey@gmail. Chief of Kaipara (ca 1840) 2, 1870-1900, p526-527). He whānau kotahi ngā tipu me ngā kararehe o te ao, ka whai hononga i raro i te whakapapa. LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 16 5. Kimihia. 2 Parawhau hapu peoples, who maintained that combined whakapapa with their mana o te whenua nei, ie mana whenua. Tauranga Moana is associated with three canoes. In fact King Mahuta'a memorial does not list Hotuāwhio. View Te Ara in. 1. Ko Ngai Tahuhu Te Iwi. For Māori, the connections to names that will be familiar to those who live in and The descendants of Īhenga and Hatupatu married into other major lines of the Te Arawa tribe, and in time they were led by Rangitihi, Tamatekapua’s great-great-grandson. HERITAGE ASSESSMENT. 1 History and Association with the Project Area 13 5. Nā Te Ahukaramū Charles Royal te whakapapa nei. These wide-ranging lines of descent made Pōtatau an especially suitable candidate to represent numerous iwi Māori. Established under the Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Whātua Act 1988, we proudly serve as the central representative body for ngā uri o Ngāti Whātua. 1. Most Māori had Ranginui (the sky father) and Papatūānuku (the earth mother) as their primal gods, although there were tribal variations. Te whakapapa o te kūmara. It translates into English as: Pō! Pō! My son, This taumau (marriage alliance) resulted in the birth of the famous Te Arawa leader, Pūkaki, who in turn married Wahiao’s granddaughter Ngāpuia of Ōhinemutu, creating much-needed peace among the three tribes. It is what connects you, moko, to . Rangitihi's two descendants, whakapapa closely to Te Parawhau, Te Uriroroi and Ngāti Hine. Submitted by Helen Rickerby on July 4, 2011 - 14:18. His deeds and reputation were renowned beyond the borders of his tribal territory and his name struck both fear and respect amongst his peers. Whakapapa Te Pō Te Ao responds to Matariki as a time to recount the past seasons and set new plans for the coming year. In due course Toa was visited by the Ngati Pou chief Riutaia who, apprehensive of the loss of his land at Taiamai sought to marry Te Rarawa whakapapa. E whakaatu ana i ngā māramatanga, ngā mōhiotanga, ngā mātauranga o te wā tonu nei. 28. Ngati Tuwharetoa. 3 These include concepts such as mauri, Since the projects inception, we have engaged heavily with the two main hapū and whānau who whakapapa to Te Ākau Bream Bay including, Te Parawhau (Ngāti Whātua) and Patuharakeke. HUKATERE IN THE In this 4th panel discussion of our Ngā Pakiaka o Manaia series, our Heamana, Aperahama Kerepeti-Edwards and Raukura Hūhana Lyndon host a panel discussion with manuhiri kaikōrero Ngarimu Blair (Ngāti Whatua ki Orakei Trust) and Nicki Wakefield (Te Parawhau, Ngāti Hau, Te Waiariki) to explore and examine He Whakaputanga 1835, Te Tiriti o In doing so, it also acknowledges Te Parawhau ki Tai as kaitiaki o te mana o te whenua and kaitiaki and of its stories. com: Map: Parore Te Āwhā was born at Mangakāhia, probably sometime in the 1790s. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows hapū (clans or descent groups) within Ngāti Porou that have taken their names from women of different generations – namely Mate, Hinerupe, Ruataupare, Hinepare, Rākairoa, Hinemanuhiri, Hinetāpora He whakahirahira ki te ao Māori ki te 80 paihēneti o ngā iwi/Māori kei ngā taonenui e noho ana. Hohepa and others gave further details of these overlapping whakapapa, explaining for example how Ngliti RUanui, Te Rarawa, Te Aupiiur! and Ngliti Kuri Tara Te Irirangi was the paramount chief during the early years of Pākehā settlement in the Tāmaki region, and also during the Musket Wars of the 1820s. It was there that his sons Tiro and Te Haara grew up in the pa Whakatau, Te Kawau and Tirotiro. com: Map: Te Parawhau Hapu application area map [PDF, 358 KB] Te Tane Hohaia Whanau Waikara ; Application number: MAC-01-01-141: Applicant group: Te Tane Hohaia Whanau Waikara: Representative: Waikara Marae Committee, waikaramaraecommittee@gmail. At the core of any expression of Māori art is an assertion of whakapapa; of genealogical connection; a connection to land; a connection to the physical and metaphysical worlds that make up Te Ao Māori. Our guiding Te Arawa values (Te Whakapapa o te Wai) are: Wai, Waiariki, Waiora, Wairua and Waiata. 8994 PAP The whakapapa connections – between artists; between the artists and the whenua; and my own connections back to the artists and the whenua – are twisted and bound together through our shared whakapapa and shared experiences, like the braided muka of Te Hemo Ata Henare’s (Ngāti Kahu, Ngāti Hine, Te Whakatōhea) Ka Nukunuku! î n W P } µ u v À ] } v h v v Á ] } Z D v t Z l Z } v } Z } Z µ } Ç P u v Á v E } Z o v ï n W P , » D v t Z l Z } v } Z } Z ( ] v ] ] } v W Now that I have come to Aotearoa where whakapapa is so important in te Ao Māori, I can see that knowing where you have come from has a profound effect on well-being and identity. Ko Rua Taranaki te tipuna tuatahi o te iwi o Taranaki. The History of Te Rau Ora. A staff like this is held by an orator as he moves his hand along the notches and recites whakapapa. For some reason Pei's book has Hotuāwhio in his posthumous Tainui book, but does not account for his different position in a letter to the editor of Te Ao Hou in September, 1961 about this issue, and that his parents whakapapa book did not Te Parawhau Hapu application area map [PDF, 358 KB] Te Parawhau ki Tai ; Application number: MAC-01-01-137: Applicant group: Te Parawhau ki Tai: Representative: Marina Fletcher, marinafletcher12@gmail. This 'Te Whakapapa o Raranga' resource can be used to expand students' knowledge of the creation story, provide another pūrākau for students to read, or give students more knowledge on the history/genealogy of weaving. Colours represent the toto from the uri o Te Rewarewa, Matakohe the pa of the Parawhau Te Ihi was built on the summit of the island. Mahurehure names are still on the whenua today and were gazetted in the great 1895 survey as landowners in Block 13. Each new notch represents a new generation. Te Kamo- was a tupuna who lived in Kamo on a small hill by Kamo High. We Te Parawhau, descend from Motutara and from Kukupa and Kauangarua. I am a direct descendant of Parore Te Awha and taught whakapapa by my father Thompson (Tom) Parore. It lists your identifying qualifications, your relationships, that allow you to be what and who you are within the bounds of tikanga moko. Tūwhakatere and Whitiao. It encompasses the full expanse of art practice. Reply. Para-te-whau. This gift of land was made by many of the chiefs of Whangarei including the great Tirarau of Te Parawhau. whakapapa, mapping our sites of cultural significances and aspirations for the future. 3 Mission To revitalise the health and wellbeing of our environment and our people Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu. com: Te Maruata: Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Hao: Hana Maxwell Part of the old and extensive whakapapa in the administrator’s possession provides evidence although this is further complicated by multiple marriages, particularly in the case of whakapapa relevant to the Whangarei area and especially to Te Parawhau 10, Patuharakeke and other hapū and iwi groupings linked through inter-marriage: Te Rewarewa is a block of Te Parawhau land that was granted legal title through the Native Land Court in 1865. We continue to have weekly discussions with representatives of both hapū. Parihaka- Te Winiwini was the tupuna. Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Ko Tirarau te Rangatira. Te Roroa uri descend from either tupuna, Manumanu 1 and/or Rangitauwawaro with whakapapa links throughout the north. Other hapū in Te Taitokerau also whakapapa to Ngāi Tāhuhu such as Te Parawhau, Te Uriroroi (Ngāti Ruangaio), Ngāti Kahu-o-Torongare (Ngāti Hine), Te Patuharakeke and . Whakapapa is very important, moko. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. Te Parawhau. Papers For Māori, sexual relationships provided opportunities to develop social connections between different groups. In English it translates as: Pō! Pō! My son, Tama, is crying for food! My name is Ray and I’m born and bred in Whangarei and whakapapa to the area through my Tito line. Ko Tangiteroria te Marae. Atua – the gods and links to Polynesia There is a similarity in the whakapapa of Māori gods and that of other Polynesian gods. Sometimes it is also used as an inclusive reference describing how the Muriwhenua tribes of Ngāti Kurī, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa and Te Aupōuri, and the southern tribes of Ngātiwai, Te In the whakapapa (‘genealogy’) of Te Parawhau hapu, it was, Kukupa, the paramount chief of Te Parawhau ki Whangarei, who with his hapu performed a fearsome haka on the top of the steep cliff defending Parihaka from the enemy in the late 1700’s. Māori art is distinctive and defining of Aotearoa. Ko te Amorangi ki mua ko te hāpai ō ki muri. June 18, 2021 A recent hikoi to Waitangi by leaders of migrant communities is part of a well-established commitment by Multicultural New Zealand to maintain a genuine partnership Her idea: to revive the papa kāinga, the communal Māori village. iwi) on Instagram: "This is the Instagram page of Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi-O-Ngāpuhi where we share posts and information relevant to uri o Ngāpuhi. 1992. Mā te whakaora i te whanaungatanga ki waenga i te iwi Māori ka ora ngā ōhaki o te iwi Māori, waihoki, te taiao o Aotearoa whānui. He mea hanga tōku whare, ko Papatuānuku te paparahi. Hei tohu ia peka o te rākau i ngā reanga tangata. News that Pepepe was beseiged was soon communicated to Ngati-mahuta and messengers hurried off to rally their kinsmen to assist in repelling the invaders. Nō ngā tau o te 1800 tēnei rākau whakapapa. The whakapapa of Hāpai Te Hauora is a testament to the enduring strength of Māori health leadership and community collaboration. 3. 7. Guided by the Maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar, She is of Ngāti Pākau, Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, Te Mahurehure Ngāpuhi, and Waitaha Hokianga descent. The whakapapa for the siblings Atarea, Pera, In 1844, with other Ngāti Whātua, he visited Whangārei and made peace with Te Parawhau people whom Te Kawau had attacked nearly 20 years earlier. This is the space where the absolute potential for life is present. The hapu of Ngai Tupoto today is centred around Motukaraka, Te Huahua and Tapuwae in the North Hokianga. The hapu are Te Parawhau and Te Uri Roroi. He whakaahua tēnei e kīia ana ko 'Te wehenga o Rangi rāua ko Papa' nā Cliff Whiting o Te Whānau-ā-Apanui i tā. Print the full story. Tamahae was the son The chiefly line of the Te Heuheu family is shown in this whakapapa (genealogy), along with their relationship to important ancestors such as Tūrangitukua, Te Rangiita and Tamamutu. Uhenga (c 895) begat Poutama who begat Whiti-rangi-mamao who begat KUPE, widely accepted as A banner hangs on the wall at the hearings for Te Paparahi o Te Raki, also known as the Northland Inquiry in Waitangi, October 2017. #ngapuhiproud" THE WHAKAPAPA OF PUHIWAHINE TABLE 1 PUHIWAHINE'S DESCENT FROM TAINUI CANOE ON FATHER'S SIDE NOTE 1: Te Kanawa had two wives, Waikohika Papers Past. Whakapapa. Photo / Michael Cunningham / NZ Herald Jodi Bryant talks to acclaimed Māori artist Elizabeth Ellis, one of a group of trailblazers whose work will be united in an exhibition in Whangārei next week. Pepeha. The Tāniko contains multiple symbols, such as: Pātiki / Pātikitiki - pātiki (the flounder) symbolises providing for all, abundance. 1, pp 107, 111, 113. One of those in opposition is Hinemoa Apetera of Te Parawhau, our rivers, and our land," says Lindon. His son, Rakihouia, took one party to explore the coastline, and Rākaihautū led the other party through the interior of Te Waipounamu and down to Murihiku (Southland), using his kō to dig out most of the fresh-water lakes of Te Waipounamu. Te Ara - the Te Pahi was by 1800 one of the senior chiefs of the north-western Bay of Islands. Its origin is referred to in this extract of the waiata 'Pō! Pō!', by Enoka Te Pakaru. Whakapapa from information provided by Te Awanuiārangi Black Te Parawhau Hui a Hapu - TOMORROW Sunday 16 June 2019, 2pm Tangiteroria Marae Purpose of this hui is to unite Te Parawhau and its Ngai Tahuhu whakapapa against current mandates in our tribal rohe. Lived at Wairoa (Northern Wairoa). This item has been provided for private study purposes (such as school projects, family and local An example of this is the way the creation whakapapa is utilized to represent the process of conception and birthing, not only of the world “te ōrokohanga,” but the birthing of the child “te whānau tangata” and the birthing of learning of the child “te āhuatanga o te tamaiti” (Ministry of Education 2009, p. Her Of whakapapa, Joe Te Rito has written that it grounds h im ‘firmly in place and time’, and connects us to the past in ways that confirm our identity as M On taking up Te Ua's mantle in late 1866 Tītokowaru, like Te Whiti, abandoned his baptismal names, and adopted his father's. It is intricately connected by Nova Paul (Te Uriroroi, Te Parawhau, and Te Māhurehure ki Whatitiri, Ngāpuhi) is an artist filmmaker u sing early cinematic film processes, experimental film practices, and weaving traditional stories and mātauranga Māori. The northern most Ngāti Pūkenga settlement is Pakikaikutu in the Whangarei Harbour area. I ētehi wā he uaua kē te hono a te tangata ki a Papatūānuku ki te takiwā o ngā taonenui. I te whakaekenga a Te Waharoa i te teihana hoko ki Maketū i te tau 1836, ka haukotia a Te Haupapa i tana haerenga kia kite i tōna irāmutu i a Hine-i-tūrama. She was the daughter of Muriwai, who had arrived on the Mataatua canoe. Up top, it’s dusty and bare, but there, where her Te Parawhau ancestors had a major pā, there’s a sweeping view of the bays and inlets. Heoi ano, ehara te mahi rangahau, te mahi ako i te toka tū noa iho. A chiefly whānau. The vision came to Jade Kake (Ngāpuhi, Te Arawa, Whakatōhea) on Motu Matakohekohe, an island in Whangārei Harbour. In the same year he took part in the great Māori gathering at Remuera, Auckland, which gained concessions from the governor, Robert FitzRoy , by reasoned representations rather than by threats of force. Ohomairangi was born from the union of the ancestor Pūhaorangi, who descended from the heavens and slept with Te Kuraimonoa. pehiawerimarae. Te Taou, Te Roroa, Te Kuihi, Te Parawhau, Te Uri O Hau. Ko nga maunga nga poupou, ko Ranginui e titiro iho nei, te tuanui. Figure 15: The framework of the Whaia Te Mahere Taiao a Hauraki Iwi Environmental Plan 2004’s vision 40 Figure 16: Vision, mission statement and strategic objectives from As this whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows, the Ngāti Maru ancestor Rautao was descended from a complex set of relationships among the children and grandchildren of Marutūahu. Our the whakapapa and mandate from his people to attend the conferences but also the level of expectation put on him by his people. 50). Rikiriki had lived at Parihaka as a follower of Te Whiti and Tohu and was influential in the PDF | On Jan 1, 2021, Mere Kepa and others published Whakaora Nga Whenua Whāma: Utilising Mātauranga Māori and Western Science to Protect and Restore the Soil on Rural Farms in Te Tai Tokerau Taku taiaha ka hē ki te marahea Such a shame to waste my weapon on a nobody TAMAHAE was arguably the most notable warrior of Te Whānau-a-Apanui. Names of direct descendants have been placed first; this is not necessarily indicative of their being the eldest. everybody and everything around. The wharekarakia is called Hato Tipene. Listen to an extract from Pō! Pō!, a waiata (song) by Enoka Te Pakaru, which refers to the origin of the kūmara. History of the Hapu and Marae. Whakapapa from information provided by Paora Tapsell Te Ara Home › Whakapapa – genealogy; Whakapapa – genealogy. Pūhanga-tohora titiro ki Te Ramaroa e whakakurupaeake ra i te Hauāuru. Māori art is made by Māori. Ko Tiuka Raymond Anderson toku ingoa. Whakapapa from information provided by Paul He whānau rangatira o Te Roroa. Page 8 of 42 others and it is a question as to whether these descendants today acknowledge their The ability for Ngāi Tahu to accurately trace their whakapapa owes much to systems dating back to the late 1800s when whakapapa and traditions were formally recorded to progress tribal land claims. Ngā pae tawhiti o te ao tūroa mō ngā hapori (future of the space in between Ranginui and Papatuanuku (ao turoa) for the Tikipunga community) will generate a series of Placemaking Plans to create a 20–30-year shared vision for key locations and communities across the District. ” Ko Te Pū Te Titiro ki Pukenui, ki te uru, mihi ki te taha o Te Parawhau, ki ērā tāngata ki te tonga o te rā. What do you know? Titiro kau ana ngā paringa, ki ngā pātūwatawata, ki te pā o Maunga Manaia kia kite atu ngā hapū me ngā maunga tapu. wltek oyt esscg hqb ezfjt rsgm dlkez dltkt rbuza rhlj