Omega sector questline Vein: Black Vein, Purple Vein Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Cygnus Knights; Hero With The Lost Memory; New Hero; Resistance; Maple Island; Level 1-10; Level 11-20; Level 21-30; Level 31-40; Level [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (2) Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (1-1) completed; At least Level 165; Available This is not the right way. In Progress I definitely get vibes of old sentai (think power rangers) and mecha anime from the bgm in omega sector. OhBlues 15 years and you'll be in Omega Sector. Especially with the current Omega Sector questline Get in the robot Shinji Reply [Omega Sector] Acquire the Blueprints: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Nolyfe's Second Request completed; At least Level 165; Available Nolyfe asked you to recover some SpaceCoins he lost. In Progress For bosses in Arcane River, the respective completion for the region's questline is required, please refer to the V Job Information thread. Kim). Zindelblarp, and is the final boss of the giant spaceship near Omega Sector. In Progress The monster is somewhere in Omega Sector. Kim's Call completed; At least Level 165; Available M-Force has been shrunk! You should ask Dr. Receive a call from Dr. Kim's Comments; Retrieving the Robotic Parts; Supplying the Robotic Parts; Chief Stan's Letter; Eliminating Aliens; Bloctopus is an Alien? The Father of Modern Science; Zeno, the Formidable Enemy; The Battle Against Zeno 1 Omega Sector. Completed [Omega Sector] Conclusion: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] More Power! Augh Augh Augh! completed; At least Level 165; Available Thanks to Jenny's heroic feat, the OMNI-CLN was defeated. Kim: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites At least Level 165; Available You received an urgent message from Dr. In Progress It seems that M-Force was shrunk by Dr. Talk to Bartos > Bartos' LOCATION: Omega Sector QUESTS: The Antidote =-----= | [3. Todos se pescan desde el Barco Real previa aceptación de las quests de Gladio, Ignis y Prompto mientras Omega sector theme dungeon worth completing . Time to move to Control Room 1. When Kyrin built The Nautilus, I heard that Dr. You need to go to Corridor 103. You need to reduce their numbers while the M-Forcers search the GMS: Omega Sector KMS: 지구방위본부 (地球防衛本部, Earth Defense Headquarters; Jigu bang-wi bonbu) JMS: 地球防衛本部 (Earth Defense Headquarters; Chikyū bōei honbu) [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] What Was Lost completed; At least Level 165; Available Speak with Jenny in Control Room 3. ) and the retroclones. Also known as BGM, it helps establish the mood for various maps and settings. Completed [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] What Was Lost completed; At least Level 165; Available Speak with Jenny in Control Room 3. In Progress Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but you acquired the Quests. Completed You defeated Mecateons in Air Vent D-2. Kim NPC which no longer exists in the new version of Omega Sector after revamp. 3 Boswell Field III; 1. Completed You retrieved the Taotie's missing monster in Omega Sector and find yourself wondering what the next monster might be like, or where it might be hiding. Completed Omega Sector: Boswell Field IV. Get some return town scrolls, they are usable in towers Begin the "Hero's Mark" quest by entering Kumo's House in Leafre and talking to Kumo. Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards A Heartless Hypothesis: 90 Bespectacled Technician: [Omega Sector] What Was Lost: Parachute: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Black V. Omega Sector Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 LOCATION: Omega Sector QUESTS: The Antidote =-----= | [3. IGN: HeroicCuber Job: Hero Job Level: 210 Description of Bug : I start Omega Sector quest to access OMNI-CLN but i cannot talk to the last girl of the quest to continue the questline. In Progress You need Luggage Tickets to call the Mothership. Porter: Quests involved [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers [Omega Sector] Miniature M-Force; Location Silo; Command Center; Boswell Field I. Buy a Lemon from the shop nearby. Kim what happened. Unlocking it takes like 2mins tops. That's my guess as to what they're going with. Your basic trade of the Quests. In Progress Gunny used his wits or lack thereof to crash the Mothership. 2 Boswell Field I; 1. ) to teleport [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers: Dr. Completed Talk to Jenny again in D-4. NPC Omega Sector See also: Side Quests and Omega Quests. Quest Type Level Quest Giver Unlocks Rewards The Hunt for Omega: 70 Wedge: Into the Deltascape: 70 Cid: Deltascape V1. Go there and search for it. Kim is waiting at the Command Center to [Omega Sector] Black V. The ones accepted from Victoria Island NPCs show up just fine (Ex. Q&A. <If you get stuck, forfeit the quest and From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory. Is it even worth spending the time to do? I looked st the rewards and they are not that exciting. Reactions: 2,595. 1 Command Center; 1. See also: Feature Quests, Omega and Omega: Beyond the Rift Quests. July 2017 edited July 2017. Completed You defeated the White Robosaucers. Reactions: kami. Pink completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeated Mecateons in Air Vent D-2. Nex adds a quest to get in good with the [REDACTED], you start the quest at prism freeport Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 The Riftfall event is back in Orna and Hero of Aethric with some really interesting items available for Summoners, Rogues and Warriors. Nolyfe told you to go to Corridor 104. [Omega Sector] Nolyfe's Second Request: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe 1-1 completed; At least Level 165; Available Talk to Nolyfe in Corridor 103. Talk to Nolyfe again in Corridor 101. Click on a dot to view a map's page. Kim, and join forces with Mesorangers for the 'Wild Card Project'! An emeregency happened and there has been a UFO invasion in the Ome Am in the middle of the questline Share Sort by: Best. 8mil (30% shoes jump scroll) Sakura, the Kitty and the Orange Marble Brief bug summary: Some of the legacy quests that are in Omega Sector are coded to the wrong Dr. Don't you think something fishy may be going on here? I advise you [Omega Sector] The White M-Forcer: Dr. The Alarm Clock (Omega Sector) Level requirement: 38; Quest objective: Bring 20 Table Clock (Tick-Tock) to Pink Mesoranger; Exp reward: 9,900 exp; Note: Omega Sector is a theme dungeon in Ossyria's Ludus Lake region. 23] YELLOW Omega Sector. <If you get stuck, forfeit the quest and day 3 of my battle mage where i do quests in ludi kft and omega sector Either tomorrow or the say after my boss video will be up. LOCATION: Off-Limits QUESTS: The Effort to Make Up =-----= Omega Sector [edit | edit source]. Completed You went to Corridor 103 and [Omega Sector] Doubts: Cindy: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (2) completed; At least Level 165; Available The M-Force was separated during Dr. You need to reduce their numbers while the M-Forcers search the [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] What Was Lost completed; At least Level 165; Available Speak with Jenny in Control Room 3. Procedure [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings (1-1) Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeated the White Robosaucers. Comments. Kim of Omega Sector has been lifelong friends with Kyrin. They still look to one another for technological help, and that's why they built this warp portal. Talk to Jenny again. You headed to Boswell Field 1 with the mini M-Forcers. Add a Comment. From Final Fantasy XIV Online Wiki. LOCATION: Silo =-----= | [3. GUIDE LEGEND [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn: Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Something in the Vents completed; At least Level 165; Available Look inside the air vents in Corridor 204. In Progress You defeated the Mecateons. There is a questline Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290. In Progress You go down to the Control Room with Jenny [Omega Sector] Operations Test: Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] M-Force Go! completed; At least Level 165; Available Dr. iona. Procedure Go to Winston in Perion and complete the The Old Tree quest line, which requires you to kill Stumpy (the respawn is 1 hour). In Progress Jenny is in Air Vent [Omega Sector] Conclusion: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] More Power! Augh Augh Augh! completed; At least Level 165; Available Thanks to Jenny's heroic feat, the OMNI-CLN was defeated. Hi, the quest in omega sector isnt 3x. Omega Sector, who prides itself on protecting the land, actually puts up the red flag on a monster? I have no qualms whatsoever on it, but doesn't it sound a little strange? This is a remote snow valley far away from the city, and the Omega Sector is gathering up the troops just to combat a single monster. Zindelblarp's attack. Sort by: Best. Walk right. While most of this area is accessible at any level, Omega Sector Quests must be Jan 11, 2024 TLDR: There's a portal from Nautilus to Omega Sector. . Quest List; Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Cygnus Knights; Hero With The Lost Memory; New Hero; Resistance; Maple Island; Level 1-10; Level 11-20; Level 21-30; Level 31-40; Level 41-50; Level 51-65; Level 66-200; Omega Sector: HQ: NPC: - Monster: - Herb: - Vein: - - Omega Sector: Command Center - Omega Sector - Omega Sector: Tunnel - [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Find the Intergalactic Transmitter completed; At least Level 165; Available You found the Intergalactic Transmitter, where you overheard what was supposed to be a private conversation between Jenny and Cindy. Search the next set of air vents. I don't see it taking priority. Level requirement: 30; OMNI-CLN (Omega Sector questline) Horntail (Very short, talk to Moria) Arkanium (Silent Crusade questline (partial)) Papulatus (Ludibrium Clocktower Bottom floor questline) non-easy Magnus (Grandis questline) Pink Bean Technically, this is the Omega Octant (one-eighth of the Milky Way Galaxy) consisting of the Phi, Chi, Xi, and Omega Sectors (each sector is 1/24 of the Milky Way. Cliff's Rudolph. Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 Omega is vanilla, search blue giants until you find a giant [REDACTED] and have fun with [SUPERVERYREDACTED] inside. Reply reply [Omega Sector] The White M-Forcer: Dr. All the music here were converted to Ogg Vorbis format so that it meets the wiki's upload requirements. Here i will complete some quests and find some gear, that will help us achieve more Some quests are excluded if they rely on a low, non-repeatable chance, require too much time, or are not worthwhile for other reasons. Amorian Challenge; Construction Site; Crimsonwood Keep; Dimensional Crack; Dragon Rider; Escape; Forest of Poison Haze; Ghost Ship in the Sea Mist; Kenta in Danger; Kerning City; Lord Pirate; Monster Carnival; Monster Carnival 2; Moon Bunny's Rice Cake; Mu Lung Dojo; Live it up in MapleStory, the original side-scrolling MMORPG! Choose from over 45 customizable classes and save the world from the evil Black Mage. Description of the bug: The quest 'Collecting Meteorite Samples' is unable to be completed, because the meteorites needed to be broken for the Thread by: Zodiac, May 15, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Report Bugs. Best. If history repeats itself, then I'm totally getting a dinosaur. Kim Just finished the Omega Sector questline and wanted to share my thoughts!(long) Share Add a Comment. [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (1-1) Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn completed; At least Level 165; Available The path you're looking for was not to be found in Corridor 204. The Alarm Clock (Omega Sector) Level requirement: 38; Quest objective: Bring 20 Table Clock (Tick-Tock) to Pink Mesoranger; Exp reward: 9,900 exp; Note: Omega Sector is a theme dungeon for Level 165+ players. Open comment sort options. 1 Patch 6. Completed Omega Quests. Kim and let him know. Kim is waiting at the Command Center to speak with you In Progress Jenny expressed her gratitude. OMNI-CLN, or Kawoong (KR:Hangul:카웅) is a giant cleaning robot created by Dr. In Progress Go to Corridor 202 and search the Completing the Temple of Time quests will allow you to teleport to Three Doors via Maple Guide, this is useful for teleporting to Arkarium and Pink Bean, note that completing Temple of Time quests is a requisite to enter Pink Bean Room [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings (1-1) Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeated the White Robosaucers. This map is a part of Omega Sector. The ship's propellers are replaced by Lithium stones [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (2) Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (1-1) completed; At least Level 165; Available This is not the right way. Talk to Taotie at Corridor 103. Omega Sector: Off-Limits: NPC: Yellow Mesoranger Monster: Mateon: Herb: Vein: - Omega Sector: Boswell Field I - Omega Sector - Omega Sector: Kulan Field I. Omega Sector] Gunny vs Jenny (1-1) Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Black V. Procedure [Omega Sector] Mesotron Assemble! Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Operations Test completed; At least Level 165; Available You test the mini Mesotron's performance by defeating Mateons in Boswell Field 1 before the mission began. Completed M-Force has been shrunk! You should ask Dr. Accept 3 more quests from Bartos (Lemon, Gold Pouch, Map) 4. ; [Help]Omega Sector OMNI-CLN Quest Not Appearing . What is supposed to happen?:Is there supposed to be a separate tab for Omega Sector or should it fall under A classified scientist in Omega Sector. In Progress Go to Control Room 1 and talk to Jenny again. Collect 5 of them in Corridor 103. Completed [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn: Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Something in the Vents completed; At least Level 165; Available Look inside the air vents in Corridor 204. This article allows you to listen and download the music that is in the game of MapleStory. Procedure Talk to Jenny in [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (1-1) Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn completed; At least Level 165; Available The path you're looking for was not to be found in Corridor 204. Completed That is the same with the quests. 0: A Catastrophe Waiting: 70 Cid: Deltascape V2. Kim is waiting at the Command Center to Omega Sector is a theme dungeon located on Ludus Lake, at the bottom of Eos Tower, for Level 165+ players. Completed [Omega Sector] Nolyfe's Second Request: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe 1-1 completed; At least Level 165; Available Talk to Nolyfe in Corridor 103. Also my scrolling of an ele Changelogs: Dec 2022 - Updated with Introduction to Odd Jobs, and Donor and Crush Rings Jan 2022 - Updated with Ephey’s Weekly Challenge and Location Guide, and Minimum damage threshold guide Jan 2022 - Added [Omega Sector] Something in the Vents: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Acquire the Blueprints completed; At least Level 165; Available Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but you acquired the blueprints. OMNI-CLN From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything No pre-quests but, initially there is a Lightbulb Quest called "[Zakum] Statue of Dread" at Lv. Porter: Quests involved [Omega Sector] M-Force Go! Once you have the Warp Cards after completing Bartol's Request, simply go into the left-most door on the top level of the Nautilus and go through the portal to Omega Sector - Dr. Quest List; Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Knights of Cygnus; IGN: 1200525252 Job: Xenon Job Level: 276 / Paragon 64 Description of Bug (Explain the bug, How is it done, what should it really be doing? etc. In Progress Defeat 100 White Robosaucers in Control Room 3. Contents. In Progress Nolyfe's second condition that you recover his stolen SpaceCoins. Quests. Kim Omega Sector (OMNI CLN) Knight Stronghold (Normal Cygnus) Silent Crusade (Arkarium) Heroes Of Maple (Damien) Black Heaven (Lotus) Root Abyss x10 (CRA) you can do Masteria questline for level 180 ring (so you would "eventually" run Gloom Ring/Masteria Ring/Superior Gollux/new slime ring). Use ' Ctrl + F ' to do a quick search for the bosses that you need. In Progress Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but you acquired the omega sector Thread Not a Bug Quest Collecting Meteorite Samples unable to complete due to missing Reactors. ; Then, go to Peak of the Big Nest, climb up the rope all the way on the right upper platform, and enter the portal to enter Nine Spirit's Nest. The Command Center at Omega Sector; Quests Given. Mar 3, 2016 Male 4:18 AM Shulk Paladin 121. ) But then, technically, the Alpha Octant is home to the Romulans and Gorns; the Federation is in the Beta Sector and the Klingons are in the Gamma Sector, the three comprising the Alpha Octant. [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings (2) Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings (1-1) completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeated the White Robosaucers. So wanted to get everyone's input on doing it. Sharenian; Party The Alien Gray, who has failed at keeping Zeno under control, informs you that Omega Sector: Omega Sector will be in danger if nothing is done to control Zeno soon. 15; 2 Images; Patch 6. Let's hurry over to Dr. In Progress The air vents are full of Mecateons. [Omega Sector] Dr. Kim: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Miniature M-Force completed; At least Level 165; Available Dr. You'll be teleported to the map Omega Sector: Silo and you'll need to speak with Churry > Gunny > Hoony > Joey > Cindy > Porter, once you finished speaking with Omega Sector. 1. Head to Nautilus and go inside the ship. Experience Table; Pet Closeness Table; Characters. Go talk to Cindy in Air Vent D-1. Kim has a plan to return the M-Forcers to their original size, which required infiltrating an alien Mothership. When you told Dr. [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn: Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Something in the Vents completed; At least Level 165; Available Look inside the air vents in Corridor 204. Talk to Jenny again in D-4. Talk to Jenny again in Control Room 3. You should talk to Porter again in Boswell Field 1. Omega Sector Quest Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by gxarche17, Mar 3, 2016. [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Find the Intergalactic Transmitter completed; At least Level 165; Available You found the Intergalactic Transmitter, where you overheard what was supposed to be a private conversation between Jenny and Cindy. 4 Trivia; 2 Cheong-woon Valley. Omega Sector: Kulan Field V: NPC: Meteorite 6 Monster: Ultra Gray, Chief Gray: Herb: Vein: - Omega Sector: Kulan Field IV - Hidden Street: Entrance to Dogon's HQ. Related Topics MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. She keeps saying "I have nothing to tell you". Procedure Level 165+: Knight Stronghold (some quests are 170+); Omega Sector (M) Level 170+: Kritias questline (as of the Adventure update, there will only be one set of monsters in Kritias: the same ones you will fight for dailies now will also be used for the pre-quests. Old. Is this normal or did something go wrong? Level 201 - 210; Level 211 - 220; Level 221 - 230; Level 231 - 240; Level 241 - 250; Level 251 - 260; Level 261 - 270; Level 271 - 280; Level 281 - 290 To start, almost all ludibrium/omega sector related quests don't work. Go find her. Thread Status: You must be a logged-in, registered member of this site to view further posts in this thread. Member, Private Tester. They've done that for Omega Sector and similar things like it in the past. Go to the highest point of Happyville (near the Chimney), where you will find a tripod. I'm just stucked Omega Sector] Gunny vs Jenny (1-1) Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Black V. Hidden-Street was no help and i really need to finish some quests. Offline gxarche17 Slime. Posts: 748. Reactions: 6,160. Kim helped out qutie a bit. Kim was very busy, so Jenny the Pink M-Force member explained in his stead. Zindelblarp's shrink ray. Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Knights of Cygnus; Aran; Evan; Maple Island; Level 1-10; [Omega Sector] Mesotron Assemble! Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Operations Test completed; At least Level 165; Available You test the mini Mesotron's performance by defeating Mateons in Boswell Field 1 before the mission began. Amorian Challenge; Construction Site; Crimsonwood Keep; Dimensional Crack; Dragon Rider; Escape; Forest of Poison Haze; Ghost Ship in the Sea Mist; Kenta in Danger; Kerning City; Lord Pirate; Monster Carnival; Monster Carnival 2; Moon Bunny's Rice These 3 quests start and end with Taggrin in Phantom Forest: Dead Man’s Gorge The Fallen Woods (Start) (Lvl 40) - 50 Phantom Seed (Drop from Phantom Tree) Spoiler: Notes. In Progress You recover the figurine for Nolyfe. Talk to Cliff in Happyville. I cannot forfeit the quest, i cannot leave the map. 23] YELLOW MESORANGER | =-----= The last Mesoranger who warns people of the Alien Gray that sweet-talks humans into helping him. Completed You went to Corridor 103 and Quests. We primarily focus on D&D (LBB, 1st ed. New. Kim and accept his quest [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers. 1 Trivia; Omega Sector Command Center. 2. Kim has requested your help with the M-Force Initiative, and asked you to hurry over to Omega Sector. In Progress [Omega Sector] Conclusion: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] More Power! Augh Augh Augh! completed; At least Level 165; Available Thanks to Jenny's heroic feat, the OMNI-CLN was defeated. 23 5 30. 50 that will teleport you to El Nath - Chief's Residence where you talk to an NPC corresponding to your job (Mage, Archer, Thief, etc. The MapleStory soundtrack was Omega Sector: Omega Sector: NPC: Maple Admin, Bullet Taxi of the Danger Zone, Guild Quests; Party Quests. So I just wanted to know if omega I'd REALLY worth doing. While most of this area is accessible at any level, Omega Sector Quests must be completed to access the control room and vent maps. Procedure Description of the bug: (optional screenshot/video):I can't find the Omega Sector quests I accepted from any NCP from Omega Sector (ex. Kim's Call How to This is a subreddit for news and discussion of Old School Renaissance topics. Many [Omega Sector] Miniature M-Force: Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers completed; At least Level 165; Available It seems that M-Force was shrunk by Dr. Reply Reply kgmeister • Aquila • Additional comment actions. Mar 3, 2016 #1. Omega Sector Level 36: 0. Kim: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Dr. Also, Dr. 6 mil (60% glove att scroll) Subani's Legacy - NLC Level 40: 9 mil (70% glove att scroll) ReVersal - NLC/Omega Sector/Ludi Level 40: 5. Nex adds a quest to get in good with the [REDACTED], you start the quest at prism freeport - 90+ Head over to Omega sector and look for the revamped quests there! - From level 100 do your daily EPQ and OPQ runs + start Neo City questline and Deep Ludi from level 101!!! - After doing all these and if you still havent reached level 120, try to form a grinding party at wyvern canyon or skeles! [Omega Sector] Miniature M-Force: Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers completed; At least Level 165; Available It seems that M-Force was shrunk by Dr. In Progress Defeat the Black Robosaucers and collect their Signal Jammers. You’ll need to defeat 200 Mateons and 100 Plateons. Having this quest started/completed blocks a quest line of like 5 quests in Omega Sector. According to Dr. Procedure Talk to Jenny in [Omega Sector] Find the Intergalactic Transmitter: Intergalactic Transmitter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] May I See Your Boarding Pass? completed; At least Level 165; Available Find the Intergalactic Transmitter in Boswell Field 4. In Progress Go to Corridor 202 and search the Omega Sector: Kulan Field V. Kim's Call: Dr. Xenomata. ; Talk to Raul the Knight, who's at Wyvern Canyon, to complete the "Hero's Mark" quest and accept the "Dragon Squad's Mission" quest. 0: The Croak Queen: 70 Cid: Deltascape OMNI-CLN, or Kawoong (KR:Hangul:카웅) is a giant cleaning robot created by Dr. <If you get stuck, forfeit the quest and [Omega Sector] Something in the Vents: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Acquire the Blueprints completed; At least Level 165; Available Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but you acquired the blueprints. Kim: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Conclusion completed; At least Level 165; Available Jenny expressed her gratitude. Top. AD&D, etc. Procedure Talk to Taotie by clicking on the light-bulb. Share Add a Comment. Boswell Field I is a good map with both Mateons and [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers: Dr. Controversial. Completed Talk to Jenny again in Control Room 1. Omega Sector. I just want to know y'all thoughts on this theme dungeon. Pink was ambushed by aliens, and lost the second M-Forcer badge. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Omega Sector: Safety Zone: NPC: - Monster: - Herb: Vein: - Omega Sector - Ludibrium: Eos Tower 1st Floor. If I finish the 2 chains I [Omega Sector] More Power! Augh Augh Augh! Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings (2) completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeated the Black Robosaucers and gathered their Signal Jammers. Ive begin omega questline i did the next step: Talk to Dr. Omega Sector: Boswell Field IV: NPC: Green Mesoranger Monster: Plateon, Mecateon: Herb: Black Herb, Purple Herb. I just hit 180 but the quest isn't showing up in the star-button on the left side of the interface. KisuAran • From any city with a dimensional portal go Dimensional portal > mushroom shrine > henesys/perry > pantheon > portal to omega sector Reply reply [Omega Sector] Something in the Vents: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Acquire the Blueprints completed; At least Level 165; Available Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but you acquired the blueprints. Posts: 287. In Progress Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but you acquired the I'll be marking Omega Sector quests to make that a bit easier. In Progress Everyone's been captured by the cleaning robot OMNI-CLN! You have [Omega Sector] May I See Your Boarding Pass? Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Mesotron Assemble! completed; At least Level 165; Available Talk to Porter in Boswell Field 3. Kim what you heard about Alien Gray from the Wave Translator, he asked you to defeat Zeno for the sake of the whole world. Kim in Omega Sector. Theme Dungeon: Omega Sector *This content will be available from 31st May 2017, 1000hrs* The Omega Sector has returned! Level Requirement: 165+ Quest Initiation: [Omega Sector] Dr. You need to reduce their numbers while the M-Forcers search the Doing the Omega Sector quests and I did not see that coming. Omega Sector is a futuristic military base that can be accessed via the bottom floor of Eos Tower in Ludibrium (and also using a Return-to-nearest [Omega Sector] Operations Test: Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] M-Force Go! completed; At least Level 165; Available Dr. I'll be marking Omega Sector quests to make that a bit easier. Omega sector rewards just aren't worth my time of doing when I could just be grinding at maps that give more exp. Quest List; Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Cygnus Knights; Hero With The Lost Memory; New Hero; Resistance; Maple Island; Level 1-10; Level 11-20; Level 21-30; Level 31-40; Level 41-50; Level 51-65; Level 66-200; Exchange Quest (Crimsonwood) Exchange Quest (Orbis) Exchange Quest (Showa) Guild Quests. 5. You gotta go to Omega Sector to kill the Barnard Grays for the magnets, come back, turn in the quest, then go to Ludibrium (again) and kill Tick-Tocks for the Temporal Fragments, come [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe 1-1: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe completed; At least Level 165; Available You recover the figurine for Nolyfe. Database. One of the quests is modeled after Please enter the Omega Sector Silo, check out the solid boxes that are laying there, and bring back 3 Secret Documents for us. Go to the conference room on the left (Cyan). Almost all of them require some interaction from old Omega Sector NPCs that don't work and this even affects modern gameplay to an extent. General. Sep 14, 2021 117 212 43 I LOVE SED Omega Sector is a fairly small town (only about 10 or so maps) that can be accessed via the first floor of Eos Tower in Ludibrium. To compensate, Kritias monsters will go from level 182-210 to 170-187) Level 175+: Detective Rave's Case Notes (the Omega Sector] Gunny vs Jenny (1-1) Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Black V. Chief Stan or Rolonay). They both share a mutual interest in technology, and they help each other out. You only need 2 rock scrolls and then return scroll to the omega sector, which means you will get 10 "tickets" to omega in a quest. Dr. Pink: Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Doubts completed; At least Level 165; Available Jenny is in Air Vent D-2. In Progress Defeat 100 Mecateons in Air Vent D-2. Sign in to edit History Talk (0) Quest Name Requirements [Omega Sector] Dr. NPC Omega Sector [Omega Sector] Doubts: Cindy: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (2) completed; At least Level 165; Available The M-Force was separated during Dr. plz help a noob. In Progress [Omega Sector] What Was Lost: Parachute: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Black V. It is mainly a grassland-type area, bearing home to two main species of aliens: an octopus-like species and a more "traditional" style (what most people consider to be "aliens") species known as the Grays. More details: These quests are unable to be [Omega Sector] Nolyfe's Second Request: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe 1-1 completed; At least Level 165; Available Talk to Nolyfe in Corridor 103. Procedure Talk to Jenny in Omega is vanilla, search blue giants until you find a giant [REDACTED] and have fun with [SUPERVERYREDACTED] inside. S. Pink: Level 165 [Omega Sector] Gunny vs Jenny (1-1) Level 165 [Omega Sector] Black V. After completing this quest line, get Chief Stan's Letter in Henesys, then warp to omega sector from [Omega Sector] More Power! Augh Augh Augh! Jenny: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Hurt Feelings (2) completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeated the Black Robosaucers and gathered their Signal Jammers. Completed maybe ill submit a ticket cause id love to finish all my old quests from omega sector i still have the florina beach tickets and other stuff to complete lol . Omega Sector Quests < Quests. In Progress [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe 1-1: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe completed; At least Level 165; Available You recover the figurine for Nolyfe. 22] SPACEN | =-----= Omega Sector's resident armor merchant. I accepted the meso ranger quest but still nothing about taking down OMNI-CLN, any advice? Related Topics MapleStory Fantasy anime Action anime Adventure anime Anime comments sorted by It features a warp portal which can instantly teleport travelers to Omega Sector (For the price of one warp card), which seems to be the source of the ship's technology. The old Omega Sector was sorely outdated, with quest rewards, designs, and a lack of really any story beyond "there's [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn (1-1) Ventilation Ducts: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] I Think We Took a Wrong Turn completed; At least Level 165; Available The path you're looking for was not to be found in Corridor 204. Kim, [Omega Sector] Acquire the Blueprints: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Nolyfe's Second Request completed; At least Level 165; Available Nolyfe asked you to recover some SpaceCoins he lost. Showing results 1 to 1 of 1. I think it'd be just easier and more efficient to just take the good bits and re-purpose them somewhere else The following 4 quests can be completed in any order. Pink 2: This Time, It's Personal: Level 165 [Omega Before you start doing the Omega Sector quests, it's vital that you have NOT started/completed Lost in the Ocean. In Progress Dr. Common Location. Omega Omega Sector: Omega Sector: NPC: Maple Admin, Danger Zone Taxi, Guild Quests; Party Quests. The boxes probably contain classified information regarding the Omega Sector, so it's something we really need to have. Pink 2: This Time, It's Personal completed; At least Level 165; Available You defeat MT-09s in Air Vent D-4. Procedure Talk to Jenny in Air Vent D-2. the Omega questline is fine and all for leveling but you don't get [Omega Sector] Find the Intergalactic Transmitter: Intergalactic Transmitter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] May I See Your Boarding Pass? completed; At least Level 165; Available Find the Intergalactic Transmitter in Boswell Field 4. Go to Corridor 202. In Progress Everyone's been captured by the cleaning robot OMNI-CLN! You have [Omega Sector] For Nolyfe: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Find the Intergalactic Transmitter completed; At least Level 165; Available You found the Intergalactic Transmitter, where you overheard what was supposed to be a private conversation between Jenny and Cindy. Nexon decided it would be a good idea to implement a way to get ITCG items after ITCG was discontinued for a long time. Why should I donate? Consider donating to help us with the high server costs of our database! Read more details » In this video you will see me going to Omega Sector, down the Eos tower. Kim's Call: Level 165 [Omega Sector] Gather the M-Forcers: Level 165 [Omega Sector] Black V. In Progress Jenny is in Air Vent From the MapleStory Wiki, a knowledge base about everything MapleStory. Go to Corridor 204. 15. Kim allowed the M-Forcers to combine their Mesodizers into Mesotron-X. An unclear description will not get the bug fixed): Omega Sector : HQ map have portal to going Omega Sector : Silo map, and have Omega Sector questline Music plays a very important role in the game of MapleStory. It looks like Jenny has something to say. Kim is right there. To make matters worse, Jenny left went off on her own. When going back up, do Roly-Poly 10's quest (very easy) and you will get 20 Eos Tower Rock scrolls! Maeiv 15 years ago #4. The radio is working again. Gather 5 Luggage Tickets by hunting Plateons. In Progress You go down to the Control Room with Jenny [Omega Sector] Acquire the Blueprints: Nolyfe: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] Nolyfe's Second Request completed; At least Level 165; Available Nolyfe asked you to recover some SpaceCoins he lost. Definitely fits the visual themes. Member. Quite frankly, I'd rather see it removed than see its sorry husk of a corpse being left to rot any further. Kim calls for your assistance to infiltrate a giant UFO with the help of the M-Forcers. Completed Head out to turn it in to Rice the Medic at the bottom rightmost side of Omega Sector and begin The Blueprint 2. You collected 10 in Corridor 103. If you do me a favor, then I'll give you this card. JushiroNet. Region: Ludus Lake Omega Sector. In Progress Go to Corridor 202 and search the *Estos peces (101, 102, 103 y 104) sólo están disponibles en el Royal Pack de Marzo de 2018 o en la Royal Edition de FFXV. Auto attack it and the photo will drop. In Progress [Omega Sector] Operations Test: Porter: Category Omega Sector: Pre-requisites To have [Omega Sector] M-Force Go! completed; At least Level 165; Available Dr. Omega Sector Quests with Fame; Quest with Repeatable; Events; Cygnus Knights; Hero With The Lost Memory; New Hero; Resistance; Maple Island; Level 1-10; Level 11-20; Level 21-30; Level 31-40; Level 41-50; Level 51-65; Level 66-200; Exchange [Omega Sector] M-Force Go! Dr.