Impact of social networking sites on students academic performance , DavaoCity _____ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements In Inquires , Investigation , and Immersion 2nd semester, SY 2020–2021 The focus of this study is to examine the impact of social media usage on the academic performance of Covenant University students. KEYWORDS: social media, performance, academic, school, students, negative effect, teenagers, culture, anti- social, behaviours. A negative relationship exists between attention span and the time spent on OSN. 187 198, 2009. Social networking sites have played an important role in enhancing students’ social presence. 446-462. A preliminary survey of a group of Malaysian university student found that the majority of respondents agreed that social networking sites have a positive impact on their academic performance. The widespread adoption of social networking sites among college students has motivated an increasing number of researchers to discern the relationship between social networking site use and academic performance. basyn Journal of Social Sciences 5(2), 1-22. This research has presented the effect of social networking sites (SNSs) on academic performance of students of Abia State Polytechnic, Aba. This study aimed to study the faculty perception of SNS on academic performance of students. S. International Journal of Business and Social Science. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided Key Words: Social Networking Sites, Academic Performance, Usage, and Students. While a study found a positive relationship between Facebook Also, attention span was strongly associated with features that influence students' academic success, such as their perceptions of society's social networking outlook, their advantages, and Request PDF | The impact of social networking sites on students’ social wellbeing and academic performance | Social networking sites have played an important role in enhancing students’ social Social Networking Sites (SNS), Education Performance, S ocial Media, Academic Performance etc. (2018), no evidence supports a connection Discover the impact of social network sites (SNSs) on students' academic performance. We conduct a comprehensive review on the usage of social This study investigated the impact of social networking site (SNS) usage on students' academic performance. Rambe, P. 3%). PDF | On Jul 28, 2020, Imasuen Kennedy published The Impact of the Social Media on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Benin Metropolis | Find, read and cite all the research The advent of social media in the 1980s-1990s, has brought with it positive and negative effects on the lives of Nigerian youths, especially the students who are high users of this ICT innovation. Demographic characteristics did not significantly influence the academic performance of students who used SNSs, and, use of social networking significantly influence the academic performance of The-Impact-of-Utilizing-Social-Networking-Sites-on-the-Academic-Performance-of-Senior-High-School-Students - Free download as PDF File (. Different studies noted positive effects of social media on reading habits. Request PDF | Impact of Social Networking Sites on Academic Performance and Career through Collaborative Learning (with Reference to Students of Self-financing Engineering Colleges in While a study found a positive relationship between Facebook usage and students' academic performance [40], other studies (e. Findings from the study show that the effect of OSNS usage on This study concluded that social media usage has a positive effect on students' academic performance [9] Another study conducted on adversity quotient and coping strategies of college students in Twitter and Facebook are among the most popular social networks where the students spend most of their times [1]-[3]. International Conference on Internet Studies. A population sample of 277 undergraduate students were selected through systematic random sampling across the various levels in the University, (N=277, 155=Male, 122=Female), participants’ age ranged between 15-25yrs, For instance, the use of social networks such as Facebook, appears to have an impact on the psychological well-being (autonomy, purpose in life etc. Paradigm of the Study This study is cross-sectional survey in nature on the students' perceptions about their use of social networking sites and its influence on their academic performance having sample of Gomal and Thus, using SNS as a learning tool has a great potential to improve students' The Effects of Social Networking Sites Use on Students' Academic Performance 38 academic performance because it technique of the study is utilized to examine the impact of social networking sites on students' academic performance through interviews and genuine surveys with manipulated questionnaires (Morallo, 2014). ) of individuals (Kross et al. M. Positively, social media helps students establish connections, share ideas to improve creativity, increase knowledge and awareness while saving time and costs. The study focused on three respondents i. The rise of the internet and the interactive nature of online environments have given birth to a global phenomenon-social networking. Crossref View in These days, Social Networking Sites (SNS) have become the primary source of communication between individuals. B. 4. Kuala Lampur, Malaysia Social networks affect the students' academic and personal life positively when they use these sites for studying and learning purposes and negatively when they use at late night, ignoring personal, family, and social activities. A research A research questionnaire was created to evaluate the factors that influence students' use of social The Internet has undergone rapid development, with significant impact on social life and on modes of communication. As an educational tool for online courses, they have significantly In social networking site people are engaging with many other activities that benefit them in the long run. An online survey was conducted and 628 This research aims to examine the possible impact of social networking sites on the academic performance of university students. Kulidtod and others published Effects of Social Networking Media to the Academic Performance of the Students | Find, read and cite all the research you Based on the assumption that the usage of social media is going to reinforce the academic performance among the medical students, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the mediating effect of student engagement on the use of SM and AP of medical students of India. Rahim (2011) found that the majority of the respondents agreed that social networking sites have a positive impact on their academic performance; despite the fact that they also reported that they mainly engaged in PDF | On Jan 1, 2017, Remedios Remedios C. Impact of Social Networking Sites on Academic Performance of Students CHAPTER: 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION:- Social networking websites are currently being used regularly by millions of people. During this era, communication is the buzzword. The purpose of this study is to identify and examine This study provides valuable insights for educational institutions and policymakers in developing effective strategies to regulate and manage SNS usage among students. p>The study investigated the influence of the usage of social networking sites on academic performance of students in Entrepreneurship Education. AUTHORS: Mahmoud Maqableh, Lama Rajab, Walaa Quteshat, Ra’ed Moh’d Taisir Masa’deh, Tahani Khatib, Huda Karajeh. Investigating pedagogical value of wiki technology. The frequent answers were entertainment (n = 317; 85%), education (n = 278; 74%), and communication (n = 245; 65. The study investigates the impact of social networking sites on the student’s academic performance in Lahore, Pakistan and the results show that usage of social networking sites has no “Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Academic Performance of the Selected Students of the Technological Institute of the Philippines” Members: Cabilin, Evita Feraldo, Kaisser J. Ellison and Boyd (2013) defined social networking sites as “a networked communication platform in which participants (1) have uniquely identifiable profiles that consist of user-supplied content, content provided by other users, and/or system-level data; (2) can publicly articulate connections that can be See more Since the impact of SNS on students’ lives is a relatively neglected topic, we aimed to investigate the effect of social media on academic performance and self-esteem. (2012). The pupils in Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines, are Helou, A. Manag. The study also found that the majority of the students visit social networking sites at home, and in residential halls, while most of them spend time on average more than four hours daily, and The study focused on the influence of students' spent time on social media on academic performance among Science Education students. Impact of social networking websites on students. 02), age Social media usage has been a defining characteristic of the digital age, and its effects have been felt among university students, particularly regarding their academic performance and sites at the expense of study time. 113, P = 0. 20, pp. Saba Mehmood (2013). The research investigates pedagogical impacts of social networking sites on This study examines the effect of blended learning environment, where social networks are utilized to supplement or enrich classroom environment, on the academic achievement and social network More than 50% of college students go on a social networking site several times a day (Sheldon, looking at the time spend on Twitter and its effect on academic performance concluded that a user of social sites has significant influence on academic performance of the students. Social networking sites allows the users to share information with selected group of family members, friends or associates. Keywords: Social Networking Sites, Academic performance, Malaysia. Using a conceptual approach, the study gathered that more students prefer the use of Facebook and Twitter in academic related discussions in complementing conventional classroom teaching and learning process. Diffusion of Innovation Theory. This research analyzes data from 366 undergraduate students at the University of Jordan, revealing significant findings on SNS use and academic achievements. The descriptive survey design was adopted to investigate the effects of social media addiction on academic performance of students in public Senior Secondary Schools in Rivers State, Nigeria. Sofela, T. This study conducted through a cross-sectional survey on the students' perceptions about their use of social networking sites and their influence on their academic performance. However, these studies mainly address the direct effect of social networking site use on academic performance, thus failing to identify and We plan to conduct out research in order to learn how the use of Social Networking Sites (SNS) has an impact on a student’s academic performance. Reviewing the origin and creation of Facebook, he was Mark Zuckerberg who funded the Facebook. The researcher tries to find out the answers to research questions PDF | On Jan 1, 2013, S. find out how social media networking sites affect students' academic performance. A Research Proposal Presented to The Faculty of SHS Department Davao Doctors College,Inc. The study investigated the types of social networking sites The rise of social media has transformed global communication, creating a "Global village. We conduct a comprehensive review on the usage of social networking sites in academic environments to identify the We aim to study the impact of social networking on online versus traditional student academic performance. They weigh their opinions SNSs usage and student academic performance. Good time management found to Hazari, North, and Moreland,(2009). 2021. study implicated that internet use has a positive impact on students’ academic performance. It was found that the SNS have positive and negative impacts on student academic performance and fruitful recommendations on how to get benefit from the S NS to improve the learning process were came up. Findings from this study confirm that majority of the respondents agreed that social networking sites have a positive impact on their academic performance. The most successful and largest social networking site is the Facebook that is the latest among all other social networking sites. (2010). Social Networking Sites – A Critical Analysis of Its Impact on Personal and Social Life. 7%). Moreover, participants answered that they used social media for a multitude of reasons. Twitter and Facebook are among the most popular social networks where the students spend most of their times [1]-[3]. Negussie & Ketema (2014) conducted a cross-sectional survey to a Jimma University Ethiopia between March 2012 and March 2013 to find if any adverse effects of using social networking sites on students’ academic performance exist. and Cochran, J. Time spent on social media daily. Like many other studies, this research effort also took Facebook into consideration to establish its findings. Impact of social media on academic performance This study seeks to find out the impact of Social Networking Sites on academic performance of students. This study attempts to obtain students’ perceptions on how social Social networking sites have played an important role in enhancing students’ social presence. The main focus of this study is to determine the impact of social networking sites on the academic performance of youth. It explored the frequency, purpose, and access to SNS alongside Social network sites (SNSs) are the most essential communication tools among students, especially at higher levels of education. In this study, the peer-reviewed articles were taken from the SCOPUS database. O. This study aimed to determine the effects of social networking sites on academic performance of students and used KNUST as a case study. According to Al-Yafi et al. The aim of this study is to answer this question by examining the impact of five potential variables on the use of SNS, and the influence of this usage on the students' academic performance at This research aims to examine the possible impact of social networking sites on the academic performance of university students. (2011). This phenomenon encompasses a myriad of activities, from forming virtual communities to casual chatting and academic performance of students or not, because majority of social networking sites users is the youth. Social Media Network sites can have a positive or negative impact on students’ academic performance. However, most agreed that they used social media for academic purposes (n = 337; 90. 092 Pearson Correlation Sig. The perception that SNS has a negative effect on students is incorrect. " However, concerns have been raised about its impact on students' academic performance. The present study focuses on the impact of Social Networking Sites on the students which is based on secondary data taken from various studies done by different reseachers in the context of change in behavior patterns and academic performance of students due to the use of social networking sites. Impact of social media on academic performance students’ final grades. The pupils in Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines, are The study confirmed that most of the younger students are engage in the use of SNSs mainly for socializing activities rather than for academic purpose and there is need for FSKSM policy makers to evolve strategies to guide and ensure that social networking sites are adopted mostly for academic purposes. By means of this research method, the re- Moreover, the impact of social network site on academic performance also raised another major concern which is health. This breached the gab that existed deals with the effects of using social networking sites on student’s academic life and section two which deals with the effects of using social networking sites on student’s social aspect of life. LinkedIn is an example of Social Network site that is used by many students, in-structors and scholars for academic purposes. “Negative Effects of Social Networking Sites to the Academic Performance of the Selected Students of the Technological Institute of the Philippines” Members: Cabilin, Evita Feraldo, Kaisser J. 2. Using a conceptual approach, the study gathered that more students prefer the use of Facebook and Twitter in academic related discussions in complementing conventional classroom teaching and learning The study examined the influence of social media on academic performance of students in Mathematics at Lagos State University. Attention span highly correlated with characteristics predicting student behavior. Malvar St. Mayayise (2008): Social impact of internet on high school learners • John Manual C. Rogers E. The danger of social networking addiction on students’ academic performance, health, and social well-being triggered this study. Journal of Information Systems Education, vol. The rationale behind the study is to find out whether the daily exposure of the students to social networking sites has an effect on their academic performance. A statistical approach was used to analysis the data. The descriptive correlation method was used to select 120 respondents from seven university colleges. × Poukhan, S. The influence of social networking sites on students' academic performance in Malaysia. In the advent of internet technology, social communication using the internet became the frontier of daily Also, attention span was strongly associated with features that influence students' academic success, such as their perceptions of society's social networking outlook, their advantages, and Salvation, Mark (2014) designed to analyze the impact of social network sites on students’ academic performance in Malaysia. (2010): influence of SNS on interpersonal relationships of students(age group:12-16) • Kaitlyn Flad (2010): influence of SNS on student achievement and performance across gender lines • Elizabeth Social media has both positive and negative impacts on students according to this presentation. 400 students enrolled in this cross-sectional study, through Request PDF | On Mar 1, 2021, Asia Saeed published The Impact of Social Networking Sites’ Usage on the Academic Performance of University Students of Lahore, Pakistan | Find, read and cite all Social media’s influence on Grade 12 Senior High School STEM student’s academic performance in Davao Doctors College, INC. D. The Effect of Social Media on Students. Hence, Given the negative effects of social networks on students' academic performance, the issue of social media addiction should be considered by students, educators, and policymakers. 1. Dependent variable: Students Academic performance. In this study, an attempt is made to obtain the perception of students on how the use of SNSs The variables o f social media that may affect the students’ academic performance are time appropriateness, health addiction and distraction. students’ final grades. The study gathered pertinent data from a sample of college students (N = 180) by using a questionnaire, which measured social networking site use based on the number of hours students spent daily Review of Related Literature • Thembekile. The effects of using social network sites on academic performance: the case of Qatar. The data collection was from group of Malaysian university students. pdf), Text File (. Google Plus was used as much as Face book. , & Ab. The academic Performance is based on their cumulative grade reports. Social networking sites used to gain knowledge, promote social political and environmental awareness, share information This paper analyzed the effects of social networking sites (SNS) on university students’ academic performance. By means of this research method, the re- networking sites influences their academic performance. Journal of Information Technology Education, 10, 272-293. INTRODUCTION As we are living in a networking era, the tremendous growth of the internet has a high This research paper aimed to investigate the relationship between social media use and university students' academic performance at the University of Africa, Toru-Orua, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. A cross-sectional study The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of social networking sites on students’ academic performance. , 2013;Valkenburg An investigation on the impact of online social networking on academic performance among high school students in urban areas: A case study of Westlands sub-country, Nairobi. This research studies and explores the relationships between the use of SNS and students' academic perform There is positive relationship between social presence, students’ social wellbeing and their academic performance, and a new model is proposed based on several research hypotheses is proposed. CORRELATION ANAYZE Correlations Social Students network Academic Performance 1 -. Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. However, social media addiction can degrade academic performance. A study by Eguavoen (2016) showed that there was a strong the use of social networking sites as a Moreover, Adam Mahamat (2014) in his research found that the majority of respondents agreed that social networking sites have a positive impact on their academic performance. The results showed that social media has grown in acceptance, value, and usefulness among professionals and Impact of Social Media on Students Academic Performance . The pres ent study will iden tify the impact of Since students are highly motivated to using social media sites the majority of them use these to satisfy their social needs more than their academic needs. Gallardo, Pamela Grace Gabriel, Tricia Janna V. New York: free Press. Gen. https://journalism Purpose: The aim of this research study is to examine the possible impact of social networking sites on the academic performance of university students. The purpose of this research is to study the impact of Social Networking Sites on student academic performance. The results of this study showed that social networking effects of social networking sites on secondary school students’ academic achievement, Interactive Learning Environments To link to this article: https://doi. The study conducted by Amin and Mansoor (2016) titled "Impact of Social Media of Student's Academic Performance" is revealed that the real effect of social media sites is positive Gok (2016 Driven by this factor, this study was designed to analyze the impact of social network sites on students’ academic performance in Malaysia. This finding is consistent with Sharma and Behl's (2022) study, "Analysing the Impact of Social Media on Students' Academic Performance: A Comparative Study of Extraversion and Introversion This study provides evidence to the ongoing debate of whether the use of OSNS among students improves academic performance of students. The ubiquitous use of social networking sites by students and the potential impacts of such use on academic performance are of both theoretical and practical importance. Similarly, Helou and Rahim (2014) investigated the impact of the use of social networking sites on students’ academic performance. This research paper looked at the impact of online social networking sites on academic performance among high school students in urban areas. 2. TITLE: The Impact of Social Media Networks Websites Usage on Students’ Academic Performance. Improve time management and study activities with these insightful results. Pascual, Lyza CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction Social networking sites Time spent on social media daily. ,The students were selected from the top three public-funded medical Social networking sites have played an important role in enhancing students’ social presence. The researcher tries to find out the answers to research questions Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used in analyzing the data collected. As a descriptive study four research hypotheses guided the study with Nowadays, students in higher learning used social networking site such as Facebook to facilitate their learning through the academic collaboration which it further enhances students' social capital. Effects of social networking sites on the performance of academic engagement and performance are very significant and social This research will detailed the impact of using social networking sites on student’s academic performance. The research investigates pedagogical impacts of social networking sites on undergraduate students at the College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman and studies variables that examine the effectiveness of these social tools in knowledge sharing and general awareness of student communities. Literature analyzed that the social networking websites are not designed for negative impact but we noticed in our daily life that technique of the study is utilized to examine the impact of social networking sites on students' academic performance through interviews and genuine surveys with manipulated questionnaires (Morallo, 2014). Its use has received with different views, positive or negative impact to students’ academic performance. Good time management found to The global increase in social media (or social networking site) usage among college and university students, both outside and inside lecture halls, has open discussions on its effects on their This paper aims to explain the positive and negative impact of social media on students’ academic performance to answer the following question: What is the impact of social media on students’ academic performance? Literature Review To shed light on the positive and negative sides of using social media in general, as well as discover its The homes were the places wherein the majority of Examining the impact of Social Media Use on the Academic Performance of Students: A Study at Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Shaheed Study focuses on impact of online social networking on academic performance. Self expression through online networks was found to have a relative effect on their academic performance as 72 % preferred to express their feelings on SNS. number of posts that students put on social networking sites was not a significant predictor of participation in class. The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of social networking sites on students’ academic performance. 02), age Social networking sites have played an important role in enhancing students’ social presence. Exploring the Impacts of Social Networking Sites on Academic Relations in the University. Das, D. Effect of online The study found that SNSs usage had no significant relationship on student academic performance and the improvement in the grade relies on other factors within the teaching-learning process and thus could not be attributed to the use of SNS alone. The researcher tries to find out the answers to research questions. With the development of modern communication and media technology, the living standards of citizens have grown, giving rise to an increasing number of people who are using The findings of the current study show that the university students of Lahore, Pakistan are using different social networking sites which has negative effect on the student’s academic The finding of this study, revealed that mobile phone usage significantly influence academic performance among male and female senior secondary school students (t = 6. or g/10. 1080/10494820. , 31 (3) (2018), pp. e. A Paper presented in Craft Magazine For instance, earlier study reported the impact of SM on the academic performance of college students in Kashmir found students used SM networking sites to fulfill their educational needs [26 Study focuses on impact of online social networking on academic performance. A sample of 309 youth was selected, and the primary data was collected through the questionnaire. 1875002 Impact of Social Networking Sites on Academic Performance and Career through Collaborative Learning (with Reference to Students of Self-financing Engineering Colleges in Tiruchirappalli) January 2017 The finding of this study, revealed that mobile phone usage significantly influence academic performance among male and female senior secondary school students (t = 6. J. Uses of Social Networks From a sample of 100 students we found that all the students used one or the other social networking site. Introduction As we are living in a networking era, the tremendous growth of the internet has a high impact on the development of the students in which they interact and socialize. Rahim, N. The results of this study showed that social networking After conducting a study of the influence of social networking sites on students’ academic performance in Malaysia, Helou and Ab. INTRODUCTION Social media exploded as a category of online discourse which enable people to create contents, share them, bookmark them and network at a prodigious rate. Rahim (2011) found that majority of respondents agreed that social networking sites have a positive impact on their academic performance academic performance of students or not, because majority of social networking sites users is the youth. 0 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK AND HYPOTHESIS Literature Review Social Media Social media is a phenomenon that has been developing in a rapid pace. The Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Academic Performance of Students in College of Applied Sciences, Nizwa, Oman. KEYWORDS: Social Network Sites, Academic Performance, University Students, T-Test, ANOVA the effect of time spent on social networking sites on students’ Academic Performance. Social networking sites (SNSs) have created a new social dimension where individuals can increase their social awareness by keeping in touch with old friends, making This Paper is an attempt to analyze the aspects of Social Networking Usage and to determine the impact of Social Networking activities on MBA students academic performance in Chennai City. Keywords: social The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of social networking sites on students’ academic performance. Time Spent per Day Frequency Percentage Social media usage has been a defining characteristic of the digital age, and its effects have been felt among university students, particularly regarding their academic performance and Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023. Pascual, Lyza CHAPTER 1 PROBLEM AND BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Introduction Social networking sites university of education, winneba faculty of business education impact of social media on the students academic performance. These variables show effects of social networks on students’ academic performance and the futuristic online and offline paradigms that can enhance teaching methodology. This paper analyzed the effects of social networking sites (SNS) on university students’ academic performance. . H. Social networking sites used to gain knowledge, promote social political and environmental awareness, share information The current study aimed to (a) investigate the intricate relationship between social media usage, time spent on schoolwork, and academic performance in college students; (b) confirm the rise of The social networking sites that students used for academic purposes included YouTube, Google plus and Face book. Hence, this paper addresses the question: how does the use of social networking sites influence academic performance? The present review synthesizes the empirical findings of the extant Social networking site addiction and academic achievement. METHOD Research Design The descriptive correlation method of research was used in gath-ering data on the effect of Social Networking Sites in students’ academic performance in Lyceum of the Philippines – Laguna through the use of online survey questionnaire. Enterprise Inf. H2: There may be positive or negative impact of social media sites on student’s academic performance. The H1: There is a relationship between use of social media and student’s academic performance. Through These days, Social Networking Sites (SNS) have become the primary source of communication between individuals. (2 Social networking sites (SNS) have become an integral aspect of university students' daily lives globally, prompting extensive debates about their impact on academic performance. The concept of SNS addiction comes from the concept of internet addiction (Andreassen, Reference Andreassen 2015). Asilo et al. (a case study of awudome senior high school form two accounting students) joseph kodjo ganyo a project work submitted to the department of accounting studies education, university of education, winneba in partial fulfillment of the The main purpose of this investigation is to decide the positive impact of social media apps on the academic performance of students including Females and Males of Universities and Colleges. The usage of social networking sites has been common among students in higher learning institutions in the world. An online survey was conducted and 628 students of University of Bahrain replied. The study investigates the impact of social networking sites on the student’s academic performance in Lahore, Pakistan and the results show that usage of social networking sites has no III, No 1, June 2021 Positive impact of SNSs on student academic performance After conducting a study of influence of social networking sites on student's academic performance in Malaysia, Helou and Ab. As an educational tool for online courses, they have significantly contributed in promoting students’ motivation for learning. They have the freedom to do whatever they want – they can upload or Khan (2012) the influence of social networking websites on students is investigated. students, parents and teachers and used questionnaire and interviews as tools of study. (1962). g. txt) or read online for free. , & Sahoo, J. Excessive usage is considered as foremost f actor of social media leads to serious mental illness which causes This study aimed to determine the impact of social media networking sites on students' academic achievement in Zamboanga del Norte, Philippines. 360 (2005), Twitter (2006) and Facebook (2006) (Social networking sites and its positive effects). In relation to the impact of SNAs usage in education on students' academic performance, previous research showed paradoxical findings. We conduct a comprehensive The advent of online social networking sites has revolutionized the way students engage with information and each other. Descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. In addition, we plan to investigate whether online and traditional Specifically, we find that social networking site use is negatively associated with student engagement, that student engagement is positively associated with academic The ubiquitous use of social networking sites by students and the potential impacts of such use on academic performance are of both theoretical and practical importance. , [6, 9,10]) found that the use of SNAs by students negatively affect Social networking sites should be expanded and new pages should be created to enhance academic activities to avoid setbacks in the students’ Academic performance. Mehmood and others published The Effects of Social Networking Sites on the Academic Performance of Students in College of Applied Sciences | Find, read and cite all the SNSs usage and student academic performance. Today social network sites are running the future and carrier of students. This study, therefore anticipates to examining the impact of social sites and Education, Academic performance of College Students (2015), in their research paper entitled “Impact of Social Networking Sites on Studies”, they observed that significance in classroom and face-to-face instruction should be capitalized on by students. VARIABLES Independent variable: Social networking sites. A negative relationship found between time spent on OSN and academic performance.