
Nodemcu alexa. Control RGB strip using Amazon Alexa and Wemos.

Nodemcu alexa The heart and brain of the Open the code and enter your Wi-Fi credentials, APP KEY, APP SECRET, and device IDs. ESP32 Home Automation using Alexa & IR Remote with Feedback May 16, In this Project you will learn how to build an Amazon Alexa controlled RGB Smart LED bulb by interfacing ESP8266 node MCU with WS2812b Neopixel LCD strip. Arduino UNO will process that signal and turn the relays on or off. The circuit is very simple, I have used D1, D2, D5 & D6 GPIO to control the 4-channel relay module. Pu ESP8266 NodeMCU with DC Motor and L298N Motor Driver – Control Speed and Direction (Arduino IDE) Get a mini DC motor. One of the most common hobby projects you will come across the In this IoT project, I have shown how to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Google Assistant & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 3 home appliances with voice commands. As our device initiates in the pairing mode it will be discoverable to Alexa. Upload the code to the NodeMCU and verify that it is connected to the Wi-Fi. If you can, add #define ESPALEXA_DEBUG before #include For interfacing NodeMCU and Amazon Alexa, we will be using an Amazon skill called Sincric. Open the Alexa app on your smartphone and search for the Sinric Pro skill. Control a relay switch based on temperature and humidityIn This project you will be able to control a device with Alexa skills that uses temperature and humi Simple way to control your ESP8226, ESP32, RP2040, RaspberryPi or Arduino with Amazon Alexa, Google Home, SmartThings, Homebridge and Node-RED. h. The NodeMCU doesn’t have enough pins to control a 16 channel relay. To increase the number of The Wifi Module NodeMCU ESP8266 will Receive commands from the Web Page. Sinric is a website that allows linking your development boards like RaspberryPi, This is a getting started guide for the ESP8266 NodeMCU Wo-Fi module. bin that would be for the nodemcu with alexa enabled. Alexa — NodeMCU: WeMo Emulation Made Simple. Mine is nodemcu, for example, so I had to change reset method from “ck” (the default) to In this IoT project, I have made the Alexa Smart Home Automation system using the NodeMCU ESP8266 & Relay Module. I have used all the free tools for this IoT-based home automation system. Hardware New to WLED. It uses a nodeMCU along with Sinric to communicate with the Alexa to turn the servo on or off. Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and In this IoT project, I have shown how to make IoT based Smart Home Automation using Amazon Alexa & NodeMCU to control 4 home appliances from the manual switch & Amazon Alexa For interfacing NodeMCU and Amazon Alexa, we will be using an Amazon skill called Sincric. In this IoT project, I have shown how to make Alexa home automation project with manual switches using NodeMCU or ESP8266 and relay module. Monitor real-time feedback in the Alexa App. This ESP8266 Alexa home automation system is very useful and advanced. Home automation systems can be bought from If the NodeMCU is connected with WiFi, then you can ask Alexa, to turn on the light [“Alexa, Turn ON Room Light“]. Arduino sends the feedback to For interfacing NodeMCU and Amazon Alexa, we will be using an Amazon skill called Sincric. You can use an Arduino or a FTDI programmer to send Control Home’s Light using Google Assistant and NodeMCU I build an IoT based home automation application in which I control the 100 W bulb at remotely using AI-based Google Assistant. Utilizamos una placa NodeMCU a la que le podemos conectar diversos dispositivos para que sean registrados y controlados por el asistente virtual Alexa de Amazon. Control appliances with Alexa. NodeMCU is a low-cost open-source Io T platform, It initially included firmware that runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi So C from Express if Systems, and hardware that was based on the SEP-12 mo dule. Stars. A Alexa comanda tudo. com/alexa-smart-home-using-node-mcu/Amazon Alexa Smart Home using NodeMCU Links used Sin 1. When the discovery device screen The five additional files: CallbackFunction. After uploading , sometimes its necessary to press the reset button on the ESP if This was my final project for my engineering class in college. <figure> </figure> If the internet is not available, then you can control the The integration of Alexa voice control has added a hands-free dimension to the experience, making interactions with my home seamless and futuristic. Sinric is a website which allows linking your In this IoT projects, I have shown you how to make the smart home with Google Assistant & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control relays with voice commands a This ESP8266 Arduino tutorial will teach you how to make an Amazon Alexa do your bidding. This is the complete circuit Even without the internet, you can manage devices with push buttons. h, Switch. Faux This article has explained the Tasmota Alexa integration step-by-step guide of controlling the Tasmota devices with Amazon Alexa. With the ability to control devices both manually and remotely, this project offers flexibility and ease of use. ino sketch. You can power this using any 5V smartphone Contribute to Mjrovai/Home-Automation-with-Alexa-and-NodeMCU development by creating an account on GitHub. This project allows Echo Dot to control Mi-Light via a nodemcu and a nRF24L01+. Control NodeMCU using Alexa on Echo without IFTTT. Alexa – NodeMCU: WeMo Emulation Made Simple. Anleitung:https://itler. Add Blog : http://mgprojecthub. Things used in this project . It also includes a video tutorial. You can easily control light, fan, and other home Materiais Necessários para o Projeto de Automação Residencial com Alexa e NodeMCU. I’ve seen from other sources that it can take some time for Alexa to discover the device but I’m wondering just how long that usually is? Here are things I’ve tried/configured : Enabled “Emulate Alexa Device” and set Invocation Control a RGB LED strip using Amazon Echo Alexa devices and NodeMCU. It can save the last GPIO state after power failure. Below is my code but I am having a compilation error, Compilation error: no multiple belkin wemos switch emulator using ESP8266 - kakopappa/arduino-esp8266-alexa-multiple-wemo-switch Discover all our ESP8266 NodeMCU Guides with easy to follow step-by-step instructions. Watchers. . This allows you to control This NodeMCU Alexa control smart relay has the following features: 1. Home Automation with Blynk using NodeMCU ESP8266. Before moving forward with this project, you can check our previous project: 1. Home Automation Using Amazon Echo Alexa and NodeMCU Without IFTTT. Once you added it go into the skill and allow the skill to link to LittleNodes. Resources. Subhajit; June 25, 2023; Make a NodeMCU IoT project using sensors with the New Blynk Automation. After uploading the arduino code to the Wemos D1 or NodeMCU, ask Alexa to discover devices. Alternatively, open the Alexa App, The heart of today’s project is the WiFi enabled board that needs no introduction; the ESP8266 based NodeMCU development board. It is an open source platform for developing WiFi based Employing NodeMCU and C# programming, the system establishes communication between RFID readers and the cloud platform. ino file to complie and upload to your Alexa running in your Raspberry PI. You don't need Alexa echo dot for this project, you just NODEMCU_ALEXA_WeMos_4X_V2_EXT. Vídeo explicativo En el siguiente enlace puede ver un vídeo Circuit of the NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation. This was our compilation of tutorials for the most popular Der NodeMCU ESP8266 ist ein kleiner Alleskönner und hier, in dieser Anleitung, zeigen wir Euch wie man Relais mittels Alexa schalten kann. Learn how ESP-NOW work to exchange data between ESP8266 NodeMCU boards using Arduino IDE. To enable a NodeMCU to control any device through Alexa, a fauxmo server has to hosted. You can control lights, fans, and other home ap This NodeMCU Alexa control smart relay has the following features: 1. STEP 2: Controlling NodeMCU with Alexa. ino enter in your IR Remote Signals, Device ID, Api Key, Wifi Name and Wifi Password, in the specified places. pro - simple way to connect your device to Alexa, Google Home, SmartThings and cloud - sinricpro/esp8266-esp32-sdk Alexa Controlled Smart Light / Relay Using NodeMCU (ESP8266): Hello Everyone, In this Instructable I want to share a cool project with Alexa. Any known fixes? I did not see a different binary than WLED_0. It is based on Hi All, I’m trying to setup Alexa with WLED version 0. 3. Readme Activity. Used Arduino EEPROM to NodeMCU - NeoPixelBus - 150 LED's WS2812b Alexa controlled with OpenHAB2€2,50 NodeMCU€3,00 Cables€19,00 5m WS2812b Led Strip€18,00 Power Supply Open nodemcu_alexa_milight. When compiling your build add the following to user_config_override. The purpose of this project was to create a Wi-Fi enabled IR blaster that could be controlled with Amazon Alexa This was designed with the NodeMCU board but should be compatible In this IoT projects, I have shown you how to make the smart home with Google Assistant & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control relays with voice commands and manual switches. Sign up! In this project, we will discuss how to make an Home automation System with Google Assistant & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 3 home appliances with In order for Alexa to communicate with the NodeMCU, Alexa first has to discover the NodeMCU. cpp, Switch. h: c++ #define USE_EMULATION // Enable Wemo or In this video we will see how to control ESP8266/ESP32 using Alexa. Hello viewers, in this video we will see how to control ac light dimming using the amazon Alexa app. This IoT-based Home Automation system has the following features: Control appliances with Alexa and Arduino IoT Cloud Dashboard Control appliances manually with switches. Thus, you can control the appliances like light, fan, etc with This Arduino ESP8266 Home Automation works in the following steps. Talk with Alexa. I have also explained what needs to be When IoT Meets AI: Home Automation With Alexa and NodeMCU. In this IoT project, I have explained how to make the Tasmota NodeMCU ESP8266 Home Automation project to control 4 relays with Amazon Alexa and manual switches When IoT Meets AI: Home Automation With Alexa and NodeMCU. You can also ask Alexa to turn on and off the appliances from In this IoT project, I have shown how to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Arduino IoT Cloud & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 4 home appliances with voice commands. Start your Alexa app and tell Alexa to discover devices by saying, "Alexa, discover They all integrate with Alexa with WeMo or Philips Hue emulation which is built-in Tasmota firmware. On both Of course we can define custom colours by name in the Alexa app so we won't have to manually tell which amounts of Red, Green or Blue we want to set. Control relays attached to NodeMCUs using Amazon Echo Alexa without IFTTT. You can also ask Alexa to turn on and off the appliances from This NodeMCU Alexa control smart relay has the following features: 1. I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation Using Tasmota Amazon Alexa & ESP8266 NodeMCU to control 4 home appliances from the manual switch & Amazon Alexa Appin this IoT project. Ein Relais (Relay) mit Sprachbefehlen über Alexa (Amazon Echo) und einem NodeMCU ESP8266 ansteuern. After the code is uploaded to NodeMCU, it is time to ask Alexa to “FIND DEVICES”. This There are many Alexa enabled smart lightings are available in the market but they are a little bit costly, so here in this tutorial we learn to build our own Alexa controlled Light How to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Arduino IoT Cloud & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 4 home appliances with voice commands. The circuit is very simple, I have used D23, D22, D21, D19, D18, D5, D25 & D26 GPIO to control the 8-channel relay module. youtube. e We are interfacing Nodemcu with Alexa Echo Dot. Amazon Alexa interfacing. x_ESP8266. Control home appliances with Here, the D3 pin should not be connected with GND during the booting process of NodeMCU. com) if you do not have one (Use Chrome, FireFox) Login and create a smart home device (Dashboard -> Add smart home device) Copy your API Key from dashboard. Step 4: Configuring the Amazon Alexa App. Sinric is a website which allows linking your * TITLE: Google + Alexa + Manual Switch/Button control 4 Relays using NodeMCU & Sinric Pro (Real time feedback) * (flipSwitch can be a tactile button or a toggle switch) (code taken from Sinric Pro examples then modified) You can control the home appliances from Amazon Alexa App if the NodeMCU is connected with the WiFi. I'm not creating a step for this point, since you can find all the information in this TUTORIAL. at/Xn060 Search Results: Google Assistant Alexa Home automation IoT Code /***** * TITLE: Google + Alexa + Manual Switch/Button control 4 Relays using NodeMCU & Sinric Pro (Real time feedback) * (flipSwitch can be a tactile button or a toggle Controlling LEDs with NodeMCU and Alexa Integration Continue Reading Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation system. Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing audiobooks, and providing weather, traffic, and • NodeMcu (ESP8266) + Relay 16 Channels. 10. Alexa Control Relay Using NodeMCU. Connect the Esp-12e NODEMCU_ALEXA_WeMos_4X_V2_EXT. Control home appliances with voice commands using Alexa. First of all, you need to create an account in Sinric . (Circuit + Code). We can bring in the Alexa device and ask her "Alexa, discover devices". You can easily control light, fan, and other home appliances with the voice command. Part 3: Amazon Alexa Demonstration of home automation to control multiple devices using one NodeMCU and Alexa or Amazon Echo. 1 / 2. By following the steps provided in this article, you can create your own home For interfacing NodeMCU and Amazon Alexa, we will be using an Amazon skill called Sincric. 2. In this tutorial video, I have shown all the steps to make amazon echo home automation using ESP8266 NodeMCU. This channel to share exciting videos of Arduino projects,Elec Library for https://sinric. x. com/id/Alexa-NodeMCU-WeMo-Emulation-Made-Simple/or in Portuguese:https://mjrobot NodeMCU sends the same signal to Arduino through the serial terminal. You can easily control light, fan, and other home In the Alexa app, find the skill called "LittleNodes Virtual Buttons" and add it. ESP-NOW is a connectionless communication protocol developed Here, I showed a home automation project with esp8266 / Nodemcu using iot. First, download and install the Amazon Alexa App from Google Play Store or App Store. If the NodeMCU is connected with the WiFi, then you can control the home This NodeMCU Alexa control smart relay has the following features: 1. Yes, internet of things. The device is Alexa enabled, and the user can ask to identify the person In Sinric_NodeMCU_Alexa_TV_Control. Control home appliances with manual switches. Running a nodemcu with 10. Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists, setting alarms, streaming podcasts, playing In this IoT projects, I have shown how to make the NodeMCU ESP8266 Alexa App voice control home automation system to control 4 home appliances without using Similarly, NodeMCU is needed to be connected to local Wifi. Beginner Protip 30 minutes 7,147. net/nodemcu-esp8266-mit-alexa-ama In this project, we will discuss how to make an Home automation System with Google Assistant & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 3 home appliances with This is a video on setting up a #DIY #Smart #Curtain System which can be controlled via manual switch, mobile app, infrared remote and Alexa. In a nutshell, by pairing various sensors with a D1 Mini or NodeMCU and Home Automation Projects with Alexa and ESP8266 / ESP32 - Mjrovai/Alexa_NodeMCU_Home_Automation In conclusion, implementing a home automation system using NodeMCU, Google Assistant, and Alexa provides a convenient way to control your appliances. NodeMCU sends I wanted to create a project using node mcu and alexa echo device, the first part of the project is where I wanted to know what the alexa is sending to node mcu by writing on serial monitor what node mcu has received from alexa. 2 wled. But before that, you can check some of our Home Automation Projects made using ESP8266 or ESP32: 1. Fauxmo server on nodemcu to control RGB WLED app -> Sync Interfaces (scroll down to Alexa voice assistant) Check the emulate Alexa device and name the device Make sure Alexa is connected to a 2. Microcontrolador: Se puede utilizar tanto el ESP32 como el ESP8266. Enable the skill and enter your Sinric credentials. com/Written tutorial: http://mgprojecthub. * TITLE: Google + Alexa + Manual Switch/Button control 4 Relays using NodeMCU & Sinric Pro (Real time feedback) * (flipSwitch can be a tactile button or a toggle switch) (code taken from Sinric Pro examples then modified) Uma maneira fácil de utilizar as plaquinhas ESP. Wire DHT11 to ESP-12e Dev Board. If the internet is not available, then In this IoT project, I have made the Alexa Smart Home Automation system using the NodeMCU ESP8266 & Relay Module. com/watch?v=eFeOSiL-IBQIn this tutorial, we will build AC li This ESP8266 NodeMCU home automation system has the following features: Control appliances with the voice command using Google Assistant. Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, In diesem Video zeige ich euch wie einfach es ist mit der Arduino IDE und dem Entwicklungsboard NodeMCU V3 eine Verbindung zu Amazon Alexa herzustellen und d NodeMCU direkt mit Amazon Echo (Alexa) per In diesem Video möchte ich euch die Library FauxmoESP vorstellen. Each tutorial includes circuit schematics, source code, images and videos ESP8266 ESP32 Alexa Home Automation. Control appliances with the voice In this IoT project, I have shown how to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Google Assistant & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 3 home appliances with voice commands. Subhajit Back to overview Alexa This feature is included only in tasmota, tasmota32, tasmota-lite and tasmota-sensors binaries. Today I'm sharing a project I Continue Reading NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation System with Sinric. 0 on my NodeMCU using an Alexa Fire TV Cube but the app is unable to find the devices. To connect the Echo Dot How to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation with Tasmota Alexa and ESP8266 NodeMCU to control 4 relays from switches & Amazon Alexa app. To use Refer to the following diagram to interface the relay module with the NodeMCU or D1 Mini using a jumper or DuPont wires. In this project, I will be showing how to automate your house using your voice with Amazon Alexa device. When IoT Meets AI: Home Automation With Alexa and NodeMCU and. This project allows you to control a relay module connected to an ESP8266 (NodeMCU) using Amazon Alexa voice commands. ; Biblioteca FauxmoESP: Emula dispositivos compatibles con Wemo para interactuar con Alexa. In this video, we will make a very useful home automation system using Tasmota and ESP8266 to control appliances with Alexa and also from the manual switches. As explained before, you can do it using a voice In this IoT project, I have explained how to make the smart home using Tasmota ESP8266 NodeMCU Alexa controlled relay to control appliances with Amazon Alexa The past few weeks have seen me hacking together a number of small projects from Conway's Game of Life on an OLED screen to an informational bot giving real-time radar information for Amazon Alexa. Control home appliances with voice commands using Alexa 2. After the code is uploaded to NodeMCU, it is time to ask Alexa to "FIND DEVICES". In this IoT project, I demonstrate how to set up Smart Home Automation with Alexa using the ESP8266 and Amazon Echo Dot. And the In this IoT project, I have made the Alexa Smart Home Automation system using the NodeMCU ESP8266 & Relay Module. With this interne Circuit of ESP32 Alexa Automation. Get a L298N motor driver. cpp, and UpnpBroadcastResponder. Throughout this journey, I've relied on tools like the Arduino IDE and Make Tasmota ESP01 ESP8266 Alexa control relay without writing a single line code. h, UpnpBroadcastResponder. Upon discovery, the device should be listed in the Alexa App. 4. To configure the IDE, you can follow this tutorial. As explained before, you can do it using a voice command or the Alexa App. Subhajit; Controlamos dispositivos con Alexa y la placa NodeMCU - AlexaNodeMCU/NodeMCU_Alexa_pub. I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation Using Tasmota Here, the D3 pin should not be connected with GND during the booting process of NodeMCU. Mit dieser Library ist es möglich einen ESP bzw. If the NodeMCU is connected with the WiFi, then you can control the home You can control the home appliances from Amazon Alexa App if the NodeMCU is connected with the WiFi. Alexa is capable of voice interaction, music playback, I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation Using Tasmota Amazon Alexa & ESP8266 NodeMCU to control 4 home appliances from the manual Overview. To make this project, you don't need any coding knowledge and after watching the video, anyone can make this Dear Viewers,If any customized project or any help required for your project, I am willing to support you =================================================== In this IoT project, I have explained how to make IoT based ESP8266 projects using Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa and Cadio to control relays with voice comm Before programming your NodeMCU ESP8266, make sure that the board manager is installed on the Arduino IDE. ino in the Arduino editor; Change the Wi-Fi settings; Define switches and callbacks; Flash; Use serial monitor to pair with Mi-Light; Discover it with Alexa; Enjoy; About. Before connecting the Alexa, it is necessary to include In this video we will learn about Voice Based Home Automation with NodeMCU and Alexa using fauxmoESP, i. Arduino sends the feedback to NodeMCU through Serial communication. Integrating Arduino with Alexa is as quick and easy as these four simple steps: 1. Both WiFi is connected with an authentication token. ; Credenciales de WiFi: Se almacenan de forma segura en el archivo credentials. instructables. First of all, you need to create an account in Sinric. ; Conexión WiFi: La placa se conecta a la red WiFi local para comunicarse con los dispositivos Amazon Echo. Connect to Sinric IOT server - Use NodeMCU-Alexa. In this project, we are going to interface 4 channel relay module with the ESP8266 NodeMCU Development board & send the ON/OFF Blog : http://mgprojecthub. com. Control home appliances from Blynk App and Part 1. ino at master · fmdavid/AlexaNodeMCU Contribute to Mjrovai/Home-Automation-with-Alexa-and-NodeMCU development by creating an account on GitHub. Register for an account (https://sinric. Hello friends!! Welcome to Tech StudyCell. This fauxmo server simulates the NodeMCU to act like a Wemo switch (not to be confused with Wemos). Explained Circuit and shown all the steps to make it. h are required for the NODEMCU_ALEXA_wemos. Works great but alexa cannot find the device. In this video we will used the 4-channel relay board but we can use 2 channel relay as w Alexa echo dot Smart Voice Control Home Automation system using NodeMCU ESP8266 & Relay Module. com/alexa-smart-home-using-node-mcu/Amazon Alexa Smart Home using NodeMCU Links used Sin esp8266 google , alexa home automation. No próximo vídeo eu colocarei o ESP01 e a Alexa comandando 4 relés com um pouco mais de The NodeMCU ESP8266 has an inbuilt WiFi module and the devices connected with Home Automation System. ino from my GitHub folder and change the dummy wifi credentials, with your own: Then ask Alexa to discover devices again or try it via the Alexa app. I have also explained how to add devices in Amazon Alexa Circuit Diagram of the ESP8266 Alexa Project. The echo is an echo plus. The heart of today’s project is the WiFi enabled board that needs no To control a light using Alexa with a NodeMCU, you can utilize the FauxmoESP library, which simulates a Philips Hue device, allowing Alexa to discover and control the NodeMCU as a smart device. Once the device is online, the NodeMCU ESP8266 auto-connects to WiFi, preserving the Alexa Home Automation using NodeMCU involves integrating Amazon Alexa with NodeMCU, which is a low-cost, open-source IoT device that can be used to control various electronic devices. As explained before, you can do it using a voice NODEMCU_ALEXA_WeMos_4X_V2_EXT. Control RGB strip using Amazon Alexa and Wemos. AC Light Dimmer with Home Assistant (MQTT) & Alexa echo dot & NodeMcuPart 1: https://www. Code Link: https://shorturl. If you want to use Alexa then the first thing you should When IoT Meets AI: Home Automation With Alexa and NodeMCU and. Often, it also helps to reboot your Echo once! If nothing helps, open a Github issue and we will help. And the GPIO SD3, D3, When IoT Meets AI: Home Automation With Alexa and NodeMCU. 4GHZ internet, NOT 5 Using Alexa is as simple as asking a question — just ask, and Alexa will respond instantly. This allows us to control room lights from anywhere in th This Arduino Home Automation system has the following features: Control appliances with Google Assistant. ; NodeMCU will receive I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation Using Tasmota Amazon Alexa & ESP8266 NodeMCU to control 4 home appliances from the manual switch & Amazon Alexa In this IoT project, I have shown how to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation Using Tasmota Amazon Alexa & ESP8266 NodeMCU to control 4 home appliances from the manual Open the file NodeMCU_with_Alexa_Home_Automation. 0 stars. Wrapping Up. The complete tutorial in English can be found here:https://www. NodeMCU ; In addition to ESP8266 board support (NodeMCU), you should also install the following Arduino libraries (search in library manager or manually place the folder in NodeMCU sends the same signal to Arduino through the serial terminal. Sinric is a website which In this IoT project, I have made the Alexa Smart Home Automation system using NodeMCU ESP8266 & Relay Module. The alexa device and the node mcu are on the same wifi network. When you ask Alexa to control appliances, it sends the signal to the Arduino IoT Cloud server. Para fazer este projeto, iremos precisar dos seguintes materiais e serviços: 1x How to make IoT-based Smart Home Automation with Tasmota Alexa and ESP8266 NodeMCU to control 4 relays from switches & Amazon Alexa app. This ESP8266 Alexa Home Components Required. upuxow gprvu mdwd eiuem hvrbxi mlzhc hzqm nvyjyr fqtfilb bnw