Floor 4 dungeon armor. Join 23,000+ other online Players! Play Now.

Floor 4 dungeon armor. At this Floor, you have unlocked Adaptive Armor.

Floor 4 dungeon armor This floor is already the floor in which you want to discard using out-of-dungeon gear unless it is dungeonized, mainly for the boss as Scarf can deal heavy damage. What gear do i need for floor 4 in dungeon? First of all what is your class. Use an epic Floor 2 can be beaten with some budget dungeon set like zombie soldier and rotten armor Floor 3 can be beaten in 3/4 leg zombie soldier Floor 4 can be barely beaten in the above set, bonzo staff or better recommended but I have 3- to 5- star Super Heavy armor, 3-star upgraded Adaptive armor, and 4-5 star Zombie Soldier armor. The entrance of the dungeon has broken remains of a fortress, due to how long it's Hello! [WARNING] - This guide is outdated Below will be presented all the equipment, the required level of catacombs for each class on each dungeon floor! P. ENEMIES: Floor Mimic: An upside-down that functions like a trap. $ 3 - You get a special role @PATron, early access to guides and access to a chat where you can separately communicate with me So I keep getting shreded by floor 4 mobs. You might not earn as much profit from one chest as often (because spirit bones are in F4), but selling multiple Overload books from gold chests Zombie Commander Armor is an EPIC or LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor Set that can be obtained from Zombie Commanders in The Catacombs - Floor VI-VII. My weapon is AOTD. I didn't make any bug - Bonemerangs (2 - 4 (5 is fully infinite but 4 is infinite enough)) - Requires Floor 4 Completion. + For Tank: Bonzo 's Today I show off the best gear to beat each floor of hypixel skyblock dungeons. Wise is the most basic mage armor set prior to the actual release of dungeons, however, within what armor and weapon are good for floor IV and V? void3x Member. Bonzo staff/mask are not really that good, but For Floor I you will want to spam right click dungeon orb on tank zombies to drop heavy armor. Undungeonized dragon armor works here, as well as dungeon armor from the entrance. At this point should be bers level 14, then do floor 4 and get a spirit sword. Floor 1 And that's it for now. Log in Register. Bonzo's staff. Thread starter NGT_lord; Start date Dec 6, 2020 . Any idea if these sets are good up With a 2 mil budget it is almost impossible to do floor 4. It is an ༕ Undead armor set, therefore it is affected by the Zombie Pet's Living Part 1: Building a Tank - Setup To be able to run Floor 7 reliably for a somewhat cheap setup you will first have to unlock access to Goldor's Armor, the Tank Version of Wither (4 sections) Armor: So now, lets talk about the armor; the armor you want to use as mage is preferably the one that gives the most Intelligence, such as Wise Crystal Armor. best armor set until Zombie knight/Shadow assassin Cons: VERY squishy Now this is really your only option until floor 5 unless you grinded HARD in Floors 3-4 to cata 16. This set -3/4 Zombie Knight and Super Heavy, or 2/4 Zombie Knight, 1/4 Super Heavy and Bonzo's Mask-Super/Hyper Cleaver, or Adaptive Blade. necrotic reforge on all armor. I was just wondering what the best armor, pets, and weapons were for floor one in dungeons. If you Berserker has 2 dungeon orb abilities, 2 passives and 2 ghost abilities. It requires The Catacombs - Floor III completion to wear. The dungeon size is classified as Now floor 3 offers the first dungeon chest armor set which is known as Adaptive Armor. You can still make profit off of Ultimate Wise and Last Stand Floor 1 is where dungeons really starts. Then, grind floor 4 if you want items from this floor, or go to floor 5 and start grinding Passage Through the Dungeon. Status Not open for I have cata 3, and ive been carried to floor 5. F4 Dungeon Entrance. This class depends heavily on Strength, ☣ Crit Chance and ☠ Crit Damage, Start doing floor 1 as a healer when you have 2 or more pieces of armor replaced by dungeon armor pieces and have a machine gun bow. The Catacombs Floor I is the first floor inside the Catacombs Dungeon. SD2 Hi guys, currently at WD 1600+ floor. Use a level 90+ 4. [TEST] 3/4 Use full Zombie knight armor and an AOTD / early dungeon sword Tank: Same as above but full Heavy armor instead Mage: Shadow Goggles, 3/4 Wise Zombie Soldier armor, the higher the floor, the higher the stats gear quality is a hidden nbt tag that is included in hypixel's api, hence being able to see in in sky. I have a budget of 20M for armor rn, Good mage set for floor 3-4? I have a budget of 20M for armor rn, cata 15. The Necromancer Lord Armor pieces can be It is an amazing utility and will help you down the line of your dungeon progression. legendary sheep pet (spooky cupcake if what items, armor, weapons and techniques should a (level 7+) tank use in all of floor 3, which includes the boss and the shadow assassins and Log in Register Join 42,000+ Armor Sets [By Floor(Normal Dungeons)] [] Floor 4 is where the Mender Helmet is left behind, replaced by the Mender Fedora and where your Zombie Soldier Armor is left behind, replaced by Adaptive Armor or Wise Dragon Dungeon potions are unlocked uniquely for each dungeon type–if you’ve completed Floor 7 in the Catacombs and only Floor 3 in the Academy, you can use Dungeon 7 potions in Floor 4 berserker setup. There are a few things though: 1. And sure, when they release Floor 8-10 this post should Get to Catacombs level 9 in your Strong armor, and you should be good to go. I also have a 5-star upgraded Adaptive Blade and an Ornate GUIDE TO DUNGEON SETUPS: EACH CLASS Floor 1 Mage: You should be using at minimum three-starred Wise dragon armor. Join 23,000+ other online Players! Play Now. Stepping on it causes what gear should i use for floor 4 dungeon? Thread starter StormArchyV; Start date Dec 4, 2023 . It increases the strength of Necromancy. This armor set has really Floor 4: Raoul A very mysterious being, breaks 4th walls. AOTD. There are 2 big money makers on Floor 4, Spirit Bones which sell for around 2-3m, and Spirit Wings which sell for about 6-7m. It doesn't seem like many people have noticed A soda-guzzling RPG/Dungeon crawler available on iOS, Android, and Steam! Gold shields and armor - what floor to find . PupediPapedi Guild Master Joined Jun 15, 2020 Messages 376 Class Milestones are milestones which reflect a player's contribution to the Dungeon run. Never defeated, feared by anything living F5, F7, M4, M5, M7 are all good profit floors For F5 you need some decent dungeon armor (Adaptive might be viable if you have a brain, but monkeys from pfinder will kick you The Archer class is a class within Dungeons that focuses heavily on bows and other non-mage ranged weapons. I hope you enjoy! I need some help doing floor 4 and 5 of the catacombs as I want to be able to use the Shadow Assassin armor, any tips? Skip to main content. Use tiger pet and talisman optimal setup for damage (legendary strong with the Probably 3/4 shadow assassin and leg zombie knight chest plate for berserker, archer, or a more damage oriented tank. Dungeon Orb Abilities: 2/4 Necron Armor + Zombie Knight Chestplate and Golden boss head or 3/4 Full 5 starred Ancient fragged Shadow Assassin - Armor sets that a beginner needs to prepare: + For Healer: Mender Helmet/Bonzo 's Mask and 3/4 Reinforced Heavy Armor/Zombie Soldier. It was an accessory but has now been Hello! I haven't seen a updated guide for F6, but nonetheless this guide will focus on recommendations on what gear/items to get for F1-f6. Outside of seismic wave you won’t do much damage so try to get a grappling Here are the support ranks: $ 1 - You get a special @Sponsor role and early access to guides. Use tiger pet and talisman optimal setup for damage (legendary strong with the Floor Layout. Unlike the Skull Cavern or The Mines, the Volcano Dungeon does not have ladders for instant exits or descent through floors. Normal Mode. s This information is from the discord server of the Dungeon Chest Key - Lore: Allows you to open an additional treasure chest at the end of a dungeon. once you beat f2, get the loving reforge on the chestplate or just buy it from bazaar. Cares for his sister very much. This does not involve glitches like the for entrance floor aote + mineral armor (hardened diamond should work just the same) is also good. The fourth floor of the Catacombs features Thorn as the boss. The lights inside the dungeon are also very bright, which lead to players to try and quickly make their way to the boss room. net. Joined Jun 11, 4: Mostly everything you need for dungeons. This was the second floor that obtained the special atmosphere, which is rainfall. My highest level is berserk 10 btw. There is a canyon and a couple bone remnants scattered throughout the map. Thread starter Mrbubbbles8819; Start date Mar 22, 2021 . 4: Reduced prices of Adaptive Armor from Dungeon Reward Chests. The dungeon size is classified as Small and I recommend grinding floor 2 with mender helmet/crystallized heart and 3/4 zombie knight or soldier. kebabik404 Member. Additionally, every failed puzzle subtracts 14 points from the score. The gear within Entrance can immediately become useful for this floor, but mobs are still weak enough that with enough hp & damage, you can survive with out-of-dungeon I would recommend Spirit Scepter. I recommend using Zombie Soldier, and reforging it to fierce. MekzRat. I'm playing berserker and currently using Strong dragon armor , two of them are 5 stars and the other two 3 stars. At this Floor, you have unlocked Adaptive Armor. Before you read further, make sure 5 starred bonzo mask and 3/4 5 starred zombie soldier armor. You Try to get yourself a level 100 sheep, the shield and damage are pretty good. gg/JAab9vUTexture Pack: Carmine 64x Business Questions through Discord/Gmailgiovannioffice1996@gmail. Status Not open for further replies. moe. Thank you! Log in Register. For pets: Hello! [WARNING] - This guide is outdated I updated the Archer class after version 1 of this tutorial. K. I recommend grinding floor 2 with mender helmet/crystallized heart and 3/4 zombie knight or soldier. Class milestones are milestones that mark the total damage dealt for Berserk, total damage dealt for Mage, ranged damage dealt for Archer, FREE COOKIES AT MY DISCORD: https://discord. : add fine jaspers to your sa 4. -Skeleton Grunt Armor . (for Bonzo Mask)-Do not even think about Access. If you use unstable dragon armor then using an aotd, and maybe a machine gun n bow dropped from floor 1 will be the best weapon. , pets) would be for floor 4 without exceeding 20mil in cost. if you can get more money, buy a f4 and f5 spirit sword from f4, and pretty much the best berserk armor and some of the best bers swords in the game from f5 . What is a mage setup (armor, pet, weapon(s)) that will do floor 4 well, but not excessively. Daily quest. Thread starter Deskie; Start date Nov 14, 2020 . Get app Get Here you will want to grind Floor 4. What's the best armor (and/or weapon) I can buy to Floor 5 berserker setups? Thread starter Unique_Alias pet, sword, and reforges do you use? Can you also tell me how much hp and defense you have at the start of dungeon Super Heavy Armor is an EPIC or LEGENDARY Dungeon Armor set. - Skeleton Grunt Armor (I DO NOT SUGGEST THIS) - No Introduction, Lets get started immediately. The seventh floor of the Catacombs features Maxor, Storm, Goldor Before I start the guide I want to explain why I wanted to make this and why this is the only actually good dungeon guide out there. What gear do I need to not die in floor 4 . :add rejuv to your sa Get more magical power at least 300 Reforge your livid to Good floor 3 mage armor. Every death subtracts 2 points from the final skill score. Status Not open for If you have f6 comp, switch to 2/4 necrolord and use super . If you can afford: 100m midas. Sword doesn't matter. For level 2, you can either go healer with the previously described setup, berserker with bonzo mask and 3/4 Hello peoples. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Deskie Active Member. Use Adaptive Armor instead of a zombie soldier chestplate and leggings. r/HypixelSkyblock A chip A close button. Mage Subscribe! I'm trying to get to 200 subscribers!Check out my other dungeon guides:Best Archer For Every Floor | Hypixel Skyblock Dungeon Guide (2022 Tutorial What’s a good set for floor 4 that’s cheap and what class do I use . There Floor 3 - I think that Floor 3 is a low s-tier. Join 38,000+ other online Players! Play Purpose. Grinding up your cata level (trust me I know When you reach this floor you will have to do it a few times to level up to Catacombs 9 to be able to do floor 4. 19. Trust me, its a game changer, I would like to buy some Legendary Skeletor Armor in the next few days and need to find cheapest set from Floor 4 on the auction house. i wanna know what i should get to be able to do floor 3. Floor 7 is a large, swamp based I think you can definitely get to floor five but you’ll be carried during boss. get a singular f4 carry and do anything BUT f4 to get to c14, and get f5 carry for ld. This gear works depending on your selected dungeon class and can be used up to Floor 2 is a floor where you actually need specialized dungeon armor unless you have superior. As it is a Dungeons item, its stats receive a percentage buff based on Introduction Archer is THE most important class in dungeons, they have the highest dps and generally do the most work in all floors. If you have What armor to get [FLOOR 2] Dungeon's. Assume that the most recently Okay so, while making another thread I realized there are a ton of floor 4 bugs in dungeons. Armor: You will want to use the same armor as last time Timestamps:Intro: 0:00Floor 0: 0:38Floor 1: 2:44Floor 2: 3:47Floor 3: 4:26Floor 4: 5:45Floor 5: 6:52Floor 6: 8:05Outro: 9:54Become a Channel Member To Spam L Floor 6: For armor: 4/4 necromancer, 2(or more) pieces on Giant for surviving boss, 3/4 storm with wither googles or 4/4 storm for clearing For weapon: 50 mil or above midas spoon is great but optional. You will be probably going to fail a lot of runs in floor 3-4 with shadow The Catacombs - Floor VII Party size: 1-5 Dungeon Size: Large Boss: Maxor, Storm, Goldor, and Necron The Wither Lords Disciples of the Wither King. If using wise 3/4 wise dragon armor or 4/4 superior dragon for the AOTD buff. See more: Catacombs Floor Mechanics. A few things first: 1. . Any Ok I think Ive found it; you really need to get dungeon armor, namely legendary zombie soldier. They need high damage and good title im thinking of buying a livid dagger after getting carried in f5, but i will need a good armor set aswell and i dont know witch one to get i read the forums and everyone was I'm trying to find out how to see the difference between floor 4 and floor 5 gear but I can't tell. All posts and videos regarding dungeon Why? Because If your cata level is low, it's going to be pointless to have a full shadow assassin armor. 1. Status Not open (you will need one for I Haven't actually played Skyblock in a while, so I don't have dungeon levels, and apparently all the "good" armor requires it. Status Not open for further replies because of inactivity. Also I feel like all classes are fun to play Mid Game: Do Farming/Mining to get tens of millions, and also complete Floor 7 for 3/4 Necron Armor with a Tarantula Helmet (needs Spider Slayer level 4), and a Shadow Fury, but you They haven't even released Floor 4 yet, people are still waiting for it since the price of Adaptive Armor keeps decreasing. After being at least level 175, to access the dungeon you need to go to Magma Dungeon yuno_fild03 33 140. Which class should I update next, write in this post and what to So I've been wondering recently with the recent dungeon update but now many people can obtain dungeon dragon armor ex. in Hello! [WARNING] - This manual is outdated! I fixed the errors in the Tank and Berserk classes Which class should I update next, write in this post and what to update in it. (Strong/Superior), unless you really want to buy some dungeon armor. Skip to main content. Status Not open for Pets, weapons, talisman, talisman reforges, armor and etc. Floor 3. Here's a guide on how to defeat Thorn! There are a large range The Catacombs Floor II is the second floor inside the Catacombs Dungeon. Instead, the player must find the doorway that leads to the next What's the best non-dungeon armor for health, defense, and damage in the meta. If Warrior's Cry is the 5th Floor of Taedal's Tower in Throne and Liberty (TL) where you must fight Rusted Armor Warrior. For weapon it really depends, for most classes Floor 5-----Berserk: Livid Dagger / Shadow Fury / Giant Sword Ultimate Enchant on Any of the weapons- Legion 1-3 Armor- 4/4 SA or 3/4 SA with Perfect Tier 9 Chestplate (Reforge to Fierce) (Adding Armor-4/4 or 3/4 Use heavy armor with a mender helmet. Then Though, dungeon armors have catacombs requirements, so I recommend grinding Floor 1 for Catacombs EXP. Star it as many THIS GUIDE IS OUTDATED So, before you think about reading this guide, ask yourself, "Do I really want to be tank?" The Tank class is a very underused class, and is almost useless in the current dungeon meta. Necromancer lord for legs and boots if you have Floor 6 completion. I am wondering what armor I should get for floor 4s and up ( until I can get wither armor ) Try to be catacombs 50 and have full wear wolf armor. F1 gear Adaptive armor(3-4 starrred)(if your using bonzo mask make sure to 5 star it. The Recombobulator 3000 can be obtained from Obsidian or I currently have 3/4 wise dragon (not stared) Best mage armor past floor 4? Thread starter Sgt_gibles; Start date Jan 20, 2024 . (so like gear that works great and deals damage and will stop me from dying, but Floor 4 has well over 50 enemies at a time on the low end, Its decent, but is it livid decent, who not only has one of the best midgame dungeon sets in skyblock (with one of the pieces being extremely expensive) I had superior dragon I have fierce unstable armor and withered fot and I die as soon as I spawn. The weapon should be a fel sword with the dirty reforge. Use a Spiritual Juju Shortbow with Soul Eater 5, Overload 5 and Power 6. I'm struggling in floor 3 and I'm Zombie Knight Armor gives you more Defense than the armor below, which improves your survivability in the Dungeons. According to wiki it's "best budget In need to know what armor set is good for f4, or good enough that I can survive f4. Note that Best Early game dungeon armor. Once you do that, I’d honestly just sell the superior and exchange it for ancient shadow assassin armor (5 star Floor 4 if you can't survive on F5, otherwise F5. My recommendation for armor is 3/4 necro lord (legs,boots,helmet) all reforged to necrotic and 5 Hello everyone, just wondering if you know what the best dungeon setups for each floor are (what you need to do them) e. But rn im full adaptive, even adaptive sword, berserk, and floor 3 is hard. Is there a mod for this or is it just way that I'm not Log in Register. Radical25 Dedicated Wise or unstable dragon armor are good. No matter what dungeon class you are, keep your Found on Floor 3 Found on Floor 4 Found on Floor 5 Found on Floor 8 Found on Floor 10 Found on Floor 11 Found on Floor 14 Found on Floor 14 Found on Floor 15 Found on Floor 19 Found 0. It has adaptive armor, witch is a set you will use until u get like catacombs 25 or beat Floor 6. meesibeesi Active Member. Damage dealing pets. I also asked a few higher level dungeon players, most have the consensus to wait until You unlock necromancer lord armor on this floor, key for mage survivability. If you have I now have full Leg Shadow Assassin and a Livid Dagger. Then using AOTD and 5* drag armor, do floor 1s until they become easy, then same with floor 2s and floor 3s. Inherited the Catacombs eons ago. g hardened diamond for floor 1- just an example, I dont I want to go mage in dungeon, what armor is good for floor 4/5. Floor Mechanics. com Case: NZ The Recombobulator 3000 is a LEGENDARY Dungeon item that can be used to upgrade the rarity of any item by one tier. The Catacombs - Floor VII is the seventh and final floor inside the Catacombs Dungeon. Im willing to spend 1 mil or The undeads won't be able to damage you. Floor 2: For floor 4 you can try doing it with your zombie soldier armour or adaptive, but there is another And, if you're not on a budget, it's pretty much the same build for people who are not on a budget in floor 4, being this: Shadow Assassin Helmet (5 Star) Zombie Knight what is the best armor for floor 4? Thread starter kebabik404; Start date May 25, 2022 . The set also gives you a good amount of Strength. May 29, 2021 #2 what class . Purpose. See more: Catacombs. But without further ado, let's begin. Floor 1 [] Floor 1, the first proper floor of the Catacombs, is harder compared to or any other type of armor that a dungeon mob drops So for floor 4 berserkers I recommend that you buy 3/4 shadow assassin gear (helmet, leggings and boots), and for the chestplate I recommend you buy an epic or Just use your normal armor out of dungeons for the first few time you run dungeons, as there r catacombs req for most dungeon armors. This strategy works for all blood rooms until floor 4. It is dropped by Super Tank Zombies, which spawn in The Catacombs - Floor IV and up. (working on it) ***1A Budget Sense*** First off, beating entrance and floor 1 (Bonzo) Is not that hard, entrance any dragon armour Can be power creeped by new dungeon armor (floor 6+) I will appreciate any input. armor and sword wise Log in Register Join Im cata level 10 and i was wondering what the best setup (weapons, armor. After a floor 1 completion, Try to be catacombs 50 and have full wear wolf armor. wise, strong. hypixel. Use an epic dreadlord sword for weapon and reforge tali to demonic. An armor imbued with immense Adaptive Armor is an EPIC Dungeon Armor set that can be obtained in Dungeons by killing The Professor. Floor 4 is a large, open floor, with the theme being a desert. (4 things real quickly, 1, Don't keep on doing a floor if you can do the floor above and survive decently except f7, ill explain that soon enough Also, Try not to use party finder if you Hello to everyone reading this. They are preferably better than ender armor (Although you do need those - Armor: Dark Googles + 3/4 Adaptive Armor , Bonzo Mask + Zombie Soldier Armor, Adaptive Armor, Wise Dragon This is basically a given. You want Shadow Goggles for the helmet. : put ancient on your sa peices 3. Server IP » mc. Is there any way to tell what floor it This video features more than a basic guide, going in-depth into how to avoid everything and defeat the boss faster. Below will be presented all the equipment, the Armor Setups (READ NOTE AT BOTTOM) Berserker (Decently Important): Honestly, I don't really know bc I've seen berserkers in 3/4 strong tara, Sup, Frozen Blaze, and Dark Goggles + Wise. If your survivability isn’t good enough, consider Then head to Abyss Lake Dungeon F3, the portal to the 4th floor is located at abyss_03 91 110. This is a dungeons gear guide "Wow such a original idea" Yah I know. get cata 18 and dungeon your I got a flower of truth and I am level 9 berserk. Perfect chestplate OR super heavy. lea. It works perfectly up to fl 3, I can tank most of the damage (even on boss fights). If you're dying in the f4 - once you get a floor 3 completion, get adaptive armor. Status Not open for uh i recently bought wise dragon armor and the Weapon: runaan/ Magma bow for budget, and remember your aiming enchantment doesnt work in dungeon. xAcademy. I decided to make a list of them here. Thread starter Dqrkns; Start date Feb 14, 2021 . Read on to see an overview of Rusted Armor This floor is really good for grinding catacombs levels, so grind it until you have somewhere around Cata 15, then you can probably use Super Heavy Armor, or if you grind for F1-F3: Non dungeon armor such as the old dragon and protector dragon is extremely overpowered for these floors as your teammates should take little to no damage. Is it still the superior dragon armor even though it got nerfed? Click to expand necron (yes its Floor 5 Items: Preview _____ With the new community center update, devs also released the previews of the new items coming with floor 5, as well as the dungeon V potion. Joined Jul 16, 2020 Messages 54 Reaction score 3. 6: Fixed Adaptive Armor requiring the Adaptive Belt This is plain wrong. Your gonna need perfect armor in later floors so I recommed getting diamond minions up. : 5 star all your armor 2. It features Master Bonzo as the boss, is classified as tiny (4x5 room size), and requires Catacombs Level 1 to enter. Others: you are going to stay with your teammate, as a Floor 4 of the Catacombs Dungeon has finally been released to the public, and with each floor, there's a new boss. Alright dungeon armor recommendations. Changed Full Set Bonus' Healer perk from +10 Health Regen to +5 Mending: October 24th, 2023 0. It features Scarf as the BOSS, is classified as small (5x5 room size), and requires Catacombs Level 3 to enter. Aurora is better only outside of dungeons While I personally can clear F7 in Aurora armor without getting evapourated on a spot (and probably do boss with tank nearby - but I'm not gonna test it as I refuse All of these armor pieces can be enchanted with Growth 5, Protection 5 and Thorns 3 (Spirit leaps, accessories, Dungeon potions or god pots if you really want to, Grappling The small skulls between headline and score represent the Dungeon floor the rank has been achieved on. Obtained as Dungeon Secrets. Also use a spammy bow/ aotd for protecting yourself. A set better than Zombie Soldier that you could consider is Adaptive armor. two separate pieces of Hi everyone i am a mage and i am preparing for floor 4 i would like to i am a mage and i am preparing for floor 4 i would like to know everyones opinion for what to get after I am planning to buy some tank armor for floor 6, but i am unsure what tank armor, pet, and weapon to get. Just wondering if any Archer: 3/4 Necron's Armor with a Golden Sadan Head, reforged to Ancient. The Catacombs - Floor IV is the fourth floor inside the Catacombs Dungeon. Go to the second floor of the dungeon to mag_dun02 The Necromancer Lord Armor is a LEGENDARY Armor set obtained in The Catacombs - Floor VI. as the name suggests, it will adapt to your class and since it is a dungeon armor set, it will let you survive for longer, you Floor 1-for floor 1 target rotten armor and a dreadlord (aka walmart hyperion)-dreadlord will be used for later purposes-try and get a decent party to help with 50 bonzo collection runs. My hotbar while in floor 4 looks something like this Fabled Livid Dagger Sharp FOT Oct 25, 2024 The Catacombs - Floor IV is the fourth floor inside the Catacombs Dungeon. However, this is not In this video I go over the best armor for the most crucial floors in Skyblock's progression, Floors 4 to 7 in dungeons.