C4fm repeaters Auf der Homepage C4FM. Recente berichten. CC1. Radio Rondes zendamateurs in Nederland C4FM/FM-repeaters. AllStar / All Star Link: a network of radio repeaters, remote base stations, and hot spots accessible to each other via VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Über System Fusion werden also neben digitaler Sprache auch Positionspakete, Beim Start unseres Repeaters haben wir versehentlich die Sende- und Empfangsfrequenz in der Konfigurationsdatei vertauscht. Enter an address, city (and state), landmark, coordinates, or grid square (6-characters) and a distance radius. It is a network of Yaesu 144/430MHz dual band dual receive c4fm/fm digital repeaters. Deze repeater draagt de call PI2BOZ. There are many more internet nodes available in the UK, many of these are simplex nodes. The Bush, LA repeater is also running the node that allows for the FCS003 / 29 DWARN connection with various The Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club is proud to maintain three working repeaters in the Syracuse area, which are a mix of digital and analog technologies. PI2xxx callsigns voor UHF repeaters, PI3xxx callsigns voor VHF repeaters, hoeft niet langer nageleefd te worden. This can be DMR, D-Star, System Fusion (C4FM) and so on. 9: IRLP Node 1483: VE6VPD: Aldersyde Schöne Seiten mit Maps über weltweite C4FM-Repeater und Räume. RF communication is still a priority for this amateur radio group. The Columbus (147. We hebben dit reeds toegepast op alle repeaters op de Zoomflat. 9) Heaps Peak C4FM (San Bernardino, Riverside County and High Desert N5OS Repeater Site – Pascagoula, MS “The Triple T Maneuver” Testing, Tuning, Tweaking L to R: Rod Roberts, KC5LCW, Nick Conner, K5BQJ, Donnie Versiga Please Visit One of our Many Lansing Area Repeaters. rack mount unit for simple replacement of an existing repeater. Für Verbindungstests sind wir selber oftmals auf 438. Waarschijnlijk heb je via PI1VBG even de microfoon ingedrukt. PI1UTR D-Star; C4FM Repeaters. C4FM Repeater in auto mode. Bakenzenders in Nederland. 625 Location: Charlotte Offset / PL / Notes: (+) offset, 100 May 30, 2018 · DMR Repeaters. C4FM world map. It is a copy of an email following a query from WICEN SA Coordinator. which can do TDMA and access Tier II repeaters. WebSDR’s IJsselstein; PI1NOS 23cm FM (PI6NOS) PI6ATV Televisie; AMS (Automatic Mode Select) function automatically recognizes the signal as C4FM digital or conventional FM, and then the DR-2X repeater re-transmits the signal using the preset communications mode. The repeater can be found on 439. or, instead of a network talk group, two separate conversations that are local to that repeater only. N5OS Repeater Site – Pascagoula, MS “The Triple T Maneuver” Testing, Tuning, Tweaking L to R: Rod Roberts, KC5LCW, Nick Conner, K5BQJ, Donnie Versiga Feb 16, 2023 · repeaters. Covers Highways 1, 1A, and 93 in the Lake Louise area. nl. Here, you’ll find details on our C4FM repeater and how to get started with C4FM (Constant Envelope 4-Level Frequency Modulation) and WIRES-X equipment. Jul 12, 2024 · Onderstaande tabel toont de vergunningen voor 2 meter en 70 cm repeaters zoals gepubliceerd door de RDI in juli 2024. A brief introduction to the updated "digital" repeater is available to download here. 3 days ago · CFMC Repeaters. Welcome to our DMR TG 2501. C4FM (System Fusion) doet zijn intrede met nieuwe repeaters en Coevorden en Hilversum. RF communication is still a Local Repeaters. Excellent for downtown where intermodulation is a problem. Providing Analog and C4FM Digital Services to South & West Wales on the VHF 2 Meter Band. Some repeater sites have tricky limitations that the ARRG Technical Team uses specialized equipment to overcome and give you the best operating experience. In my opinion, the reputable China brands like TYT and Radioddity offer Providing Analog and C4FM Digital Services to South & West Wales on the VHF 2 Meter Band. FM and Digital C4FM (Yaesu radios) as well as D-STAR (ICOM radios) Home Become a Member Monthly Events Upcoming Mode: FM / C4FM(AMS) Frequency: 145. Het is een overzicht van relais op amateur frequenties waarvoor door de Rijksinspectie Digitale Infrastructuur toestemming is verleend. En ook daar staat dat het een C4FM relais is. 600/223. Funkbetrieb: Frequenz einstellen und im DN-Mode CQ rufen! Unsere Region verfügt über eine nahezu lückenlose Abdeckung bis nach Glarus-Süd, dem St. Ein interessanter Betrieb im C4FM-Bereich, neben der reinen digitalen Sprachmodulation über einen Ortsrepeater, ist die Verbindung über Wires-X zu Repeatern oder Räumen, wie beim EchoLink-Betrieb. Internationale 27Mhz frequenties. N0NKI. Re: C4FM repeaters #3 Bericht door PA1GVZ » wo 24 feb 2016, 14. Not all repeaters that may be connected are listed. North West Fusion Group was set up to provide support in the use of C4FM across North West England and the UK/worldwide. Data Frequentie’s. Wide coverage NAC $145 for P25 Linked to Mankato and Minneapolis repeaters. The Bush, LA repeater is also running the node that allows for the FCS003 / 29 DWARN connection with various Sep 30, 2016 · Yaesu-Geräte mit C4FM: FT1-D, FT2-D, FTM-100, FTM-400, FT-991. 440 Mhz Repeater 443. Louis and the 147. ILS also maintains our own Wires-x Room #43844 along with YSF Reflector. See where the repeaters are. 650 (none) Open repeater - D-Star only San Francisco Radio Club Repeaters and Weekly Nets. To keep Repeaterbook a resourceful tool, we need your help to verify which repeaters are "off the air" or "on the air" or if they are "no longer and can be archived". For other Texas repeaters, please visit the Texas VHF-FM Society search page. In the early 2000’s GMSK emerged in the Amateur radio market as the dominant digital mode, however in 2013 Yaesu introduced “System Fusion” which quickly became the dominating digital format in We currently offer three high level Southern California Digital linked C4FM repeaters. 0 / CC 0 Brandmeister / ircDDB All licensed amateurs are welcome to use the repeaters of the Denver Radio Club. 800 (-1. 2 tone for Dec 18, 2022 · Schöne Seiten mit Maps über weltweite C4FM-Repeater und Räume. 441. Amp up Your Operation with the DX Engineering Super Card – Apply Now! Welcome to Cumbria CQ UK, Amateur Radio Repeater Network. nl BamiPorto. Grupong Magellan WA6GM / DX1M / VA3GMO is maintaining high elevation digital C4FM repeaters throughout California, Philippines, Australia. The Chicago FM Club currently operates six repeater systems under the Club Callsign WA9ORC. Click on the icon on the C4FM map to get information about the node, room or repeater. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Offset Access Location County Call Use Modes; 145. 950. We've collected a list of the best repeaters that you should have programmed. A chatroom is a place where several repeaters around the world can be connected. · Zijn er überhaupt repeaters actief in Nederland met C4FM? 73, Gert. xyz. 940 (-) 107. JOTA-JOTI Frequenties Nederland. C4FM nodes Active C4FM rooms C4FM repeaters. Hobbyscoop beheert inmiddels drie System Fusion repeaters, te weten PI1NOS (Hilversum), PI1AMS (Amsterdam) en PI1UTR Interactive, zoomable and clickable map; location of amateur radio repeaters, hotspots, information, frequencies, distances, c4fm, d-star, echolink, beacon etc. v. 250/449. Samen met de gelijknamige DMR en D-star repeater vormt UTR de ruggegraat van de Digitale systemen die vanuit IJsselstein beschikbaar zijn. 442. FM / DMR / C4FM / D-Star 77. Pleasants Peak C4FM (LA, & Orange County) 449. nl). All repeaters transmit a 156. Click Here. 3. Durch die Wiederholung digitaler C4FM-Daten über das Internet können Benutzer eine klare Sprachkommunikation genießen, auch wenn sie tausende Kilometer voneinander entfernt sind. PL 97. PI2BOZ C4FM is in samenwerking met PD5TON, Ton uit Bergen op Zoom uitgevoerd. 7 Hz: System Fusion (C4FM) in automatic mode. Jul 30, 2020 · Op deze site staat PI1VBG en die heeft: "Ondersteunde Modes: Yaesu C4FM, Icom D-Star, Motorola P25, Kenwood NexEdge". Note for TX Frequency or Offset, only 1 should be needed, some software asks for one or the other. 775 repeater in downtown St. GB3WW and is situated high on the hills of Port Talbot, South Wales to provide maximum coverage. org Jan 5, 2025 · Hetzelfde gold overigens voor de andere Hobbyscoop System Fusion repeaters PI1UTR en PI1AMS waarvoor ook geen vergunning verkregen werd. Maar wat zijn nu eigenlijk de verschillen tussen deze Dec 5, 2022 · Het principe wat ooit werd gehanteerd, zoals b. Apr 22, 2024 · Grupong Magellan WA6GM / DX1M / VA3GMO is maintaining high elevation digital C4FM repeaters throughout California, Philippines, Australia. AMS (Automatic Mode Select) function automatically recognizes the signal as C4FM digital or conventional FM, and then the DR-2X repeater re-transmits the signal using the preset communications mode. Free Shipping - Yaesu DR-1X 144/430 Dual Band C4FM/FM Analog/Digital Repeaters with qualifying orders of $99. 450 MHz (+) 79. The ones that are connected allow you to dial into a chatroom 5. La mappa è The "High Desert Amateur Radio Group" (HiDARG) has several repeaters linked together across Central Oregon. There is also a secondary market for good DMR radios. RELAIS-FRANCE-RADIO. On the repeater's details page is information including the up and down DG-ID, the DSC, digital and analog bandwidths, and the repeater mode. 5KHz spacing operated by the Leicestershire Repeater Group. 060 Shift: -600KHz Location: Uptown Charlotte @ 450ft AGL / 1200 ft ASL - 100w FUSION Room 03951 W4WBT - Digital DSTAR. Die Maps sind zoombar und ermöglichen so eine sehr schöne Suche nach weltweiten W9ILS (ILS) Repeater network is comprised of many C4FM Repeaters located throughout South Western, Central, and Northern Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky. org. Troop H. Zoom Spot / Wires-X / EchoLink A linked network of digital C4FM repeaters spanning Southern California. Search. 6125MHz. These repeaters are linked in digital voice to each Auto-refresh id list of c4fm rooms with sorting capability. C4FM map of repeaters in the world. Het zat er al even aan te komen: in voorbereiding op de omschakeling naar ingangen met C4FM wordt PI2NOS per 1 december 2024 voorzien van een CTCSS ingang op alle beschikbare ontvangers. KQ2 TV. 950 PL 151. By repeating C4FM digital data as it is via the Internet, users can enjoy clear voice communications even if they are thousands of miles away each other. West Virginia Amateur Radio maintains two repeaters. 9: DANBURY: GB3DB: OPEN: FM YSF : 144. Repeaters in St. 173 Port; 64738 ENTREE LIBRE !. Thanks to the friends who have collaborated by providing information and details of the Amateur Radio Repeaters published on this page. 000 118. Kortom, als ik alles juist heb dan zijn er hier in de regio maar liefst 3 C4FM repeaters actief, maar geen PI1HGL. 210Mhz repeater is using Yaesu Fusion C4FM Digital/FM technology using a 103. Zoals het artikel vermeld zal in de komende periode getest worden en sowieso blijven de repeaters in FM uitzenden (en in C4FM ontvangen). ARRL Teachers Institute: Coming to a Town Near You. repeaters. This capability is precious for operators Deze lijst van amateurrelaiszenders in Nederland is een opsomming van de relaiszenders (ook wel aangeduid met het Engelse woord repeaters) die in Nederland worden beheerd voor en door radioamateurs. Omhoog. De sterretjes staan voor de repeaters van het PI2NON netwerk in noord en oost Nederland. 7Hz CTCSS tone when in analog mode, enabling users to implement tone squelch. 7. 910Mhz repeater is analog only with a 103. Id list of C4FM repeaters of the world. xyz gibt es Infos und Maps zu den weltweiten Repeatern und Räümen im Wires-X-Netz von Yaesu. 3 / 127. WebSDR’s IJsselstein; PI1NOS 23cm FM (PI6NOS) PI6ATV Televisie; DWARN is a Digital Wide Area Repeater Network. Te weten een 419 YAESU SYSTEM FUSION REPEATERS FOUND IN UNITED KINGDOM = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Specificaties: Unter Nutzung der C4FM 4-level FSK Technologie, ist es zur digitalen Sprach- und Datenübertragung gedacht. 14Mhz) repeater is configured for C4FM Digital only and unlinked. 850 PL 100. From The ARRL. Jan 7, 2025 · CARC Repeater Information. Quick Links. Danël schreef: 12 augustus 2024 om 10:58. 25 Meters FM. 250 machine is BridgeCom BCR-40U with a MMDVM to support digital modes. Jul 19, 2020 · GB3CF is a 2m multi-mode narrowband FM, C4FM (Yaesu Fusion), D-Star and NXDN phone repeater using channel RV48 (R0) and audio could sound distorted and breakthrough with other repeaters on 145. 390 +600 KHz: 156. 1100-0. In this way digital users can talk with analog users and vice-versa. We 2 days ago · System Fusion C4FM Reflector; M17 - 235 Reflector; P25 - 235 Reflector; NXDN - 235 Reflector; Information. Repeaters. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 repeater FM/C4FM: Calgary downtown, Suncor Energy building. 450 is a Fusion repeater which will permit digital C4FM or analog conversation, but is not connected to the Internet. There are numerous other repeaters around the region provided by other groups and clubs as well, 448. EchoLink KB0LSM-R YSF Reflector US-STJMO #03793 HHotline 6100002645 and HHotline RF bridge 94191 Linked to NWMO WiRES-X Room. WebSDR’s IJsselstein; PI1NOS 23cm FM (PI6NOS) 4 days ago · De System Fusion repeater PI1UTR is gehuisvest in de Gerbrandytoren te IJsselstein. Repeaters kunnen onderling gekoppeld worden via internet, om zo een netwerk van repeaters te vormen. Dit is nodig Most C4FM repeaters, but not all, are connected to the internet. 77000 +0. PI1FLD D-star; PI1UTR D-Star; C4FM Repeaters. JOTA-JOTI – 2024. Frequenties die u als radiozendamateur mag gebruiken 31 december 2024. 000. Persoonlijk vind ik DMR beslist niet prettig om naar te luisteren dus had ik dit heel snel gedag gezegd. Deschutes County - Long Butte - 162. Use CTCSS tone 110. C4FM. 0. To use C4FM you must use a suitable Yaesu transceiver like the FT-2, FT-3, FT-5, FTM-100, FTM-200, FTM-300, FTM-400 or FT-991. Located in the town of Swindon Wiltshire, GB7NW and MB6TD provides C4FM coverage across Swindon. 300 +5. Shop Repeaters and System Components at DX Engineering. Zijn er überhaupt repeaters actief in Nederland met C4FM? 73, Gert. Click on a header to sort. It sits on a hilltop with a fantastic take-off across the Cheshire plane and thus provides a substantial coverage of the Cheshire area and beyond. TEAC Digipeater (Humble) WINLINK (W5SI-10) 145. de/ Rick Brown owns and operate two repeaters here, 224. C4FM Only, W4WOL. 8hz TWU WIRES-X (Wide-coverage Internet Repeater Enhancement System) is een koppeling waarmee een C4FM node verbinding kan maken met andere C4FM nodes via Internet. Frequency: 444. Just search for "US-Indiana Jul 19, 2020 · GB3CF is a 2m multi-mode narrowband FM, C4FM (Yaesu Fusion), D-Star and NXDN phone repeater using channel RV48 (R0) with 12. AMS Fusion/C4FM Wires-X: NorCal Repeater GRP (#43847) YSF06040 US-NorCalRptGrp. JOTA-JOTI DMR, D-STAR, C4FM. Mixed mode operation analog/C4FM Linked to STJMO WiRES-X Room. GB7CU Cumbria's first Digital C4FM Repeater located in West Cumbria Near Maryport. En op de dashboards van de reflectors/rooms. Binnenkort volgen er nog meer C4FM repeaters in het midden van het land die gekoppeld zullen worden in de "Netherlands-C4FM" room. 4) Sunset Ridge C4FM (LA, & San Bernardino County 447. 0hz The Colony User can change 443. 7625 and setup a System Fusion 70cm/2m – C4FM/FM-repeaters. Protection Mountain. 410 and 444. 000 carrier squelch and 444. 10 January 2025. Aug 2, 2015 · DMR en D-Star zijn reeds ingeburgerde begrippen in de radioamateur wereld. 410Mhz, Analog Only) and UHF (444. The 444. There are linked repeaters to the northwest. May 15, 2023 · SARA REPEATERS: Frequency: CTCSS: 145. 137. Er zijn intussen al verschillende repeaters QRV die amateurs die willen experimenteren met C4FM willen faciliteren. Vrije Frequenties. Any of the sites can be controlled from anywhere in the system. PI7NOS 24GHz baken; WebSDR’s. 0 Search. 56250 Jun 11, 2015 · En mi caso compré un Yaesu FTM-400 más por el APRS que por por el C4FM, pero aún así ya hice alguna prueba con otra estación en este sistema (con FT1D) y el resultado fue muy satisfactorio. Located at Oct 6, 2023 · NOUVEAU SERVEUR MUMBLE . Easy Migration The repeater controller, receiver and transmitter are all packaged into a standard 19 in. Die Karte ist dynamisch angelegt und zeigt die aktiven Relais und Nodes. I realy dont see the use case to these IP linked repeaters. org Hawaii County Digital Radio System "KH7MS NET": MMDVM Enabled modes: DMR/P25/C4FM and POCSAG on (5) repeaters that cover West Hawaii. 70 cm repeaters voor de radiozendamateur in Nederland. 147. Auch im Engadin wird man gehört! Nach der Anpassung dürfte die Abdeckung des C4FM-Repeaters HB9CR noch einmal verbessert worden sein – Feedbacks über Ihre Erfahrungen mit direktem HF-Zugang aus dem Grossraum Basel nehmen wir sehr gerne entgegen. Brandmeister (open to all TGs) Bayport, MN. GB3NC. 5-inch Full Color Touch Panel Operation; repeaters over a Wide-Area-Network (WAN) or Local-area-network (LAN) across short or DWARN is a Digital Wide Area Repeater Network. The repeater will switch between analog and C4FM modes automatically to match the input signal. 5 / 88. 9 for analog FM. 7 Hz for analog: The 442. Its C4FM/FM digital technology provides exceptional audio clarity, ensuring that communications remain intelligible even in less-than-ideal conditions. 0 / CC 0 Brandmeister / ircDDB Aug 24, 2017 · Nu de C4FM repeaters toegestaan zijn hoor je vooral veel DMR klanten binnen het C4FM netwerk. We put one up and it's got about 0 c4fm traffic but still shows up as a c4fm capable repeater. Andersom durf ik niet te zeggen of dit ook kan. Dec 5, 2018 · C4FM - Wires-X, Repeater, Rooms, Bridges. Frequency: 147. 34. Stichting Repeater Bergen op Zoom heeft momenteel zes systemen in de lucht vanaf drie locaties. There are many repeaters connected to the STL-Metro room, notably the 443. 240 MHz negative offset, no PL, DG-ID Tx Easily browse Australia's 29 C4FM amateur radio repeaters! Map includes input and output frequencies, tones, location information and other handy data. Joseph. The Bellville VHF (145. 070 MHz (Frequency) Simplex (no offset) TEAC club offers test sessions, swap meets, repeaters, field day and other special events. CHECK OUT THE NEWSLETTER. The YSF Reflector allows hotspot connections into the network from anywhere in the world. FR, C4FM. . Alle C4FM repeaters zitten op een of andere manier aan elkaar gekoppeld. 975 +5. To use C4FM you must use a suitable Yaesu transceiver like the Calnet Currently operates three high level Yaesu C4FM digital voice repeaters in Southern California and one in Northern California. 8 EchoLink: 62478 or WA9ORC-R Allstar: Node 555492 Dec 22, 2022 · Local Fusion Repeaters If you live in the Lewisville area you are in luck! There are three usable Fusion Repeaters within range: Freq. Note: Sorting does not carry through to exports! Offset Access Location Call Use Modes; 50. 3: Allenwood: Monmouth: N2MO The "High Desert Amateur Radio Group" (HiDARG) has several repeaters linked together across Central Oregon. 875Mhz, C4FM Only) repeaters are linked, so all traffic is shared between them. Oct 29, 2024 · Notes. The following information was sent to President Peter by Peter VK5JP. The map displays information from your PC: coordinates, call sign, etc Malcolm Keown, W5XX Section Manager 64 Lake Circle Drive Vicksburg MS 39180 (601) 636-0827 H w5xx@arrl. 000 100. Die Maps sind zoombar und ermöglichen so eine sehr schöne Suche nach weltweiten Jan 5, 2025 · Hetzelfde gold overigens voor de andere Hobbyscoop System Fusion repeaters PI1UTR en PI1AMS waarvoor ook geen vergunning verkregen werd. 5: Tulsa, Lookout Mtn: Tulsa: W5IAS All repeaters are linked full time with a full duplex linked backbone. 4MHz offset. 2 Meters C4FM Digital Fusion. C4FM is a Digital Communication mode used by Yaesu that provids both voice and data communications. 5-inch Full Color Touch Panel Operation; repeaters over a Wide-Area-Network (WAN) or Local-area-network (LAN) across short or Please Visit One of our Many Lansing Area Repeaters. 325+, AKA “The Big ‘Un” AKA “The People’s Repeater“, is the flagship. W0NH 146. Aug 28, 2023 · Good evening all Myself Nathan VK5DAD and Andrew VK5ONE would like to make an announcement that we have taken ownership of the VK5RDF 2m and 70cm repeater licence , the Licence is in my name due to ACMA will not allow two names on a licence now. OFFSET TONE LOCATION ROOM 443. JOTA World Scouting Frequenties. Door op de driehoekjes te klikken kun je de selectie aanpassen. Dankzij het nieuwe vergunningenbeleid die in werking is getreden per 1 april 2017 Download W5KA Repeaters on KVUE Tower by Quadrant for diagrams of the antenna placements. Deze draait stand-alone en is dus niet gekoppeld aan Wires-X of YSF. A complete list of IRLP nodes available in England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland appears below. Hiernaast zijn er ook plannen C4FM onder te brengen in het DMRplus netwerk waarvan de Hytera repeaters ook gebruik van maken. Dankzij het nieuwe vergunningenbeleid die in werking is getreden per 1 La Mappa è interattiva, zoomabile e cliccabile, una facile e rapida consultazione sulla posizione geografica globale con informazioni utili sui ponti radio ripetitori radioamatoriali; analogici, dmr, c4fm, d-star, echolink, beacon etc. Randy Becnel, W5UE Webmaster webmaster@arrlmiss. 750 + PL 114. FR, le Node Francophone et le M17 vous donnent rendez-vous sur ce serveur à Switch to the new Proximity 2. Related Links. 7250 MHz C4FM has no end of over ident, F3E uses the G8CUL logic access with 1750hz tone burst or 77hz sub tone, the Wij faciliteren met onze repeaters de radio-amateurgemeenschap in de wijde omtrek van Bergen op Zoom. Oct 8, 2021 · Info re C4FM repeaters in SA. Onderling is het niet 1op1 mogelijk. The club has installed a 70cm Yaesu C4FM repeater, VK2RBV, this unit is currently co-located with the D-Star in Sydney CBD on 438. 750 (-) C4FM Digital / FM. ” There is now a working agreement between the Utah Frequency Coordinator and RF Yaesu DR-2X 144/430 Dual Band Dual Mode C4FM/FM Analog/Digital Repeaters are digital / conventional FM dual mode repeaters with Dual Receive / Dual Transmit (DTDR) capabilities. The 146. Nodes map; Repeaters map; Big map of nodes Onderstaande tabel toont de vergunningen voor 2 meter en 70 cm repeaters zoals gepubliceerd door de RDI in juli 2024. Galler Rheintal mit Bodenseegebiet, Zürich mit Zürich-Unterland, etc, ein stetig wachsendes Netz. PI1NOS System Fusion; PI1UTR System Fusion; Bovenregionale repeaters. C4FM in mag, C4FM uit nog niet. San Francisco Bay Area Ham Repeaters. Keeper / NoV holder: MIKE BUNDY [G4WVD] Band: 2M (RV58)) Output frequency: 145. Ik heb nu sinds enige tijd, maanden, C4FM apparatuur en ben er Mar 5, 2019 · In C4FM newest encoding technology, the ideal, almost telephone quality of voice with a complete absence of noises. Die Maps sind zoombar und ermöglichen so eine sehr schöne Suche nach weltweiten To keep Repeaterbook a resourceful tool, we need your help to verify which repeaters are "off the air" or "on the air" or if they are "no longer and can be archived". 6 MHz: 88. C4FM Digital DN, VW & Data Wires-X W0TX Room 40931: 70 cmeters, GB3CF is a 2m multi-mode narrowband FM, C4FM (Yaesu Fusion), D-Star and NXDN phone repeater using channel RV48 (R0) with 12. 105 repeater in Imperial (Jefferson County). 33 +600 kHz: 110. Quality, and reliable communication is carried out with the help of an incredibly clear function of The Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club is proud to maintain three working repeaters in the Syracuse area, which are a mix of digital and analog technologies. The Repeater service is run by a All of our repeaters use quality equipment are properly maintained by the ARRG Technical Team which specializes in keeping the system in top condition. (* staat voor ontvangen in afgelopen tijd in Wormer NH)- bijgewerkt aan de hand van de lijst van de RDI mei 2024, tips van bezoekers en eigen ondervindingen. W9ILS (ILS) Repeater network is comprised of many C4FM Repeaters located throughout South Western, Central, and Northern Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky. Data by SV2BNL. C4FM Capable. PA1GVZ Berichten: 373 Lid geworden op: zo 25 nov 2012, 19. The Bush, LA repeater is the only repeaters on the system using the benefit of the IMRS abilities. You can click on the c4fm repeater on the map to get information. 940 (-) DG-ID 00 WØSRC – Clayton, MO; 1. Current sites are: Sunset Ridge, CA; Crestline, CA; Box Springs, CA; Mar 10, 2007 · This is a list of repeaters and internet connected repeaters. System Fusion allows state of the art digital C4FM users and legacy analog FM users to share the same repeater. The more information provided the better! If you have contact with a repeater trustee, please ask them to consider "adding" or "updating" their repeater listing and so they can be Yaesu DR-2X C4FM repeater deployed in San Mateo, Rizal, operating at 431. Frequency: 443. 270 MHz (-) 79. Sunset Ridge, CA. Anoka, MN. POCSAG is enabled on the Oceanview VHF/UHF repeaters 145. JOTA-JOTI Frequenties De 70cm C4FM repeater bevindt zich op de Groeshof en bestaat uit een Yaesu DR-1X als zend-ontvanger. Voor de komst van C2000 . If I'm going over IP anyways I can skip the whole ham RF thing and do it directly from my phone or PC. ----- Standalone Voice Repeaters: VE6FIL: Calgary: 444. 625 Location: Charlotte Offset / PL / Notes: (+) offset, 100 FARS Operates repeaters that cover ~47,000 km2 of Southern Alberta with links to other adjoining and overlapping networks. JOTA-JOTI Frequenties Wereldwijd. Jun 13, 2020 · Op het moment dat je met C4FM gaat zenden worden deze mee verstuurd. Durch die Nutzung der digitalen Kommunikation ist der WIRES-X-Betrieb einfach und benutzerfreundlich. Program your radios. A handy reference for standard offsets is located here. 275MHz unter unseren Calls HB9NBG (René) und HB9FZC (Carine) QRV. You can search the entire State of Texas by City, County, Call sign, or Output frequency. ” This is apparently due to some sort of agreement between the ARRL and “RF Finder. Aug 12, 2022 · It's realy simple Yaesu is giving clubs repeaters for next to nothing. Whether you’re at home in your shack or on a cross country caravan trip, Online Repeater Map aims to quickly and easily help amateur radio operators visualise the location of ham radio repeaters. Als je nu al C4FM wil uitproberen kan je een van de C4FM repeaters gebruiken zoals PI1NOS of PI1UTR. The 147. 27 tone 123) and UHF (441. Skip to content. All licensed amateur radio operators are welcome! WB4ETF - Digital C4FM. Repeaters Currently Online: 71 Visit our XLX600 page for a list of repeaters connected to our multimode reflector. (YSF C4FM) https://register. This is a hybrid C4FM and analog repeater, which supports Yaesu System Fusion radios. Given how many sources online (and printed) have missing or incorrect information, I have started a few years back a project to compile a frequency list for the San Francisco Bay Area. C4FM System Fusion will be supported on all repeaters except Honaunau (South Kona). Most of the repeaters on the system are networked together via WIRES-X with an HRI-200. These repeaters operate an open Yaesu Wires-X connection that is user controllable, and stand alone FM. Please Visit One of our Many Lansing Area Repeaters. C4FM map of repeaters in the world. Local Repeaters. Question and Answers; Items for sale; News; Weekly Nets; Links. 36 YAESU SYSTEM FUSION REPEATERS FOUND IN NEW JERSEY Feature Search = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. Si este verano vuelvo por las Rías Bajas haré alguna llamada en C4FM por vuestro flamante repetidor. nl Advertentie. 625 Location: Charlotte Offset / PL / Notes: (+) offset, 100 DMR Repeaters. 5-inch Full Color Touch Panel Operation; repeaters over a Wide-Area-Network (WAN) or Local-area-network (LAN) across short or You can access HUBNet via C4FM / WiresX using Yaesu WiresX room 41461 YSF Reflector 'GB HUBNet' Dashboard FCS Reflector FCS4-77 Dashboard Available on DV4Mini, BlueDV, Openspot and Pi-Star Please note WiresX room is C4FM Digital only. Deelnemers JOTA-JOTI. 5 PL TX tone. 7 Hz: 147. 150: ENC/DEC 110. 5 MHz: 110. 74. The repeaters are analog and C4FM Digital Fusion providing communication locally and linking around the world through Wires –X on the UHF digital repeater. KD9RFH. PI2NOS 70cm FM Landelijk; PI3UTR 2m FM Bovenregionaal; Bakens. Toegevoegd zijn de modulatiesoorten en tooncodes voor zover bekend. 600 MHz. It’s shown below for members information. The DX BullDozer!! Best Logbook Ever! System Fusion (C4FM) in automatic mode. 6MHz offset) (none) Open repeater – FM: 440. Dashboard DMR 2501; Maps C4FM. BamiPorto. 7625 (Receive) with the transmit frequency of minus 9mhz When setting up your radio all you need to do is enter the receive frequency of 439. (-) indicates a negative offset, while (+) will indicate positive (600kHz for 2meters). BM and MARC reference DMR listing. Stand van zaken februari 2024. Dit is bij de ontvangers van het signaal in het display te zien. We are especially fortunate in the Lansing Area to have several repeaters available to us. Op dit moment zijn de volgende repeaters in testopstelling QRV (Bron: Hamnieuws. Utilizing the digital communication, the WIRES-X operation is simple, easy and user friendly. ID is KA5D. 1062 +5. The map is full of other interesting markers. De kaart wordt 2 tot 4 keer per jaar bijgewerkt aan de hand 4 days ago · DMR Repeaters. Narrow the results by entering parameters in the remaining fields. The diagrams show headings and distances to area cities as well as red. 448. Grote wijziging aan PI6ZTM Tetra; Introductie RTLSDR Nieuwe RTL-SDR Blog V4 dongle; TX Factor Episode 29; Remote Direction Finding DragonOS KrakenSDR; Een overzicht van alle VHF en UHF repeaters in Nederland voor zendamateurs. 146. Repeater Frequencies Repeater Frequencies Repeater Frequencies. Repeaters DSTAR Repeaters C4FM Repeaters DMR Links Echo Link Digipeaters Beacons Search Help Contact . WIRES-X supports the C4FM digital and the clear and crisp voice technology enables high sound quality. Everyone is welcome and GB7IS is a Yaesu Fusion Repeater available to transmit and receive around the Weston-Super-Mare area covering South West of UK program your transceiver to activate GB7IS repeater. Our Yaesu DR-2X repeater ( 449. 4375 Location: Charlotte Offset / PL / Notes: (+) offset, 103. There are numerous other repeaters around the region provided by other groups and clubs as well, some are linked to regional systems covering large areas. PI1FLD DMR; PI1UTR DMR; D-Star Repeaters. Any AMS (Automatic Mode Select) function automatically recognizes the signal as C4FM digital or conventional FM, and then the DR-2X repeater re-transmits the signal using the preset communications mode. Jan 22, 2016 · the coming months, it will be possible to link and networking our repeaters with the increasing number of other System Fusion repeaters around the planet - in a manner similar to the reflectors that support D-STAR. Repeaters; Talk Groups; Jan 5, 2025 · Deze lijst van amateurrelaiszenders in Nederland is een opsomming van de relaiszenders (ook wel aangeduid met het Engelse woord repeaters) die in Nederland worden beheerd voor en door radioamateurs. Quote: Since we last spoke there has been a rapid development of the Adelaide-10-G room 69159. 675 Shift: +5. May 18, 2024 · C4FM is a Digital Communication mode used by Yaesu that provids both voice and data communications. Network connectivity is available via the YSF network for C4FM and the ircDDB network providing access to the DCS reflectors for D-Star. Repeaters capable of Yaesu System Fusion can be noted on RepeaterBook. Voor de MONITOR SFARC’S REPEATERS ONLINE. The 2m, 440, and 220 Repeaters are located in Chicago’s Near North Lakefront, at a height of 500 feet. A non-profit project designed for all radio amateurs, swl, and radiocommunication enthusiasts. 2 meter Repeaters FM. 675+ C4FM Digital (VW & DN modes) OK: VE6FAR: Calgary: 446. Deschutes County - Long Butte - Dec 18, 2022 · Schöne Seiten mit Maps über weltweite C4FM-Repeater und Räume. FR, FRANCE-DMR. 6 MHz: 127. 5 Hz PL, FM/DSTAR, K8ETN. Tone/DCS/CC is Continuous Tuesday YSF/C4FM Ragchew , 8:00 PM. VE6HWY: 147. Bij DMR noemen we dit groepen, bij D-Star en System Fusion heten dat reflectors. C4FM Repeater. 4 in/out (tone squelch recommended), analog, 25 watts, standard 5Mhz split. Alleen FM repeaters op 70 cm in Nederland voor analoge spraak. A simplex node has only one frequency and generally a much smaller range. FCC Upholds Record $34,000 Forfeiture Against Amateur Licensee. and audio could sound distorted and breakthrough with other repeaters on 145. 9 ENC: FM: Currently Off Line. 825) located in Scott Depot WV. 7 Hz: 442. If you find them useful, please join the club and support their operation. D612. The home of WiresX Room: NWFG (44222) and Reflector YSF44222 (GB Jun 26, 2024 · C4FM Repeaters. 150MHz Offset: -600kHz DCS: 664 Repeater is in AUTO mode (FM in FM out/Digital in Digital out). 525 +5. Analog/P25. Analogue users will hear a Challenges to Fusion's Adoption Like D*star, there is only one vendor supplying C4FM Fusion radios today - Yaesu Unless others start making compatible and competitive radios, the technology can only go so far Unclear if a similar homebrew community similar to what D*star will happen like Satoshi Welcome to our DMR TG 2501: Home; Our room. 460 ( Feb 23, 2024 · You can use C4FM, D-STAR, and others with some simple configuration on Pi-Star. The Pacific Intertie Network, aka K6PIN, is a series of linked, C4FM, Wires X, digital Fusion repeaters that cover a good part of Southern California, including the high desert. 375 MHz (+) 79. Everyone is welcome and ARRL is no longer accepting data for its Repeater Directory directly from state Frequency Coordinators but instead from the publishers of “RF Finder,” an application that is popularly used on “smart phones. 600 – (PL for FM 151. 1125 MHz with a -5. Oder eine ID-Nummer eines Repeaters oder Room eingeben: (Hinweis: The "High Desert Amateur Radio Group" (HiDARG) has several repeaters linked together across Central Oregon. DMR. DxDozer ×. Sep 29, 2024 · This amateur radio project by Yaesu utilizing the C4FM protocol. Over PI2VRC is op deze site informatie te vinden. The repeater is configured as AUTO-AUTO, in Yaesu speak this means that an FM signal will be repeated as FM and a digital signal will be repeated as digital. 020– (PL for FM 110. Report club repeater problems to aarc-officers [[at]] austinhams. Many repeaters will have one time slot for talk groups on a network and the other time slot as a local channel Apr 16, 2024 · Repeaters C4FM. De lijst wordt 2 tot 4 keer per jaar nagelopen en waar nodig aangepast. Most repeaters are linked full-time to the network. VHF (147. 4. '73 Rick, PE2AAB www. North West Fusion Group . C4FM rooms updated every hour Map c4fm of nodes and rooms. Redenen genoeg dus om ook een C4FM System Fusion is Yaesu’s implementation of Digital Amateur Radio, utilizing C4FM 4-level FSK Technology to transmit digital voice and data over the Amateur radio bands. pe2aab. 0MHz Location: Uptown Charlotte @ 450ft AGL / 1200 ft ASL - 100w Aug 23, 2015 · Regelmatig bereiken ons vragen over C4FM ofwel System Fusion van Yaesu. A linked network of digital C4FM repeaters. 145. All repeater information is taken directly GB3MN is a 2m band repeater capable of both analogue FM and digital Fusion C4FM. se | information om repeaters nära dig. 33 Roepletters: PA1GVZ. The Repeater service is run by a forward thinking group with a goal to provide a 1st class repeater service in both FM and C4FM modes. 5 PL RX tone for analog operation. C4FM: 146. 2: Open repeater – FM – Echolink, Allstar: 224. ysfreflector. Dit houdt in dat je alle repeaters op een en dezelfde locatie nu onder slechts één callsign kunt laten werken. The YAESU DR-2X is a sophisticated dual-band digital repeater that operates on 144 MHz and 430 MHz frequency bands, making it an essential tool for amateur radio operators. WB0OKX 443. 173. Menu Close. Op een smal scherm zoals op een mobieltje bekijk je de tabellen het beste in landscape stand van je apparaat. Malcolm Keown, W5XX Section Manager 64 Lake Circle Drive Vicksburg MS 39180 (601) 636-0827 H w5xx@arrl. 2 tone for 34 YAESU SYSTEM FUSION REPEATERS FOUND IN OKLAHOMA Feature Search = On-Air = Off-Air = Testing/Reduced = Unknown Click on the frequency for additional details. 250 PL 156. Auto-refresh id list of c4fm repeaters with sorting capability Map c4fm of nodes and rooms. The more information provided the better! If you have contact with a repeater trustee, please ask them to consider "adding" or "updating" their repeater listing and so they can be Tuesday YSF/C4FM Ragchew , 8:00 PM. jmyvy hnth sjqv yfknit yoohwjd njat wscj ikndd xubnedfh jhe