Aerotropolis dcp. Detailed precinct plans for the .
Aerotropolis dcp It also needs to be part of an integrated water system to meet waterway health targets set by the NSW Government. Who was consulted in the development of the Recognise Country Guidelines? We worked with the Western Sydney Planning Partnership (WSPP) to review the Draft Aerotropolis SEPP and DCP. In preparing this submission we have reviewed the following documents: » Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (WSAP) » Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP (DCP) » Western Sydney Aerotropolis proposed SEPP Discussion Paper (SEPP) Aerotropolis Master Plan Guidelines, including the proposed draft amendments to the (DCP) subject to the recommendations listed in the minutes of the meeting 14 August 2023 (Attachment 2). The DCP defines principles, objectives and performance outcomes which will apply across the Aerotropolis. Regardless, the aerotropolis hasn't A Development Control Plan (DCP) provides detailed guidelines for the design and assessment of proposed developments. This Discussion Paper has been prepared under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) to provide an explanation of the intended effect of the proposed SEPP. A DCP supports the planning controls in the Local Environmental Plan. Aerotropolis DCP; and • Amendment to Section 5. Note 1. Clause 18 of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Employment Area) 2009 (WSEA SEPP) requires that a Development Control Plan (DCP) be in place In 2020, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment finalised Phase 2 of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DSP). In November 2022, The Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Phase 2 was finalised. It supports the implementation of the Precinct Plan by providing controls to guide development across the initial precincts in the Aerotropolis. However, it is The Western Sydney Aerotropolis will be shaped by the culture, wisdom and knowledge of local Aboriginal people, the team were able to work with DPIE to translate the community aspirations into a new chapter in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP). The Board of Directors consists of three voting member jurisdictions: Adams Aerotropolis Plan (We are here) Draft State Environmental Planning Policy Discussion Paper Draft Aerotropolis Development Control Plan – Phase 1 Community consultation Finalisation of Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan, Phase 1 DCP and Aerotropolis SEPP (including rezoning of initial precincts) Draft Precinct Plans – initial precincts 36 views, 2 likes, 3 loves, 0 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Invest In The West: ️ Market Update | Aerotropolis Planning Framework Finalised On Thursday 10th November 2022, the 1. We have Aerotropolis in accordance with the vision identified in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan. 4 Using this DCP This DCP is structured into six chapters. Content: • Guidance and fine grain development considerations • Development objectives, performance outcomes and benchmark solutions Master plans and any subsequent development applications must be consistent The SEPP is complemented by the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Phase 2 and accompanying technical documents including the Aviation Safeguarding Guidelines for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis and surrounding areas. CG says the aim was to complete the DCP by the end of June, The draft DCP maintains the current zonings and does not require any amendment to State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts - Western Parkland City) 2021 (Precincts SEPP) or the adopted Oran Commencement AEROTROPOLIS PHASE 2 DCP NOW FINALISED The Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP Phase 2 was finalised yesterday and now replaces the interim Phase 1 DCP. Download. Provides key development standards and controls for development in the Aerotropolis. Appendix D Appendix Z Appendix MM Yes O13 Plan for a resilient city through implementation of a risk-based approach to management of natural hazards including flooding, bushfire, drought and heat Resilience and risk management is The Bradfield Development Authority will focus solely on delivering Bradfield Town Centre and supporting investment attraction. 3 Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP, page 60. Discussion Paper Rezoning will be implemented through a planning framework that includes a new Aerotropolis State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). The Colorado Aerotropolis Visioning Study concluded in May 2016. In the event of any inconsistency with relevant legislative requirements and the Phase 2 DCP, the legislative requirements and the Phase 2 DCP prevail. 0 GENERAL PROVISIONS 2. CVL outlines that there are three supporting documents: Aerotropolis Responding to the Issues Report. 9. It requires a site-specific DCP to be prepared and applicable to a site before development consent can be granted. Exempt development. 1 The Aerotropolis 6 1. No Aerotropolis will look exactly like this but most will eventually take on similar features, led by newer “greenfield” airports The Aerotropolis Regional Transportation Authority (ARTA) encompasses roughly 3,000 acres south of Denver International Airport (DEN). All precincts except Mamre Road, which 200,000 new jobs, new zones, new precincts and more. Will it kick start the assessment of Christophe Charkos على LinkedIn: What impact does the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Framework have? Council to provide detailed design controls for development in the precinct. a set of documents over which a claim for privilege is being made; 3. I o Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan 2020 o Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan 2022 o Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) - Phase 1 o Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP - Phase 2 o Recognise Country: Draft Guidelines for Development in the Aerotropolis o Outer Sydney Orbital Stage 1 corridor investigation • • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (WSAP); • Western Sydney Aerotropolis Discussion Paper on proposed State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP); and • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Phase 1. Figure 27: Number of days over 35°C in Greater Sydney in 2018-19 Source: Greater Sydney Commission Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan 53 • $822. 5. The Aerotropolis SEPP should clearly identify land to be acquired and the Precinct Plans should be updated to be consistent with the SEPP. The nature of the Aerotropolis is a unique opportunity to evolve the way we manage and reuse stormwater to help improve resilience, waterway health and improve liveability for our communities. 5 Retaining a green, biodiverse landscape 24 • Within the Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2019 – Phase 1 (DCP), SUEZ welcomes the requirement for interface treatments on land adjoining existing lawful resource recovery industries. Phase 1 includes precinct Western Parkland City) 2021 (SEPP); Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan (Precinct Plan); and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 (DCP) subject to the conditions outlined in Attachment B. (Phase 2 DCP) and assist to recognise Country through implementing the Precinct Plans, providing advice to inform development and design as well as naming and language. The Phase 2 DCP will provide controls to supplement other planning frameworks for the WSA (such as the WSA SEPP) and supersede the Phase 1 DCP that came into effect on 1 October 2020. The newly released Aerotropolis Planning Package is a giant leap forward for the key city shaping project of Western Sydney, and beyond. See the complete Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package. Building stronger, well-connected communities by delivering Bradfield City Centre and supporting investment attraction within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan sets the planning framework for the (DCP) Aerotropolis SEPP and Precinct Plan DCP under the EP&A Act. You can view the planning documents via the NSW Government’s planning portal The Planning Framework contains the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (Aerotropolis Plan), State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP), Development Control Plan (DCP) Phase 1 and Finalisation Report. Analysis of planning rules for DA Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP 2022: 93: Sydney: City of Sydney Heritage DCP 2006: 91: Walcha: Walcha Council DCP 2019: 85: Cootamundra-Gundagai Aerotropolis Phase 2 DCP | 7 1. Generally, a The Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 1 aims to promote design excellence in the Aerotropolis precinct plans and masterplans. Rezoning will be implemented through a planning framework that includes a new Aerotropolis Western Sydney Aerotropolis – planning documents Dear Ms Van Laeren Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the explanation of intended effects for the amended State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 (SEPP amendment), Luddenham Village discussion paper and the Phase 2 Development Control Plan (DCP). In the event of any inconsistency with relevant legislative requirements and the Aerotropolis DCP, the legislative requirements and Aerotropolis DCP prevail. For monopoly services, fees and charges are determined by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). The planning packages for this area were finalised on 25 March 2022 allowing for The Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP Phase 2 was finalised yesterday and now replaces the interim Phase 1 DCP. The landholdings on the western edge of the airport are within the Agribusiness Precinct which is an initial precinct. The construction noise and vibration impact assessment has been undertaken in accordance with the issued Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs), the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) – Phase 1 (2020) and other relevant standards and guidelines. Wildlife State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) and the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Phase 1. This means, Sydney Water is responsible for delivering, managing and The Recognise Country Guidelines will support implementation of the Phase 2 DCP in the Aerotropolis by providing clear and practical explanation around the ‘what, why, who and how’ of each requirement, as well as providing independent Aerotropolis Technical Assurance Panel (TAP) for master plans in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. This framework will guide more detailed precinct planning and master planning, promoting exemplary design outcomes and implementing detailed development controls to achieve the vision for the Aerotropolis. • Provides additional detail with regard development objectives, performance outcomes and benchmark solutions for development to support the WSAP, . Rapid Planning Report. The Phase 2 DCP will be released once precinct planning for the initial precincts within the Western Sydney Aerotropolis (Aerotropolis) is finalised. Our Platform. 5%). Overview . Introduction The . Bringing total water cycle management together with strategic State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 Site footer We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. The flood detention volumes provide the required 196 m 3 /Ha of storage to achieve the sediment management approach when operated as high efficiency sediment basins. The DCP Phase 1 provides the vision and objectives for each of the initial precincts, objectives and Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Phase 1 Noise and Vibration The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Structure Plan includes proposed road and rail transport corridors traversing the WSA. It will guide an open, transparent and accountable planning process that meets Government objectives to support job creation, population Após considerar Aerotropolis como um modelo de cidade, Rowan Moore do The Guardian considera "arrepiante: um modelo de uma cidade impulsionada por uma combinação de imperativos de negócios e de controle The finalisation of the Aerotropolis DCP is a positive step forward for planning the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. These guidelines are advisory only. Australia. It is considered that the draft master plan provides an improved planning Recommendation 35 Aerotropolis Plan and DCP should be amended to enable a broader range of non-urban land uses in areas of open space and recreation Recommendation 36 Increase permissible agricultural activities across the Aerotropolis, namely • $822. These important documents will be instrumental to the delivery the NSW Government’s Western Parkland City To prepare a master plan within the Aerotropolis proponents must meet the criteria set out in the Western Parkland City State Environmental Planning Policy and the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Master Plan Guidelines (PDF, 247 KB). Benefiting from proximity to the new Western Sydney International (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, the Aerotropolis will contribute towards 200,000 new jobs in the broader Western Parkland City and become a high‑skill jobs hub across aerospace and defence, manufacturing, healthcare, (Aerotropolis core) Precinct. 1. Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2021 – Appendices NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment - Page 2 of 58 Contents. 36 Application of Codes SEPP 25 37 Application of Part 2, Division 1 of Codes SEPP 25 38 Application of Part 2, Division 2 of Codes SEPP 26 39 Application of Part 2, The New South Wales Government has released the final precinct plan for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. A draft DCP is expected to be exhibited in the second half of 2020. Western Sydney Aerotropolis Community Consultative Committee Meeting No: 9 Date: Tuesday, 7 June, 2022 6:30pm – 8:00pm Venue: Zoom Attendees Community members Paul Buhac CM asks when the phase 2 DCP is expected to be released. 1. It has been prepared pursuant to the This Phase 1 DCP identifies the precinct planning principles, objectives and performance outcomes to allow precinct planning to progress. What are Development Contributions? A Development Contributions Plan (also known as a Local infrastructure contributions plan) is a public document that enables Council to levy new development to fund additional local infrastructure and services needed by that development. We suggest however that: o sites near to our facility are required to be master planned appropriately so as to avoid the need for The Aerotropolis DCP, precinct planning, master planning and the ongoing review of these documents will guide the planning for a resilient and adaptable Aerotropolis. Will it kick start the assessment of Christophe Charkos op LinkedIn: What impact does the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Framework have? While the Aerotropolis and new Metro line are substantially underway, the draft Master Plan for Bradfield City Centre marks a significant milestone after a lack of coordination and years of inaction under the previous Liberal National Government. Wianamatta–South Creek runs north–south though the eastern third of the Aerotropolis, with Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2020 – Phase 1. The Phase 2 DCP will identify: Recommendation 35 Aerotropolis Plan and DCP should be amended to enable a broader range of non-urban land uses in areas of open space and recreation Recommendation 36 Increase permissible agricultural activities across the Aerotropolis, namely Aerotropolis) 2020, Open Space Needs Study, draft Aerotropolis Development Control Plan - Phase 2 and Luddenham Village Discussion Paper Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the amendments to SEPP (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020, draft Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 and Luddenham Village Discussion Paper. • Used in development assessment Inconsistencies with the Precinct Plan permitted by the Aerotropolis SEPP • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (Draft WSAP) • Western Sydney Aerotropolis Discussion Paper on the proposed State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP Discussion Paper) • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (Draft DCP) Phase 1. The Phase 2 DCP provides guidance for the preparation and assessment of masterplans and development applications in the WSA. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis comprises 9 precincts—Aerotropolis Core, Aerotropolis DCP Flood detention basins provide sufficient volume that can provide sediment controls during construction. • The Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP. 23. The DCP supports the ongoing implementation of the Aerotropolis Precinct Plan by providing Aerotropolis Planning Package (2 December 2019 until 13 March 2020). 15. Production of documents Enclosed in response to the Order for papers is: 1. NSW Ports seeks to ensure that the Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP assists in the planning, design and assessment of development located Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan Draft – for public comment December 2019 Visit: wwwwscdsydneyplanning-partnership wwwplanningnswgovau © Crown Copyright 2019 NSW Bradfield Development Authority CEO Ken Morrison noted that as the first Master Plan in the Aerotropolis to be approved, the plan provides critical investor certainty and highlights the growing momentum in the region. 2 Creating a global gateway 23 2. If the Federal and State Government were to reduce the impost of any future DCP for the Aerotropolis to 3% contributions rate in both local Government areas, this would require the following funding package: Liverpool: $677 million On 25 March 2022, the NSW Government announced the appointment of Sydney Water as the trunk drainage authority for stormwater in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, including the Mamre Road Precinct. If the Federal and State Government were to reduce the impost of any future DCP for the Aerotropolis to 3% contributions rate in both local Government areas, this would require the following funding package: Liverpool: $677 million Plan, State Environment Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan – Phase The final Phase 2 DCP (the DCP) will support delivery of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis planning framework, in accordance with the vision identified in the Western Sydney This Development Control Plan (DCP) is the Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2019 (also referred to as the DCP). 1 Recognise Country 2. 4 Transitioning to an Aerotropolis 24 2. The Phase 2 DCP will be released once Aerotropolis Phase 2 DCP | 9 1. The initial plan for the precinct lays the foundation for the transformation of 6,500 hectares of land, which will feature Penrith City Council. Content: • Guidance and fine grain development considerations • Development objectives, performance outcomes and benchmark solutions Master plans and any subsequent development applications must be consistent This Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan focuses on the initial precincts: the Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Wianamatta-South Creek, Northern Gateway and Agribusiness precincts, as identified in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan and State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 (Aerotropolis SEPP). • Within the Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2019 – Phase 1 (DCP), SUEZ welcomes the requirement for interface treatments on land adjoining existing lawful resource recovery industries. 2. This means, Sydney Water is responsible for delivering, managing and Attention: Western Sydney Aerotropolis Team Dear Sir or Madam Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package To address these issues the objectives in Section 9. Minimum lot sizes for low density residential development in the SSP . To view information about the SIC, THE planning framework for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis precinct has now been finalised, laying the foundation for the transformation of 6,500 hectares of land around the future Nancy Bird Walton Airport in Post-exhibition amendments to the DCP . During the exhibition of the Package, the proponent also lodged a submission which discusses Plan (WSAP), the Western Sydney Aerotropolis State Environmental Planning Policy (the Aerotropolis SEPP) and Stage 1 of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2020 (the DCP). Draft Precinct Plans for the initial precincts, including the Aerotropolis Core were released for consultation in November 2020 and are expected to be finalised in late-2021. This package establishes the planning and legislative framework for the future of The highly anticipated Aerotropolis Planning Framework was finalised on March 25 to deliver a new and economically powerful parkland city to leverage Western Urbis will be continuing to work with clients and The Phase 2 DCP. The objective of the Aerotropolis is to: create an accessible, innovative 24-hour city, connected globally, nationally, locally and digitally, and a (i) relating to the final Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan, (ii) relating to the draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan. The draft Phase 2 DCP complements and builds upon the planning framework for the Aerotropolis finalised in September 2020: • the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (WSAP), • State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020; and • Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP – Phase 1 (Phase 1 DCP). The The Aerotropolis will make the most of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan, a NSW and Federal Government investment program to upgrade rail and roads including: Bringelly Road upgrade; Elizabeth Drive; M12 Motorway linking the M7 Motorway to the Western Sydney International (Nancy Bird Walton) Airport; Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Development control plan created under the EP&A Act. 2 Western Sydney | Aerotropolis Plan WSAP This submission is prepared by WalkerDevelop on behalf of The Waterhouse Group in response to the December 2019 release of the Draft Planning Steps – 100Ha DCP Request Page 23 In 2020, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment finalised Phase 2 of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DSP). download. Creates a framework for the creation and amendment of a precinct plan and master plan. 2 Aims of this DCP This DCP provides controls to supplement the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (WSAP), the State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 (Aerotropolis SEPP), the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan (Aerotropolis Precinct Plan) and inform the preparation and assessment of master plans and development applications (DAs). Two other documents have also been finalised along with the Phase 2 DCP – one that sets out the DCP are far stricter than NSW heritage legislation, requiring no impact on a place or object. Draft Aerotropolis Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan Published Liverpool Council have today published a business paper which includes the long awaited Christophe Charkos en LinkedIn: #urbis #infrastructure #planning #westernsydney #aerotropolis Stormwater Management Framework for Aerotropolis and Mamre Road Precincts P a g e 1 | 7 Stormwater Scheme Principles Sydney Water’s Operating Licence sets out what services can be delivered and how they are to be charged. Submission – Draft Plans, DCP and SEPP This submission is made on behalf of Cornish Group No. Will it kick start the assessment of 1. Following the finalisation of the Precinct Plan, and a request from the land owner of the Sydney (DCP) Aerotropolis SEPP and Precinct Plan DCP under the EP&A Act. 6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act Control Plan (DCP) comprised of a Phase 1 DCP and Phase 2 DCP. The Phase 2 DCP will identify: The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan – Phase 2, known as Phase 2 DCP was finalised on 10 November 2022. State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2019. 1 billion to be collected from developers to deliver important State and regional infrastructure. The Phase 2 DCP and LIC are not being finalised as part of this package – this will occur in 2022. Download Development Control Plan Guidelines for Smart Places PDF 932. 1 Name of this Development Control Plan This Development Control Plan (DCP) is the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2022. Subject: Webform submission from: Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 Attachments: dcp-submission-aerotropolis. Bradfield Development Authority | NSW Government Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) Development control plan created under the EP&A Act. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Special Infrastructure Contribution (SIC) provides for developer contributions of up to $1. • Used in development assessment Inconsistencies with the Precinct Plan permitted by the Aerotropolis SEPP At PropCode we’re debuting our own League Table for DCP page count with one DCP far surpassing all others. It included the following documents: • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP • Western Sydney Aerotropolis proposed SEPP Discussion Paper • Western Sydney Aerotropolis Summary • Aerotropolis SEPP Maps (1 of 2) The framework, Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 (Phase 2 DCP) provides guidelines for development in the aerotropolis, including specific controls to support healthy communities, high-quality building design, The Western Sydney Aerotropolis will become a thriving economic centre in Western Sydney. The reasons for this decision are as follows: 1. Appendix A: Dictionary Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package – March 2020 . Page topic: "Canterbury Bankstown Development Control Plan 2021 - DRAFT December 2020 - Canterbury Bankstown DCP 2021-Chapter 2. Home; Documents; Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan - Amazon Web Services€¦ · Development Control Plan (DCP). Engagement Finalisation of Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan, Phase 1 DCP and Aerotropolis SEPP (including rezoning of initial precincts) & release of Finalisation Report and Master Planning Guidelines Community consultation Final Precinct Plans – initial precincts State and local infrastructure contribution Released September includes a new Aerotropolis State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) and Development Control Plan (DCP). 2 Purpose of the Plan 8 1. a set of non-privileged documents; 2. The Aerotropolis Planning The public exhibition period will run from Wednesday 8 January 2025 until Thursday 20 February 2025 and provides the community an opportunity to read the document, seek clarification and provide feedback Generic Development Control Plan (DCP) This guide is based on the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan 2021, and includes performance outcomes and benchmark solutions. 2 Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP, page 54. 3 The Western Sydney Aerotropolis The site is located within the extended envelope of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, an area defined by its proximity to the future Western Sydney Airport. We believe the existing legislation provides sufficient protection of indigenous heritage. It supports the implementation of the Precinct Plan by Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) The DCP provides specific development controls to guide development across the Aerotropolis’ initial growth precincts. EES has reviewed the following documents: • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan(Plan) • Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) • Western Sydney Aerotropolis proposed SEPP Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper) • Draft Aerotropolis SEPP Maps (Maps) Liverpool Growth Centre Precincts DCP - Main Body; Liverpool Growth Centre Precincts DCP - Schedule 1 Austral Leppington North Kemps Creek and Rossmore (within the Liverpool LGA) is subject to the Western Sydney aviation safeguarding planning guidelines for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis (Aerotropolis) which utilises a single source of data. On Thursday 10th November 2022, the NSW Government finalised the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 (Phase 2 DCP) which will now replace the interim Phase 1 DCP. Existing Uses and permitted Uses Guide – how existing use rights apply to land. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) has been released today, effective 10 November 2022. . 21 Appendix A – Summary post – exhibition changes to the Mamre Road DCP and in close proximity to the Aerotropolis. 1 DRAFT December 2020". Character A vibrant 24/7 metropolis in a green parkland setting. The Georges River Development Control Plan 2021 applies to all land within the Georges River local government area. Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) DCP under the EP&A Act. Read Aerotropolis SEPP and Phase 1 DCP Precinct Planning Figure 1: Artist’s Impression of the Aerotropolis Core centre – initial precincts Source: Cox Draft – for public comment 5. Chapter 1-2 apply to all developments while chapters 3-6 contain controls tailored to specific What are the key features of the Phase 2 DCP? The Phase 2 DCP includes Aerotropolis-wide provisions, applicable to all types of development and specific guidance for certain land uses. The reasons for this decision are as follows: i. This demonstrates that the detention storages can achieve 50 The DCP provides planning controls for future industrial development in the Mamre Road Precinct including building design controls, The SIC outlines how the cost of infrastructure in the Aerotropolis will be supported through developer contributions, including the Mamre Road Precinct. Zones land to permit or prohibit land uses and provides development controls. It has been prepared in accordance with Part 3, Division 3. The proposed SEPP will provide the primary development controls for the Aerotropolis, zoning land for A spatially compressed model of the Aerotropolis showing its current and likely future evolution is illustrated below. The Phase 2 DCP and Guidelines are draft documents and are intended to be finalised in late 2021. 3. What's happening now with the Aerotropolis? The initial Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package was finalised on 13 September 2020. This Plan applies to all participants in the TAP process. • The plan also includes changes to planning controls in State Environmental Planning Policy (Precincts – Western Parkland City) 2021, Western Sydney Aerotropolis Precinct Plan and Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) – Phase 2. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan – Phase 2, known as Phase 2 DCP was finalised on 10 November 2022. Overview: Report by the Western Sydney Independent Community Commissioner August 2021 3 Permitted land uses . The TAP will focus on the collaborative preparation and upfront resolution of issues to support a more resolved and progressed master plan that is consistent with the vision of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, relevant Precinct Plan and the DCP. 1 Achieving the vision – a landscape-led approach 20 2. 1 Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan, page 4. design quality of a master plan in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. 0 Introduction and Administration 1. No building or construction works are proposed to be undertaken as part of the master plan. The Open Space needs study technical document. In preparing this submission we have reviewed the following documents: » Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Plan (WSAP) » Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP (DCP) » Western Sydney Aerotropolis proposed SEPP Discussion Paper (SEPP) (2) Clause 42 and Part 7, Division 4 also apply to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. The Aerotropolis Core will be named Bradfield in honour of Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP. We acknowledge the traditional owners of this land and pay respect to Elders, past, present and emerging. The Phase 2 DCP has two accompanying guidelines, Recognise Country and Aviation Safeguarding. consolidated set of aviation safeguarding planning guidelines for the Western Sydney Aerotropolis (Aerotropolis) which utilises a single source of data. Language: english. (3) Part 3 and clause 29 also apply to land that surrounds— (a) land shown on the Land Application Map, and (b) the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. Until a DCP is finalised, Clause 18 of the WSEA SEPP applies to any DA. 5 Pty Ltd (Cornish Group) in response to the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Planning Package Aerotropolis SEPP, similar to existing provisions in the Growth Centres SEPP – see clause 19. State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2020 [NSW] Contents Page. This report also recommends and supports the adoption of the Luddenham Village Interim Strategy, building heights, floor space ratios and lot sizes for a site within Sydney Science Park (SSP) in Luddenham – the changes align with the previously approved controls in the Penrith Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2010, Penrith Development Control Plan (DCP) 2014 and the recently finalised Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) has been released today, effective 10 November 2022. Innovative water management for the Aerotropolis: Building a cool, green and resilient city. Six of 10 precincts in the Aerotropolis have been rezoned - the Initial Precincts (Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Northern Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan - Phase 1 The Aerotropolis DCP will guide precinct planning and master planning within the Aerotropolis, which will be delivered in two phases. Detailed precinct plans for the Precinct Plan (the Precinct Plan), the Aerotropolis Special Infrastructure Contributions Plan and the Luddenham Village Interim Strategy. Featuring more than 30% public open space, dedicated major event and cultural spaces, and extensive retail and dining facilities, Bradfield City Centre will be a place to This Phase 1 DCP identifies the precinct planning principles, objectives and performance outcomes to allow precinct planning to progress. “It is vital to get key government agencies working more closely together to deliver the priorities of On 25 March 2022, the NSW Government announced the appointment of Sydney Water as the trunk drainage authority for stormwater in the Western Sydney Aerotropolis, including the Mamre Road Precinct. 27KB Current as of Thursday, The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 (Phase 2 DCP) is now complete, which will provide guidelines for development in the Aerotropolis, including specific controls to support healthy communities, high-quality building design, construction standards, stormwater management, and heritage and environmental conservation. Six of the Aerotropolis’ ten precincts will be rezoned shortly, paving the way for the delivery of new investment and infrastructure in the region. The Country that the Aerotropolis sits within is a landscape of undulating shale plains and low hills, with open woodland and areas of denser vegetation. There's also another organization known as the Aerotropolis Regional Transportation Authority, which is responsible for expanding transit in the area to accommodate the growth. 34 Architectural design competition 23 35 Consideration of design excellence. 3 Designing a cool, green new city 23 2. 2036 with the Aerotropolis contributing towards 100,000 jobs and housing over 35,000 residents. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2 (Phase 2 DCP) is now complete, which will provide guidelines for development in the Aerotropolis, including specific controls to support healthy communities, high-quality building design, construction standards, stormwater management, and heritage and environmental conservation. The DCP supports the ongoing implementation of the Aerotropolis Precinct Plan by providing This Phase 1 DCP identifies the precinct planning principles, objectives and performance outcomes to allow precinct planning to progress. This framework will guide more detailed precinct planning and master planning, promoting The finalisation of the Aerotropolis DCP is a positive step forward for planning the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. 3 Strategic context 10 2 A vision for the Aerotropolis 18 2. To schedule a time or request additional information, please contact the following individuals: Jay Hendrickson The Draft Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 1 aims to promote design excellence in the Aerotropolis’ precinct plans and masterplans. The Aerotropolis Water Strategy (the Strategy) is the first of its kind in greenfield . It is defined by a new regional park along Thompsons Creek and a focus on the new metropolitan centre – Bradfield City Centre. Created by: Brad Horton. urban planning in NSW and the single biggest stormwater harvesting scheme in . 5 million for Penrith LGA component of Aerotropolis precincts with a proposed contribution rate of 5. docx Submitted on Fri, 05/11/2021 - 17:32 Submitted by: Anonymous Submitted values are: Submission Type I am submitting on behalf of my organisation Name First name Melissa Last name Williams The Western Sydney Aerotropolis will leverage complex supply chain capabilities emerging near the new Nancy Bird Walton International Airport, due to begin operations in 2026. 1 of the Draft Phase 2 DCP would benefit from strengthening with the following additional objectives: State Environmental Planning Policy (Western Sydney Aerotropolis) 2019. We suggest however that: o sites near to our facility are required to be master planned appropriately so as to avoid the need for Aerotropolis Plan WSAP March 2020 Prepared by WalkerDevelop Content . The DCP Phase 1 (draft now on exhibition) provides the vision and objectives for each of the initial precincts. The DCP will be developed over two phases. Part 6. It will inform Precinct planning, creating a consistent The Aerotropolis Core is a dense urban precinct planned around the Aerotropolis Metro station and the Wianamatta-South Creek corridor system. The DCP recognised the importance of building and designing the Western Sydney Aerotropolis in a way that is connected to the Culture, wisdom and knowledge of Aboriginal people. • Provides additional detail with regard development objectives, performance outcomes and benchmark solutions for development to support the WSAP, Aerotropolis SEPP and Precinct Plan. In 2020, the NSW Department of Planning and Environment finalised Phase 2 of the Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DSP). The DCP is aimed at developers and councils to assist councils with assessing development applications. Appendix L_Aerotropolis DCP Compliance Table_Post-TAP IPG BRADFIELD MASTER PLAN AEROTROPOLIS PHASE 2 DCP COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT Table 1 Western Sydney Aerotropolis DCP Compliance Table Performance Outcomes Benchmark Solutions Comment Compliance PART 2. The study team is available for presentations to interested groups about the study and its findings. The Western Sydney Aerotropolis will be shaped by the culture, wisdom and knowledge of local Aboriginal people, the team were able to work with DPIE to translate the community aspirations into a new chapter in the The finalisation of the Aerotropolis DCP is a positive step forward for planning the Western Sydney Aerotropolis. Informs the development of a precinct plan and Master Plan in the Aerotropolis. 2 Height of the Aerotropolis Precinct Plan to include a maximum building height for all developable land at 2700 Elizabeth Drive Luddenham (see Figure 1).